4/4-4/8/2005 Meetings for the week of April 4th- April 8th Page 1 of 1
; 4% The City of Saint Paul
MOM Meetings for the Week of
April 4th, thru April 8th, 2005
MONDAY - April 4th
Legislative Hearing for Kaku 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall
TUESDAY - April 5th
*Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/Court
Legislative Hearing 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall
Legislative Hearing 1:30 PM Room 330, City Hall
WEDNESDAY - April 6th
City Council Closed Door Session 1:00 PM Room 310, City Hall
(Closed to the Public)
*Ad Hoc Legislative Committee 2:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
*City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
*City Council Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
THURSDAY- April 7th
No Meetings Scheduled
FRIDAY -April 8th
Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40, City Hall
Legislative Hearing for St. Paul
Curling Club 10:00 AM Room 330, City Hall
*Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18.
Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by
calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is
For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to:
citizen.service@sjpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989
http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/meetings.html 4/1/2005
*11 Dept.of Planning and
Economic Development
A A A A Phone:(651)266-6589
ourommo Fax: (651)228-3220
Public Hearing Notice
PURPOSE: Appeal of Planning Commission approval of new Conditional Use
Permit to allow only 23 vehicles on the lot,(38 vehicles requested).
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 380 Maryland Ave.W.,SW corner at Western
HEARING DATE: Wednesday,April 6,2005,at 5:30 p.m.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3rd Floor City Hall-Court House,
15 W. Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the
address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6639,or e-mail
patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)488-4485 if you have any questions.
Mailed: March 25,2005
PAUL Dept.of Planning and
Economic Development
A A A A Fax: (651)228-3220
&W Public Hearing Notice
PURPOSE: Combined plat to create 4 industrial parcels: 1 new and 3 remnants
PROPERTY ADDRESS: Area bounded by Dale,Minnehaha,Arundel and Soo line
property to the north
APPLICANT: St.Paul Port Authority
HEARING DATE: Wednesday,April 6,2005,at 5:30 p.m.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3'Floor City Hall-Court House, 15
W. Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the address
listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6576,or e-mail
allen.lovejoy@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)298-5068 if you have any questions.
Mailed: March 25,2005
Dept.of Planning and
Economic Development
AAAA Phone: (651)266-6589
Fax: (651)228-3220
Public Hearing Notice
PURPOSE: Combined Plat to create two commercial parcels to accommodate the
Healtheast Care Systems Rice Street Clinic and parking lot
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 980 and 1006 North Rice St.
HEARING DATE: Wednesday,April 6,2005,at 5:30 p.m.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers, 3Td Floor City Hall -Court House,
15 W. Kellogg Boulevard. You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the
address listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call (651)266-6576,or e-mail
allen.lovjoy@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)488-4485 if you have any questions.
Mailed: March 25,2005
DeptEcon.ofm Planning and
Economic Development
AAAA Fax: (651)228-3220
Public Hearing Notice
PURPOSE: Rezoning from I1 (Light Industrial)to TN3(Traditional
PROPERTY ADDRESS: Area bounded by University,Hampden,Charles,and
APPLICANT: University Carleton,LLC
HEARING DATE: Wednesday,April 6,2005,at 5:30 p.m.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3'Floor City Hall-Court House, 15
W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the address
listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6556,or e-mail
donna.drummond@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)649-5992 if you have any questions.
Mailed: March 25,2005
PAUL Dept.of Planning and
Economic Development
A A A A Fax: (651)228-3220
Public Hearing Notice
PURPOSE: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13
sites for redevelopment,one outlot and one park to provide 322 housing units and
limited commercial use along West Seventh Street
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1428 West Seventh Street,778 Otto,Area bounded by Soo
Line Railroad,Otto Avenue and West Seventh Street
APPLICANT: Housing and Redevelopment Authority
HEARING DATE:WedueedwAprittpoliftlit5t3ftikm.
All public hearings are held in City Council Chambers,3'Floor City Hall-Court House, 15
W.Kellogg Boulevard.You may send written comments to the Zoning office at the address
listed on the reverse side of this card. Please call(651)266-6576,or e-mail
allen.lovejoy@ci.stpaul.mn.us,or call your District Council representative at
(651)298-5599 if you have any questions.
Mailed: March 25,2005
Shari Moore-Announcement of a City Council Closed Door Session: 1 PM April 6, 2005 Page 1
From: Trudy Moloney
To: Angie Nalezny; Council; Dennis Flaherty; Jean Karpe; Jerry Hendrickson; Manuel
Cervantes; Shari Moore
Date: 3/15/2005 8:55:02 AM
Subject: Announcement of a City Council Closed Door Session: 1 PM April 6, 2005
The purpose of this email is to schedule a closed door session of the City Council on April 6, 2005 at 1 PM
in the Council's Northwest Conference Room (Room 310 City Hall) regarding the City's final position for
arbitration. Please post and forward this message as appropriate.
Thank you.
Announcing a closed door session on the CitrifiThal position for arbitration
Alt 1 PM
City Councii's Northwest roaaference Room(Room 310 C1ty'Half) \�
555 Cedar Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota 5 5 10 1-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY
Ramsey County Government Center West (RCGC-West)
50 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 930 - STAR Room 441' C /11
Saint Paul M '0
(Enter on the river side/back of the building.) qR 3 0 2045
c/7-V It e*
1. Call to Order
2. Update on Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Staff Training - SuzAnn Stenso-Velo
3. Presentation on STEPS (Steps to a Healthier Saint Paul)
4. Approval of Summary Meeting Minutes from March 2, 2005
5. Chairperson's Report
6. Director's Report
7. Adjourn
CHSAC Public Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.
1. March 2005 Minutes
2. March 2005 Section Updates
** Attention CHS Advisory Committee Members **
Please contact Jan Pierson if you will not be attending the meeting:
Phone: 651-266-2408
E-Mail: jan.pierson@co.ramsey.mn.us
555 Cedar Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2260 RAMSEY COUNTY
MARCH 2, 2005.
