2/23-2/27/2004 Meetings for the week of February 23rd -February 27th Page 1 of 1 ST PA'UL The City of Saint Paul Arw� Meetings for the Week of February 23rd, thru February 27th, 2004 MONDAY - February 23rd Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing 3:00 PM Room 330 City Hall TUESDAY - February 24th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Legislative Hearings 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall Legislative Hearings 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Saint Paul Port Authority 2:00 PM 1900 Landmark Towers WEDNESDAY - February 25th City Council Budget Committee 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall *Housing and Redevelopment Authority 2:00 PM Council Chambers *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearing -University-Dale 40 Acres Study 5:30 PM Council Chambers and rezoning ordinance *Public Hearing -University Ave Transit-Oriented Dev. Framework for Snelling & Lexington Area 5:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearing -University-Dale Transit- Oriented Development Study 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - February 26th Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall FRIDAY - February 27th Planning Commission Steering Committee 7:45 AM Room 41 City Hall Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to: citizen.service@aci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 2/23/2004 SAINT ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL PAUL Dept.of Planning and Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 owst Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#03-418-213 PURPOSE: Combined Plat to create 5 single family residential parcels. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2xx Ravoux St.,NE corner at St.Anthony. APPLICANT: Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity HEARING DATE: Wednesday,February 25,2004,at 5:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3`d Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard. You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639,or e-mail patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)228-1855 if you have any questions. Mailed: February 15,2004 SAINT PAUL CH y `.p�' COMMISSION .,.L 111 SAINT PAUL, ;ig'; ;,.'INNESOTA 55102 NOTICE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION DATE: February 23,2004 TIME: 4:30 P.M. PLACE: City Hall, Room 42 (please note room change) AGENDA 1. Call to Order • 2. Approval of the Minutes—Meeting of January 26,2004 3. Citizen Comments 4. Reports of the Standing Committees Charter Revision Committee—John Thoemke 5. Old Business • Discussion of Letter from Joe Mansky clarifying petition signature issue • Response to request for clarification of Section 3.02 in Charter—Meghan Riley 6. New Business • Development of New Charter Commission Brochure • Discussion of direction and tasks to be undertaken by the Commission 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment Reminder:Commissioners are responsible to contact the Secretary if they will not be able to attend by 12:00 noon of the day of the meeting or they will be considered unexcused. Four consecutive unexcused absences could result in removal from the Commission per the Standing Rules. • For further information concerning the Charter Commission,please contact Bill Johnson, Administrative Secretary,at 612-729-5237. RECEIVED FEB 1 8 2004 d6 S PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY CLERK Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson - RiverCentre Authority Board Meeting Notice From: "Marver, Tom" <tmarver@rivercentre.org> To: "Axelrod, Brianna" <BAxelrod@wildsidecaterers.com>, "Carol Novak (E-mail)" <carol.novak@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Chris Rider (E-mail)" <chris.rider@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Curt Brown (E-mail)" <curt.brown@startribune.com>, "Dan Bostrom (E-mail)" <dan.bostrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Don Luna(E-mail)" <don.luna@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Eric Willems (E-mail)" <eric.willems@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Gary Murphy (E-mail)" <graphicexhibitsinc@msn.com>, "Hubbard, Susan" <shubbard@rivercentre.org>, "Huepenbecker, Bill" <bhuepenbecker@rivercentre.org>, "Ibister, Jim" <JIbister@rivercentre.org>, "Jack Larson(E-mail)" <JLarson@WILD.com>, "John Kelly(E- mail)" <john.kelly@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Johns, Peter" <pjohns@WILD.com>, Karl Karlson <kkarlson@pioneerpress.com>, "Lisa Veith(E-mail)" <lisa.veith@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Lois West Duffy(E-mail 2)" <lois.duffy@comcast.net>, "Marver, Tom" <tmarver@rivercentre.org>, "Nealy, Mike" <mnealy@WILD.com>, "Pat Harris (E-mail)" <pat.harris@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Peter