1/9-1/13/2006 Meetings for the week of January 9th- January 13th Page 1 of 1 The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of January 9th, thru January 13th, 2006 MONDAY - January 9th No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY - January 10th Ramsey County Board Meeting 9:00 AM Council Chambers, City Hall/Court House Board of Water Commissioners 5:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall WEDNESDAY - January 11th *Housing &Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall Authority *City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall THURSDAY - January 12th No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY - January 13th Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40, City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request.Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at 651-266-8989 http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/meetings.html 1/6/2006 JRN-05-2006 17.06 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.01/02 County Manager's office 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard#250 St.Paul,MN 55102 Ramsey County 651-266-8000 651-266-8039 FAX Fax To: Terry Devine&Mike Kaplan 6-8871 From: Bobbie Crancer Shari Moore 6-8689 County Manager's Office 651-266-8001 Jolly Mangine 6-2264 Kevin Duchschere 227-9371 Fax: Pages: 2 (including fax cover sheet) -Phone: Date: / / - ,.f/O 6 Re: Meeting Notice— `f CC: Week of // 44 ❑ Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • Comments: JAN-05-2006 17.07 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 [111:111.1 .MSEY COUNTY Monday, January 9, 2006 Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:30 a.m. - Executive Session—Re: County Manager's Performance Review **CLOSED TO PUBLIC** Room 220, Large Conference Room • 9:00 a.m. - County Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House 12:00 noon - Ramsey County Delegation Meeting Landmark Center 75 W. Fifth Street, Room 430, St. Paul Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:15 a.m. - Red Rock Corridor Commission ** Special Meeting ** 2099 W. University Avenue, Room 227, St. Paul 10:30 a.m. - Metropolitan Emergency Services Board 2099 W. University Avenue, St. Paul METH —A Conference on Strengthening Our Community Resistance Radisson Riverfront Hotel, St. Paul Thursday, January 12, 2006 METH —A Conference on Strengthening Our Community Resistance Radisson Riverfront Hotel, St. Paul 12:00 noon - Minnesota Landmarks Board of Directors 75 W. Fifth Street, St. Paul Friday, January 13, 2006 Advance Notice January 17, 2006 — County Board Meeting — Council Chambers January 24, 2006 — County Board Meeting — Council Chambers January 31 , 2006 - No County Board Meeting — 5`h Tuesday TOTAL P.02 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS President: Patrick Harris • Vice President:John Zanmiller Commissioners: Matt Anfang ♦ Bob Cardinal ♦ Gregory Kleindl • Debbie Montgomery ♦ Dave Thune January 3, 2006 RECEIVED NOTICES TO: JAN 0 4 2006 Pat Harris, President CITY CLERK. John Zanmiller, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang Gregory Kleindl Debbie Montgomery Dave Thune MEETING LOCATION CHANGE The next Board of Water Commissioners meeting will be held on TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2006 at 5 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall/Courthouse. Please contact Steve Schneider at 651-266-6274 if you are unable to attend. • Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Lisa Veith, Board Attorney Pioneer Press SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Stephen P. Schneider, General Manager 1900 Rice St. Saint Paul MN 55113-6810 • TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale Liale Canada•Maplewood.Mendota•Mendota Heights•RosevilleSaint Paul•West St. Paul AA-ADA-EEO Employer g�'c9 printed on recycled paper HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RECEIVED TO: Jay Benanav SEC r 9 2005 Dan Bostrom Pat Harris CITY CLERK Lee Helgen Kathy Lantry Debbie Montgomery Dave Thune Notice is hereby given that the Regular Meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota scheduled for Wednesday, December 28, 2005, has been cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 11, 2006, and the Agenda will be mailed prior to that meeting. Chair December 15, 2005 cc: Susan Kimberly Pete McCall City Clerk's Office Cable Communications RECEIVED Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center BAN 3 2006 15 Kellogg Boulevard West CITY CLERK Minutes of January 13, 2006 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, January 13, 2006, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes., Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, Morton, and Trevino; and Messrs. Alton, Present: Anfang, Bellus, Coletta, Goodlow, Gordon,Johnson,Kramer, Mejia and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. * Donnelly-Cohen, * McCall, * Porter; and Messrs. * Aligada, Dandrea, and Absent: Kong. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Penny Simison, Patricia James, Jessica Rosenfeld, Lucy Thompson,Allan Torstenson, Shawntera Hardy, and Kate Fleming, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of December 30,2005. MOTION: Commissioner Alton moved approval of the minutes of December 30, 2005. Commissioner Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Johnson welcomed everyone to the first meeting under Mayor Christopher Coleman. Chair Johnson reported on the public workshop he attended on January 12, 2006, regarding the Great River Park. It was one of four meetings held by the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. He distributed a brochure and asked Lucy Thompson for an update. Lucy Thompson gave a brief report on the Great River Park. The preliminary plan will be released at the Fillmore Dinner in May. There will be another workshop on January 17,2006, on the Valley Reach. The four themes for the plan are creating a city that is more urban,more natural, more connected and a national asset. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderholm announced that the new Technical Advisory Committee for the Watershed Districts is starting up. Commissioner Lu has agreed to represent the Planning Commissioner for this project to review and refine the proposed rules for surface water management. 1 IV. PUBLIC HEARING: (Item from the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee,Penny Simison, 651/266-6554 and Jessica Rosenfeld, 651/266-6560) Phalen/Atlantic Plan Proposed IR Zoning Code Amendments Citywide Proposed IR Zoning for properties in the Phalen/Atlantic study Penny Simison and Jessica Rosenfeld gave a staff report. Commissioner Gordon asked about the concerns regarding the yard-waste site referred to in the letter dated January 11, 2006, received from Jim McDonough, Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, District 6. Penny Simison explained she just received the letter and wanted more time to look into the concerns more thoughtfully. Commissioner Alton commented on the different uses that are permitted in the Light Industrial Restricted District(IR). Several uses are permitted in a B zone district but are not permitted in an IR zone. Penny Simison explained differences in zoning districts. Commissioner Kramer explained the IR District and how residential neighborhoods adjacent to these sites will be addressed. Chair Johnson read the rules of procedure for the public hearing and announced that notice of the public hearing was published in the Legal Ledger on December 29, 2005, and mailed to the citywide Early Notification System list of the recipients and other interested parties. The following people spoke: 1. Ramsey County Commissioner Janice Rettman, District 3, 682 W. Iowa Avenue, Saint Paul, Mn 55117. Commissioner Rettman spoke on behalf of Commissioner McDonough and Commissioners Ortega and Rhinehart. These four commissioners represent the East Side. They have asked the Planning Commission to allow the East side yard waste site to continue to be a permitted conforming use. This has been praised as an environmental asset to the East side community by many of the residents.The East Side site is a permitted use with a conditional use permit in its I1 Light Industrial District and they would like to keep it as it is;the proposed zoning change would make it a nonconforming use. Commissioner Faircy asked if trash haulers also use this facility? Commissioner Rettman said they do not. 2 Commissioner Gordon asked if the site were restricted what would happen, and where would the yard waste go? Commissioner Rettman responded that illegal dumping would become common again; the nearest alternative site is in the Midway area and they are at full capacity. 2. Mr. Norm Schiferl,Ramsey County Department of Environmental Health, 1670 Beam Avenue, Suite A, Saint Paul, Mn 55109. The concerns with the nonconforming use permit are the long- term stability of the site. They need flexibility on the sites, not more restrictions. Mr. Schiferl suggested making a special IR-Phalen/Atlantic zone where the yard waste site would be a permitted, conditional use. 3. Mr. John Springman, Ramsey County Department of Environmental Health, 1670 Beam Avenue, Suite A, Saint Paul, Mn 55109. Mr. Springman wanted to revisit the issue of what would happen if this site closed. There is not another site that could handle the volume that this site has, and there would not be another viable site available. Commissioner Bellus asked if the County owns the property and if you have a conditional use permit what would have to happen so that the County would close the facility? Mr. Schiferl responded that any time the City makes land use nonconforming, the ultimate long term purpose is to phase it out. No one knows if this will happen in the future or not. It would also make it more difficult to make any changes in the future. A conforming use has more flexibility. If it became a nonconforming use, it will make it more difficult to make whatever changes will be needed in the future. Commissioner Bellus asked if the County would decide to sell the property and change the use if the facility had to operate under a nonconforming use permit. Mr. Schiferl stated under the nonconforming use permit, any decisions about changes or expansions would be made by the City. Commissioner Anfang commented that with the conditional use permit now,there might be an expansion of the services at the site, whereas a nonconforming use permit in the future might limit your capabilities of meeting the needs of the County. Mr. Schiferl stated it would not necessarily have to be only an expansion. Commissioner Kramer stated there is another significant difference between nonconforming and existing conditional use permits. When the County added brush collection and shredding to the conditional use permit they had to come before the Planning Commission. If it moved to a nonconforming use permit, before they could file that application they would have to get consent from surrounding property owners to expand the use and that is the big difference in the applications. Commissioner Alton asked if they anticipate in their long-term plans adding any structures on the property. 3 Mr. Springman stated they do not have any plans of structures being added to the properties. 