Nina Hakanson Betsy Garcia Mavis Brehm, WSCHS
Joan Johnson Shannon Heitz Rob Fulton
Mary Anne Mathews Kalia Lo Mary Peick
Jennifer Rauch Theresa McConnon
Jack Rossbach Esther Tatley
Murray Sagsveen
Graham Thompson Mary Ackerman
Alyssa Vang Debbie Luna
Joanne Westergard Sheri Smith
Kathy Wilken
Mark Wolf
Jack Rossbach chaired the meeting and asked all present to introduce themselves. Mavis
Brehm then gave a presentation on the services of the West Side Community Health Services.
Following the presentation, the committee toured the facility.
Mary Peick presented information on Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) services that are
provided at West Side. She passed out information indicating the growth of WIC services over
the past five years and the number of children receiving WIC services who are considered
overweight or at risk of being overweight.
Rob Fulton then provided information on the county's financial support of safety net health
services. The county provides funds to community clinics and Regions Hospital totaling
$3,164,000. These funds assure that uninsured, low-income Ramsey County residents can
receive sliding fee scale or free services for health care problems. Mavis Brehm then reviewed
issues of community clinics that provided over$3.2M in uncompensated care. She reviewed
the Federally Qualified Health Center program that supports West Side and Open Cities clinics
in the county. She noted that challenges include marketing to the commercial market,
balancing revenues among federal, state, and county, moving to electronic medical records,
and continuing to provide prevention services.
Rob Fulton distributed the Section Updates, articles on pertussis in adults, particle air pollution,
and materials on the "fresh air" campaign on the smoke free restaurants. He also noted that
legislation on state wide smoke free restaurants was not proceeding well in the state
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.
*AAA •
H.amley County
Saint PauC- Ramsey County Department of Public
Section 'Updates - March 2005.
There has been a lot of activity with the tuberculosis issue and Hmong refugees. Of the cases
reported occurring after arrival in the United States,most have been in California. According to
Zachary Taylor,MD, Chief of the Field Services and Evaluation Branch, Division of
Tuberculosis Elimination at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of March 11,
2005,there have been 36 cases of active tuberculosis reported among the newly arrived Hmong
refugees nationwide. Ten have been in children less than 4 years of age, seven in children 5-15
years of age, and 19 in adults 15 years or older. Seven cases occurred in persons classified as free
of active TB for immigration purposes. Four of the cases have been identified as multi-drug
resistant. Even though Minnesota has received more recent Hmong refugees than any other state,
we have not had many TB cases in this group. So far Ramsey County has the only two cases,one
adult and one child. Neither has organisms that are drug-resistant.
On March 17,I participated on a panel of four experts gathered by the Minnesota Department of
Health to discuss the tuberculosis situation with the Hmong refugees and how it is affecting local
health departments. Among the 75 people attending,there was good representation from our
Department. Patty Seflow made comments about how and when to refer patients to the TB Clinic
During March I hosted a physician from the Occupational Medicine Residency at Regions
Hospital,Dr. Ismail Nabeel. As part of his preventive medicine and public health rotation,he
observed programs and participated in clinics for three days a week. He got involved with
activities at the Minnesota Institute of Public Health in Mounds View in the area of tobacco and
alcohol use and abuse prevention. Dr.Nabeel is also participating in a project about pesticides
and prevention of adverse health effects in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota.
He is in the last of three years of the residency and plans to focus his career on prevention of
On March 10,Cynthia Kenyon from the Minnesota Department of Health and I made a
presentation about pertussis to a group of nurse managers of college health services in the
metropolitan area. It was at the invitation of Barb Bester who manages the health service at
Hamline University. On March 11,I gave a talk to the primary care physicians at United
Hospital at their monthly staff meeting. The invitation was extended by Dr. Dick Shank. It was
especially enjoyable because Dick and I worked closely 30 years ago as medical residents at
Hennepin County Medical Center.
I continue to make presentations to volunteers in the Medical Reserve Corps. The meetings are
facilitated by Sharon Borg and Barb Nelson.
Yard Waste Program/Policy and Planning
■ The County Board on March 15 approved relocation of the White Bear Township yard
waste site to a new location about 800 feet north of the current site,but still within
Ramsey County open space. The current site is not fully usable and is built on poor soils.
In addition,it abuts North Oaks property slated for residential development. This is one
of four of the County's seven yard waste sites where,beginning in 2004,residential tree
and shrub waste is being accepted, in addition to leaves and grass clippings. However,
the White Bear Town Board does not allow tree and shrub waste to be chipped on site
because of North Oaks concerns expressed last year,necessitating higher costs for
moving loose tree and shrub waste off site. The new site offered by the County Parks
Dept. is larger,has better soils,and is better screened. The North Oaks Company
supports relocating the site and will contribute some in-kind earthmoving services and
tree planting. The North Oaks Company and the neighbors who complained last year are
both supportive of moving the site and allowing wood grinding on site. The
Environmental Health Section is now proceeding to work with the County Public Works
and Parks depts. on designing and permitting the site.
• The County Board on March 15 took preliminary action to authorize opening of three
yard waste sites one weekend a month next winter,to accommodate residents who prune
trees and shrubs in winter(late winter is the best time for most trees),while also
providing an outlet for holiday/Christmas trees.
• Weather permitting,the yard waste sites will open for the season starting Monday,March
28(same hours as previous years).