McCall (E-mail)" <peter.mccall@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Randy Kelly (E-mail)" <randy.kelly@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Reardon, Keith" <kreardon@wildsidecaterers.com>, "Rich Ginsberg (E-mail)" <therotundagroup@msn.com>, "Richard Beeson (E-mail)" <rick@park-bank.com>, "Roberts, Sharon" <SRoberts@rivercentre.org>, "Robyn Hansen(E-mail)" <robyn.hansen@leonard.com>, "Rosener, Carrie" <CRosener@rivercentre.org>, "Ruane, Steve" <SRuane@rivercentre.org>, "Scott Renstrom (E-mail)" <Scott.renstrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Stoffel, Mark" <MStoffel@rivercentre.org>, "Tom Triplett (E-mail)" <ttriplett@stpaulcvb.org>, "Wheelock, Pam" <PWheelock@WILD.com>, "Zirbel, Mark" <MZirbel@rivercentre.org> Date: 2/19/2004 4:03 PM Subject: RiverCentre Authority Board Meeting Notice The next RiverCentre Authority Board meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, February 25th at 8:00 a.m. in the RiverCentre Authority Board Room, fifth floor of the RiverCentre. Tom Marver 651.265.4866 file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\j ohnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 2/23/2004 Feb' 20 2884 15:20:46 Via Fax -> Administrator Page 881 Of 882 •-F r1 F mc a ax- y A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities February 20, 2004 Page 1 Budget forecast due on Friday traveling on city streets, even while seasonal weight The State Department of Finance will release the restrictions are in place. updated state budget forecast next Friday, February 27 at noon. Recent speculation around the capitol Industry representatives complained before the suggests that the news may be pessimistic. House Transportation Policy committee that existing restrictions drive up the cost of doing The last forecast, released last December, projected business and are inconsistently enforced from city a small state deficit of$185 million for the balance to city. of the current 2004-05 biennium. The forecast did include a projected increase in the state's rainy day Opponents of the bill, including the League of reserve to$631 million, which was based on a Minnesota Cities, the Association of Minnesota combination of projected higher revenue and lower Counties and the Minnesota Department of expenditures. A reserve at that level would have Transportation, testified that the legislation would been sufficient to cover the December projected result in severe road damage at taxpayer expense. deficit. Despite the strong opposition, the bill was passed The Department of Finance's January Economic without recommendation to the House Update, which is a periodic status update of the Transportation Finance committee where it will be state's revenue collections, may provide some clues heard Tuesday, February 24,at 8:15 am in room to the validity of these rumors. In that report, the 500S of the State Office Building. Department suggests that although the short-term variations in revenues from earlier projections were The Senate companion, SF 457(Belanger, R- relatively small, there were shortfalls in several key Bloomington), has not been scheduled for a revenue sources.The Finance Department's report hearing. indicates that the fourth quarter estimated corporate income tax payments were$33 million or 22 Committee deadlines—still waiting percent below forecast. The report also indicates The House and Senate have yet to agree on that the state's two largest sources of revenue- committee deadlines; these are the dates by which withholding tax receipts and gross sales tax receipts bills must have hearings in policy committees to were also below forecast by $10 million and $17 still be considered "alive" for the session. Word million respectively. has it the Senate is pushing for the end of March, and the House wanting a tighter deadline of early State economist Tom Stinson always reminds March for the first committee deadline. Most likely observers that economic updates should not be used the two bodies will meet somewhere in the middle. to project the future. Nonetheless, the small deficit The second and third deadlines are likely to come announced last December will require legislative the following two weeks after the first one is set. action yet this session. We'll have to wait until next Friday to see if the deficit-and perhaps the chances The committee agendas, particularly in the House, for a longer session-have increased. have been extremely aggressive with some night meetings already scheduled to accommodate longer Overweight vehicle bill advances hearings on certain bills. It is also likely that A bill that would exempt solid waste hauling members will have a mini-vacation of March 1 & 2 vehicles from city weight restrictions advanced this so that they can attend precinct caucuses in their week in the House. HF 722(Erhardt, R-Edina) districts. In recent years, the legislature has tried to would prohibit cities from limiting garbage trucks be more accommodating for members with out state weighing less than 20,000 pounds per axle from districts by not scheduling too many committee For more information on city legislative issues,contact any member of the League of Minnesota Cities Intergovernmental Relations seam. