3/22-3/26/2004 Meetings for the week of March 22nd - March 26th Page 1 of 1 The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of March 22nd, thru March 26th, 2004 MONDAY - March 22nd • Board of Zoning Appeals 3:00 PM Room 330 City Hall TUESDAY - March 23rd *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Legislative Hearings 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall Legislative Hearings 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Saint Paul Port Authority 2:00 PM 1900 Landmark Towers - 345 St. Peter Street WEDNESDAY - March 24th RiverCentre Authority Board 8:00 AM Board Room -Fifth Floor Meeting RiverCentre *Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - March 25th Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 5:00 PM Room 40 - Lower Level, City Hall Commission FRIDAY - March 26th Planning Commission Steering Committee 7:45 AM Room 41 City Hall Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service(aci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 3/19/2004 SAINT ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL PAUL Dept.of Planning and 1411k Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 owe Fax: (651)228-3220 Public Hearing Notice FILE#04-019-911 PURPOSE: Rezone from R-4 Single-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 319 Maryland Ave.W.,NE corner at Farrington. APPLICANT: Thomas Amrhien HEARING DATE: Wednesday,March 24,2004,at 5:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers, 3`d Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639, or e-mail patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call your District Council representative at (651)488-4485 if you have any questions. Mailed: March 17,2004 MAR-18-2004 15: 12 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD 6512668370 P.02/02 Link MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL,MN 55102 651266-8350 AMSEY COUNT Monday,March 22,2004 4:30 p.m. - Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee Room 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Tuesday, March 23,2004 9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting Council Chambers,Third Floor Court House Immediately following County Board Meeting: - Board Workshop - Update on Plan for Child Protection Services 220 Court House, Large Conference Room - Executive Session I- (laid over from March 9, 2004) ***CLOSED TO PUBLIC*** Sletten et al v. Ramsey County(litigation) 220 Court House, Large Conference Room - Executive Session II ***CLOSED TO PUBLIC*** H.M.B. v. Ramsey County 220 Court House,Large Conference Room 1:30 p.m. - Board Workshop - Continuation of Riverfront Redevelopment Project— 220 Court House, Large Conference Room Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:00 a.m. - Association of Minnesota Counties Legislative Conference Radisson Riverfront, St. Paul 9:00 a.m. - Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission Executive Committee 2099 University Avenue 10:30 a.m. - Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board Radisson Riverfront, St. Paul Thursday,March 25, 2004 8:00 a.m. - Association of Minnesota Counties Legislative Conference Radisson Riverfront, St. Paul 5:00 p.m. - Ramsey County Community Development Block Grant/HOME Public Hearing 2180 North Hamline Avenue, Roseville 5:30 p.m. - Ramsey County League of Local Governments 515 E. Little Canada Road, City Hall Friday, March 26, 2004 Advance Notice March 30, 2004—No Board Meeting(5`h Tuesday) April 6, 2004—9:00 a.m. —County Board Meeting, Council Chambers TOTAL P.02 Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson - March RiverCentre Authority Board Meeting Notice From: "Marver, Tom" <tmarver@rivercentre.org> To: "Axelrod, Brianna" <BAxelrod@wildsidecaterers.com>, "Carol Novak(E-mail)" <carol.novak@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Chris Rider(E-mail)" <chris.rider@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Curt Brown(E-mail)" <curt.brown@startribune.com>, "Dan Bostrom(E-mail)" <dan.bostrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Don Luna(E-mail)" <don.luna@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Eric Willems (E-mail)" <eric.willems@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Gary Murphy (E-mail)" <graphicexhibitsinc@msn.com>, "Hubbard, Susan" <shubbard@rivercentre.org>, "Huepenbecker, Bill" <bhuepenbecker@rivercentre.org>, "Ibister, Jim" <JIbister@rivercentre.org>, "Jack Larson(E-mail)" <JLarson@WILD.com>, "John Kelly (E- mail)" <john.kelly@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Johns, Peter" <pjohns@WILD.com>, Karl Karlson <kkarlson@pioneerpress.com>, "Lisa Veith(E-mail)" <lisa.veith@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Lois West