New Contract with Minnesota Department of Health
Beginning in March,the Minnesota Department of Health(MDH)will contract with our
department for.5 FTE of Grit Youngquist's time.The arrangement will last for 1 year. Grit will
continue to-office with HCS in the West Building and will spend.5 FTE on on-going assignments
in adolescent health promotion. For MDH, she will work on a new Centers for Disease Control&
Prevention(CDC)funded grant focused on sexual violence prevention. She joins with three other
contractors who will spend the next year as a project team. They will work to create/improve
infrastructure across the state to help make it possible for local communities to better address
issues of sexual violence,particularly prevention.Grit's focus will be on teen pregnancy/healthy
youth development and how it intersects with sexual violence prevention.Two of the contractors
will focus on male leadership development; and the fourth person's work will focus on health
systems: clinics,hospitals and public health.It is anticipated that the team will work on
education/awareness raising,local leadership development and some policy/systems changes.
Amy Okaya is coordinating the project at MDH. Amy works in MDH's Injury and Violence
Prevention Unit in the Center for Health Promotion. Amy may be familiar to some SPRCDPH
staff for her violence prevention work a number of years ago when she shared PH office space in
the West Building. The other three contractors include: Pat Koppa of Public Health Consultants
(based in the West Metro area). Pat will focus on Public Health/Health Care.Male Leadership
Development work will be shared by Chuck Derry of the Gender Violence Institute(based in
Clearwater),and Frank Jewell/Jason Bell of Men as Peacemakers (based in Duluth).
Updates will be provided as the work progresses through the year.
Trainings and Brown Bag Lunches offered for"Who Will I Become?" "Kuv Yuav
Peem Tsheej Ua Tug Tuabneeg Zoo Le Caag?"
Since the summer of 2004,the city of Saint Paul and Ramsey County have become home to several thousand
new Hmong residents. "Who Will I Become?" "Kuv Yuav Peem Tsheej Ua Tug Tuabneeg Zoo Le Caag?" is
a video that provides unique opportunities to understanding Hmong refugees and for engaging
workplaces/groups with educationally stimulating conversations. There will be numerous happenings
surrounding"Who Will I Become?" "Kuv Yuav Peem Tsheej Ua Tug Tuabneeg Zoo Le Caag?" in 2005.
There will be a training in May along with a minimum of 4 brown bag lunch sessions in different Ramsey
County locations. VHS and DVDs(with detailed discussion guides)are available for those who are interested
in utilizing this as a training resource for their office.For further information,contact Mai Moua at(651)266-
Donald Gault Presents at the Centers for Disease Control
Donald Gault was invited to and presented at a national Centers for Disease Control training on
primary prevention of domestic violence in Atlanta on February 28th. The trainings provided
background on the creation and evaluation of The Initiative for Violence-Free Families and
Communities in Ramsey County,with a focus on the Workplace Action Team's efforts over the
past 15 years establishing violence-free,respectful work environments and addressing domestic
violence in the workplace. The Initiative is seen as a model by the CDC for primary prevention
of family, community and workplace violence, and it is encouraging communities and states
across the nation to consider using both the model and tools created by The Initiative in their
efforts to prevent violence.
Minnesota Cross Walk Law Enhancement Bill
Healthy Communities has been concerned that there is much confusion and non-compliance of
the Pedestrian Cross Walk law exhibited by increased number of deaths since the current law has
been enacted. At this time pedestrians don't seem to know when to cross the street and drivers
don't know if it's safe to stop for pedestrians. With approval from the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, Senate file 1144 and House File 1153 were introduced. SF 1144 was heard in
the Transportation Committee and passed onto the Finance Committee. HF 1153 has not been
heard in a committee as yet. The proposal is to develop a special fund for statewide education
and enforcement of the present law, as these components seem to be lacking at this time. If this
legislation passes, we hope that Minnesota will be safer for pedestrians and motor vehicles alike
on the roads they share.
• We are busy recruiting,interviewing, and hiring in anticipation of upcoming staff turnover.
Annetta Madsen will start med school this summer,Heather Nicholson will enter Augsburg's
Physician Assistant Program this spring,and Anna McGovern will be starting a combined
masters in nursing and Latin American Studies in New Mexico this fall. Two other staff
members are currently in the process of applying for med school and grad school.
• Colly Huberty's grant proposal was funded and our WIC program will be one of three in MN
to launch"WIC Peer Support Pilot Grant Projects." Colly will be working closely with the
American Indian Family Center's doulas in the implementation of this grant.
• We are waiting to see if General Mills will be funding Blia Vang's grant proposal for"Tot
Gym Time" at the McDonough Community Center. This collaborative project with WIC,
Head Start, and McDonough Housing will promote physical activity and better eating for
WIC children at McDonough.
• Kathy Duffy is working with the St. Paul Farmers'Market to see if a satellite Farmers'
Market can be offered for a few hours each Thursday during the summer at the WIC clinic
located on the East Side of St.Paul. It looks likely,and we are delighted that WIC
participants at our East Side WIC clinic will be able to use their WIC-issued Farmers'Market
coupons in the parking lot of the WIC clinic.
APR-01-2005 09: 17 RAMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02
651 266-8350
Monday, April 4, 2005
4:00—5:30 p.m. - Reception for Commissioner-Elect Toni Carter
Room 220 Large Conference Room
City Hall / Court House
15 W. Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul
5:30 p.m. - Oath of Office— Commissioner Toni Carter
Memorial Hall, City Hall/Court House
15 W. Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul
Tuesday, April 5,2005
Beginning at 9:00 a.m. (and continuing after the Workshop, if necessary)
County Board Meeting
Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House
Regional Railroad Authority
Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House
Executive Session Re: B.P. v_ Ramsey County
Room 220 Large Conference Room
1:45 p.m. - Board Workshop—Workforce Centers
Room 220 Large Conference Room
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
10:30 a.m. - Metropolitan 911 Board Executive Committee
2099 University Avenue W., St. Paul
1:00 p.m. - Property Tax Study Group Elected Officials Meeting
Little Canada City Hall, 515 Little Canada Road East
Thursday,April 7, 2005
Friday, April 8, 2005
10:00 a.m. - AMC Legislative Steering Committee
125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul
Advance Notice
April 12, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers
April 19, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers
April 26, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. County Board Meeting — Council Chambers
Council File# OS—a.)0
13\fv\it,‘"kgA LML40-3
Green Sheet# 3025403
Presented By Q f1
Referred To Committee Date :
1 An ordinance to amend APR p
2 Chapter 366A of the �1 7 2405
3 Saint Paul Legislativee Code tyCLERn.
7 Section 1
9 Chapter 366A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
_ 1 Chapter 366A. Parades, Races and Public Assemblies.
