8/22-8/26/2005 Meetings for the week of August 22nd - August 26th Page 1 of 2 The City of Saint Paul *Aim Meetings for the Week of August 22nd, thru August 26th, 2005 MONDAY - August 22nd No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY - August 23rd *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/Court House Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Legislative Hearing 1:30 PM Room 330, City Hall Port Authority 2:00 PM 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street Board of Water Commissioners 5:00 PM Conference Room 2 North, 1900 Rice Street WEDNESDAY - August 24th RiverCentre Authority Board 8.30 AM RiverCentre Authority Board Room, Meeting 5th Floor of the RiverCentre *Budget Meeting 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall City Council Organizational 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall Meeting *Housing &Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Authority *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall *City Council Public Hearing 5:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall THURSDAY -August 25th Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM 4th Floor, Central Library FRIDAY - August 26th Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40, City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8.00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 8/19/2005 Christine Haas- Fwd: RCA Meeting Notice Page 1 From: Shari Moore To: Haas, Christine Date: 8/17/2005 2:50:34 PM Subject: Fwd: RCA Meeting Notice for weekly meeting list >>> "Marver, Tom" <tmarver@rivercentre.org> 8/17/2005 2:49:00 PM >>> The next RiverCentre Authority board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,August 24th at 8:30 am in the RiverCentre Authority Board Room,fifth floor of the RiverCentre. Commissioners, please let me know if you will or will not be able to attend this meeting. Thanks. Tom Marver 651.265.4866 w 612.760.8410 c BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ' _-c President: Patrick Harris • Vice President: John Zanmiller Commissioners:Matt Anfang ♦ Bob Cardinal ♦ Gregory Kleindl • Debbie Montgomery • Dave Thune August 15, 2005 NOTICES TO: Pat Harris, President RECEIVED John Zanmiller, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang AUG 1 7 2005 Bob Cardinal Gregory Kleindl CITY CLERK Debbie Montgomery Dave Thune SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE A SPECIAL MEETING of the Board of Water Commissioners' will be held on TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2005 at 5 p.m. in Conference Room 2 North, 1900 Rice Street to discuss the 2006 Budget. Please contact Steve Schneider at 651-266-6724 if you are unable to attend. Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Lisa Veith, Board Attorney Pioneer Press SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Stephen P. Schneider, General Manager 1900 Rice St. Saint Paul MN 55113-6810 • TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale Little Canada Maplewood•Mendota Mendota Heights Roseville•Saint Paul West St. Paul AA-ADA-EEO Employer ® 94 printed on recycled paper August 1, 2005 NOTICE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 23, 2005 Chair Michael Goldner is calling the regular board meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint. Paul, Minnesota 55102. --p Kenneth R. Johnson President las cc: The Port Authority Commissioners Mayor Randy Kelly City Council Terrence J. Garvey Briggs & Morgan Leonard, Street and Deinard Representatives of the Press RECEIVED Don Luna, City Clerk Susan Kimberly, PED AUG 0 2 2005 St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Midway Area Chamber of Commerce CITY CLERK Pig's Eye Coalition Manual Cervantes, City Attorney Members of the Ramsey County Delegation 6187.1. .414,11 PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY RECEIVED SAINT PAUL AUK 2 2 2005 CITY CLERK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTHLY BUSINESS MEETING AUGUST 24, 2005 9:00 A.M. 555 N. WABASHA I. ROLL CALL II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW PHA STAFF III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: JULY 27, 2005 IV. REVIEW OF BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: BANK REGISTER AND MONTHLY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR JULY 2005 V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VI.A. NEW BUSINESS CONSENT ITEMS: 1. ELAINE ANDERSON RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION 2. FURNISH AND DELIVER MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE CRYSTALS; CONTRACT 06081 3. ASBESTOS TILE REMOVAL AT MCDONOUGH HOMES; CONTRACT NO. 06024 4. MOVING SERVICES AT MCDONOUGH HOMES; CONTRACT NO. 06025 5. ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES; CONTRACT NO. 06032 6. PRINTING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS PHA SITES; CONTRACT NO. 06014 7. US BANK INVESTMENT VI.B. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT CHANGES; CAPITAL FUND BUDGET; AGENCY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART REVISION 555 North Wabasha Street•Suite 400•Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102-1017 LJ 651-298-5664 •Fax 651-298-5666 2. AUDIT REPORT FOR FY 2005; FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE REPORTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2005 VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. NOTICE OF ANNUAL BOARD MEETING B. SEMAP RATING C. PROMISE FELLOW REPORT-CRISTINA OLSEEN D. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR ALL PROGRAMS; PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2005 E. HOME PROGRAM REPORT F. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2; JANITORIAL &TRAINING SERVICES; CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE; CONTRACT NO. 04072 G. ROSS GRANT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT H. PHADA COMMITTEE ROSTER AGENDA RE-C !