10/3-10/7/2005 Meetings for the week of October 3rd - October 7th Page 1 of 1 The City of Saint Paul *NM Meetings for the Week of October 3rd, thru October 7th, 2005 MONDAY - October 3rd No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY - October 4th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/Court House Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Legislative Hearing 1:30 PM Room 330, City Hall WEDNESDAY - October 5th *City Council Budget Meeting 10:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM COuncil Chambers, City Hall *City Council Public Hearing 5:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall THURSDAY - October 6th Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM 4th Floor, Central Library FRIDAY - October 7th Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40, City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.servicecacistpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/meetings.html 9/30/2005 e ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL Ec�..._1‘�''..1.) CITY OF SAINT PAUL s AHT Dept.of Planning and PAUL SE P c) /�[T L O n t-, Economic Development 14( G Phone:(651)266-6589 4 Fax: (651)228-3220 AAAA Public Hearing Notice i` ° FILE#05-156-390 PURPOSE: Appeal of Planning Commission decision to deny change of Nonconforming Use Permit from beauty salon to tattoo parlor. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 360 Clifton St.,SE corner at Jefferson APPELLANT: Greg Lehman HEARING DATE: Wednesday,October 5,2005,at 5:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3rd Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6591,or e-mail emily.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)298-5599 if you have any questions. Mailed:9/23/05 s SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY PAUL COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES A A A A ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL AND THE RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 555 Cedar Street AMMO Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY 651-266-1200 RECEIVED MEETING NOTICE SEP 2 9 2005 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2005 CITYCLERK SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Ramsey County Government Center West (RCGC-West) 50 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 930 - STAR Room Saint Paul Enter on the river side/back of the building. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Introductions 3. Chairperson's Report 4. Director's Report 5. Infant Mortality Disparity Discussion 6. Adjourn CHSAC Public Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2005 PACKET ENCLOSURES 1. September 7, 2005 Meeting Minutes 2. September 2005 Section Updates ** Attention CHS Advisory Committee Members ** Please contact Jan Pierson if you will not be attending the meeting: Phone: 651-266-2408 (between 8:00-4:30) E-Mail: jan.pierson@co.ramsey.mn.us SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY - N.al; COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES A A A A ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL AND THE RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY 651-266-1200 MINUTES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS EXCUSED MEMBERS ABSENT Mary Ackerman Jennifer Rauch Debbie Ibarra-Luna Coral Garner Regina Rippel Kalia Lo Mary Anne Mathews Murray Sagsveen Kathy Wilken Jack Rossbach Esther Tatley Tyler Schmidtz Joanne Westergard STAFF/GUESTS Sheri Smith Rob Fulton Alyssa Vang Richard Ragan Mark Wolf Julie Seiber Update on Steps Grant— Julie Seiber Schools The initial group of 8 schools is finishing the School Health Index assessment and formulating action plans. Steps assisted an initiative at Prosperity Heights Elementary School to purchase helmets and bicycles to ride in the neighborhood for physical education classes and after school programs. We will conduct the School Health Index survey in 12 schools. In those same schools conduct wellness activities with the teachers and other staff (role modeling). Review policies and practices related to the sale and distribution of food of minimal nutritional value. We plan to continue tobacco education activities and continue asthma management program building the capacity of school nurses, case finding, communication with families/physicians, care coordination, education of students/families/staff. There are plans to institute a diabetes management program with the school nurses similar to the asthma program. Community There is a plan to increase staff with 24-hr./week health educator and half-time MPH grad. We hope to have a student intern by Oct. 1. Working with BeActive Minnesota to expand the physical activity resource base for St. Paul neighborhoods. (Contract in effect July 2005.) We are partnering with Allina's theater project with National Theater for Children on a play for elementary children to promote healthy eating and increase physical activity. There are plans in process to conduct focus groups regarding Steps program focus areas with African American, Hispanic, Hmong and Native American people to identify assets and barriers to behavior change for better nutrition, more physical activity, reduced tobacco exposure, attitudes about obesity, and management of diabetes and asthma. 