1/29-2/2/2001 Meetings for the week of January 29th-February 2nd http://www.ci.stpaul.mn,us/cgi-bin/meetgen.pl �„� The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of January 29th, thru February 2nd, 2001 MONDAY - January 29th No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY - January 30th Neighborhood and Current Planning 8:30 AM Room 1503-A(15th Floor)City Hall Committee Annex Legislative Hearing - Groveland Tap, 2:00 PM Room 330 City Hall 1834 St. Clair Ave. WEDNESDAY - January 31st 5TH WEDNESDAY-NO CITY COUNCIL MEETING Legislative Hearing - Jade Inc. dba 2:00 PM 330 City Hall Snelling I-94 CITGO THURSDAY - February 1st Zoning Committee 3:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS FRIDAY - February 2nd No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. If the above page looks good, enter your password one more time, and hit 'Make Meetings' to update the website. (you will be automatically redirected to the page). Otherwise, hit your browser's 'Back' button. Password: Make Meetings 1 of 2 1/26/2001 11:11 AM PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REGULAR BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 19, 2000 Chair Grzywinski called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. The following Commissioners were present: - Joan Grzywinski - Michael Goldner - Kathy Lantry - Dan Bostrom The following Commissioners were absent: - W. Andrew Boss - Richard Anfang - Lori Fritts Also present were the following: - Kenneth R. Johnson - Laurie Hansen - Lorrie Louder - Laurie Siever - Bridget Gibson - Pete Klein - Steve Hardie - John Young - Terry Garvey, City Attorney - Michael Galvin, Briggs & Morgan - Robyn Hansen, Leonard, Street & Deinard - Andrew Kasid, District Cooling APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Commissioner Goldner, seconded by Commissioner Bostrom, to approve the minutes of the November 28, 2000 meeting. Carried unanimously. CONFLICT OF INTEREST • None of the Commissioners expressed a conflict of interest witliiftim on the agenda. JAN 2 5 2001 TY CLERK 13604.1. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE NOVEMBER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Moved by Commissioner Goldner, acceptance of the November financial • statements. Seconded by Commissioner Bostrom. Carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 3861 OPERATING RESERVE APPROPRIATION Moved by Commissioner Goldner, Resolution No. 3861 was reviewed by the Administrative Committee for approval by the Board. Seconded by Commissioner Lantry. Carried unanimously. A copy of Resolution No. 3861 is on file at the office of the Saint Paul Port Authority. CREDIT COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. 3862 USE OR DTED REDEVELOPMENT GRANT FUNDS FOR PHALEN BOULEVARD ACQUISITION Moved by Commissioner Goldner, Resolution No. 3862 reviewed and recommended by the Credit Committee for approval by the Board. Seconded by Commissioner Bostrom. Carried unanimously. A copy of Resolution No. 3862 is on file at the office of the Saint Paul Port Authority. RESOLUTION NO. 3863 CONTRACT AWARD HAWKINS DOCK INFRASTRUCTURE AT RED ROCK Moved by Commissioner Goldner, Resolution No. 3863 reviewed and recommended by the Credit Committee for approval by the Board. Seconded by Commissioner Lantry. Carried unanimously. A copy of Resolution No. 3863 is on file at the office of the Saint Paul Port Authority. President Johnson stated that at the Credit Committee meeting of December 12, a question arose regarding the low bidder's intention to pay prevailing wages. We have discussed this matter with Mike Noonan, owner of Portable Barge Services, Inc. He will be using subcontractors which include members of the Boilermakers, Carpenters, and Local 49 unions. RESOLUTION NO. 3864 DISTRICT COOLING SAINT PAUL, INC. -AUTHORIZATION FOR TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING ALLOCATION APPLICATION Moved by Commissioner Goldner, Resolution No. 3864 reviewed and recommended by the Credit Committee for approval by the Board. Seconded by Commissioner Bostrom. Carried unanimously. A copy of Resolution No. 3864 is on file at the office of the Saint Paul Port Authority. 13604.1. There being no further business, it was, on motion duly made and seconded, adjourned at 2:11 p.m. I, JOAN A. GRZYWINSKI, Chair of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing minutes of the Port Authority Regular Meeting held December 19, 2000, in the Board Meeting Room of the Port Authority at 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota are true and correct. Joa A. Grzywinskijrhair 13604.1. Page l of 2 Lucille Johnson-Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Julie Opsahl" <julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 1/26/2001 10:11 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: January 29 - February 2, 2001 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Special Livable Communities Committee Meeting -Mon., Jan. 29, 3:30 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda includes: Dakota County request for future reimbursement eligibility for campground/playground completion at Lebanon Hills Regional Park