13 Sec. 366A.01. Permit Required.
15 No person shall engage in or conduct any parade, race or public assembly without a
16 permit issued by the chief of police.
18 Sec. 366A.02. Definitions.
20 (a) Chief of Police means the chief of police of the city of Saint Paul or his/her
21 designee.
23 (b) City means the city of Saint Paul.
25 (c) Parade means any march, demonstration, procession, or motorcade, consisting of
26 persons, animals or vehicles or a combination thereof upon the streets. sidewalks or other
27 public grounds within the city that interferes with the normal flow or regulation of traffic
28 upon the streets, sidewalks or other public grounds.
30 (d) Parade, race or public assembly permit means a permit as required by this
31 Ordinance.
33 (e) Person means any person. firm. partnership, association, corporation, company or
34 organization of any kind.
C:ADocu nents and Settingsvandersd\Local Settings\Temp`366A Ordinance fonnat-2 .wpd
oS- oK
1 ff Public assembly means any meeting, demonstration, picket line, rally or gathering
2 of more than twenty-five(25)persons for a common purpose as a result ofprior planning
3 in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public grounds in a_place open to the general
4 public.
6 (g) Race means any scheduled public event or gathering ofpersons for athletic events
7 that move from one location to another such as bicycle or running races.
9 au Sidewalk is any area or way set aside or open to the generalpublic for purposes of
10 pedestrian traffic, whether or not it is paved.
12 f Street is any place or way set aside or open to the general public for purposes of
13 vehicular traffic, including any berm or shoulderparkwav, right-of-way or median strip
14 thereof.
16 Sec. 366A.03. Exceptions.
18 The permit requirement described in Section 366A.01 shall not apply to the following:
20 Funeral processions;
22 ) Students going to and from school classes or participating in educational activities..
23 provided that such conduct is under the immediate direction and supervision of the proper
24 school authorities;
26 A governmental agency acting within the scope of its functions: and
28 Parades, races or public assemblies in parks, which are governed by Legislative
29 Code Chapter 170.
31 Sec. 366A.04. Application.
33 A person seeking a parade, race or public assembly permit shall file an application
34 with the chief of police on forms provided by such officer and the application shall be
35 signed by the applicant under oath. In order to ensure the timely appeal in the event of a
36 permit denial, it is recommended that applications be filed at least sixty(60) days prior to
37 the event. Nevertheless, any application filed within the minimum filing periods
38 prescribed in subsection (b) below, shall be processed during business hours.
40 (b) For single, non-recurring parades, races or public assemblies, an application for a
41 permit shall be filed with the chief of police as follows:
43 (1) At least seven (7) business days in advance of the proposed event for
44 parades or races of less than 200 participants and less than 30 vehicles and
45 animals:
47 (2) At least ten (10) business days in advance of the proposed event for parades
48 or races of 200 or more participants, or 30 or more vehicles and animals:
50 (3) At least five (5) calendar days in advance of the proposed event for public
C:\Documents and Settings andersd\Local Settings\Temp\366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
oS - n
1 assemblies of less than 100 participants which will not interfere with the
2 normal flow or regulation of vehicular traffic;
(4) At least seven (7)business days in advance of the proposed event for public
assemblies of 100 or more participants or which will,regardless of size,
6 interfere with the normal flow or regulation of vehicular traffic;
8 (5) No application shall be filed more than one hundred eighty(180) days
9 before the parade, race or public assembly is proposed to commence.
11 (6) The chief of police may waive the minimum filing periods set forth above
12 and accept an application filed within a shorter period if. after due
13 consideration of the date, time,place and nature of the parade, race or public
14 assembly, the anticipated number of participants, and the city services
15 required in connection with the event, the chief ofpolice determines that the
16 waiver will not present a hazard to public safety. When determining
17 whether to waive the minimum filing period, the chief of police may not
18 consider the speech content of the event.
20 fcj For parades, races or public assemblies held on a regular or recurring basis at the
21 same location, an application for apermit covering all such parades,races or public
22 assemblies during that calendar year may be filed with the chief of police at least sixty(60)
23 and not more than one hundred eighty(180) days before the date and time at which the first
24 such parade, race or public assembly is proposed to commence. The chief of police may
25 waive the minimum sixty(60) days period after due consideration of the factors specified in
subsection (b)(6) above.
28 (d) The application for aparade. race or public assembly permit shall set forth the
29 following information:
31 �l,) The name, address and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct
32 such parade, race or public assembly; this person should be the person in charge or
33 chairperson of the parade, race or public assembly;
35 al The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the headquarters of the
36 organization for which the parade, race or public assembly is to be conducted, if
37 any, and the authorized and responsible heads of the organization;
39 (3) The requested date of the parade, race or public assembly;
41 (4) The location of the parade. race or public assembly and the route to be
42 traveled, including the starting point and the termination point;
44 (5) The hours when such parade. race or public assembly will start and
45 terminate;
47 (6) The statement as to whether the parade, race or public assembly will occupy
8 all or only a portion of the width of the streets proposed to be traversed;
50 (7) The location by street of any assembly areas for such parade, race or public
C:\Documents and Settings`andersd`.Local Settings\Temp'366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
S- av - .
