3/4-3/8/2002 Meetings for the week of March 4th-March 8th http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of twanams aftimarfti March 4th, thru March 8th, 2002 MONDAY - March 4th Arcade Street Small Area Plan Task 6:00 PM YMCA - 875 Arcade Street Force TUESDAY - March 5th No Ramsey County Board or Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY - March 6th *City Council --- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - March 7th Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall FRIDAY - March 8th Planning Commission 8:30 AM Room 40 City Hall * Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings, you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at (651) 266-8989 1 of 1 3/1/02 11:39 AM MAR-01-2002 10:08 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMTSSTONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 MSEY COUNTY Monday, March 4, 2002 NACo Legislative Conference Washington, D.C. Tuesday, March 5, 2002 NO BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETINGS NACO LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Wednesday,March 6, 2002 Thursday, March 7, 2002 Friday, March 8. 2002 Advance Notice March 12, 2002 - 9:00 a.m. -Policy Board Meeting, Council Chambers 1:30 p.m. -Board Workshop (Substance Abuse Court), Rm. 220 Court House March 19, 2002 -County Board Meeting- Council Chambers Board Workshop-Welfare Reform Update March 26, 2002 - County Board Meeting-Council Chambers Board Workshop -(Subject TBA) TOTAL P.02 hit MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Paul Rehkamp— Chairman Bert McKasy—Vice Chair FEB 28 200? Carl D'Aquila Thomas Foley Dan Fortier John Kahler Nancy Speer METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 1:00 p.m. March 6, 2002 MAC General Offices — 6040 28th Avenue South Lindbergh Conference Room DISCUSSION 1. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE AN RFP FOR A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEE PARKING EQUIPMENT AND AUTOMATIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION (AVI) SYSTEM John Robinson, A.A.E. Assistant Manager— Landside Operations GENERAL INFORMATION 2. AIRPORT RETAIL NEWS/MSP CONCESSION AWARDS Gordy Wennerstrom, Director Commercial Management and Airline Affairs 3. SECURITY UPDATE Jim Welna, Director of Safety 4. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE a. State b. Federal David Dombrowski, Deputy Executive Director-Labor and Governmental Affairs Mitchell Kilian, Governmental Affairs Manager PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Roger Hale, Chair Coral Houle, Vice Chair William Erhart Dick Long Bert McKasy Paul Weske METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 5, 2002 1:00 p.m. MAC General Offices 6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN AGENDA CONSENT 1. FINAL PAYMENTS — MAC CONTRACTS a. MAC Ground Power Switchgear Procurement (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) b. Lindbergh Terminal Infrastructure Room Development (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) c. 2001 Landside Bituminous (Robert J. Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) d. Restroom Facilities — Crystal Airport and Anoka County-Blaine Airport (Bridget Rief, Airside Project Manager) e. 2000-2001 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program (John Nelson, Part 150 Program Manager) 2. SEMI-FINAL PAYMENT— MAC CONTRACT a. Green Concourse APM — Facility & Finishes Package (DP#3) (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) 3. BIDS RECEIVED — MAC CONTRACTS a. 2002 Green Concourse Apron (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) b. Lindbergh Terminal Ticket Lobby Toilets (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) c. Humphrey Terminal Parking Facilitly BP #R7, Air Cargo Building Demolition (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) d. Humphrey Terminal Parking Facility BP #R6 — Humphrey Ramp Signage (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) e. Humphrey Terminal Parking BP#RW3— 34th Avenue South — 72nd Street to 1494 (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) f. Humphrey Terminal Parking Facility BP #R8 — Humphrey H Ramp Paving, Striping, Snowmelters, Fencing & Exit Ramp (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) FINANCE COMMITTEE Richard Long, Chairman Roger Hale, Vice Chairman Carl D'Aquila John Kahler Robert Mars, Jr. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULARLY SCHEDULED MONTHLY MEEING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE 11:00 a.m.