1 • We have been collaborating with St. Paul Parks and Rec., St. Paul Public Libraries, Blue Cross "Do" program and neighborhood organizations and businesses to pilot a physical activity campaign in one St. Paul neighborhood - Dayton's Bluff. The Department promoted physical activity at the May 26 Saint Paul Saints game, an 11 am game attended by a large number of elementary school children. We have been collaborating on Active Living Ramsey County led by Commissioner Jan Parker to assess the state of the built environment in the county and its impact on residents' health. We will make recommendations on policies to enhance this environment as planning for infrastructure and development projects are undertaken. There will be an assessment of the availability of healthful food in public eating establishments by the nutrition sub-group of the Steps Community Consortium. Chairperson's Report Staff and the Chairperson of the Ramsey County, Hennepin County and Minneapolis Health Departments are planning a joint CHSAC meeting. The purpose would primarily be to get to know the process and people and the plans of the different advisory boards. Networking would help everyone in the future with planning, legislative initiatives and joint projects (e.g. smoke-free). At the joint meeting there will be a guest speaker to inform and inspire. The topic would focus on the "Urban Health Agenda." Pencil in the first 2 Thursdays in December as possible dates. The planning committee meets again the week of October 17th Director's Updates Rob described how Minnesota is under a state of emergency. Agencies, churches and individuals are preparing for evacuees from the Gulf Coast to arrive at Camp Ripley within a few days. Staff is working to get the electronic immunization records of children coming to MN. Issues of mental health are expected to be one of the biggest problems health workers encounter. It is expected that FEMA will reimburse all costs of the evacuees including work conducted by public health. The Department is also preparing workers headed to the Gulf by supplying immunizations for Hep A and IG. Ramsey County expects to see approximately 1,000 more refugees from WAT over the next couple of months. There is a health concern regarding TB that is being monitored by public health. In the 2006 budget public health will add one staff person to do direct observable therapy for TB control. There was a case of TB in the jail and public health tested staff and prisoners. There is expected to be a large number of Karin people (Myanmar) coming to Saint Paul in the next few years. Over 170,000 will move to the USA by 2010. Public Health will provide assessments and care. 2 Methamphetamine drugs are a problem in Ramsey County. There have been 17 properties evaluated in 2005. When public health orders a cleanup, a lien is placed on the property to cover the costs. Tax forfeited property is generally raised. Grit Youngquist of the public health department is on mobility assignment at the Minnesota Department of Health. She is working on the problem of sexual victimization of adolescents. Robert Einweck will join Ramsey County Public Health on a one-year mobility assignment. He is currently the Director of Emergency Preparedness at MDH. He will bring his expertise to help us better plan and exercise, and he will gain valuable experience working on the local level. The Elderly Waiver Program will be undergoing change over the next 12 months. The program provides an assessment of the elderly person who is in or is being sent to a nursing home to determine whether or not in-home nursing care could be provided. Case management of these individuals currently being done by public health is being switched to the health plans. The County Board is concerned about the quality of care that will be provided. We will not abandon clients. We will closely monitor the evaluation of the changes made. Rob is just beginning to investigate a National Association of Counties initiative to provide prescription discount cards. Rob suspects that the pharmacy underwrites the cost of the cards to get more business. More on this topic later. The Public Health Department will have its 2006 budget hearing on September 21, 2005. The department has requested additional funding to support the adolescent parenting program. The department has requested additional staff position of .2 FTE. This is a 2-year budget and the second year is very "guessy." The next meeting is scheduled for October 5th and dedicated to planning. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 3 1.