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 Fell 28 2004 15:21:31 Via Fax -> Administrator Page 882 Of 882 tl. • -Fr1 F x I�ML a a y -�•�r•�•�••u.._.�..�u�..,. A weekly legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities February 20, 2004 Page 2 hearings early on Mondays or on Fridays to allow for traveling time back home.Translation: very full LMC will continue to monitor this bill and urge committee agendas for the other times. legislators to carefully consider the impacts of these additional reporting requirements, particularly in Proposed changes to development fee smaller jurisdictions.To review HF 1801, visit the reports legislature's web site at: www.ieg.state.mn.us. Next week the House Commerce, Jobs& Economic If you have any questions or comments, please Development committee will vote on legislation contact Laura Offerdahl, IGR, at: that addresses moisture intrusion and other lofferdahl(almlic.org,, or (651) 281-1260. problems in newly constructed homes. HF 1801 (Klinzing, R-Woodbury), also known as the Homeowners' Protection Act, regulates residential Local impact notes home building contractors,requires additional A bill allowing cities and other political building code enforcement reporting, and provides subdivisions to request local impact notes on state information to homeowners relating to moisture agency rules is scheduled for a hearing in the House problems, homeowner's warranty coverage and pre- Governmental Operations& Veterans Affairs purchase inspections. committee next week. Section 2 of the bill requires municipalities to HF 2101 (Seifert, R-Marshall) would require the include additional information in the construction commissioner of finance to prepare a local and development fee reports in Minn. Stat. government fiscal impact note if requested by the 16B.685. If passed, this provision would require governing body of a political subdivision. The bill detailed accounting of staff time devoted to also provides that if the initial or yearly cost of building code administration and enforcement. complying with the proposed rules is more than $50,000 for any one business with fewer than 100 On Thursday, the House Commerce committee employees, the rules must not take effect until amended the bill to require municipalities to explain approved by the legislature. surplus construction and development fees. The language states that if fees collected in a calendar A similar bill passed the legislature last session, but year by a municipality exceed the expenses for was vetoed by the Governor over concerns that the which the fees were collected, then the municipality bill would shift authority for conducting rulemaking must: 1) describe its plan to reduce future fee from the executive branch to the legislature and revenue; 2) describe its plan to increase the quality would add considerable delay and cost to the or quantity of activities related to the fee; or 3) rulemaking process. explain why it does not expect the surplus to be repeated in future years. The League supports this legislation to provide more oversight and accountability for regulatory The committee will re-convene on Tuesday, mandates adopted by state agencies and February 24th at 4:30 p.m. in room 10, State Office implemented by local units of government. Building to complete its work on the bill. According to the author, the bill will also be heard The House Government Operations committee will in the House Civil Law and Local Government & hear HF 2101 on Tuesday, February 24 at Metropolitan Affairs committees in the next couple 12:30 p.m. in the basement of the State Office of weeks. Further discussion of building code and Building. fee issues will occur in the Local Government committee. For more information on city legislative issues,contact any member of the League of Minnesota Cities Intergovernmental Relations team. 651.281.1200 or 800.925.1122 Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23-27, 2004 Mon 23 Tues 24 Wed 25 Thurs 26 Fri 27 7:45 a.m. Planning Commission Steering Committee Room 41 City Hall (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. 8:30- Planning Commission Meeting Room 40 City Hall 11:00 a.m. (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. Zoning OLD BUSINESS #04-019-969 John Tittle-Conditional Use Permit for six-unit(3 twin homes)cluster development. 1070 Burgess St.,between Lexington&Oxford. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) 03-383-303 Velmeir Companies for CVS Pharmacy- Site plan review for a new CVS Pharmacy. The plan calls for a 13,000 sq. foot, one-story retail building on the corner of University and Snelling with a parking lot along Sherburne to the north of the building. 1581 University Ave.,NW corner at Snelling. (Tom Beach, 651/266-9086) NEW BUSINESS 04-035-391 St. Paul-Ramsey County Dept. of Public Health -Conditional Use Permit to allow acceptance of tree and shrub prunings,with Determination of Similar Use to allow chipping of tree and shrub prunings as an accessory use to a municipal yard waste site. xx Prior Ave.N.,NW corner at Pierce Butler Rt. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-033-328 St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health -Conditional Use Permit to allow acceptance of tree and shrub prunings, with Determination of Similar Use to allow chipping of tree and shrub prunings as an accessory use to a municipal yard waste site. xx Case Ave., SE corner at Duluth St. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-021-027 VF Associates-Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use to add a shed dormer. 322-324 Summit Ave.,between Virginia&Farrington. (Patricia James, :• 651/266-6639) r C/� tA #04-036-008 VIK,LLC -Rezoning from B-1 (Local Business)to B-2 (Community C 41, Business). 1254 7th St.,W.,between Bayard&Victoria. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) r Neighborhood& Current Neighborhood Plans Updating and Housekeeping-Approve letter to the Mayor and Planning Committee City Council proposing a Planning Commission initiative to deal with neighborhood plans that are set to expire at the end of 2005. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Speaker Informational Presentation by Gary Peltier,Housing Development Coordinator,PED. (Gary Peltier, 651/266-6619) -Housing 5000 Program update -Housing Production Report 2003 -Housing Action Plan 2004 Bruton\Calendars\February 23-27,2004 Lucille Johnson -Three (3)LL Public Hearing Notices Page 1 From: Mary Erickson To: Johnson, Lucille; Moore, Shari Date: 2/11/04 10:11AM Subject: Three (3) LL Public Hearing Notices The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, February 25, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall to receive comment on the University-Dale 40-Acre Study and rezoning ordinance. Mary Erickson Assistant City Council Secretary Dated: February 11, 2004 The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, February 25, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall to receive comment on the summary of the University-Dale Transit-Oriented Development Study. Mary Erickson Assistant City Council Secretary Dated: February 11, 2004 The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, February 25, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall to receive comment on the summary of the University Avenue Transit-Oriented Development Framework for Snelling and Lexington Areas. Mary Erickson Assistant City Council Secretary Dated: February 11, 2004 February 2, 2004 NOTICE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REGULAR BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 2004 Chair Michael Goldner is calling the regular board meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint. Paul, Minnesota 55101. Kenneth R. Johnson President las RECEIVED cc: The Port Authority Commissioners Mayor Randy Kelly FEB 3 - 2004 City Council Terrence J. Garvey CITY CLERK Briggs & Morgan Leonard, Street and Deinard Representatives of the Press Don Luna, City Clerk Martha Fuller, PED St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Midway Area Chamber of Commerce Pig's Eye Coalition Manual Cervantes, City Attorney Members of the Ramsey County Delegation 6187.1. SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M Thursday, February 26, 2004 Lower Level, Room 40, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard AGENDA 5:00 I. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA II. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST III. PERMIT REVIEW/PUBLIC HEARING 5:05 A. 355 Marshall Avenue, Heritage Preservation Site (St. Joseph's Academy),by Garlock French Roofing, for a building permit to replace the roof with asphalt shingles and for gutter repairs. File #04-123. B. 21 South St. Albans Street, Hill Historic District, by architect Rolf Lokensgard, for a building permit to construct a three stall attached garage. File#04-124. C. 459 Selby Avenue, Hill Historic District, by owner Hal Janney, for a building permit to construct an entry vestibule and wrap-around front porch. File#04-125. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. ADJOURN NOTE: If you arrive after 5:00 P.M., the building may be locked and you must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance and push the call button to the right of the doorway for the security desk. If security does not respond please use a phone to page security at 651-339-0355. Await a call back from a security guard who will then give you access to City Hall. AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 23, 2004 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, M I N N ESOTA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2004 II. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION a. #04-033272 Teng Yang 128 Granite Street - Denial III. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Bob Pierce - Regal Designers (#04-037786) Location - 412 Macalester Street Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to build a 5.5 by 11 foot front entryway addition. A front yard setback of 30 feet is required and a setback of 27 feet is proposed for a variance of 3 feet. B. Applicant - Peggy McCarty Grubbs (#04-037864) Location - 97 Langford Park Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Three variances in order to build 4 new garages attached to the existing multi-family building. This project also includes renovating the interior of the existing building and adding an elevator for easier access to the garages. 1.) A rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 23 feet is proposed, for a variance of 2 feet. 2.) A side yard setback of 8 feet 6 inches is required and the proposed setback at the south west wall is 2 feet, for a variance of 6 feet 6 inches. 3.) The maximum allowed lot coverage is 30% with 43% proposed, for a variance of 13% (1,061 square feet). AGENDA FEBRUARY 23, 2004 PAGE TWO IV. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have. MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 AMSEY COUNT [IR Monday, February 23, 2004 12:00 noon - Luncheon with Representative Betty McCollum Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following County Board Meeting or at 1:30 p.m. - Regional Railroad Authority Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House - Board Workshop—Community Human Services—Welfare Reform Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:30 a.m. - Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board 2099 University Avenue Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:30 p.m. - Red Rock Corridor Commission Cottage Grove City Hall, 7516— 80th Street South Friday, February 27, 2004 8:00 a.m. - NACo Legislative Conference (February 27—March 2, 2004) Washington, DC Advance Notice March 2, 2004—No Board Meeting—Annual NACo Legislative Conference March 9, 2004—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers March 16, 2004—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers March 23, 2004—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers March 30, 2004—No Board Meeting—5th Tuesday P AIU L Saint Paul City Council , Public Hearing Notice A_�"_" Public Improvement Construction OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL# 15 FILE # 18998W PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID • � PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION j�^ "cP •THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2004 AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: INSTALLING A WATER MAIN IN DAVERN STREET FROM PINEHURST AVENUE TO HIGHLAND PARKWAY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DAVERN-BAYARD RESIDENTIAL STREET VITALITY PROJECT. THE STREET WILL BE RESTORED TO ITS EXISTING CONDITION. THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY! THERE ARE NO ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THIS PROPERTY. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1613 • NOTIFICATION DATE 02/06/04 ! wit _ �a .� i y W• -___� I �. Li .... 1. 1 Ei_ 3 vi cn..fi -, .4 N ,,\^ ,V w jAU vI(D i :y W �.. l -4 , 'v ~ I v • H _ate. .-` - V CJ.N. Wv 00 -- V IL________ Nv Vi 0 •,,Nv tiv I -- i , ..A , ..,,.......... a J • Nv �v _, 4. r- yXno _ '1 , •,:-."_iq Ci) -I Z carer" LI-L--!L"+;"'1,:156;-:.:(1'.(PCC)---7- ! 0 i t---1 , , , ......4. -..1_4. ' `AOL CD ' _‘3iii- i CI • Lwti N213AVq i i , 1 1 (0,0 --='- D..... 7 1 i,,,,...L . . ; ,.„,..,,...,, ...._ J I . CD"P` lr4ri• �w 1 v' v E �� co • ,�. co — li 1 N _i�i y •?7It a - HIV- �_-� a)N oq(SO ' S1243,P1 "•••1-- .. t __ ____ 00 , P 1 •I N .. o, _ .-.....,...7._01-0, ....... @ lg. t • . N • - - �x ;� , if, .:-..71.-131:--'•,.:::"0•,;--1----.....„,:-• Lil''.7.-:.'[ - it.--;.* • Ci) CD C4 i. .s k; •1 C�71 I V �I SANT P A'U L Saint Paul City Council 1004‘ Public Hearing Notice AMA Ratification of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT # 1 PLANNING COUNCIL# FILE # SPPDO3B ASSESSMENT # 9969 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC PROPERTY ADDRESS 539 SOUTH MAIN ST 970 UNIVERSITY AVE W FINDLAY OH 45840-3229 PARCEL ID 35-29-23-31-0009 PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION SLATER AND RILEYS ADDITION LOTS 13 14 AND LOT 15 BLK 1 THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2004 AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION OF POLICE SERVICES FOR THE PROPERTY AT 970 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST FROM JUNE 15, 2003 TO NOVEMBER 23, 2003. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is $1,970.00. If the City Council approves INFORMATION the assessment you will have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with your property taxes over 1 year(s) at 4.750% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Real Estate Division, 15 Kellogg Blvd. W., Room 140, City Hall. ASSESSMENT EXCESSIVE SERVICES 1, 950.00 X $1. 0000 = $1, 950.00 CALCULATION SERVICE CHARGE 1.00 X $20.0000 = $20.00 NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE 02/06/04 DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability may qualify PAYMENTS for deferred payment of special assessments. You may apply for deferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. It is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can apply for this plan only after the City Council approves the RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, please call (651) 266-8858. QUESTIONS Before the public hearing of a local improvement, call (651) 266-8858 and refer to the File# on page 1. City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hall the same day as the hearing. After the public hearing call (651) 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment#on page 1. If this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding -up of vacant buildings, a Building Demolition or Tree Removal, please call (651) 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Council decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments to be made even if an assessment is under appeal. If the appeal is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1613 Page 1 of 3 Lucille Johnson - Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 2/20/2004 9:37 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: February 23 - 27, 2004 Transportation Committee - Mon., Feb. 23, 4 p.m., TAXI 2000 Offices, 8050 University Ave., Fridley. The agenda includes: - agreement with City of Richfield for Best Buy park-and-ride lot/transit center; - interdivisional transfer of vehicles and implementation of standardized and compliant lease agreements for regional fleet buses; - interagency agreement with Mn/DOT for participation in transportation collaboration study; - March 2004 capital program and budget amendment; Information Items: - Brooklyn Center transit center; - Mapelwood Mall park-and-ride; - Public art program presentation; and other business. 5:00 time approximate: tour of TAXI 2000 facilities and info. regarding SkyWeb Express and PRT. Environment Committee -Tues., Feb. 24, 4 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: - authorization to execute a construction cooperation agreement with the City of New Brighton for relocation of the New Brighton interceptor 84-51; - amendment to the authorized 2004 capital program and 2004 capital budget; - Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 2003 performance report; - 2003 contracts summary and 2004 projects outlook; - water resources management policy plan - inflow/infiltration overview; and other business. Management Committee - Wed., Feb. 25, 2:30 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: - change of general liability insurance status; - authorization to issue general obligation bonds; - 2004 unified operating budget amendment; - 2004 unified capital improvement program; - 4th quarter 2003 summary of procurements; - Council member job description; and other business. Metropolitan Council - Wed., Feb. 25, 4 p.m., Chambers. The agenda includes: - family affordable housing program, HUD management operations certification; - City of Andover comp plan amendment for Woodland Estates 6th addition and 40-acre MUSA exchange; - Ratification of declaration of emergency for repair for Burnsville forcemain; file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\johnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 2/20/2004 Page 2 of 3 - Authorization to issue a procurement contract for programmable logic controllers for environmental services metering &alarm system; - Emergency land acquisition grant to acquire Birkeland Parcel in Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve, Anoka County; - Authorization to hold public hearing for Brooklyn Park interceptor& lift station rehabilitation facility plan; - Availability of MnDOT 5309 appropriation for Rush Line Corridor; - Maple Grove opt-out service agreement three-year extension; - Plymouth opt-out service agreement three-year extension; - Approve 2004 Metropolitan Airports Commission capital improvement projects review; - Authorization to negotiate and execute an on-call engineering service contract for Hiawatha LRT; - Briefing on