1 assembly:
3 18,) The time at which units of the parade, race or public assembly will begin to
4 assemble at any such area:,
6 al The intervals of space to be maintained between units of such parade or
7 - public assembly;
9 (10) If the parade, race or public assembly is designed to be held by, or on behalf
10 of, any person other than the applicant, the applicant for such permit shall file a
11 letter from that person with the chief of police authorizing the applicant to apply for
12 the permit on his behalf;
14 (11) The type of parade, race or public assembly, including a description of
15 activities planned during the event;
17 (12) A description of any sound amplification equipment to be used in
18 connection with the parade, race or public assembly;
20 (13) The approximate number of participants (spectators are by definition not
21 participants), including the type and number of animals and vehicles;
23 (14) The approximate number of spectators reasonably anticipated;
25 (15) A designation of any public facilities or equipment to be utilized: and
27 (16) Any additional information that the chief ofpolice finds reasonably
28 necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should issue.
30 Sec. 366A.05. Fees.
32 ) A non-refundable fee of ten dollars ($10)to cover administrative costs of processing
33 the permit shall be paid to the city of Saint Paul by the applicant when the application is
34 filed.
36 (b) If the application is for the use of any city property or if any city services shall be
37 required for the parade, race or public assembly, the applicant shall pay, prior to the
38 issuance of a permit, the charges for those services in accordance with a schedule of service
39 costs approved by the city council by resolution.
41 1.0 The chief of police shall determine whether, and to what extent, additional police
42 protection is reasonably necessary for a parade, race or public assembly for traffic control
43 and public safety. The chief of police shall base this decision on the following factors:
45 (1) Staging
47 a. The number of streets or sidewalks to be controlled and/or closed;
48 b. The type of street or sidewalk to be controlled and/or closed, which
49 shall take into consideration the vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow
50 on the street or sidewalk;
C:\Documents and Settings\andersd\Local Settings`,Temp'366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
1 c. The time of day and day of week of the event;
2 d. The amount of vehicular and pedestrian traffic required to be
3 rerouted as a result of the event;
1 e. The number of electric traffic control devices that are required to be
5 operated manually by police officers as a result of the event;
6 f. The number of traffic/pedestrian control cones and parade barricades
7 that are required to be used as a result of the event;
8 g, The characteristics of the event and the area of the event, to include
9 the type and volume of the event traffic and the speed limits of the
10 area. The type of traffic could include,but is not limited to, types of
11 vehicles, pedestrian, and animals in the event; and
12 h. The number of supervisors with the requirement that there be at least
13 one supervisor if there are five (5) or more officers assigned to the
14 event.
16 (2) Event control point
18 a. The number and size of intersections to be controlled or closed; and
19 b. The number of supervisors required as set forth above;
21 (3) Event
23 a. Whether or not the sponsors are reauesting a ceremonial parade
24 escort.
25 b. The size of the event in terms of the number of participants,
5 spectators, vehicles and animals;
27 c. The time of day and day of week of the event;
28 d. The number of businesses that are affected by the event; and
29 e. The type of intersections that are affected by the event.
31 (4) Disbanding
33 a. Size and characteristics of the event.
35 (d) The speech content of the event shall not be a factor in determining the amount of
36 police protection necessary for the purposes of assessing a fee.
38 Lel If possible, without disruption of ordinary police services or compromise of public
39 safety, regularly scheduled on-duty personnel will police the event. If additional police
40 protection for the event is deemed necessary by the chief of police upon consideration of
41 the factors set forth in subsection (c), he shall so inform the applicant for the permit. The
42 applicant must then pay for the additional police services at the established formula rates.
43 The established formula rate for regular on-duty officers is regular salary,plus regular
44 fringe benefits, plus regular worker compensation. The established formula rate for
45 overtime officers is overtime salary, plus overtime fringe benefits, plus overtime worker
46 compensation. All formula salary and fringe benefit rates are established at the ten year
'7 rate for each officer's rank, as found in the current Saint Paul Police Federation Agreement
f8 plus the current worker compensation rates for the police department.
50 Sec. 366A.06. Standards for Issuance.
C:\Documents and Settings\andersd\Local Settings`Temp 366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
1 (a� The chief of police shall issue a permit as provided for herein when, from a
2 consideration of the application and from such other information as may otherwise be
3 obtained, he finds that:
5 LU The conduct of the parade, race or public assembly will not substantially
6 interrupt the safe and orderly movement of other pedestrian or vehicular traffic
7 contiguous to its route or location;
9 1_21 The conduct of the parade, race or public assembly will not require the
10 diversion of so great a number of city police officers to properlypolice the line of
11 movement and the areas contiguous thereto that the deployment of police services
12 for the proposed parade, race or public assembly would have an immediate and
13 adverse effect upon the welfare and safety of persons and property;
15 (3) The concentration of vehicles, persons and animals at public assembly
16 points of the parade,race orpublic assembiy will not unduly interfere with proper
17 fire and police protection of, or ambulance service to, areas contiguous to such
18 parade, race or public assembly;
20 IA) The conduct of the parade, race or public assembly is not reasonably likely
21 to cause injury to persons or property and will not, on its face, violate any federal.,
22 state or city law, regulation, or ordinance;
24 ) The parade, race orpublic assembly is scheduled to move from its point of
25 origin to its point of termination expeditiously and without unreasonable delays en
26 route:
28 !_61 Adequate sanitation and other required health facilities are or will be made
29 available in or adjacent to any parade, race or public assembly areas;
31 (7) There are sufficient parking places near the beginning and end sites of the
32 parade, race or public assembly to accommodate the number of vehicles reasonably
33 expected;
35 The applicant has paid all fees required under Section 366A.05;
37 No parade, race or public assemblypermit application for the same time and
38 location is already granted, or has been received and will be granted, and no event
39 listed in Section 366A .03 is already scheduled for the same time and location;
41 (10) The conduct of the parade, race or public assembly will not interfere with
42 previously scheduled construction or maintenance projects upon or along streets or
43 sidewalks;
45 (11) No parade, race or public assembly permit application for the same time but
46 different location is already granted or has been received and will be granted, and
47 the police resources required for that prior parade, race or public assembly are so
48 great that, in combination with the subsequent proposed permit, the resulting
49 deployment of police services would have an immediate and adverse effect upon the
50 welfare and safety of persons and property; and
C:\Documents and Settings\andersd\Local Settings\Temp'366A Ordinance fonnat-2 .wpd
. ti ti
os - a00
1 (12) No event is scheduled elsewhere in the city where the police resources
2 required for that event are so great that the deployment of police services for the
3 proposed parade, race or public assembly would have an immediate and adverse
effect upon the welfare and safety ofpersons and property.