( 941 AIIIIN Ai4 it it • ink Ham:ey GauMy Saint Paul-- Ramsey County Department of Public Health Section Updates - September 2005 MEDICAL DIRECTOR This school year I will be mentoring incoming University of Minnesota School of Public Health student Jean Wentink. She is a student in the Maternal-Child Health Section of the School. Jean is a recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison majoring in bacteriology. In the future, Jean hopes to have a career that includes international work. If anyone has a special project in mind for a master's level public health student,please let me know. I have been named to the editorial board for Minnesota Medicine and would be happy to hear from anyone who is interested in writing an article and submitting it for publication. On August 29th I gave a noon talk to the residents at United Family Practice on emerging issues in public health. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Fluorescent Lamp Agreement Renewal with Xcel Energy. At their meeting on September 13,the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved an agreement with Xcel Energy under which Xcel will reimburse nearly all of the County's costs for collecting and managing residential fluorescent lamps through the County's household hazardous waste(HHW)program. The County and Xcel have had similar agreements since 1995, when State law required large electric utilities to establish a program to collect fluorescent lamps. These lamps contain mercury and by law must be recycled. During 2004,when the HHW program managed over 32,000 lamps,the agreement with Xcel allowed the County to recover nearly$13,000, or about 95%of its costs to manage lamps. New Used Oil&Household Hazardous Waste Satellite Site in Arden Hills. Work continues on a new site for self- serve used motor oil recycling at the Public Works facility in Arden Hills. This site is expected to open in November,and will replace the site currently located at the now vacant Public Works garage near Rice Street and I- 694 in Shoreview. The Arden Hills site will also be home to a new seasonal collection site for household hazardous waste(HHW). This HHW site replaces one previously located in the parking lot for the Shoreview Ice Arena on Victoria Street at Hwy. 97, and will begin serving communities in northwestern Ramsey County during 2006. For more information on Ramsey County's HHW program,including site locations and types of waste accepted,please visit our web site at www.co.ramsey.mn.us/ph/eh/haz_waste.asp Joy Miciano,Health Educator,recently attended a national training for environmental education and diversity in Austin, Texas sponsored by the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP). EETAP is a training program funded through the US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). During 1 this four-day workshop participants were trained on how to facilitate a discussion with different audiences on diversity issues using true case studies in environmental education. The Environmental Health Section hopes to be able to offer this diversity presentation to public health staff and other Ramsey County employees in the upcoming year. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES SECTION THE INITIATIVE FOR VIOLENCE FREE FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES IN RAMSEY COUNTY Donald Gault was a presenter at the Montana Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence on September 14 and 15. The audience included people from Montana and Kansas working in the CDC- sponsored DELTA Project, a program to develop and sustain strategies for the primary prevention of domestic violence. Presentations included a 1/2-day session on creating violence-free workplaces and addressing domestic violence in the workplace, and a full-day session on organizing community-wide violence prevention efforts and specific training on a number of the tools developed in The Initiative for Violence-Free Families and Communities in Ramsey County including Wakanheza, The Men's Line & Being a Dad Project, and using the ABC's of Communication to develop effective prevention tools. On September 27th Don will be keynote speaker at a business luncheon on addressing domestic violence and creating violence-free workplaces in Omaha, Nebraska sponsored by Verizon Wireless, the company that funded the creation of the None of Our Business training tool in partnership with The Initiative, the Sheila Wellstone Institute, and Twin Cities Public Television. We are finding strong national interest for taking and adapting the unique and effective prevention tools that have been developed locally through our unique partnerships between Public Health and our community. INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM On September 15th, the Injury Prevention Program, as part of the our local Safe Kids Chapter, provided interactive learning experiences for 200 children and their parents at Holy Spirit School in Saint Paul. Topics covered included poison prevention, pedestrian safety, water safety, fire and burn prevention as well as other interactive actives related to injury prevention. Holy Spirit has also been very active in our Risk Watch Injury Prevention Program. Also, on September 15th, the Injury Prevention Program offered information and consultation on infant safety at a Community Baby Shower at Saint Joseph's Hospital in Saint Paul. Materials on unintentional injury as well as the "Becoming A Dad" brochure were made available to expectant and new