bond issuance; - Discussion of whether or not to close the meeting to discuss labor negotiations/strategies; and other business. A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes section 13D.03, subdivision 1(b) to discuss labor negotiations. Executive Committee Breakfast Meeting -Thurs., Feb. 26, 7:30 a.m., Doubletree Park Place, St. Louis Park Technical Advisory Committee of the Sport Aviation Special Study - Thurs., Feb. 26, 1 p.m., Room 2A. The agenda includes: - status of sport pilot/sport light-aircraft NPRM; - operating procedures for sport aircraft; - results of airport owners/FBO survey; - sport aviation forecasts (operations); - compatibility of local airports for sport aviation; - preliminary findings; - project wrap-up/next steps; - MC transportation/aviation policy-system plan update; - MAC reliever airport funding issues; and other business. TAC Aviation Committee - Fri., Feb. 27, 9 a.m., MnDOT Aeronautics Office, 222 East Plato Blvd., St. Paul. The agenda includes: - review initial policy-critique/issues comments; - draft benchmarks; - overview of sport aviation study; and other business. TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 1 - 5 Community Development - Mon., March 1, 4 p.m., Room 1A MCES 2005 Budget Planning Meeting -Tues., March 2, 10 a.m., League of MN Cities - St. Croix Room, 145 University Ave. W., St. Paul Technical Advisory Committee to the TAB - Wed., March 3, 9 a.m., Chambers MCES 2005 Budget Planning Meeting - Wed., March 3, 10 a.m., Plymouth Creek Center: Room C, 14800 - 34th Ave. N., Plymouth Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee - Wed., March 3, 1 p.m., Room 2A file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\j ohnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 2/20/2004 Page 3 of 3 Committee of the Whole - Wed., March 3, 3 p.m., Room 1A Northwest Corridor Busway Citizens Advisory Committee -Thurs., March 4, 7 p.m., Crystal City Hall The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\j ohnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 2/20/2004 I��7 SAINT PAUL CH [0 COMMISSION s •L SAINT PAUL, INNESOTA 55102 NOTICE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION DATE: February 23,2004 TIME: 4:30 P.M. PLACE: City Hall, Room 42 (please note room change) AGENDA 1. Call to Order 411) 2. Approval of the Minutes—Meeting of January 26,2004 3. Citizen Comments 4. Reports of the Standing Committees Charter Revision Committee—John Thoemke 5. Old Business • Discussion of Letter from Joe Mansky clarifying petition signature issue • Response to request for clarification of Section 3.02 in Charter—Meghan Riley 6. New Business • Development of New Charter Commission Brochure • Discussion of direction and tasks to be undertaken by the Commission 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment Reminder: Commissioners are responsible to contact the Secretary if they will not be able to attend by 12:00 noon of the day of the meeting or they will be considered unexcused. Four consecutive unexcused absences could result in removal from the Commission per the Standing Rules. RECEIVED • For further information concerning the Charter Commission,please contact Bill Johnson, FEB1 8 Administrative Secretary,at 612-729-5237. 2004 CITY CLERK 46 4ek,S PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 23, 2004 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, M I N N ESOTA RESULTS AGENDA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2004 Approved II. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION a. #04-033272 Teng Yang 128 Granite Street - Denial Approved III. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Bob Pierce - Regal Designers (#04-037786) Location - 412 Macalester Street Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to build a 5.5 by 11 foot front entryway addition. A front yard setback of 30 feet is required and a setback of 27 feet is proposed for a variance of 3 feet. Approved 7-0 B. Applicant - Peggy McCarty Grubbs (#04-037864) Location - 97 Langford Park Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Three variances in order to build 4 new garages attached to the existing multi-family building. This project also includes renovating the interior of the existing building and adding an elevator for easier access to the garages. 1.) A rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 23 feet is proposed, for a variance of 2 feet. 2.)A side yard setback of 8 feet 6 inches is required and the proposed setback at the south west wall is 2 feet, for a variance of 6 feet 6 inches. 3.) The maximum allowed lot coverage is 30% with 43% proposed, for a variance of 13% (1,061 square feet). Approved 7-0 ir AGENDA FEBRUARY 23, 2004 PAGE TWO IV. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick (266-9082) or Debbie Crippen (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have.