3/15-3/19/2004 Meetings for the week of March 15th - March 19th Page 1 of 2 PAUL The City of Saint Paul Alight Meetings for the Week of March 15th, thru March 19th, 2004 MONDAY - March 15th Legislative Hearing - Bonfire 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall Woodfire Cooking Saint Paul Charter Commission 4:30 PM Room 220 City Hall TUESDAY - March 16th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers WEDNESDAY - March 17th *Saint Paul Public Library Board 2:00 PM Council Chambers *City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda 3.30 PM Council Chambers - following City Committee Council meeting THURSDAY - March 18th Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers Chief of Police Selection 270 N. Kent St. - Hallie Q. Brown Community Meeting 6:00 PM Center FRIDAY - March 19th No Meetings Scheduled * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 If the above page looks good, enter your password one more time, and hit 'Make Meetings' to update the website. (you will be automatically redirected to the page). Otherwise, hit your browser's 'Back' button. Password: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/cgi-bin/meetgen.pl 3/12/2004 S,1I NT ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pi ll L ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and Economic Development A A Phone:(651)266-6589 A AAA Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#04-039-366 PURPOSE: Conditional Use Permit to allow a game room with a variance of the requirement for 100 ft.distance from adjacent residential districts and parking variance of 13 spaces. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1169 W.7th St.,between View and Armstrong APPLICANT: Rudie's Coffee House HEARING DATE:Thursday,March 18,2004,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3'Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639,or e-mail patricia fames@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)298-5599 if you have any questions. Mailed:March 8,2004 600Z`8 qa e :Rum •suot;sanb Aun anEq noA 3t OZZZ-17LL(IS9; ant;E3unsaidai tiounoo;ou;siQ inoA tiro io`sn•uurjnEd;s•topn sawEf•Etou;rc netu-a so`6£99-99Z(1S9)tiro amid •pion siq;Jo apis asianai aq;uo pa;stj ssaippt alp;n as;;turmo3 8utuoZ o;s;uauIuioo ua;;uM puns AEUI noA•pirnajnog 88ojja}j•M Si `asnoH imoJ-!pH Alto iooid Pi£`siaquingo jtouno3 AID ut ping air s8uuraq otjgnd Irk, 'm'd 0£:£3g`b00Z`8i gaagykj'Agpsanq,L:MI G 9AIIudaii pump,f;mnmmo3 Z;ap;sic :flV3fddt uo uRa�ag gprna1l uaaes;aq°•IS pOOAIZgH S917I :SSd?IQQd 211,1Iad02Id •;lids;o;g anoaddg o;uojsioap s,ao;ga;sjmmpv Sujuugjd 3o paddle :HSOdwIld 0I0-0S0-1,0#TIM aalION gu leaH aggnd ---- OZZ£-8ZZ(I59) :xEd Y Y 6859-99Z(ID):auogd 3uauidotanaQ onaoaoog pug&mama 3o•Ida j 3a.LIIIAII103 ONINOZ 1(ltld Indd INIVS AO AID NOISSIN OD JNINNYId ,IS ."`"s 1700Z`8 43JB AI:PHEW •suopsanb Cue aneg noA3!ZZZI-ZZZ(I59) anumuasardar itounoj 3ou3siu rnoX llzo ro`sn•uw•inedis•io@n saweC•ep►rled I1ew a 1O`6£99-99Z(I59)IIE°aseaid •prep sup 3o apis asranar aql uo pals!'ssazppe alp le aaunuutop 8uiuoZ sivawwoo ua2um puss Agin noA•prenainog 88olla}I•M S i `asnoli unoj-Itei-I AiD mold P,£`siagwegJ IlounoD AID ui pioq are s3uueaq oilgnd Itv w'a 0£:£3E`700Z`8I gaaayti'eaps.mgl,:MING 9MLIIV H ala3Sg iaam Saa31MApEaH uxya 'Iddd aiEQ pua puBpiBO uaampq •and puel9 SSS :sspuay Ailiga Id •aagjo wag 2ulllnsuoa ao3(a[gEilana 3i)poogaogg8iam jauol31Paal, I-1\il,Jo aalnaaS a3113O I-SO 03 lal3uapisag AI►wa3-DinN Z-Itpj wo.zj 8uluozag :dSOd2Ifld ZZI-£ti0170#d'IId aaDoN 2U!JI 3g aiigndsio OZZE-8ZZ(IS9) :xE3 6859-99Z(IS9).auogd luawdolanaG aivaouoa3 ntia pug 8uIuugid3°'ldau IIII11110/MO3 JAIIAIOZ x °s lndd IN1VS 30 AID NOISSINLIIOO 9NINIMV'Id'IIIdd IS ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and P A U L Economic Development Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 A A A A Public Hearing Notice FILE#04-044-266 PURPOSE: Conditional Use Permit for auto repair business. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1024 7th St.E.,between Ross&Earl APPLICANT: Lanharts Auto Repair,Inc. HEARING DATE:Thursday,March 18,2004,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3`d Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6576,or e-mail allen.lovejoy@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)772-2075 if you have any questions. Mailed:March 8,2004 SAINT ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL PA II 1, ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#04-050-594 PURPOSE: Change of Nonconforming Use from commercial bakery to brew on premises store. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1254 7th St.W.,between Bayard&Victoria APPLICANT: VIK,LLC HEARING DATE:Thursday,March 18,2004,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3`d Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639,or e-mail patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)298-5599 if you have any questions. Mailed:March 8,2004 SAINT ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#04-047-129 PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to I-1 Industrial to provide off-street parking and storage of equipment and supplies PROPERTY ADDRESS: 337 Atwater St.,between Farrington&Western APPLICANT: Marlin Broberg HEARING DATE: Thursday,March 18,2004,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3rd Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6576,or e-mail allen.lovejoy@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)488-4485 if you have any questions. Mailed:March 8,2004 SAINT ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#04-048-338 PURPOSE: Establishment of legal nonconforming use as a duplex PROPERTY ADDRESS: 33 E.Maryland Ave.,between Abell&Sylvan APPLICANT: Bradford Merwin HEARING DATE:Thursday,March 18,2004,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3'd Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639,or e-mail patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)488-4485 if you have any questions. Mailed:March 8,2004 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM TO: W. Andrew Boss, Dick Anfang DATE: Mar. 11, 2004 Joan Grzywinski, Lori Fritts FROM: Kenneth R. Johnson, SUBJECT: Credit Committee Meeting March 16, 2004 NOTICE The regular meeting of the Credit Committee will be held Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority located at 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes of February 17, 2004 Meeting 2. Final Approval of the Westminster Junction Business Center Tax Increment Plan 3. Meritex Third Amendment to Lease and Revenue Agreement and Amendment of Bond 4. Update on 876 Tender (Informational) 5. Such Other Business That May Come Before the Committee /ca cc: Press Michael Goldner Kathy Lantry City Clerk R. Hansen, Leonard Street & Deinard RECEIVED MAR 12 2004 CITY CLERK 15208.1. Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF MARCH 15-19, 2004 Mon 15 Tues 16 Wed 17 Thurs 18 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West Zoning NEW BUSINESS #04-043-122 Headwaters Real Estate -Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to OS-1 Office Service or TN-1 Traditional Neighborhood(if available) for consulting firm office. 585 Grand Ave.,between Oakland&Dale. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-050-594 VIK, LLC -Change of Nonconforming Use from commercial bakery to brew on premises store. 1254 7th St. W.,between Bayard&Victoria. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-044-266 Lanharts Auto Repair, Inc. -Conditional Use Permit for auto repair business. 1024 7th St. E.,between Ross&Earl. (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) #04-047-129 Marlin Broberg-Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to I-1 Industrial to provide off-street parking and storage of equipment and supplies. 337 Atwater St.,between Farrington&Western. (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) #04-039-366 Rudie's Coffee House,Inc. -Conditional Use Permit to allow a game room with a variance of the requirement for 100 ft. distance from adjacent residential districts and parking variance of 13 spaces. 1169 7`h St. W.,between View&Armstrong. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-048-338 Bradford Merwin-Establishment of legal nonconforming use as a duplex. 33 Maryland Ave. E.,between Abell & Sylvan. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-050-010 District 2 Community Council -Appeal of Planning Administrator's decision to approve a lot split. 1465 Hazelwood St.,between Nevada&Arlington. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) Fri 19 Bruton\Calendars\March 15-19,2004 Lucille Johnson - Meetings of the Week Calendar Page 1 From: Racquel Naylor To: Johnson, Lucille Date: 3/8/04 4:08PM Subject: Meetings of the Week Calendar Please add the following to the calendar: Legislative Hearing for Bonfire Woodfire Cooking Monday, March 15, 2003 10:00 a.m. Room 330 Courthouse. -Racquel, 6-8573 Lucille Johnson - Community Meeting on 3/18/04 Page 1 From: Lisa McKeown To: AilCity Date: 3/11/04 8:47AM Subject: Community Meeting on 3/18/04 COMMUNITY MEETING ANNOUNCED— The Chief of Police Selection Committee invites the residents, business owners and civic groups of Saint Paul to attend a community meeting and offer their thoughts regarding the personal characteristics, traits and leadership style of the next Chief of Police. Flyers are available in 6 languages. See attached or see the City's homepage. Please share these flyers with others and post in appropriate areas. The next Community Meeting will be conducted at: Hallie Q. Brown/Martin Luther King Center 270 N. Kent St. (for directions, call 224-4601) Thursday, March 18, 2004 6 to 7:30 p.m. Spanish-speaking, Hmong-speaking, and Sign Language interpreters will be available at these meetings. (Un traductor de espanol va a estar alas juntas.) (Yuav muaj ib tug Hmoob txhais lus nyob rau lub rooj sab laj no). Attendees will have an opportunity to write their comments (in any language)or orally present their comments within a set time limit using a microphone. Residents will be informed of the general selection process and the important role the community plays by providing input. Input from the community will be used as the selection committee narrows the Chief of Police field down to the top five finalists. Community members who are unable to attend a meeting but would like to provide input, may send comments (in any language) before March 18 to: Lisa McKeown 400 City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Lisa.mckeown@ci.stpaul.mn.us For accommodations of persons with special needs, including the need for a different interpreter, please call 651-266-6479 or 651-266-6500. The City of Saint Paul is an AA/ EEO/ADA Employer. See the City Homepage for the same information, including the flyers, at: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/humres/select-cmte.html (All-City e-mail approved by HR Director) Lisa McKeown Office of Human Resources 25 West 4th Street(4th floor) Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651) 266-6479 Fax: (651) 292-7656 lisa.mckeown@astpauLmn.us At, 7 "p _ Ir` Chief of Police Selection Committee Announces Community Meetings The Chief of Police Selection Committee invites the residents, business owners and civic groups of Saint Paul to attend a community meeting and offer their thoughts regarding the personal characteristics, traits and leadership style of the next Chief of Police. Community Meetings will be conducted: Hillcrest Recreation Center Hallie Q. Brown/Martin Luther King Center 1978 Ford Parkway (695-3706) 270 N. Kent St. (224-4601) Tuesday, March 9, 2004 Thursday, March 18, 2004 6 to 7:30 p.m. 6 to 7:30 p.m. Attendees will have an opportunity to write their comments (in any language) or orally present their comments within a set time limit using a microphone. Residents will be informed of the general selection process and the important role the community plays by providing input. Their input will be used as the selection committee narrows the Chief of Police field down to the top five finalists. Community members who are unable to attend a meeting but would like to provide input, may send comments (in any language) before March 18 to: Lisa McKeown 400 City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Lisa.mckeown@ci.stpaul.mn.us Spanish-speaking, Hmong-speaking, and Sign Language interpreters will be available at these meetings. (Un traductor de espanol va a estar alas juntas.) For accommodations of persons with special needs, including the need for a different interpreter, please call 651-266-6479 or 651-266-6500. The City of Saint Paul is an AA/EEO/ADA Employer. English version AD HOC LEGISLATIVE AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, March 17, 2004 (Following City Council Meeting- 3:30 p.m.) CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard AGENDA ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of March 3, 2004 Meeting Minutes NEW BUSINESS 1. Update from Nancy Haas, Intergovernmental Relations Director(materials to be distributed) o City's Legislative Agenda Items