6 (b) No permit shall be granted that allows for the erection or placement of any structure,
7 whether permanent or temporary, on a city street, sidewalk or right-of-way unless advance
8 approval for the erection or replacement of the structure is obtained from the city council.
10 (c) No permit shall be granted that allows a parade, race or public assembly to occur
11 between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
13 (d) In determining whether to grrant or deny a permit, the chief of police shall not
14 consider:
16 (1) The content of the speech,message, views or expression of the parade, race
17 or public assembly or its participants.,
19 (2) The potential conduct of spectators and other non-participants in response or
20 reaction to the content of the speech, message, views or expression of the parade,
21 race or public assembly or its participants.
23 Sec. 366A.07. Non-Discrimination.
�5 The chief of police shall uniformly consider each application upon its merits and shall not
5 discriminate in granting or denying permits under this ordinance based upon speech content or
27 upon political. religious, ethnic,race, disability, sexual orientation or gender related grounds.
29 Sec. 366A.08. Notice of Grant or Denial of Application.
31 (a) The chief of police shall act promptly upon a timely filed application for a parade,
32 race or public assembly permit but in no event shall grant or deny a permit less than forty-
33 eight (48) hours prior to the event. Applications filed more than thirty(30) days in advance
34 of the proposed event shall be processed within seven (7) days. Applications filed more
35 than sixty(60) days in advance of the event shall be processed within twenty-one (2lJ days.
37 (b) If the chief of police waives the minimum filing period and accepts for processing
38 an untimely application, he shall act upon the application as expeditiously as possible, but
39 must grant or deny the permit prior to the commencement of the proposed event.
41 1,0 If the chief of police disapproves the application, he shall promptly notify the
42 applicant of his action in writing, either by personal delivery or certified mail. and state the
43 reasons for denial.
45 Sec. 366A.09 Alternative Permit.
'7 (a) The chief of police, in denying an application for a parade. race or public assembly
48 permit, may authorize the conduct of the parade, race or public assembly at a date, time,
49 location, or route different from that named by the applicant. An applicant desiring to
50 accept an alternate permit shall, within five (5) days after notice of the action of the chief of
C:\Documents and Settings\andersd\Local Settings\Temp\366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
oc- a�D .
1 police, file a written notice of acceptance with the chief of police.
3 th) An alternate parade, race or public assembly permit shall conform to the
4 requirements of, and shall have the effect of, a parade, race or public assembly permit
5 issued under this ordinance.
7 Sec. 366A.10 Appeal Procedure.
9 ) Any applicant shall have the right to appeal the denial of a parade, race or public
10 assembly permit to the city council. The denied applicant shall make the appeal within five
11 (5) days after receipt of the denial by filing a written notice with the chief of police and a
12 copy of the notice with the city clerk. The city council shall act upon the appeal at the next
13 scheduled meeting following receipt of the notice of appeal.
15 In the event that the city council rjects an applicant's appeal, the applicant may file
16 an immediate request for review with a court of competent jurisdiction.
18 Sec. 366A.11 Notice to City and Other Officials.
20 Immediately upon the issuance of a parade, race or public assembly permit, the chief of
21 police shall send a copy thereof to the following:
23 u The mayor;
24 bL_) The fire chief;
25 ( The director of the department of public works: and
26 ) The manager or responsible head of the metropolitan transit commission.
28 Sec. 366A.12. Contents of Permit.
30 Each parade, race or public assembly permit shall state the following information:
32 Starting and approximate ending time;
34 Minimum speed of parade units;
36 Lc) Maximum speed of parade units;
38 fLd.) Maximum interval of space to be maintained between parade units;
40 The portions of the streets that may be occupied by the parade, race or public
41 assembly;
43 Lf The maximum length of the parade or race in miles or fractions thereof: and
45 (g) Such other information as the chief of police shall find necessary to the enforcement
46 of this ordinance.
48 Sec. 366A.13. Duties of Permitted.
50 A permitted hereunder shall comply with all permit directions and conditions and
C:\Documents and Settings andersd'.Local Settings\Temp\366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
apartment/office/council: Date Initiated:
PD —Police Department 25-FEB-05 Green Sheet NO: 3025403'
Contact Person&Phone:Chief John Harrington 1 Department Sent To Person Initial/Date
0 Police Department
266-5588 Assign 1 !Police Department Department Director
Must Be on Council Agenda by(Date): Number
2 ICity Attorney t/
Routing 3 Mayor's Office Mayor/Assistant
Order 4 ICouncil
5 ',City Clerk I City Clerk I
Total#of Signature Pages I (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of changes to City Ordinance Chapter 366A, Marches, Demonstrations, and Public Gatherings.
Recommendations:Approve(A)or Reject(R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem,Issues,Opportunity(Who,What,When,Where,Why):
We are requesting a change in City Ordinance Chapter 366A, Marches, Demonstrations, and Public Gatherings to add new language.
(See greensheets#302583 and#302584.)
Advantages If Approved:
Will allow the police department to better cover the costs associated with issuing the permits, and deployment of police personnel.
Will better assure equity in the process of issuing permits.