4. Mr. Chuck Repke,District 2 Community Council, 1961 Sherwood, Saint Paul,Mn 55112. District 2 is located just beyond the Phalen/Atlantic area. He wants everyone to remember that for them,this area is their front yard, and that it is important to continue clean-up efforts. There are a number of very ugly, polluted sites. The zoning that is being approved has the potential to improve these areas. Mr. Repke was on the Phalen-Atlantic Task Force and was not sure what decision to make on the zoning for the yard waste site. If it remains, it is only a matter of time before community members begin to put pressure on the Planning Commission, City Council member Bostrom and Commissioner McDonough to clean up the area. This road is becoming popular fast, with the revitalization of the Ames Lake area. There are many upscale residents being added in this area, and they drive up that road past the steaming yard waste piles. Eventually these residents will begin calling Commissioner McDonough to complain about what they see along Phalen Boulevard. For now,the Ramsey County Commissioners are responding to constituents who support the yard waste facility, but over time that sentiment may change. Commissioner Anfang asked what Mr. Repke would tell people in his district when asked what they should do with their yard waste if there were no Ramsey County yard waste facility? Mr. Repke replied that he is a strong supporter of the Ramsey County yard waste site,but that in the future they may have to change the shape of the facility so that the view is protected. Maybe some screening, fencing, or berms would have to be added. The question is not what would happen if the yard waste facility were not there, but whether it should be a conforming or nonconforming use under the zoning code. Commissioner Gordon asked if it was permitted with a conditional use permit, couldn't that be used to address all of the concerns that were just addressed? Mr. Repke stated that Ramsey County is thinking about what the future impact could be. Commissioner Anfang asked if leaving it as a conditional use and having the ability to continue to work with Ramsey County on changes to the conditional use permit wouldn't address some of these concerns. Mr. Repke stated that it came down to consistency. 5. Ms. Mary Benton Hummel, 1199 Seventh Street, Saint Paul,Mn 55106. There are pros and cons of living close to the yard waste site, and it can get pungent at times in the summer,but she is a gardener and would like it to stay there. Ms. Benton Hummel also asked if the commission honestly feels that making the Phalen/Atlantic area the gateway to industrial development rather than the gateway to Lake Phalen is going to improve the experience of the people wanting to live in Phalen Village? 6. Mr. Curt Milburn,Phalen Corridor Project Director, 506 Kenny Avenue,Saint Paul,Mn 55101. Mr. Milburn praised PED and the Port Authority for working together to figure out how this zoning could work. The yard waste site is a resource for this community and there is no proposal to relocate it. The vision for the East Side is jobs,however, and if another location for 4 • the yard waste facility could be found,this site could be used for redevelopment that brings jobs. It is necessary to take the time to work with Ramsey County to look for a new location for the yard waste site so that the vision of East Side jobs can be realized. Commissioner Anfang asked how the discussions between Mr. Milburn's Board and the County Commissioners are progressing regarding the yard waste site. Mr. Milburn stated that Commissioners Rettman and McDonough position has been very clear, but that conflicts are inevitable on projects as big as the Phalen Corridor Initiative. Phalen Corridor has worked because its partners work together cooperatively to propose compromises. Commissioner Gordon asked if there are specific sites on the East Side that would work for a yard waste facility and if so, have the locations been communicated to the County? Mr. Milburn stated a few sites had been discussed, but so far there are issues on every site. Two of the sites are pollutes, and one other site is maintained by another government agency. Commissioner Gordon asked if the current site was permitted as a conditional use, would that prevent Mr. Milburn from working with Ramsey County. If in the future a better site were found, could it be moved if both parties agree? Mr. Milburn responded that staff could continue to consider alternative sites for the Ramsey County yard waste facility whether the site was a conditional or nonconforming use. 7. Mr. Mike Karas, 7560 Babcock Trail, Inver Grove Heights,Mn 55077 in reference to the property at 940 Atlantic, Saint Paul,Mn 55106. The Karas brothers purchased the land after talking with the City to make sure it was still zoned for their use. Then the permit process started and they met all the criteria after eight months. The brothers received a letter informing them of the moratorium, which meant that there were no longer any permits being granted. The Karas brothers have spent in excess of$70,000.00 trying to get this approved,which included purchasing a metal building. They met with City officials and were told that there were no foreseeable problems with obtaining the permit, and they bought the metal building to be put on the property. The brothers met with a City Planner and the City Attorney and were told that they had met all the criteria. The Karas brothers were not able to get the permit to actually put the metal building on the property. What they are now looking for is the ability to complete their project. Chair Johnson asked Penny Simison who the planner was, and it was Tom Beach from LIEP. Commissioner Alton asked Penny Simison, if the property is rezoned to IR and once the moratorium ends would this proposed use not be permitted? Penny Simison answered that no, it would not be permitted. Commissioner Alton asked in looking at permitted uses in an IR district and the list of industrial uses, would this be categorized as a recycling processing center, out door? Penny Simison stated that the building was intended to store the roll-off containers inside. The 5 type of pole barn building that was proposed to be put on the property would not be permitted under both the plan amendment and the proposed IR zoning. Commissioner Alton asked if they redesigned the building,would it meet the design guidelines. Commissioner Alton stated the problem could not be solved today but wants to understand the guidelines. Penny Simison explained the guidelines of the code amendments. Chair Johnson requested Penny Simison and Tom Beach to work with Mr. Karas and Mr. Mark Zaspel on this matter,to see if there way to resolve this. 8. Mark Zaspel, 6371 Baker Avenue, Inver Grove Heights,Mn 55077. Mr. Zaspel did not speak on behalf of the property, at 940 Atlantic, Saint Paul,Mn 55106. Mr. Zaspel thanked the Committee for their help and following through,to see if it can possible be resolved. 