Duffy(E-mail 2)" <lois.duffy@comcast.net>, "Marver, Tom" <tmarver@rivercentre.org>, "Nealy, Mike" <mnealy@WILD.com>, "Pat Harris (E-mail)" <pat.harris@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Randy Kelly (E-mail)" <randy.kelly@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Reardon, Keith" <kreardon@wildsidecaterers.com>, "Rich Ginsberg (E-mail)" <therotundagroup@msn.com>, "Richard Beeson(E-mail)" <rick@park-bank.com>, "Roberts, Sharon" <SRoberts@rivercentre.org>, "Robyn Hansen(E-mail)" <robyn.hansen@leonard.com>, "Rosener, Carrie" <CRosener@rivercentre.org>, "Ruane, Steve" <SRuane@rivercentre.org>, "Scott Renstrom(E-mail)" <scott.renstrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Stoffel, Mark" <MStoffel@rivercentre.org>, "Tom Triplett(E-mail)" <ttriplett@stpaulcvb.org>, "Wheelock, Pam" <PWheelock@WILD.com>, "Zirbel, Mark" <MZirbel@rivercentre.org> Date: 3/19/2004 12:13 PM Subject: March RiverCentre Authority Board Meeting Notice The next RiverCentre Authority Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th at 8:00 a.m. in the RiverCentre Authority Board Room, fifth floor of the RiverCentre. Tom Marver 651.265.4866 file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\j ohnsonl\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.H... 3/19/2004 Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF MARCH 22-26, 2004 Mon 22 Tues 23 Wed 24 Thurs 25 Fri 26 7:45 a.m. Planning Commission Steering Committee Room 41 City Hall (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. 8:30- Planning Commission Meeting Room 40 City Hall 11:00 a.m. (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. Zoning #04-043-122 Headwaters Real Estate-Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to OS-1 Office Service or TN-1 Traditional Neighborhood(if available)for consulting firm office. 585 Grand Ave.,between Oakland and Dale. (Patricia James, 651/266- 6639) #04-050-594 VIK,LLC -Change of Nonconforming Use from commercial bakery to brew on premises store. 1254 7th St.,W.,between Bayard&Victoria. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-044-266 Lanharts Auto Repair,Inc. -Conditional Use Permit for auto repair business. 1024 7th St. E.,between Ross&Earl. (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) #04-047-129 Marlin Broberg-Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family to I-1 Industrial to provide off-street parking and storage of equipment and supplies. 337 Atwater St., between Farrington&Western. (Allen Lovejoy, 651-266-6576) #04-039-366 Rudie's Coffee House-Conditional Use Permit to allow a game room with a variance of the requirement for 100 ft. distance from adjacent residential districts and parking variance of 13 spaces. 1169 W. 7`'St.,between View and Armstrong. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-048-338 Bradford Merwin-Establishment of legal nonconforming use as a duplex. 33 E. Maryland Ave.,between Abell& Sylvan. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #04-050-010 District 2 Community Council-Appeal of Planning Administrator's decision to approve a lot split. 1465 Hazelwood St.,between Nevada&Arlington. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) Speaker Grand Excursion 2004 and Riverfront Development on the Upper Mississippi- Presentation by Mark Vander Schaaf of PED(651/266-6637),who originated the Grand Excursion concept. Bruton\Calendars\March 22-26,2004 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM DATE: March 4, 2004 TO: Dick Anfang, Chair W. Andrew Boss Lori Fritts FROM: Laurie J. Hansen,' SUBJECT: AGENDA FOR A INISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2004 at 1:30 P.M. Administrative Committee Chair Dick Anfang, has called a meeting of the Administrative Committee for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 23, 2004, in the offices of the Saint Paul Port Authority, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. The purpose of the meeting is: 1. Approval of Minutes of Administrative Committee meeting of December 13, 2003 2. Port Authority Audit Presentation by McGladrey 3. Such other business as may come before the Committee LJH:ah cc: Michael Goldner Joan Grzywinski Kathy Lantry The Press City Clerk 2583.2. CAPITAL CITY PROPERTIES 1900 LANDMARK TOWERS 345 ST. PETER STREET SAINT PAUL,MN 55102 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Fritts DATE: March 18, 2004 Dick Anfang W. Andrew Boss Michael Goldner Joan Grzywinski Kenneth R. Johnson FROM: Laurie J. Hansen SUBJECT: MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS, MARCH 23, 2004 @ 2:00 PM Capital City Properties President Lori Fritts is calling a meeting of the Board of Directors of Capital City Properties on March 23, 2004 at 2:00 P.M., in