parents. HEALTHY FAMILIES SECTION The Family Center Community Doula Program of St. Paul and Ramsey County,housed at the American Indian Family Center and serving young parents both during pregnancy and after birth,received the Annie Kennedy Award presented by DONA International in Washington DC in July. This award recognizes excellence in a doula group that shows unwavering vision,growth and membership. The Family Center program provides linguistically and culturally specific childbirth education and birthing services as well as breastfeeding consultation. All of its services are grant-funded,with support from MN Department of Health-OMMH,United Way,Phillips Foundation, Medica,UCare and MHP. In addition to low rates of cesarean births among the clients,low-income women in Ramsey County have given birth to fewer babies with low birth weight than cohort groups,and have a substantially higher rate of breastfeeding at 4 months. Only 15%of doula-supported women delivered by cesarean section, compared to 24%who delivered operatively. The national average is 27.3%. Similarly 47%of the doula- supported group used no pain medication at all, compared with 18%of the comparison group. In a community where some private hospitals report epidural use of over 90%,this represents a highly significant outcome. Congratulations to Jessica Atkins and the doulas who make such a wonderful difference in the lives of our families and infants! 2 PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES SECTION ROOM 111 Effective September 1st, Room 111 is an official Minnesota VARHS (Variant,Atypical and Resistant HIV Surveillance) site. The Minnesota Department of Health is funded by CDC to provide VARHS-related activities for possibly 5 years. Why is VARHS important? There is substantial genetic diversity of HIV. HIV replicates and mutates at significant rates. There are numerous subtypes of HIV,many times with identifying characteristics as to HIV country of origin. A subtype may affect drug resistance and subsequently determine drug regimen and treatment effectiveness. The information from this testing program will also help MDH learn what strains of HIV are spreading in Minnesota and which treatments might be best for people living here. What does our participation in VARHS mean? It means that HIV positive specimens that we submit to MDH will be: 1.)checked for legibility criteria, 2.) laboratory tested for HIV subtype determination and drug resistance. Results will be returned to us for assessment and patient management and retained by MDH for surveillance. Furthermore,the test results will be made available to the patient and/or their provider any time now or in the future. Clients are informed of Room 111's VARHS participation and their possible eligibility for drug resistance and subtype testing. A fact sheet is distributed as appropriate. WIC SECTION BREASTFEEDING PEER COUNSELOR GRANT PROJECT WIC has teamed up with the American Indian Family Center Community Doula Program to provide breastfeeding peer counselors to St. Paul-Ramsey County WIC moms through a pilot grant funded by federal WIC dollars. We were one of three WIC programs chosen to pilot a peer breastfeeding counselor project in Minnesota. The goal of the project is to provide additional breastfeeding support and education to participants outside of their WIC visits with an end result of improved breastfeeding rates. The peer counselors are available to WIC moms 24/7! They meet with the WIC moms during their pregnancies and provide support breastfeeding support during and after delivery. Grant activities have been going well and many contacts have been made. The peer counselors participate in monthly breastfeeding training. We received word recently that the project will be re-funded for 2006 based on current success of the program. HAVE WE BEEN BUSY OR WHAT? The crackerjack main WIC office crew,Yolanda Izaola, Sandi Thorsen, and May Wong, scheduled 2161 new WIC appointments last month. In a typical month they schedule 1660- 1780 new appointments. We are not sure why our numbers were so high last month;the influx of refugees is one reason,but there may be more reasons. (FYI: These are only the appointments for participants brand new to WIC---thousands more appointment are scheduled for"recerts"---those already on WIC who need to be reassessed every 6 months or so.) 3 Christine Haas - Fwd: No Ad Hoc Legis Agenda Corn Mtg. scheduled for October 5, 2005 Page 1 From: Shari Moore To: Haas, Christine Date: 9/28/2005 3:55:11 PM Subject: Fwd: No Ad Hoc Legis Agenda Corn Mtg. scheduled for October 5, 2005 >>> Donna Sanders 9/28/2005 3:54:08 PM >>> This is to notify you that there will not be an Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee meeting held on Wednesday, October 5th at 1:00 p.m. (Please remove this item from your calendar). The next meeting of the Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee is scheduled for Wed., October 19 at 1:00 p.m. Donna Sanders Secretary to Councilmember Lee Helgen Ward 5 320A City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651-266-8650 Fax: 651-266-8574 donna.sanders@ci.stpaul.mn.us