6/27-7/1/2005 Meetings for the week of June 27th - July 1st Page 1 of 1
The City of Saint Paul
it Mt Meetings for the Week of
June 27th, thru July 1st, 2005
MONDAY - June 27th
No Meetings Scheduled
TUESDAY - June 28th
*Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/ Court
Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall
Legislative Hearing 1:30 PM Room 330, City Hall
Port Authority 2:00 PM 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St.
Peter Street
WEDNESDAY - June 29th
No Meetings Scheduled
THURSDAY - June 30th
No Meetings Scheduled
FRIDAY -July 1st
Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40, City Hall
*Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18.
Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by
calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. A minimum of two days notice is
For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to:
citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989
http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 6/24/2005
JUN-24-2005 10: 14 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02
651 266-8350
Monday, June 27, 2005
8:30 a.m. Joint Property Tax Advisory Committee
Large Conference Room, 220 Court House
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting
Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House
Immediately following the County Board (and reconvening at 1:30 p.m.)
Board Workshop—Ramsey Nursing Home (RNH) Market Analysis
and Port Authority Presentation on Senior Housing at the RNH site
Large Conference Room, 220 Court House
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Friday, July 1, 2005
Advance Notice
July 5, 2005 - No County Board Meeting — Holiday Week
July 12, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers
July 19, 2005 - No County Board Meeting — NACo Conference
July 26, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — County Chambers
August 2, 2005 - No County Board Meeting
JUNE 28, 2005
2:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Board Room,Saint Paul Port Authority,345 St. Peter Street,Saint Paul
1. Approval of the Minutes from the May 24, 2005 Regular Board Meeting
Conflict of Interest
1. Acceptance First Quarter Financial Statements
2. Resolution No. 4132 Pension Plan Restatement
1. Resolution No. 4133 Public Hearing — Sale of Land — Purchase of 400 North Hamline
Avenue—Target Corporation
2. Resolution No. 4134 Public Hearing — Sale of Land — Great Northern Business Center
South—DESP Rentals, LLC
3. Resolution No. 4135 Public Hearing—Sale of Land—Great Northern Business Center
4. Resolution No. 4136 Public Hearing — Sale of Land — Great Northern Business Center—
South—Restoration Professionals Holdings,LLC
5. Resolution No. 4137 Headhouse Quit Claim
6. Resolution No.4138 Large STAR Grant Application for the Globe Building Site
7. Resolution No.4139 Application to Metropolitan Council Livable Community
Demonstration Account for the Globe Building Site Redevelopment
8. Informational Status Report on High Performance Building Design in Port
Authority Business Centers
1. Resolution No. 4140 Human Resources Matter
2. Such Other Business That May Come Before the Board
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center SUN 2 2 2005
15 Kellogg Boulevard West CITY
Minutes of June 3, 2005
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, June 3, 2005,
at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu,McCall, Morton,
Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Alton,Anfang,Bellus, Gordon,Johnson,Kong, Kramer,
Commissioners Mmes. *Fancy, *Porter and Messrs. *Aligada, *Coletta, *Dandrea, *Goodlow,
Also Present: Larry Soderholm,Planning Administrator; Donna Drummond, Jessica Rosenfield,
Penny Simison, Allan Torstenson, Carol Martineau, and Kate Fleming, Depaitinent
of Planning and Economic Development Staff.
I. Approval of minutes of May 20, 2005
MOTION: Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of May 20, 2005.
Commissioner McCall seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announcements
Chair Johnson and Commissioner Kramer stated they attended a luncheon in honor of the
ground breaking of the final segment of Phalen Boulevard. A small area plan for land use and
street connections is just being started for the east and of the Phalen Corridor, which
Commissioner Kramer will be chairing.
Chair Johnson announced that the Long-range Policy Committee will have its first meeting on
Thursday, June 9th at 8:00 a.m. on the 11th floor of City Hall Annex. Commissioner Bellus has
agreed to chair the committee. If more commission members want to join the committee,please
'contact Chair Johnson or Commissioner Bellus. Chair Johnson also made a request for any
members who would like to serve as liaisons to the Riverfront Compact,which is being organized
by the Riverfront Corporation and Parks and Recreation.
M. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Larry Soderholm reported on the planning-related items on the City Council agenda on June 1S`
He thanked Commissioners Gladys Morton, Brian Alton, and the other members who organized
the retirement and goodbye party for Mary Bruton.
Commissioner Gordon reported on the City Council's public hearing and vote on the Jeremiah
IV. Zoning Committee
Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report.
#05-092-406 Joshua Onchwari- Conditional Use Permit for outdoor sales of vehicles.
1117-1125 Rice Street,between Geranium&Jessamine. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
Commissioner Morton stated that District 6 recommended denial. Three people spoke in support.
One petition with 33 signatures were received in support. One person spoke in opposition and 3
letters in opposition were received. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee
recommends denial on a vote of 7-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to deny the
Conditional Use Permit. The motion to deny passed on a vote of 18-1 (Mejia).
#05-097-113 Lynda Mohs-Nonconforming Use Permit to establish legal nonconforming
use status for an income tax/accounting business. 1771-1775 Ford Parkway,between Fairview
and Davern. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
Commissioner Morton stated that District 15 made no recommendation.No one spoke in support.
