1/1-1/5/2001 Meetings for the week of January 1st-January 5th http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/clerk/meetings.html , The City of Saint Paul 14* moo' Meetings for the Week of January 1st, thru January 5th, 2001 MONDAY - January 1st OFFICES CLOSED -NEW YEAR'S DAY HOLIDAY TUESDAY - January 2nd Ramsey County Annual 9:00 AM Council Chambers Organizational Meeting Legislative Hearings(Summary Abatements 11:00 AM Room 330 City Hall and Nuisance) Property Code Enforcement 1:30 PM Council Chambers Hearings WEDNESDAY - January 3rd *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - January 4th Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers FRIDAY - January 5th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service(a,ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651) 266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible,but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 12/29/2000 12:53 PM Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson-Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner"<dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Pat OConnell"<pat.oconnell@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 12/28/2000 12:15 PM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF:January 1-5,2001 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Canceled:-Rail Transit Committee,Tues.,Jan 2,4 p.m. Public Hearing on Advanced Corridor Plan for Proposed Commuter Rail System from Minneapolis to St.Cloud-Tues.,Jan 2,4:30 p.m.,Heywood Office,560-6th Ave.N.,Mpls. Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee-Wed.,Jan.3,1 p.m.,Room 2A. The agenda includes: Metro Mobility draft legislative study; TAAC 2001 work program;Metro Mobility November operations report;and other business. Canceled: Rural Issues Work Group-Wed.,Jan 3,1 p.m. Canceled: Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Jan 3,3 p.m. Metropolitan Radio Board-Fri.,Jan.5,9 a.m.,Metro Counties Govt.Ctr.,2099 University Ave. TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF JANUARY 8-12,2001 Special Livable Communities Committee Meeting-Mon.,Jan.8, 12:00 noon,Room 1A Public Hearing on Affordable and Life-Cycle Housing Goals-Mon.,Jan.8,1:30 p.m.,Room 1A TAB Relations Task Force-Mon.,Jan.8,2 p.m.,Room IA Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon.,Jan.8,4 p.m.,Chambers Transportation Committee-Mon.,Jan.8,4 p.m.,Room IA Environment Committee-Tues.,Jan.9,4 p.m.,Room 1A Core Cities Group-Wed.,Jan.10,12 Noon,Muffuletta Cafe,2260 Como Ave.,St.Paul Litigation Review Committee-Wed.,Jan.10,1 p.m.,Room 1E Management Committee-Wed.,Jan. 10,2 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Jan. 10,3 p.m.,Chambers Transit Providers Advisory Committee-Thurs.,Jan. 11,1:30 p.m.,Room 2A TAC Planning Committee-Thurs.,Jan.11,1:30 p.m.,Room 2A Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee-Thurs.,Jan.11,4 p.m.,Air National Guard,631 Minuteman Dr. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 12/29/2000 DEC-29-2000 08:30 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W.KELLOGG BLVD., ST.PAUL,MN 55102 651 266-8350 -MSEY COUNTY Monday�January 1, 2001 OFFICES CL SED NEW YEAR'S DAY HOLIDAY Tuesday, January 2, 2001 9:00 a.m. - Annual Organizational Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Immediately following Policy Meeting Administrative Board Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Regional Railroad Authority Annual Organizational Meeting Council Chambers, Third Floor Court House Reception for Re-elected Commissioners Room 220 Court House Wednesday,January 3,2001 Thursday, January 4,2001 Fridays January 5, 2001 ADVANCE NOTICE January 9, 2001 —Policy Board Meeting TOTAL P.02 Master Meeting CALENDAR Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings WEEK OF JANUARY 1-5, 2 0 0 1 Mon 1 Tues 2 Wed 3 Thur 4 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West OLD BUSINESS #00-150-648 Eller Media Company-Allow billboards blown down 2 years ago to be put back up,reversing City Staffs denial of permits. 1184 W. 7th St., 1209 W. 7th St., and 2014-2018 Ford Pkwy. (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) NEW BUSINESS Thomas/Dale District 7 Special Sign District- Special Sign District proposed to prohibit new billboards. #00-150-539 Rita Reinpold- Special Condition Use Permit to allow a rooming house with modification of lot area requirement. 1794 Randolph Ave. (Martha Faust,266-6572) #00-151-253 Maria and Larry Rantapaa-Establishment of legal nonconforming use status for a home piano studio that provides group lessons for 3 to 7 students at a time. 1398 Grantham St. (Donna Drummond,266-6556) #00-151-254 Joseph Schumacher-Rezone from RT-1 to OS-1 to allow a purification center. 330 N.Prior Ave. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-151-530 Matthew O'Hara-Rezoning from B-2 to RT-1 to allow conversion to a duplex. 225 N. Wilder St. (Donna Drummond,266-6556) #00-151-318 Antioch Christian Center- Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor children in their care. 740 Dayton Avenue. (Yang Zhang,266-6659) Fri 5 brutonUan 1-5-2001 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Paul Rehkamp—Chairman John Dowdle—Vice Chair Carl D'Aquila Ed Fiore John Kahler Bert McKasy Nancy Speer METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE MANAGEMENT &OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 11:00 A.M. —January 16, 2001 Room 3040, West Mezzanine— Lindbergh Terminal, Wold Chamberlain Field Change of Meeting Date: Please note that the January 3, 2001 M&O Meeting has been changed to: JANUARY 10, 2001 11 :00 A.M. FINANCE COMMITTEE Dan Johnson, Chairman Dick Long,Vice Chairman Ed Fiore Carl D'Aquila John Kahler Roger Hale METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR SCHEDULED MONTHLY MEETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE 11:00 a.m. -Wednesday,January 3, 2001 Room 3040,West Mezzanine-Lindbergh Terminal Building MEETING CANCELLED