Disadvantages If Approved: t r�
None. f w
MAR 0 01i5
Disadvantages If Not Approved: ,Eik,--„v, 3 -, P (- is I �/
Police will not be able to cover costs associated with these permits and events. C li U. 1 0 �" I
Total Amount of
Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financial Information:
(Explain) r_
f'La ( (.t f.:?v,'
as' - adaa
1 with all applicable laws and ordinances; and
3 �b The parade, race or public assembly chairperson or other person in charge of such
activity shall carry the parade, race or public assembly permit upon their person during the
5 conduct of the parade,race or public assembly.
7 Sec. 366A.14. Prohibitions.
9 The following prohibitions shall apply to all parades, races and public assemblies:
11 bl It shall be unlawful for any person to stage._present or conduct any parade, race or
12 public assembly without first having obtained a permit as herein provided;
14 al It shall be unlawful for any person to participate in a parade,race orpublic assembly
15 for which the person knows a permit has not been granted;
17 (c) It shall be unlawful for the chairperson or any person in charge of, or responsible for
18 the conduct of, a duly licensed parade, race or public assembly to knowingly fail to comply
19 with any condition of the permit;
21 (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in anyparade, race or public assembly
22 activity that would constitute a substantial hazard to the public safety or that would
23 materially interfere with or endanger the public peace or rights of residents to the quiet and
24 peaceful enjoyment of their property;
6 Lql It shall be unlawful for any person participating in any parade, race or public
27 assembly to carry or possess any length of metal, lumber, wood, or similar material for
28 purposes of displaying a sign, poster,plaque or notice, unless such o ject is one-fourth inch
29 (1/4") or less in thickness and two inches (2") or less in width, or if not generally
30 rectangular in shape, such object shall not exceed three-fourths inch (3/4") in its thickest
31 dimension;
33 (f) It shall be unlawful for any person participating in aparade, race or public assembly
34 to utilize sound amplification equipment at decibel levels that exceed those limits imposed
35 by federal, state or city law,regulation, or ordinance; and
37 (g) It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, or cause to be ridden or driven, any
38 animal or any animal-drawn vehicle upon any public street. unless specifically authorized
39 by the permit.
41 Sec. 366A.15. Public Conduct During Parades, Races or Public Assemblies.
43 (a) No person shall unreasonably hamper, obstruct or impede, or interfere with any
44 parade, race or public assembly or with any person, vehicle or animal participating or used
45 in a parade, race or public assembly;
'7 (b) No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles or persons comprising a
48 parade, race or public assembly when such vehicles or persons are in motion and are
49 conspicuously designated as a parade, race or public assembly; and
C:\Documents and Settings\andersd\Local Settings\Temp`366A Ordinance format-2 .wpd
1 &I The chief of police shall have the authority, when reasonably necessary, to prohibit
2 or restrict the parking of vehicles alonga street constituting a part of the route of a parade.
3 race or public assembly. The chief of police shall post signs to that effect, and it shall be
4 unlawful for any person to park or leave unattended any vehicle in violation thereof. No
5 person shall be liable for parking on a street unposted in violation of this ordinance.
7 Sec. 366A.16. Revocation of Permit.
9 The chief of police shall have the authority to revoke a parade, race or public assembly
10 permit instantly upon violation of the conditions or standards for issuance as set forth in this
11 ordinance or when a public emergency arises where the police resources required for that
12 emergency are so great that deployment of police services for the parade,race or public assembly
13 would have an immediate and adverse effect upon the welfare and safety of persons or property.
15 Sec. 366A.17. Penalties.
17 Any person violating the provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be guilty of a
18 misdemeanor.
20 Sec. 366A.18. Severability.
22 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held
23 invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision
24 shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
26 Section 2
28 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty(30) days from and after its passage,
29 approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav Requested b Department .
Bostrom O �C F
Lantry By:
Fo A. . by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date y: ai
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Appro.e.' Mayor for .1. i9A1. o • it
By: By: /1,.y?/ , =
Approved by Mayor: Date _
Saint Paul Planning Commission RE ,r ,
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West APR 2 5 2005
Minutes of April 8, 2005 CITY CLERK
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, April 8, 2005,
at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes.Donnelly-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, McCall,Morton,Porter, and Trevino;
Present: and Messrs. Alexander, Aligada,Alton, Anfang, Coletta, Goodlow, Gordon,
Johnson, Kramer,Mejia, and Scott.
Commissioners Mmes. Faricy, and *Lu; and Messrs. *Dandrea, and Kong.
Also Present: Larry Soderholm,Planning Administrator; Donna Drummond,Penny Simison, Lucy
Thompson, Patricia James,Allen Lovejoy, Emily Ulmer,Nate Lischwe (intern),
and Mary Bruton,Depaitment of Planning and Economic Development staff; and
Cynthia Skally,LIEP.
I. Approval of minutes of March 25, 2005
MOTION: Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of March 25, 2005.
Commissioner Morton seconded the motion. The motion,carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announcements
Chair Johnson reported that he and Larry Soderholm met with the three new Commissioners to
go over the Planning Commission Handbook.
Chair Johnson reminded the Commissioners to sign-up for the Millard Fillmore dinner on
May 12th.
Chair Johnson asked the Commissioners to fill out the committee preference sheet.
Chair Johnson reported the Bridges project, for which the Commission is reviewing an AUAR,
will have an open house on Saturday, April 9`''
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Larry Soderholm reported on City Council business for this week.
Mr. Soderholm called attention to the newly updated Comprehensive Plan that was handed out
today. He, along with all of the Commissioners, applauded Penny Simison for her hard work
getting this updated and printed.
Larry Soderholm stated the next two Thursdays the city staff will be holding in-house
neighborhood planning workshops. Because so many neighborhood plans are being updated this
year, the staff decided to arrange an opportunity for interdepartmental staff to come together and
share what they are seeing as neighborhood issues so that those issues can be presented to the
various neighborhood groups that are updating plans.
IV. Zoning Committee
Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report.