o Bill Tracking of Items of Interest to Saint Paul 2. Legislative Strategy and Prioritization(no materials) 3. Other o Earned Income Tax Credit, Ken Smith (materials to be distributed) OLD BUSINESS None. NEXT MEETING DATE April 6, 2004 ADJOURNMENT MAR-11-2004 15:50 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL,MN 55102 651 266-8350 AMSEY COUNT'/ Monday,March 15,2004 Tuesday.March 16,2004 8:40 a.m. - Student County Government Day Room 40A/B, Court House 9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following County Board Meeting (or following Employee Recognition Luncheon) - Housing&Redevelopment Authority Council chambers, Third Floor Court House - Regional Railroad Authority Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House 11:30 a.m. - Employee Recognition Luncheon Radisson Hotel, 11 East Kellogg Boulevard Immediately following Employee Recognition Luncheon - Board Workshop: CHS Gaps/Senior Services Room 220 Court House,Large Conference Room Wednesday, March 1712004 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County Library Board 4570 N. Victoria, Shoreview Thursday,March 18,2004 9:00 a.m. - Public Safety Communication System Policy Planning Committee 2290— 1st Street,North St. Paul Community Center Friday, March 19, 2004 Advance Notice March 23, 2004—9:00 a.m.—County Board Meeting, Council Chambers March 30, 2004—No Board Meeting—5th Tuesday April 6, 2004—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers April 13, 2004—9:00 a.m.—County Board Meeting, Council Chambers TOTAL P.02 PUBLIC LIBRARY AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday,March 17, 2004 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, Third Floor Saint Paul City Hall Chris Rider, Recording Secretary (651) 266-8633 ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY COUNCILMEMBER, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of Summary Minutes of February 18, 2004 FOR DISCUSSION 2. Needs and Resource Assessment (no attachment) ADJOURNMENT ************************************* Library Board Meeting Information Website For an updated copy of the Library Board Meeting agendas or minutes,please visit our website at www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/council. Cable The City Council and Public Library Agency (PLA)Meetings are cablecast live on Channel 18 and repeated on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., Saturdays at 12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Subject to change). Also, the City Council and HRA Agendas are cablecast on Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 5:30 p.m., Mondays at 8:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.; Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m., and 5:30 p.m.; and Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Page 1 of 2 Lucille Johnson - Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 3/12/2004 9:15 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: March 15 - 19, 2004 Public Hearing on an Affordable and Life-Cycle Housing Goals Agreement with the City of Maple Plain - Mon., March 15, 4 p.m., Room 1A Community Development - Mon., March 15, 4 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: - above mentioned public hearing; - property management services contract - family affordable housing program; - East Anoka County Regional Trail - Lexington Ave. segment development master plan review and request for reimbursement eligibility in future regional parks CIP, Anoka County; - Land exchange for County Rd. 12 realignment through Spring Lake Regional Park, Scott County/Three Rivers Park District; - Reimbursement authorization for $163,000 for Lake Waconia Regional Park development; - Public hearing report on proposal to add Doyle-Kennefick Park to the regional park system &amendment to reimbursement policy B-7; - City of Rosemount, Brockway redevelopment comprehensive plan amendment; - City of Bloomington airport south comprehensive plan amendment; - Comments to the MN Racing Commission on north metro harness initiative Class A/B racetrack license applications, Columbus Township; - 2004 annual livable communities fund distribution plan; - comparison of LCA/LPA goals with the findings of The Next Decade of Housing in Minnesota; - Elko/New Market EAW, review file 19158-1; and other business. TAB Programming Committee - Wed., March 17, Noon, Chambers