—Wednesday, March 7, 2002 Lindbergh Conference Room MAC General Offices—6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis. MN 55450 AGENDA CONSENT 1. REPORTS a) Monthly Operating Results b) Summary of Investment Portfolio c) Summary of Air Carriers Passenger Facility Charges Theresa Cooper, Senior Financial Analyst DISCUSSION 2. REQUEST TO PROCEED WITH PRELIMINARY WORK ON PFC APPLICATION #6 Steve Busch, Director of Finance SAINT PA UL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. Thursday, March 7, 2002 Lower Level, Room 40, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA 5:00 I. ANNOUNCEMENTS II APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 5:05 III APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. February 7, 2002 Business Meeting B. February 21, 2002 Permit Review/Public Hearing Meeting IV PRELIMINARY REVIEW 5:10 A. 281 5th Street E., (Crane Building) Lowertown Historic District,by RSP Architects, for rehabilitation into condominiums. File#CO2-001. V NOTICE OF APPEALS 5:30 A. 613 Selby Avenue, Hill Historic District, appeal of an HPC decision approving a sign permit application to install a neon enclosed sign on the north elevation,by owner of 614 Dayton Avenue. File#S02-004. (Scheduled before City Council on March 6, 2002.) 5:35 VI STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Annual Report B. Signage Project(Ad hoc sign committee: Wilsey,Hargens, Scott) C. Survey and Designation Project D. Retreat E. Establish Preservation Week Committee 6:00 VII ADJOURN NOTE: The above times are estimates. Agenda items may be considered earlier or later than the time listed. If you arrive after 6:00 P.M, the building will be locked and you must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance(push the call button to the right of the doorway; if no one responds,push the call button to the left of the doorway). Commission members: Please call 651.266.9078 if unable to attend. Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF MARCH 4 - 8, 2002 Mon 4 6:00- Arcade Street Small Area Plan Task Force YMCA 8:00 p.m. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) 875 Arcade Street -Continued discussion on commercial corridor. Tues 5 Wed 6 Thurs 7 Fri 8 8:30- Planning Commission Meeting Room 40 City Hall 11:00 a.m. (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575) Conference Center 15 Kellogg Blvd. Zoning #02-098-262 Michael Veverka-Nonconforming Use Permit to change from present use as a boxing gym to a specialty wood working shop. 940 Beech, SE corner at Forest. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) #01-067-015 Nicollet Restoration Inc. -River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit for 4 single boat docks and one group dock, with provision of propane gas and electricity for boats using the docks. 436 Shepard Rd., SE side at Randolph. (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Comprehensive Planning Senior Housing Strategy- discussion and adopt resolution. (Al Lovejoy, Committee 651/266-6576) Neighborhood& Current East Seventh Street Design Guidelines - adopt resolution. (Penny Simison, Planning Committee 651/266-6554) Bruton\Calendars\March 4-8,2002 SAINT PAUL bicycle advisory board 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.Fourth St., St. Paul,MN-ph. 651-266-6400 TUESDAY,MARCH 5,2002 4:30-6:30 P.M. West Seventh Street Community Center 265 Oneida Street(Corner of Oneida&St.Clair) 651-298-5493 4:30 P.M. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4:35 P.M. 2. PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD 4:40 P.M. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5:00 P.M. 4. OPERATIONS SEGMENT a. B.A.B. 2002 Work Plan - Board (15 minutes) b. B.A.B. Structure -Board(15 minutes) c. Bike Facilities 2003 Maintenance Budget - Falk(10 minutes) 5:40 P.M. 5. AWARENESS & PROMOTION SEGMENT a. Sign Policy/ Share the Road Policy-Board(15 minutes) 5:55 P.M. 6. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT & IMPROVEMENT SEGMENT a. Downtown Bike Routes/Capitol Connection -Board (15 minutes) 6:10 P.M. 7. PROGRAMMING & EVENTS SEGMENT a. Safe Routes to School For Kids - Reese (10 minutes) b. ProBike/ProWalk Conference - Arey & Falk (10 minutes) 6:30 P.M. 8. ADJOURN MEETINGS OF THE BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. MEETING MINUTES ARE AVAILABLE. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY, PLEASE CALL GREG REESE AT 651- 632-5129. Lucille Johnsori- metmtg.doc Page 1 Metropolitan Council Building communities that work Metro Meetings A weekly calendar of meetings and agenda items for the Metropolitan Council,its advisory and standing committees,and regional Council sponsored events.Meeting times and agendas are occasionally changed.NOTE: There are two other ways to receive Metro Meetings:visit our web site at www.metrocouncil.org or receive the meetings through email. Call or email Dawn Hoffner at 651-602-1447 or dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us if you would prefer one of these methods rather than use the U.S. mail. WEEK OF: March 4- 8,2002 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Canceled:Hiawatha Corridor Management Committee-Mon.,March 4, 8:30 a.m.,Heywood Office, 560- 6`h Ave. N.,Mpls. Diversity Committee-Mon.,March 4,2 p.m.,Room 2A.The agenda includes:presentation and approval of by-laws;appointment of officers;discussion and consideration of committee procedures;and other business. Livable Communities Committee-Mon.,March 4,3:30 p.m.,Room 1A.The agenda includes: MetroGlS 2"d generation data sharing agreements;Livable Communities Fund 2002 annual distribution plan;condition approval-Ventura Village LCDA grant condition;Livable Communities Act-housing affordability limits;housing trust fund application; Section 8 Welfare to Work housing voucher program; and other business. Canceled:Rail Transit Committee- Tues.,March 5, 4:30 p.m.,Heywood Office, 560-6th Ave.N.,Mpls. Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Tues.,March 5,4:30 p.m.,Dakota Co.Western Service Center,Room 1920, 14955 Galaxie Ave.,Apple Valley Technical Advisory Committee to the Transportation Advisory Board Wed.,March 6,9 a.m., Chambers.The agenda includes: legislative update;Mn/DOT's state plan;inter-regional corridors;MAC virtual tour;committee reports;and other business. Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee-Wed.,March 6, 1 p.m.,Room 2A.The agenda includes: legislative update;an evaluation of Metro Mobility's impact on the activity needs of its riders report;members reports-light rail,commuter rail,Riverview Corridor,Sector 5 transit study;Metro Mobility December operations report;and other business. Rural Issues Work Group-Wed.,March 6, 1 p.m.,Chambers.The agenda includes: final review and action on a draft policy/implementation package for the rural area to be forwarded to the Council's Regional Growth Policy Committee. Regional Growth Policy Committee-Wed.,March 6,3 p.m.,Room 1A.The agenda includes:policy discussion about the Blueprint 2030 framework,including the A-minor arterial study,water supply limitations,regional systems integration,reinvestment,and centers and community frameworks. 1 Lucille Johnson metmtg.doc Page 2 East Metro Council Member Breakfast-Thurs.,March 7, 8 a.m.,Sheraton Four Points,94&Hamline. Discussion will be on regional issues. • Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Thurs.,March 7, 5:30 p.m.,Anoka County Library,Rum River Branch,Meeting Room A/B,4201 -6th Ave.,Anoka Canceled:Riverview Corridor Management Committee-Fri.,March 8, 9 a.m., Room IAB TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 11-15 Diversity Committee-Mon.,March 11,2 p.m.,Room 2A Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon.,March 11,4 p.m.,Chambers Transportation Committee-Mon.,March 11,4 p.m.,Room 1A Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Tues.,March 12,7:30 a.m.,Maplewood Community Center, Room C,2100 White Bear Ave.,Maplewood Environment Committee-Tues.,March 12,4 p.m., Room lA • Core Cities Group-Wed.,March 13, 12 Noon,Muffuletta Cafe,2260 Como Ave., St.Paul Litigation Review Committee-Wed.,March 13, 1 p.m.,Room 1E Management Committee-Wed.,March 13,2:30 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,March 13,3 p.m.,Chambers Mississippi River Initiative Stakeholder Workshop-Wed.,March 13,6:30 p.m.,The Grove Community Center, 8055 Barbara Ave.,Inver Grove Heights Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Thurs.,March 14,7:30 a.m.,Chaska City Hall,City Council Chambers, 1 City Hall Plaza,Chaska Transit Providers Advisory Committee-Thurs.,March 14, 10 a.m.,Room lA TAB Policy Committee-Thurs.,March 14, 12:30 p.m.,Room IA TAC Planning Committee-Thurs.,March 14, 1:30 p.m.,Room 2A Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee-Thurs.,March 14,3 p.m.,Metro Mosquito Control District,2099 University Ave.,St.Paul Blueprint 2030 Stakeholder Workshop-Fri., March 15,8:30 a.m.,Midtown YWCA,Rooms 155& 156,2121 East Lake St.,Mpls. • The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E.Fifth St., St. Paul.Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. 2 L Lucille Johnson - metmtg doc Page 3 METROPOLITAN SPORTS FACILITIES COMMISSION The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission office is located at 900 South 5th St.,Minneapolis,MN 55415. For agenda information and to verify meeting times,please call Nancy Matowitz, 612-335-3310 METROPOLITAN PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION The Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E.Fifth • St., St. Paul,MN 55101. To verify meeting times,please call Sandi Dingle at 651-602-1312. METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Metropolitan Airports Commission offices are located at 6040 28th Av. S.,Minneapolis,MN 55450. For agenda information and to verify meeting times,please call Lynn Sorensen at 612-726-8186, or see their web site at www.mspairport.com v:\library\comsrlib\publicat\metmtg.doc 3 AGENDA ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, March 14,2002-3:30 P.M. City Council Chambers Third Floor City Hall-Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Zoning Committee will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 28, 2002, ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES NEW BUSINESS 1. Joseph Sandhofer(BP Amoco)(02-098-503) Rezoning from RM-2(Multiple-Family Residential)to B-3(General Business)for expansion of BP Amoco Station. 390 Lexington Ave., SE corner at Central. Zoning: RM-2 Staff: Yang Zhang 2. BP Amoco(02-098-551) Special Condition Use Permit for an auto convenience market, and variances for parking setback, distance of parking entrance/exit from R-4 zoned property, and screening for off-street parking. 374 Lexington Pkwy. N. Zoning: B-3, RM-2 Staff: Yang Zhang 3. College of St. Catherine(02-099-620) Special Condition Use Permit with modification of parking requirement to allow more than 10%growth in student enrollment, staff and employee size and/or dormitory bed levels without providing additional off-street parking. 2004 Randolph Ave. Zoning: R-3 Staff: Yang Zhang 4. John P.Tittle(02-100-462) Special Condition Use Permit for 2-unit cluster development. 1010 Burgess, between Oxford and Chatsworth. Zoning: R-4 Staff: Patricia James 5. Battle Creek Rec. Center(02-099-809) Sign Variances for number, size, and height of signs. 75 S.Winthrop St., SE corner at Upper Afton. Zoning: R-1 Staff: Patricia James 6. Juan Villanueva(02-099-439) Special Condition Use Permit to operate an auto repair business. 801 E. 7th St., between Margaret&Arcade. Zoning: B-3 Staff: Patricia James 7. Old Hudson Road LLC(02-100-855) Special Condition Use Permit for a fast-food restaurant. 2065 Old Hudson Rd. Zoning: B-3 Staff: Patricia James ADJOURNMENT ZONING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Call Allan Torstenson at 266-6579 or Carol Martineau at 266-6550 If you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions that the committee may have. Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson - License Hearings From: Racquel Naylor To: Rozek, Christine Date: 3/4/02 1:47 PM Subject: License Hearings CC: Anderson, Nancy; Asuncion, Corinne; Johnson, Lucille; LeVasseur, Janet; Strathman, Gerry Gerry Strathman has set the following two hearings: Irish Embassy Pub&Restaurant Tuesday,March 19,2002, Room 330 Courthouse 2:30 p.m. Bangkok City Supper Club Tuesday March 19,2002 Room 330 Courthouse 3:30 p.m. I have talked to both applicants: Matthew O'Hara is fine with the hearing date and time; Mai Her told me this morning that anytime that week would be okay. Also,Tait Danielson,District 7 Planning Council,is okay with the hearing date and time. -Racquel,6-8573 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00002.HTM 3/6/02 Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson - License Hearings From: Racquet Naylor To: Rozek, Christine Date: 3/4/02 1:47 PM Subject: License Hearings CC: Anderson, Nancy; Asuncion, Corinne; Johnson, Lucille; LeVasseur, Janet; Strathman, Gerry Gerry Strathman has set the following two hearings: Irish Embassy Pub&Restaurant Tuesday,March 19,2002, Room 330 Courthouse 2:30 p.m. Bangkok City Supper Club Tuesday March 19,2002 Room 330 Courthouse 3:30 p.m. I have talked to both applicants: Matthew O'Hara is fine with the hearing date and time;Mai Her told me this morning that anytime that week would be okay. Also,Tait Danielson,District 7 Planning Council,is okay with the hearing date and time. -Racquel,6-8573 file:/IC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00002.HTM 3/6/02