9. Monte Hilleman, from Port Authority, 1900 Landmark, 245 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul,Mn, 55102. Thanked the City staff and Commissioners who worked on this Task Force. The new IR zoning provides both this area and the whole city with a zone that encourages high quality design and job creation. This zoning would protect other businesses investments in these neighborhoods by enhancing quality of life issues. 10.Diana Hamilton, representing Pastor Hamilton's Barbeque, St. John's Church of God in Christ,1150 E. Seventh Street, Saint Paul,Mn 55106. Ms. Hamilton asked if there are any anticipated changes foreseen for the other side of Seventh Street. Penny Simison responded that staff on the East Team of PED are now discussing the next phase of the Phalen Corridor on the East side. They have some ideas about how to approach the area south of Phalen Boulevard excluding both sides of Seventh Street and all the residential area south of East Seventh, including middle section south between the Hamm's brewery and 3M off of Arcade and Minnehaha. MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved to close the public hearing, but to keep the record open for written testimony until noon, Friday,January 13, 2006, and to refer these three agenda items to Neighborhood& Current Planning Committee for further consideration. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. V. Zoning Committee Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. OLD BUSINESS # 05-206-212 Frank Ranallo—Conditional Use Permit to allow cluster development with 8 residential units. 1938 Nortonia Avenue, between Reaney and Minnehaha. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) 6 MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to deny the conditional use permit. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. # 05-162-754 Environmental Wood Supply—Review of Conditional Use Permit. 2165 Pigs Eye Lake Road, between CP rail yards and Metropolitan Waste Treatment Plant. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to extend approval of the conditional use permit, and hold another review within 6 months. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. NEW BUSINESS # 05-211-589 Park Midway Bank—Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of new office and drive through with parking variance(38 spaces proposed; 41 spaces required)2304 Como Avenue, SW corner at Doswell. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the conditional use permit. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Morton announced the Zoning Committee Agenda for the February 2, 2006, meeting. VI. Guest presentation by Peter Brown and Bob Lux of Alatus Partners Tentative developers of the Public Safety Building block, on their proposed 300-unit high-rise residential project in downtown Saint Paul. Community perspective from Larry Englund, Capitol River Council(District 17). Mr. Larry Englund, Chair for the CapitolRiver Council/District 17. Mr. Englund resides at 1162 College Avenue, Saint Paul, Mn, 55102. Mr.Englund gave a report on the background of the Fitzgerald Park area. He applauded the Alatus team for working closely with the community through many meetings to reach a design that has broad support. Mr. Tom Dillion from Alatus Partners, gave some background on their experience with downtown residential highrises;they built both the Grant Park and Carlyle developments in Minneapolis. Mr. Brown, Project Manager, gave a report and showed drawings of their proposed 300-unit high-rise residential project in downtown Saint Paul on the Public Safety block,which saves two facades of the historic Public Safety Building. VII. Comprehensive Planning Committee Larry Soderholm said the next meeting will be Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 4:00 p.m. VIII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Commissioner McCall said the next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 8:30a.m. 7 • IX. Long-range Planning Committee Jessica Rosenfeld announced their next meeting will be, on Thursday, January 19,2006, at 8:00 a.m. X. Communications Committee Commissioner Trevino announced the Annual Report for 2005 is in draft form and she anticipates that it will be done for the Annual Meeting in two weeks. XI. Task Force Reports Commissioner Anfang announced the Mississippi River Critical Area Task Force, which has met for a year-and-a-half,has held some weekly meetings and is having a subcommittee to try to reach some recommendations about steep slopes and bluff regulations. Chair Johnson announced the CIB and Planning Commission will meet have a joint meeting on the CIB Process on Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 3:30 p.m. Commissioners Donnelly-Cohen, Morton, and Kramer will be attending, and all Commissioners are welcome to join. Commissioner Faricy announced the Nominating Committee will be meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2006, at 3:00 p.m. XII. Old Business None XIII. New Business None XIV. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. 8 • Recorded and prepared by Kate Fleming,Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Approved 2-11 (Da Larry S erholm Su cCall Planning Administrator Secretary of the Planning Commission PED\Fleming\January 13,2006 Minutes 9