►/ D PORT AUTHORITYMEETING SAINT PAUL AUG 2 REGULAR BOARD 2045 AUGUST 23, 2005 C/TY CLERK 2:00 p.m. LOCATION: Board Room, Saint Paul Port Authority, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul MINUTES 1. Approval of the Minutes from the June 28, 2005 Regular Board Meeting OATH OF OFFICE 1. Oath of Office—John Regal CONFLICT OF INTEREST Conflict of Interest NEW BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE 1. Acceptance Second Quarter Financial Statements 2. Resolution No. 4141 Certification of Tax Levy 3. Resolution No. 4142 Amendment No. 2 to Flexible Spending Plan Document (Section 125) CREDIT COMMITTEE 1. Resolution No. 4143 Public Hearing - Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) — Authorization for an Approximate $11,500,000 Tax Exempt Bond Issue TURN OVER FOR PAGE 2 27903.v1 2. Resolution No.4144 LJT,LLP—CATCO Holding Company,Inc. (dba CATCO Parts and Service)—Authorization for Tax Exempt Financing Allocation Application 3. Resolution No.4145 Joint Powers Agreement—Port Authority/Ramsey County/City of Saint Paul 4. Resolution No. 4146 Award of Contract for Fence Construction — Great Northern Business Center South GENERAL MATTERS 1. Informational Second Quarter REO and Development Team Production 2. Informational Legislative Report 3. Resolution No.4147 Thanks and Farewell to Commissioner Lori Fritts 4. Executive Session—Follow-up on Evaluation 5. Such Other Business That May Come Before the Board 27903.1. Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West RFck./ Minutes of July 29, 2005 ��G. . ee) A meetingof the PlanningCommission of the Cityof Saint Paul was held Friday, July 29,2 at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen,Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, McCall,Morton, and Porter. Present: and Messrs.Aligada, Alton, Anfang,Bellus, Coletta, Goodlow, Gordon, Johnson, Kong,Kramer, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes.*Trevino; and Messrs. *Dandrea, and *Scott. Absent: *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm,Planning Administrator; Patricia James,Jessica Rosenfeld,Yang Zhang, Christina Danico and Kate Fleming,Depai tinent of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of July 15, 2005 MOTION: Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of July 15, 2005. Commissioner Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Johnson stated he emailed staff regarding updating the Planning Commission's web site and making it more user friendly. The Steering Committee discussed web site improvements this morning and we will start by putting the weekly calendar on the web to show times, locations and agenda topics of the various committee and task force meetings. He reminded Commissioners that they are all welcome to attend committee and task force meetings. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderholm said that the web page lists the members of the Planning Commission and whatever contact information each member wants to include. Some of the information is old. Please submit current information that you want on the web to Kate Fleming. Mr. Soderholm reported on planning-related City Council business. This week the Council laid over the Northeast Corridor Plan and zoning to August 24,2005. Next week the Council has hearings on proposed amendments to sign regulations and on the moratorium along the S. Highwood Bluffs. Mr. Soderholm reported on legal cases. The City is enforcing the adult bookstore regulations against Risky Business, a business that opened illegally on Arcade Street. This week a Ramsey County District Court judge ruled that the business must remain closed and any new use must be in compliance with the nonconforming use permit for the property issued by the Planning Commission. Also this week the neighbors of the Jeremiah Program filed a lawsuit against the City alleging that the property was improperly rezoned. ,t IV. Zoning Committee NEW BUSINESS #05-125-870 Manuel Pizano - Conditional Use Permit for outdoor food sales from mobile push car. xxx 7th Street E., NE corner at Beech Street. (Emily Ulmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation that the case be laid over to the August 4, 2005 meeting. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. #05-128-247 Daniel Huneke - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a triplex. 1756 Sims Ave. E., between White Bear and Flandrau. (Emily Ulmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved to lay the resolution over to the next Planning Commission meeting. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Morton announced the Zoning committee Agenda for August 2, 2005 V. Comprehensive Planning Committee Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen gave report from the meeting of July 26, 2005. Allen Lovejoy gave an update on the Central Corridor. The committee reviewed its upcoming workload and decided to set a schedule of two meetings a month. Penny Simison will send out the calendar. The next meeting will be on August 16, 2005. A representative from Xcel Energy will give an update on their plans to reconstruct the High Bridge Plant. VI. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Skyway Policy Amendments - Recommend that the Planning Commission release the proposed changes and set a public hearing date for August 12, 2005. (Dave 1Velkon, 65T/Z66-8860 MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved the approval of Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee's recommendation to release the amendments for public review and set a public hearing for August 12, 2005. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. District 6 Residential Design Guidelines - Recommend the adoption of the District 6 North End- South Como Plan summary amendment to the City council. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved approval of the resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an amendment to the District 6 North End-South Como Plan summary which says that the District 6 Community Council has voluntary design guidelines for infill houses. The resolution goes on to recommend that the City Council initiate a study to decide whether to create similar infill residential design guidelines citywide. 