Transportation Advisory Board - Wed., March 17, 1:30 p.m., Chambers Committee of the Whole - Wed., March 17, 3 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: - policy discussion on the livable communities programs; and other business. TAC Funding and Programming Committee -Thurs., March 18, 1:30 p.m., Room 2A. The agenda includes: -TAB report; - Fund exchange - federal bridge funds/state bridge bond funds; - Changes to sunset date/program year; - Draft 2005-08 TIP development - update on major project lists/fiscal analysis; - 2004-06 TIP amendment: add earmarked projects requiring apportionment and obligation authority; - draft FY 2003 implementation report; and other business. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\j ohnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 3/12/2004 Page 2 of 2 TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 22 - 26 Transportation Committee - Mon., March 22, 4 p.m., Chambers Environment Committee -Tues., March 23, 4 p.m., Room 1A Management Committee - Wed., March 24, 2:30 p.m., Room 1A Metropolitan Council - Wed., March 24, 4 p.m., Chambers Hiawatha Community Advisory Committee - Wed., March 24, 7 p.m., location tbd Executive Committee Breakfast Meeting -Thurs., March 25, 7:30 a.m., Downtowner Woodfire Grill, St. Paul TAC Aviation Committee - Fri., March 26, 9 a.m., MnDOT Aeronautics Office, 222 East Plato Blvd., St. Paul The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\j ohnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 3/12/2004 T FINANCE COMMITTEE Tammy McGee, Committee Chair Robert Mars, Jr., Committee Vice Chair Kari Berman Daniel Boivin Coral Houle Mike Landy. . Jack Lanners Richard Long Vicki Grunseth, Commission Chair METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF SPECIAL.MONTHLY MEETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE 12:00 p.m.—Monday, March 15, 2004 Room 3040,West Mezzanine-Lindbergh Terminal Building 4300 Glumack Drive (Please note:Instructions to Commission Chambers.on backside of Agenda.) AGENDA DISCUSSION 1. PUBLIC HEARING FOR TEFRA NOTICE-SERIES 2004A BONDS Steve Busch, Director of Finance 4 A SECURITY CHECKPOINT INFORMATION Stop by the information booth near the tram station on the Tram Level. At the information booth,you will be asked.to complete a security checkpoint access form and show valid, government-issued photo identification, such as a driver's license. Take your completed access form with you up two floors' to the Ticketing Lever security checkpoints. Show your approved access form to security checkpoint personnel. You. will then be screened just as if you were traveling. Access forms are only valid for the purpose of attending a public MAC meeting at a particular date and time. Commission Chambers are located on the:Mezzanine Level overlooking the airport's central shopping area (above Chili's Restaurant), past the main security checkpoints. Allow yourself at least 30 minutes to park, complete the access form and get through the security checkpoint prior to the meeting. Parking in the following areas will be validated; please bring your parking ticket to the meeting. Directions to the Tram Level Information Booth From short-term parking: At the Lindbergh Terminal entrance, take the escalator or elevator down to Tram Level. The information booth is straight ahead, in the center of the room. From general parking: If you park in the Blue or Red ramps, take the elevator down to the tram, which will transport you directly to the Lindbergh terminal's Tram Level.. When you exit the tram, the information booth is straight ahead, in the center of the room. If you park in the Green or Gold ramps, take the skyway to the Lindbergh Terminal's Mezzanine Level. From there, take an elevator or escalator to Tram Level. The information booth is straight ahead, in the center of the morn.: t REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, March 15, 2004 - 1 :00 P.M. NOTE: MEETING LOCATION (See Enclosure on Airport Security Checkpoint Information) METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Room 3040 — Mezzanine — Lindbergh Terminal Building AGENDA CONSENT ITEMS (Consent Items can be brought down to Discussion) Approval of Minutes a - Rescheduled Regular—February 17, 2004 Lease Actions a- Recommendation Re: Airport Leases Accounts a - Approval of Bills, Expenses, Payrolls, Transfers of