10/10-10/14/2005 Meetings for the week of October 10th- October 14th Page 1 of 1 The City of Saint Paul AA A Meetings for the Week of October 10th, thru October 14th, 2005 MONDAY - October 10th Board of Zoning Appeals 3:00 PM Room 330, City Hall TUESDAY - October 11th *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/ Court House *Ramsey County Budget Meeting 1:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Board of Water Commissions 5:00 PM Room 220, City Hall WEDNESDAY - October 12th *City Council Budget Meeting 10:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall *Housing &Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Authority *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Parks & Recreation Commission 6:30 PM Dunning Recreation Center THURSDAY - October 13th No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY - October 14th Legislative Hearing for Blue Store 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/meetings.html 10/10/2005 lommannwr sA hT ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL PAI L ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and RECEIVEDEconomic Development "A OCT 0 3 2005 Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 blic Hearing Notice CITY CLERK FILE#05-160-844 PURPOSE: Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 599 Wells,between Payne and Edgerton APPLICANT: Shao Xiong HEARING DATE: Tuesday,October 11,2005,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard. You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6591,or e-mail emily.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at (651)774-5234 if you have any questions. Mailed:September 30,2005 5 N T RECEIUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and OCT 0 3 200ublic Hearing Notice Economic Development A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 CITY CLERK FILE#05-158-185 PURPOSE: Rezoning from VP(Vehicular Parking)to RM2(Medium Density Multi-family Residential)to develop site for residential use PROPERTY ADDRESS: 961 Prosperity Ave,between Ames Ave.and railroad tracks. FILE NAME:Rob Clapp HEARING DATE:Tuesday,October 11,2005,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3rd Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6591,or e-mail emily.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call your District Council representative at (651)774-2220 if you have any questions. Mailed: October 1,2005 s A I N T ST PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL PAUL RECEI COMMITTEE Dept.of Planning and Public Hearing Notice Economic Development AAAA OCT 0 3 2005 Phone:(651)266-6589 Fax: (651)228-3220 CITY CLERK FILE#05-162-754 PURPOSE: Review of Conditional Use Permit approved in 2004 for operation of wood recycling center(zoning file#04-108-964). PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2165 Pigs Eye Lake Road FILE NAME: Environmental Wood Supply HEARING DATE: Tuesday,October 11,2005,at 3:30 p.m. All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3"'Floor City Hall-Court House, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send written comments to Zoning Committee at the address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call 651-266-6639,or e-mail patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at 651-501-6345 if you have any questions. Mailed: October 1,2005 Christine Haas- Meetings of the Week Calendar Page 1 From: Racquel Naylor To: Haas, Christine; Moore, Shari Date: 10/7/2005 4:10:37 PM Subject: Meetings of the Week Calendar Please add the following to the calendar: Legislative Hearing for Blue Store Friday, October 14, 2005 10:00 a.m. Room 330 CH Thanks in advance. If this doesn't make the deadline--I know I'm sending this late--that's fine. -Racquel, 6-8573 saint CtPR1 paul Parks and Recreation Commission C1PR1 . Nze -, 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.4tb Street,Saint Paul,MN 55102-(651)266-6400 N t al Mina .-; S ,r AGENDA RECEIVEDWednesday,October 12, 2005 Dunning Recreation Center OCT 0 6 2005 1. 6:30 p.m. AGENDA,MINUTES, INTRODUCTIONS,ANNOUNCEMEIWY CLERK 2. 6:40 p.m. ACTION ITEM A. Resolution 05-12 (Draft) Dr. Valentine O'Malley B. Resolution 05-14 Vacating Cullen St. adjacent to Bay Triangle Park 3. 7:00 p.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. National Great River Park Plan Update B. Proposed Park Dedication Ordinance Update C. Discussion of NRPA and MRPA Conferences D. Review of Commission Goal to Improve access to park and recreation services for all cultures and ages, soliciting input in public hearings and surveys. E. Review Division and Commission Accomplishments F. Update on 2006 Budget Approval Process G. Review of Park Partners 4. 8:10 p.m. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 5. 8:15 p.m. SUBCOMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE REPORTS 6. 8:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT LEASE NOTICES/OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST NEXT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Dayton's Bluff Recreation Center November 9,2005 Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are open to the public. If you require special accommodation or would like a copy of the minutes, call(651)266-6398. TTY#(651) 266-6378. AGENDA ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2005 3:30 P.M. City Council Chambers Third Floor City Hall -Saint Paul, Minnesota. NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Zoning Committee will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. APPROVAL OF September 29, 2005, ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES OLD BUSINESS 1. 05-136-754 - Environmental Wood Supply Review of Conditional Use Permit approved in 2004 for operation of wood recycling center (zoning file #04-108-964) 2165 Pigs Eye Lake Road, between CP rail yards and Metropolitan Waste Treatment Plant Zoning: 12, RC2 Staff: Patricia James NEW BUSINESS 2. 05-158-185 - Rob Clapp Rezoning from VP (Vehicular Parking) to RM2 (Medium Density Multiple-family Residential) to develop site for residential use 961 Prosperity Ave., between Ames Ave. and railroad tracks Zoning: VP Staff: Emily Ulmer 3. 05-160-844 - Shao Xiong Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a duplex 599 Wells, between Payne and Edgerton Zoning: R4 Staff: Emily Ulmer OLD BUSINESS 4. Revised Amendments to the Sign Ordinance Proposed amendments to the sign ordinance dealing with banners and promotional signs on skyways downtown and banners on light poles citywide Staff: Wendy Lane, Patricia James ADJOURNMENT ZONING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Call Allan Torstenson at 266-6579 or Christina Danico at 266-6546 if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your designated representative must attend this meeting to answer any questions that the committee may have. t, BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS x,_ �' '�,:,' President: Patrick Harris • Vice President:John Zanmiller Commissioners:Matt Anfang ♦ Bob Cardinal • Gregory Kleindl • Debbie Montgomery ♦ Dave Thune BECENED 00 052005 CITY CLE* October 3, 2005 NOTICES TO: Pat Harris, President John Zanmiller, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang Bob Cardinal Gregory Kleindl Debbie Montgomery Dave Thune MEETING LOCATION CHANGE The next Board of Water Commissioners meeting will be held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2005 at 5 p.m. in the Ramsey County Board Room 220, City Hall/Courthouse. Please contact Steve Schneider at 651-266-6724 if you are unable to attend. Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Lisa Veith, Board Attorney Pioneer Press SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Stephen P. Schneider, General Manager 1900 Rice St. Saint Paul MN 55113-6810 • TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills-Falcon Heights Lauderdale Little Canada Maplewoodtitendota•Mendota Heights Roseville Saint Paul West St. Paul AA-ADA-EEO Employer (t� ME, 0> printed on recycled paper