One letter was received in support. No one spoke in opposition, and three letters were received in
opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommends approval with
conditions on a vote of 7-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve
the Nonconforming Use Permit. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
#05-098-650 McDonald's USA,LLC- Conditional Use Permit for a fast food restaurant
(reconstruct existing business). 1165 Prosperity Ave., SW corner at Maryland.
(Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
Commissioner Morton stated that District 2 recommended approval. One person spoke in
support. The public hearing was left opened. The Zoning Committee laid the case over to
June 23,2005.
V. Mayor's StreetBeat Report - Presentation by Tom Triplett
Chair Johnson introduced Mr. Tom Triplett, Senior Policy Advisor to Mayor Kelly. Mr. Triplett
reported on the StreetBeat Project and passed out the final report. The report organizes the
broad range of public input into nine substantive topics. Of those, Mr. Triplett asked the
Planning Commission, on behalf of the Mayor, to focus on three of the topics: riverfront
planning, transportation, and homeless and supportive housing. He elaborated on the initiatives
the Mayor is making in these three areas and suggested how the Planning Commission could
make contributions to community-based decisions for moving ahead on each of the three. Chair
Johnson complemented the Mayor and Mr. Triplett on the StreetBeat process and encouraged
the Commissioners to read the materials.
Commissioner Gordon stated the Planning Commission has a long history of involvement on
riverfront redevelopment, transportation, and housing. All of them are issues addressed in the
City's Comprehensive Plan. He said that the Planning Commission has some expertise in these
areas and would be happy to join in these initiatives. The Planning Commission is in a unique
position to bring neighborhood concerns on these issues together with City department expertise
and to develop recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council.
At the inquiry of Commissioner Morton, Mr. Triplett gave a brief report on the Union Depot.
Housing is planned on the upper floors, but that the main floor is proposed to be reserved for a
transportation concourse and commercial use.
VI. Comprehensive Planning Committee
CIB Process - Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen gave brief report on the committee's discussion
and the resulting draft letter from Chair Johnson to CIB Chair Gary Unger.
Commissioner Gordon said that many of the concerns raised about the CIB process could also be
raised about the STAR Board's process. He suggested that any evaluation of the CIB process
might be expanded to cover the STAR process at the same time.
Commissioners Bellus and Kramer commented on number 5 in the letter as drafted by Larry
Soderholm, and the Commission agreed that it should be reworded.
Commissioner Zimmer Lonettii asked whether the STAR money that has been dedicated to the
Housing 5000 Program will go back into the STAR Board's process when the program winds up
at the end of the year. Mr. Gordon said he doesn't have an answer at this point.
MOTION: Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen moved that, based on the preceding discussion,Mr.
Soderholm prepare a revised letter for Chair Johnson's approval and signature to be sent to the
CIB Committee in time for their public hearing on June 9r", with copies to the STAR Board and
staff The motion carried on a unanimous vote.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
Neighborhood Plan Decertification-Approve resolution that nine of the thirteen
neighborhood plans considered at the public hearing be allowed to expire this summer and that the
remaining four plans not be decertified. (Larry Soderholm 651/266-6575)
MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved the resolution in the packet to decertify 9 of the 13
plans, and retain the 4 remaining plans until they can be updated or incorporated into more
recent plans. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
West Midway-South St. Anthony Park Redevelopment Plan Amendment-Approve resolution.
(Donna Drummond 651/266-6556)
Donna Drummond gave a report on the Johnson Brother Liquor redevelopment project.
MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved the resolution in the packet that the Planning
Commission finds the amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for West Midway-South St
Anthony Park to be consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.The motion carried
unanimously on a voice vote.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
IX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti reported that the Lexington Park Design Advisory group will
meet Monday, June 6th, 5:00-6:30 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center on Kent
Street. They will discuss the Aldi's grocery store, TCF Bank and senior housing.
Commissioner Mejia reported that the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 7th of the Fitzgerald
Park Task Force has been canceled and will be delayed until Fall.
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
Commissioner Zimmer-Lonetti announced that she is looking into holding another Planning
Commission Golf Outing, possibly at the redesigned Highland National Course.
XII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by
Kate Fleming,Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Paul
Respectfully submitted, Approved /yyrc /7i de 0
/ - 4`11I, , /1 1 1 6 I••(....C.....
Larry S • holm ue McCall
Plannin: • dministrator Secretary of the Planning Commission
PED\Fleming\Minutes\June 3,2005
June 1, 2005
JUN 0 2 2005
JUNE 28, 2005
Chair Michael Goldner is calling the regular board meeting to be held on Tuesday,
June 28, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority, 1900
Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint. Paul, Minnesota 55102.
Kenneth R. Johnson
cc: The Port Authority Commissioners
Mayor Randy Kelly
City Council
Terrence J. Garvey
Briggs & Morgan
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Representatives of the Press
Don Luna, City Clerk
Susan Kimberly, PED
St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce
Midway Area Chamber of Commerce
Pig's Eye Coalition
Manual Cervantes, City Attorney
Members of the Ramsey County Delegation