Funds, etc. Planning and Environment Committee Al Final Payments—MAC Contracts a) Partial West Terminal Building Demolition b) 2003 Multi-Family Sound Insulation Program—Bid Package No. 2 c) 2003 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program A2 Semi-Final Payments—MAC Contracts a) United Parcel Service/Site Access Road—MSP Cargo Facility ' b) 77th Street/24th Avenue/Airport Lane A3 Bids Received—MAC Contracts a) Taxiway B Construction b) Runway 17-35—Airport Lane Project c) Part 150 Sound Insulation Program—February 2004 Bid Cycle A4 Review of Upcoming Construction Project Bids A5 Change Management Policy and Project Status Report A6 MSP Recycling Savings A7 Bloomington Residential Land Acquisition Program A8 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)Adjustments A9 Hennepin County Conditional Use License Agreement A10 Construction Project Awards All Part 150 update a) Planning Timeline and 65/60 DNL Mitigation Thresholds b) Status of Properties on Perimeter Blocks c) Mitigation Program Review Al2 Project Budget Adjustment A13 2004 Capital Improvement Program—Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Station (ARFF) Project Approval A14 North Terminal Expansion—Shell Package(DP2)—Reactivation of Construction Contract Commission Meeting—March 15,2004 • Page Two Management and Operations Committee B1 Resolution to Adopt Hennepin County Hazard Mitigation Plan B2 Request for Qualifications—MSP Ground Rent Appraisal Project B3 Request Re: Sole Source Bid for Parking Revenue Control System Maintenance Contract B4 Legislative Update a) State b) Federal B5 Future Software Support for Employee Parking and Commercial Vehicle Operations B6 Concessions RFP Update B7 Helicopter Flight Inc. Update B8 Anoka Air Charter Appeal of Staff Decision Finance Committee C1 Reports a) January Budget Variance Report b) Statement of Revenue&Expenses and Changes in Unrestricted Cash c) Accounts Receivable Summary d) Summary of Investment Portfolio e) Summary of Air Carriers Passenger Facility Charges f) Travel Report C2 Internal Audits a) MAC Police Department—Badging Office b) MAC Landside Operations Department-Taxi& Commercial Vehicle Revenue c) MAC Airport Development Department Building Permit Revenue C3 Special Finance Committee Meeting C4 2004 Series A PFC Update C5 Airline Budget Issues C6 Construction Fund C7 Outstanding Debt Summary IL DISCUSSION ITEMS Special Finance Committee SC1 Public Hearing for TEFRA Notice—Series 2004A Bonds NEW BUSINESS 1) Anoka County Board Presentation 2) Champion Air Hangar Project OLD BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMISSIONER COMMENTS PUBLIC APPEARANCES EXECUTIVE SESSION—Behrens vs.MAC SECURITY CHECKPOINT INFORMATION Stop by the information booth near the tram station on the Tram Level. At the information booth, you will be asked to complete a security checkpoint access form and show valid, government-issued photo identification, such as a driver's license. Take your completed access form with you up two floors, to the Ticketing Level security checkpoints. Show your approved access form to security checkpoint personnel. You will then be screened just as if you were traveling. Access forms are only valid for the purpose of attending a public MAC meeting at a particular date and time. Commission Chambers are located on the Mezzanine Level overlooking the airport's central shopping area (above Chili's Restaurant), past the main security checkpoints. Allow yourself at least 30 minutes to park, complete the access form and get through the security checkpoint prior to the meeting. Parking will be validated; please bring your parking ticket to the meeting. Directions to the Tram Level Information Booth From short-term parking: At the Lindbergh Terminal entrance, take the escalator or elevator down to the Tram Level. The information booth is straight ahead, in the center of the room. From general parking: If you park in the Blue or Red ramps, take the elevator down to the tram, which will transport you directly to the Lindbergh Terminal's Tram Level. When you exit the tram, the information booth is straight ahead, in the center of the room. If you park in the Green or Gold ramps, take the skyway to the Lindbergh Terminal's Mezzanine Level. From there, take an elevator or escalator to Tram Level. The information booth is straight ahead, in the center of the room.