the Port Authority Front Conference Room, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The agenda of the meeting is as follows: 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Approval of Minutes dated December 18, 2003 3. McGladrey presentation of audits of Radisson Riverfront, Radisson City Center, Capital City Plaza Ramp and CCP consolidated 4. CCP Budget—Resolution No. 43 5. Management Report for Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2004 6. Such other business as may come before the Committee cc: Patrick E. Dean Robyn Hansen Kathy Lantry Dan Bostrom (Agenda only) City Clerk Press 31078.1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota,will hold a public hearing on March 24, 2004, at approximately 5:30 p.m.at the Saint Paul City Council Chambers in the Saint Paul City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota, relating to the Westminster Junction Business Center Redevelopment Tax Increment District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict and the Adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plan")for the establishment of the Westminster Junction Business Center Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District(the"District")and the creation therein of the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict(the"HSS") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,Sections 469.124 through 469.134 and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, all inclusive, as amended. A copy of the Plan is on file and available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk at City Hall. The property proposed to be included in the Westminster Junction Business Center Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District is an approximately 35-acre site located on Saint Paul's East Side along the new Phalen Boulevard. A map of the Westminster Junction Business Center Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District is set forth below. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their view orally or prior to the meeting in writing. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA Donald J. Luna City Clerk jMAP1 C,w a v, x ,d b 4. 1 i* �� i s v, > x 'd `id s q� !� y� y yci y . my (..:, 00 A) CA ,x4 Cr 0`m' 7,• CD n' z 1 J XI cn co I `w' t,,• r, co' 7 1�l X1 CA 1. o o G') � y t?7 � E n o G� y t?l 00 ( a ao m C y �C 00 cA a a0 4 C H °C ao p v ao .. y v a °� b7 y .. y0 .,, 0 COy Ej O �' (D rO-, W • 0' h y N O -, co •. w .� Md N 1� C• AD < N ° ° hb Uj N <co N o Fj o *v (A a G. CV1 Y < •`J CD .may ?- co V1 "d CD Y o a A) ,• 2 p o. W 5 A r N O • o. W 1ArI C� �0 7� n 0 7� ro C �-. N O n �C . C CIO Ov e • MD • El C7 .• n O. �, . n aP., Fil 4 n 4, c . m ,� v, "C (D y N n� t� 5' '"C N n r 0' coo o cc o 0 M • CD cio a U.) CA p ° a o n• 0 v, et con y .2. ., by C n ,.y ' O ° pr ,-t om-. 0 O ° to co C c> o n •• � O 0 0, o n 5 co-I O cvw ° N,--' 0 0 °` N a: 0 pa rn 0. xi 't �.' 0/1 w .0 111 C7 n 4 A) a, a Z ►11 - ,� 'r1 '-0 CID t7 C7 Fir aoco r o `� (<o do `r L" g o r" O p p' ^"1 ls1C'D ° O o. 0 0 ' p' ;.9 tl7 o p o as a °. 0, Fi• '0 ^, " ;.'h o vo A It U ,LA ro (� ° �„ g d Do a � � r„ g .... g6a ,-. ' 1.�I 'Z O. N O, N O ? r M 11�r,r .4 0 N O� CD 5 N CD Pg. , N L = > CD Z �• lO N U 'O 00 CD (D 3 Y szo A (D NO a NO N NO .0 00 �. n. ~ A N 'u lv ,-- y ►Z Y "d `b qi w .-, y ,7., > "ti7 b '-, � C- UC, , 1* s N w R., . ed :d tr � G b ex 00 ,--,LA P" � ntyil.� O �~ Wt.... �. � � ntrl 0 � , Oo AD • o (', z /y CA Oo A) :D, n z PZ Cl) .A a F' ' 0- G7 y • A N p of n -3 t?J w a as w C7 y < -1=.^00 CD p.(To CD C7 ►-] 'C In @ O °° " y N @ O UQ .• y y y = c 0 < C ° [i7 °a' O 'FP < N ° �rJ 0 b P a cc c' ''d v w c<u p. c " a < O `n ,� �„ r� < rn .y y nm '.• N . ,. C w , - , . a: -, n • ° " � .O O pG x °ro O G .P 3 • oC CFOr. • ` a a � n �� o a oa N f. CI0 O • 0 �.,t a " O ' - = tn a .A. a' a� 0 n • er CnCD q ' c d CDp, 0 n c b :Do C . n 'FL"' CD o Di: co o °-' co '. • CD W LA Q. 0 (D W cn z o. o 0 .. f° O : 0 a w tml m n• 01 LA 7J G t7 n. 0\ cnn 71 O 0 0 _ o yr• _ o `3 O0 =co '. j 0 R - ("D oN, o C) • ,-, o 0 rn 0 n . o CA CD a coO rn 0 E. cm ] W 0 Od - s -H k o w d E. 4 , •• tic? 0 r o � H ct, y • • o oo ^ C O i o :3 trJ ° CD = ':1 t'l1 O O4 n a r It a,rnc. , 'r1 n IQ r' k a rn -' i n ✓ A , .i CD a CD J < C� oo a,,0 MI —1 .+ .4, r, �i O— 000 O W �-1 O (p • O .O A Cl. C p co - O 00 ,0., Cl.? F., r A I.., C-' SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. Thursday, March 25, 2004 Lower Level, Room 40, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA 5:00 I. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA II CONFLICTS OF INTEREST III PERMIT REVIEW/PUBLIC HEARING 5:05 A. 322-24 Summit Avenue, Hill Historic District, by VF Associates, for a building permit to construct two large dormers at the attic. File #04-143. Portico, Inc., for a building permit to construct a five story condo building. rile #04-144. WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT C. 633 Dayton Avenue, Hill Historic District, by Carlsen & Frank Architects, for a building permit to construct a three story, six unit condo building with two detached garages. File #04-145. IV ANNOUNCEMENTS V ADJOURN NOTE: If you arrive after 5:00 P.M., the building may be locked and you must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance and push the call button to the right of the doorway for the security desk. If security does not respond please use a phone to page security at 651- 339-0355. Await a call back from a security guard who will then give you access to City Hall. Commission members: Please call 651.266.9078 if unable to attend. .04P, RECEIVED PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY MAR 2 2 2004 SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTHLY BUSINESS MEETING MARCH 24, 2004 9:00 A.M. NEILL HI-RISE I. ROLL CALL II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW PHA STAFF III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: FEBRUARY 25, 2004 IV.REVIEW OF BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: BANK REGISTER AND MONTHLY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2004 V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VI.A. NEW BUSINESS CONSENT ITEMS The following items are considered to be routine or non-controversial and will be approved in one motion,without discussion. If a Board member or other meeting attendee wishes to discuss a particular item,that person should inform the Chair and the item will be moved to the Discussion portion of the agenda. 1. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION; MARIE NEWMAN 2. CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM BUDGET REVISIONS: 2001 (FINAL REVISION); 2002 (REVISION 2)VERSION 2, FY 2005 AGENCY PLAN 3. CONGREGATE HOUSING SERVICES PROGRAM(CHSP); FY 2005 GRANT RENEWAL REQUEST AND BUDGET 4. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY REVISIONS VI.B. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. SCATTERED SITE PROPERTY DISPOSITIONS; REAL ESTATE AGENT SERVICES 480 Cedar Street•Suite 600 • Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-1830 651-298-5664 • Fax 651-298-5666 2. SECTION 8, BUILDING&LOW RENT FUNDS-EQUITY TRANSFER CONTINGENCY; SECTION 8 UTILIZATION CONTROL 3. SPPD-ACOP CONTRACT; FISCAL YEAR 2005 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION POLICY; LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES INSURANCE TRUST VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. HOUSING POLICY DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION B. HOME PROGRAM REPORT C. PUBLIC HOUSING OPERATING SUBSIDY; LETTER FROM HUD D. CAPITOL RIVER COUNCIL TASKFORCE E. SECTION 8 MOD REHABILITATION PROGRAM;MARY HALL CONTRACT RENEWAL F. ENDING LONG TERM HOMELESSNESS-REPORT(COVER LETTER) G. LETTER FROM SAINT PAUL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE H. LETTER FROM KEITHEN CURTIS ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROPERTY RIGHTS ACQUISITION CSO - City Clerk Room 170 - City Hall City Council Ward# 7 Planning District#s 1 PROPERTY OWNER File No. AE2004-01 The City of Saint Paul has proposed to acquire the necessary permanent PURPOSE right-of-way easements and temporary construction easements for the AND construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of McKnight Road and LOCATION Lower Afton Road bordering the cities of Saint Paul and Maplewood. Property rights you or your company have an interest in may be affected by this improvement and acquisition. (See attached map.) HEARING Public Hearings begin at 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 in the Council Chambers, Third Floor of City Hall. If you have questions or concerns, please call Bruce Engelbrekt at QUESTIONS 266-8854. For your convenience, City staff will be available the day of the Public Hearing to answer any last minute questions on this project until 4:00 p.m. in Room 140 City Hall. NOTICE SENT: March 12, 2004 CITY OF ST PAUL REAL ESTATE DIVISION ROOM 140 CITY HALL ST PAUL, MN 55102 G.\Shared\RE\REAL WPdata\Easements\Bruce\McKnight_Lwr Afton\AE2004-0I.McKghtLwrAft.PblcHrgNtc.wpd t . , . . i .0 \O ......, O I 6,..., 11 z O 1N3N3SV3 lZ'l1Z - ell--- -- O; , 1-1 , 2, a 1 °� , v N ILI o J :+0,, ,‘‘ 1 ri w �S O c �'se se \\*%76po 1 V1 c U �Ow`Is`l N O t tri O of a to y�:71y� • i o• o_ u y0d0^� Ni1- 'ej Y N -' d uI �, j v o N i v + i ��I 1 8849862 'ON 'DOG _I I 71 �C 0/Y u u i1 :-- - - - 1 T-f-- 00'S0Z * � ' w v 00'£ c.v.,. 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