2 Commissioner McCall explained that the resolution before the commission included a recommendation that the City Council consider a citywide study on residential design guidelines. This was added at the request of PED. Commissioner Anfang questioned the necessity of amending the Comprehensive Plan to refer to the District 6 design guidelines. Commissioner McCall said that what prompted the guidelines was that many infill houses do not look attractive from the street. Commissioner Anfang stated that the idea of residential design guidelines is positive, but expressed concern about having a set of design guideline for each district, resulting in 17 different sets of design guidelines across Saint Paul. Commissioner McCall responded that District 6 guidelines were just a start. To avoid having 17 sets of design guidelines, the City should look into citywide guidelines. Yang Zhang stated that planning staff had preliminary conversations with LIEP about the guidelines. If the City Council decides there is merit to having a set of citywide design guidelines, staff would study the appropriate provisions and enforcement options. Larry Soderholm said that District 6 has worked to develop the guidelines and would be the ones to use them when their organizations review proposals in the neighborhood. The City will use them if the City has money in the project. Commissioner Anfang stated that it is good to have some design guidelines, but it can be difficult to work with them at times. Developing citywide guidelines would not be easy, but he is looking forward to the discussions. Commissioner Faricy expressed concern that if the City adopts the District 6 guidelines, the City could end up with the same problem as with sign districts, with different sets of design guidelines in different neighborhoods. It would be a much wiser move to refer the District 6 proposal back to the Neighborhood Committee and to actually study a citywide solution before anything is passed. She said that if the guidelines are appended to the Comprehensive Plan they will be used at public hearings to try to block development. Commissioner Bellus stated that the guidelines as currently stated would be strictly voluntary. Commissioner Kramer clarified that the Planning Commission would not be adopting the actual design guidelines,but only amending the Plan summary to include the paragraph on the front page of the blue sheet, which refers to the fact that District 6 has guidelines that District 6 will use. Commissioner Gordon stated he has concerns with voluntary guidelines. He is not certain that the guidelines can truly remain voluntary if the Comprehensive Plan states they are"strongly encouraged." Commissioner Porter considered voluntary as synonymous with making a good faith effort and that the guidelines might be ignored. She saw keeping "strongly recommended"in this paragraph as helpful to making this happen. It would be an enhancement to the District 6 design guidelines. Commissioner McCall agreed with Commissioner Porter and stated that the design guidelines are 3 not intended to be mandated by City staff but they should be recommended. Chair Johnson asked for a roll call vote on the motion to approve the resolution,which recommends adoption of the plan amendment referring to the guidelines and recommends studying the issue citywide. ROLL CALL VOTE: The motion carried on a roll call vote of 12-5(Faricy,Goodlow, Gordon,Morton,Mejia). Commissioner Anfang asked that,when this resolution is forwarded to the City Council, a cover letter be included urging Council members to hold off on requests from other districts for design guidelines until a citywide approach has been studied. Meanwhile it would be good for district councils to start thinking design elements that would have citywide applicability. Chair Johnson concurred and asked staff to draft the letter. Commissioner Bellus commented that the Planning Commission and staff need to think through this process, as it would be hard to have one set of guidelines for such a diverse area and population. Commissioner Anfang stated that the Planning Commission should look into Minneapolis regulations for reference. Commissioner McCall announced the next meeting will be August 17, 2005 VII. Long-range Policy Committee Commissioner Bellus gave an update on the committee's work. VIII. Communications Committee No report IX. Transportation Corridors: Factors that Influence Success Guest presentation by Lee Munnich, Senior Fellow and Director,Hubert H.Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Allen Lovejoy gave a brief report on the planning work program for the Central Corridor and introduced Lee Munnich. Prof.Munnich described the results of his local and national research on economic development that is attendant to transportation corridors. Using powerpoint he presented a model for a spectrum of economic effects that can be measured--ranging from jobs created and travel time savings,which are directly related to transportation investments,to health benefits and social equity at the other end of the spectrum,which are hard to measure and tie to transportation,investments. In response to questions,Prof.Munnich said he is collecting data on the Hiawatha Corridor but the economic effects of LRT will appear over time. It will be a year or two before he publishes any research on the Hiawatha Line. He also said,regarding the Central Corridor,that Saint Paul should keep supporting the political champions of the corridor,building political consensus, and working out ways to financing LRT. 4 X. Task Force Reports Commissioner Kramer announced on behalf of Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti that she is planning a golf outing for the Planning Commission in August. It will be on a Friday following a regular Commission meeting. XI. Old Business None XII. New Business None XIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Recorded and prepared by Kate Fleming,Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Approved /Z1 s— ( ate) Larry ..•erholm u McCall Planning Administrator Secretary of the Planning Commission PED\Fleming\Minutes\July 29,2005 5