and utilities/picnic shelter completion at Miesville Ravine Regional Park; adoption of LCA goals for new participants in 2001 - Hugo and Mahtomedi; section 8 and public housing assisted residents as governing body members; draft guidelines for priority funding for housing performance; a proposal for aligning Council policy and the TEA-21 solicitation 2001; and other business. Metropolitan Council - Wed., Jan. 31, 3 p.m., Chambers. The agenda includes: section 8 and public housing assisted residents as governing body members; adoption of LCA goals for new participants in 2001 - Hugo and Mahtomedi; authorization to contract waste disposal services for regional facilities; authorization to execute a change order with Alfa Laval Separation, Inc. for the purchase of six dewatering centrifuges; letter of support- Minnesota Mississippi River Parkway Commission; authorization to purchase process chemicals from DPC Industries and Hawkins Chemical; Dakota County request for future reimbursement eligibility for campground/playground completion at Lebanon Hills Regional Park and utilities/picnic shelter completion at Miesville Ravine Regional Park; Brooklyn Park critical area plan; East Bethel - Oakwood Meadows comprehensive plan amendment; formation of Riverview Corridor public involvement committees; Metro Mobility bus and computer procurement; authorization of public sale of general obligation sewer refunding bonds; 2000 MetroEnvironment partnership grant awards; discussion of draft guidelines for priority funding for housing performance; discussion of a proposal for aligning Council policy and the TEA-21 solicitation; legislative briefing and discussion; and other business. Metropolitan Radio Board- Fri., February 2, 9 a.m., Metro Counties Govt. Ctr., 2099 University Ave. The agenda includes: report of the technical operations committee; amendment of the 2001 budget; executive director's report; legislative report; update on Motorola contract work; and other business. TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 5 - 9, 2001 Hiawatha Corridor Management Committee - Mon., Feb. 5, 8:30 a.m., Heywood Office Roundtable Forum for LCDA Grantees -Mon., Feb. 5, 10 a.m., League of MN Cities Building, 145 University Ave. W., St. Paul. Livable Communities Committee - Mon., Feb. 5, 3:30 p.m., Room 1A Rail Transit Committee - Tues., Feb. 6, 4 p.m., Heywood Office Technical Advisory Committee to the TAB - Wed., Feb. 7, 9 a.m., Chambers Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee- Wed., Feb. 7, 1 p.m., Room 2A Rural Issues Work Group - Wed., Feb. 7, 1 p.m., Chambers file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 1/26/2001 Page 2 of 2 Metropolitan Council - Wed., Feb. 7, 3 p.m., Room lA Transit Providers Advisory Committee - Thurs., Feb. 8, 10 a.m., Room lA TAC Planning Committee - Thurs., Feb. 8, 1:30 p.m., Room 2A Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee - Thurs., Feb. 8, 4 p.m., Air National Guard, 631 Minuteman Dr. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 1/26/2001 Masteerr ikuveting CALEI AR ko Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings WEEK OF JANUARY 29-31 AND FEBRUARY 1-2,2001 Mon 29 Tues 30 8:30-10:00 a.m. Neighborhood and Current Room 1503-A(15th floor) Planning Committee City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth St. - U.S.Bank Environmental Assessment Worksheet - discussion of public and agency comment,preparation of final comments for Commission to forward to PED Director. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6578) - Area Plan Summary for Phalen Corridor Development Strategy and Area Plan Summary Amendment for Phalen Westminster in the Phalen Corridor-release for public hearing set for February 23, 2001. (Penny Simison, 651/266-6554) - Lex-Ham Tomorrow Plan-discussion of alternative language,based on public hearing testimony,referral to PC for adoption on February 9, 2001. (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Wed 31 Thurs 1 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West OLD BUSINESS #00-153-513 Semple Enterprises- Special Condition Use Permit to operate a recycling processing center. 91 Ridder Circle,NE of Ridder Circle at Fillmore. (Virginia Burke, 651/266-6661) #00-153-757 St.Paul Flight Center-River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit with modification of dry flood proofing requirement to demolish 7-8 metal hangers and construct concrete and masonry replacement hangers. 270 Airport Road,west side of Holman Field. (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) NEW BUSINESS #01-120-869 Metropolitan Airports Commission-River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit with a modification of dry flood proofing requirement to construct 9 hangars. 644 Bayfield Street, northeast side of Holman Field. (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) Duplex-Triplex Conversion Guidelines-review and recommendation. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Fri 2 Bruton\CalendarsVan 29-31 and Feb 1-2,2001 AGENDA ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, February 1,2001 -3:30 P.M. City Council Chambers Third Floor City Hall -Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Zoning Committee will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 18, 2001, ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES OLD BUSINESS 1. Semple Enterprises(00-153-513) Special Condition Use Permit to operate a recycling processing center. 91 Ridder Circle, NE of Ridder Circle at Fillmore. Hearing is open. Zoning: 1-2, RC-4 Staff: Virginia Burke 2. St. Paul Flight Center(00-153-757) River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit with modification of dry floodproofing requirement to demolish 7-8 metal hangars and construct concrete and masonry replacement hangars. 270 Airport Road, W. side of Holman Field. Hearing is open. Zoning:1-1, RC-2 Staff: Martha Faust NEW BUSINESS 3. Metropolitan Airports Commission (01-120-869) River Corridor Special Condition Use Permit with modification of dry floodproofing requirement to construct 9 hangars. 644 Bayfield St., NE side of Holman Field. Zoning: I-1, RC-1 Staff: Martha Faust 4. Duplex-Triplex Conversion Guidelines Review and recommendation Staff: Yang Zhang ADJOURNMENT ZONING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Call Allan Torstenson at 266-6579 or Carol Martineau at 266-6550 if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions that the committee may have. JAN-25-2001 16:48 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 MSEY COUNTY Monday..January 29, 2001 Tuesday,January 30,2001 NO BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETINGS 5TR TUESDAY Wednesday, January 31, 2001 Thursday, February 1, 2001 6:30 p.m. - Citizens Advisory Council—Community Roundtable Meeting First Baptist Church, 9th& Wacouta Friday, February 2, 2001 8:00 a.m. - Ramsey County Delegation Meeting State Office Building, Room 5 11:00 a.m. - Resource Recovery Project Board 1670 Beam Avenue • ADVANCE NOTICE February 6, 2001 —Policy Board Meeting February 13, 2001 —Policy Board Meeting TOTAL P.02 .Lucille Johnson - nelling 1-94 Citgo(Jade Inc.).wpd Page 1 • NOTICE OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING Dean Showalter,VP Jade Inc.,dba Snelling I-94 CITGO O 326 Snelling Avenue,North Saint Paul,MN 55104 Dear Mr. Showalter: An objection has been raised to the issuance of City of Saint Paul Gas Station,Grocery, Restaurant&Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses at 326 Snelling Avenue,North. You are invited to attend and participate in a hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer regarding this objection. The Legislative Hearing will be held on: DATE: Wednesday,January 31,2001 TIME: 2:00 p.m. PLACE: Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse Third Floor,Room#330,Committee Hearing Room 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 At this hearing,the Legislative Hearing Officer will take testimony from all interested persons. At the end of this hearing,he will make a recommendation as to whether the license should be approved,approved with conditions, or referred to an Administrative Law Judge. The City Council will have the final authority to grant or deny this license. cc: Councilmember Jay Benanav Complainants Snelling-Hamline Community Council(Sherilyn Young,Community Organizer) Virginia Palmer,City Attorney's Office LIEP Staff Notice Mailed: 01/24/01 Lucile Johnson - Welling 1-94 itgo(Jade Inc.).wp Page 21 Dean Showalter,VP Jade Inc.,dba Snelling 1-94 Citgo 326 Snelling Avenue,North Saint Paul,MN 55104 Sherilyn Young,Organizer Snelling-Hamline Community Council 1573 Selby Avenue-Room 311 Saint Paul,MN 55104 Jeffrey M. Shaller 1541 Carroll Avenue Saint Paul,MN 55104 John E. Daubney Attorney at Law 1217 West Seventh Street Saint Paul,MN 55102 Jan Levasseur LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Building Christine Rozek LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Building Kristine Schweinler LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Building Corinne Martens LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Building Virginia Palmer City Attorney's Office 400 City Hall Lucille Johnson -Sne ing -94 Citgo Jade Inc.).wpd Page 3 a i( Larry Zangs LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Building Page 1 of 1 Lucille Johnson - Legislative Hearing. From: Nancy Anderson To: Johnson, Lucille Date: 1/25/2001 12:27 PM Subject: Legislative Hearing. CC: Wicklund, Sandra Lucille: Please add the attached Legislative Hearing to your "Meetings of the Week" calendar. (Groveland Tap, 1834 St. Clair Avenue, on Tuesday,January 30, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., Room 330, City Hall.) Thanks. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 1/25/2001 . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING ACQUISITION "4N 2 6'24n OF PROPERTY NEAR THE 'r i MINNEAPOLIS — ST. PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT �R HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Metropolitan Airports Commission, a public corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 473.641 to consider the acquisition by the Metropolitan Airports commission of certain property located proximate to the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport, more specifically: Certain parcels located just west of the Air Force Reserve complex near the Southeast corner of the intersection of Minnesota Highway 62 and 34th Avenue South. The public hearing will commence at 1:00 p.m. on the 13th day of February, 2001 in Room 3040 of the Lindbergh Terminal Building at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The hearing will afford interested persons, groups and agencies an opportunity for public consideration of the economic, social, and environmental effects of the proposed acquisition. Any person wishing to submit information relating to this matter may appear at the public hearing and make an oral statement or present written material. Persons intending to make oral presentations are requested to notify the Commission by February 13, 2001 in writing or by telephone to Ms. Jenn Unruh, Metropolitan Airports Commission, 6040 28th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450; telephone 612- 726-8100. Written statements and other exhibits relating to this matter will be incorporated into the transcript of the hearing, provided such statements or exhibits are submitted at the hearing or are presented to the Metropolitan. Airports Commission prior to the close of business on Friday, February 16, 2001. Dated this 23rd day of January, 2001. Jeffrey W. Hamiel Executive Director Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55450 JAN 2620 01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING ACQUISITION Ltefor OF PROPERTY NEAR THE MINNEAPOLIS —ST. PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Metropolitan Airports Commission, a public corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 473.641 to consider the acquisition by the Metropolitan Airports commission of certain property located proximate to the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport,more specifically: Certain parcels located within the Fort Snelling United States Army Reserve Center of which lay within the Federal Runway Safety Area and Object Free Area for Runway 22. The public hearing will commence at 1:00 p.m. on the 13th day of February, 2001 in Room 3040 of the Lindbergh Terminal Building at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The hearing will afford interested persons, groups and agencies an opportunity for public consideration of the economic, social, and environmental effects of the proposed acquisition. Any person wishing to submit information relating to this matter may appear at the public hearing and make an oral statement or present written material. Persons intending to make oral presentations are requested to notify the Commission by February 13, 2001 in writing or by telephone to Ms. Jenn Unruh, Metropolitan Airports Commission, 6040 28th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450; telephone 612- 726-8100. Written statements and other exhibits relating to this matter will be incorporated into the transcript of the hearing, provided such statements or exhibits are submitted at the hearing or are presented to the Metropolitan Airports Commission prior to the close of business on Friday, February 16, 2001. Dated this 23rd day of January, 2001. Jeffrey W. Hamiel Executive Director Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55450 ; RE lYCEIVCLERKE-U JAN 2 6 2001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY NEAR THE MINNEAPOLIS —ST. PAUL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Metropolitan Airports Commission, a public corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 473.641 to consider the acquisition by the Metropolitan Airports Commission of certain property located proximate to the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport, more specifically: Veterans Affairs Administration property in Sections 31 and 32, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, lying within an existing drainage/ravine area, all in Hennepin County. The public hearing will commence at 1:00 p.m. on the 13th day of February, 2001 in Room 3040 of the Lindbergh Terminal Building at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The hearing will afford interested persons, groups and agencies an opportunity for public consideration of the economic, social, and environmental effects of the proposed acquisition. Any person wishing to submit information relating to this matter may appear at the public hearing and make an oral statement or present written material. Persons intending to make oral presentations are requested to notify the Commission by February 13, 2001 in writing or by telephone to Ms. Jenn Unruh, Metropolitan Airports Commission, 6040 28th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450; telephone 612- 726-8100. Written statements and other exhibits relating to this matter will be incorporated into the transcript of the hearing, provided such statements or exhibits are submitted at the hearing or are presented to the Metropolitan Airports Commission prior to the close of business on Friday, February 16, 2001. Dated this 23rd day of January, 2001. Jeffrey W. Hamiel Executive Director Metropolitan Airports Commission 6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55450