#05-065-090 TCF Bank- Site plan review for a new 4,000 square foot bank building with drive-
thru teller windows. 459 North Lexington Parkway,between University and Central. (Tom
Beach, 651/266-9086)
Commissioner Morton stated District 13 (Lexington-Hamline)is opposed. Two people spoke in
support. Four people spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning
Committee recommends approval of 2-story plan on a vote of 6-1(Faricy).
MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve
the site plan review.
Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti spoke in favor of the plan, saying she serves on the Lexington Park
Design Advisory Group, and the neighbors want it to be 2-story for more density.
Commissioner Alton stated the nature of the opposition to the TCF proposal was based on a claim
that this development is not"TOD enough." He voted in favor of the application because he
didn't find that argument persuasive. Commissioner Alton stated the plan intentionally left this
property zoned B3, and it says the TOD principles should apply if the market supports it. This is
a statement of goals,it is not a hard and fast rule. He said the Planning Commission should
approve this.
At the question of Commissioner Goodlow,Commissioner Alton stated that Commissioner
Fancy's opposition was related to the notion that we really ought to be focused on hard and fast
rules for TOD on University Avenue,that we ought to be focused on getting rid of automobiles
and advancing alternatives means of transportation,i.e.,mass transit,bicycle,pedestrian traffic.
Mr. Soderholm added that another objection is that we should be seeing the whole picture for this
redevelopment site,not doing it one parcel at a time.
Commissioner Porter stated she has attended some of those community meetings and she
remembers the issue of master planning and mixed use. The neighborhood really wanted other
types of businesses to come into the neighborhood, other than a bank or a grocery store. They
wanted more housing,more small retail,or upscale restaurant.
The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Gilbert Street Zoning Study-Initiate zoning study. Property bounded by Prior Ave. on the
east, the Soo Line railroad tracks on the north. Wilder St. on the west and I-94 on the south.
(Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
Commissioner Morton stated the Zoning Committee recommends approval of initiating the zoning
study on a vote of 7-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve
initiation of the Gilbert Street Zoning Study. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Commissioner Morton announced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on April 14t.
#05-075-884 Unity Baptist Church- Rezoning from RT1 (Two-Family Residential)to RM2
(Multiple Family Residential). 932 Concordia Ave., SW corner at Milton. (Patricia James,
#05-076-140 The Jeremiah Program-Conditional Use Permit for a transitional housing facility
for 40 adult facility residents. 932 Concordia Ave., SW corner at Milton. (Patricia James,
#05-080-984 Verizon Wireless- Conditional Use Permit to install and operate a cellular telephone
antenna. 50 Cretin Ave. S., SE corner at Grand. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639)
#05-081-323 Sibley Manor- Conditional Use Permit for accessory retail service in a multiple
family development. 1316 W. Maynard Drive, SE corner at 7th St. (Patricia James,
#05-081-352 Paul's Tire and Service- Conditional Use Permit for outdoor auto sales
(55 cars proposed). 533 University Ave. W.,between Mackubin and Kent. (Patricia James,
#05-068-378 Winthrop Single-Family Home- Site Plan Review for a new single-family house.
816 Winthrop St., SE corner at Allston. (Tom Beach, 651/266-9086)
Adult Entertainment Study-Develop Committee's recommendation. (Larry Soderholm,
651/266-6575 and Emily Ulmer, 651/266-6591)
Community Residential Facilities and Room Houses Zoning Study- (Donna Drummond,
V. Comprehensive Planning Committee
Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen gave the Comprehensive Planning Committee report.
Proposed Bus Service Cuts- adopt resolution. (Allen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576)
Allen Lovejoy, PED Planner, gave a brief staff report.
MOTION: Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen moved the Comprehensive Planning Committee's
recommendation to adopt the resolution. Commissioner Trevino seconded the motion. The
motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen reported no meeting date has been scheduled yet.
VI. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
Commissioner McCall gave the Neighborhood & Current Planning Committee report.
Neighborhood Plan Decertification-release for review and set public hearing for May 6, 2005,
before the Planning Commission. (Shawntera Hardy, 651/266-6562)
MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved the Neighborhood& Current Planning Committee's
recommendation to release for public review and set a public hearing for May 6, 2005, before
the Planning Commission.
Mr. Soderholm stated there are at least 40 adopted neighborhood plans. A number of them go
back to the 1970s and 1980s. He said the citywide Comprehensive Plan and state law say that
we should try to keep plans up to date every 10 years, and so the staff have gone through the
long list of neighborhood plans in the city and have recommended some of these old plans to be
removed,from the Comprehensive Plan to reduce the confusion about what the Comprehensive
Plan is.
The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
The next meeting is Wednesday, April 13, 2005, where they will discuss the Bridges Alternative
Urban Areawide Review(AUAR).
VII. Communications Committee
Commissioner Trevino stated Commissioner Kramer is working on the forms for business cards
for the Commissioners and should have them ready for the next meeting.
VIII. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Gordon reported on the STAR Board saying they will be meeting on April 13h ,
to do the ranking and recommendations for the small grants.
IX. Old Business
Chair Johnson read a resolution honoring Commissioner Larry Alexander's service to the
MOTION: Commissioner Trevino moved approval of the resolution honoring Commissioner
Larry Alexander. Commissioner Donnelly-Cohen seconded the motion.
Commissioner Alexander expressed appreciation for the opportunity to be able to serve on the
Commission for the last three years.
The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
There was an informal introduction of the new and current Commissioners.
Mr. Allen Lovejoy stated that$5.25 million has been included in the bonding bill and that
matches $5.25 million of Federal funding for preliminary engineering fro transit improvements
on Central Corridor. This means that we will have money to move on to the next phase of LRT
planning as soon as the EIS is released.
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by
Mary Bruton,Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Departriient,
City of Saint Paul
Respectfully submitted, Approved 2 1
Larry S I or olm ne cCall
Planning Administrator Secretary of the Planning Commission
PED\Bruton\Minutes\April 8,2005 5