6/12-6/16/2000 &gs for the week of June 12th-June 16th http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html •.; The City of Saint Paul „, r r e c h 10r 141Alk Meetings for the Week of June 12th, thru June 16th, 2000 MONDAY - June 12th No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY - June 13th Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers WEDNESDAY - June 14th *Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Commission 6:30 PM Como Lakeside Pavilion, 1360 N. Lexington Ave. THURSDAY - June 15th Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers FRIDAY - June 16th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible,but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 6/12/2000 2:08 PM SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Goldner, Dick Anfang, DATE: June 8, 2000 W. Andrew Boss, Lori Frit ts FROM: Kenneth R. Johnson SUBJECT: Credit Committee Meeting June 14, 2000 NOTE THE CHANGE IN MEETING DATE WHICH IS EARLIER THAN USUAL The regular meeting of the Credit Committee will be held on Wednesday, June 14, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority located at 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes of May 16, 2000 Meeting 2. Place & Plaza LLC — Sale of Property— Energy Park Place and Plaza — Energy Park 3. McCullough Companies — Sale of Property— Riverview Industrial Park 4. Rejection of Contract for Public Improvements — Great Northern Business Center— Phase I (Maxson Steel Site) 5. Such Other Business That May Come Before the Committee /ca cc: Press City Clerk Joan Grzywinski K. Lantry R. Hansen, Leonard Street & Deinard RECEIVED JUN 13 2000 CITY CLERK 6129.1. Lucille Johnson -Metro Meetings/Digest Page 1 From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Julie Opsahl" <julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 6/9/00 8:45AM Subject: Metro Meetings/Digest WEEK OF: June 12 - 16, 2000 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Transportation Committee-Mon., June 12, 4 p.m., Chambers. The agenda will include: approval of$19.4 million in regional transit capital projects; regional fleet bus procurement; quarterly regional transit capital amendments; department of public service/Metro Mobility contract for ADA identification; review transportation policy plan readoption public hearing comments; part 150 study; Columbia Heights transit hub change order; part-time operator hiring/retention plan; Metro Mobility update; and other business. Environment Committee-Tues., June 13, 4 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda will include: 2000 Minnesota Environmental Initiative award; authorization to award and execute a contract for the construction of Chanhassen liquid waste hauler disposal site improvements; appeal process for MCES and community billing disputes; capital finance plan; and other business. Aviation Policy Task Force-Wed., June 14, 8:30 a.m., Chambers Management Committee-Wed., June 14, 2 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda will include: staff recognition for certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting (CAFR)for year ended 1998; approval of closed meeting schedule; authorization to extend contract for transit policy legal services; approval of revisions to the MSRS unclassified plan; and other business. A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes section 471.705, subdivision 1A(1996)to discuss labor negotiations. Metropolitan Council-Wed., June 14, 3 p.m., Chambers. The agenda will include: regional leadership award for Senator Flynn; presentation of MPCA certificates of commendation; Columbia Heights transit hub; approval of 2000-2001 section 8 utility allowance schedule; Metro GIS business plan and the Metropolitan Council's role; GIS data and cost agreement amendments; Livable Communities Advisory Committee appointment; approval of revisions to the MSRS unclassified plan; quarterly regional transit capital amendments; closed meetings of the management committee to discuss labor negotiation issues; authorization to extend contract for transit police legal services with the Smith Parker law firm; approval of $19.4 million in regional transit capital projects; regional fleet bus procurement; appointment to the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission; Metropolitan Council livable communities award; and other business. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agenda are subject to change. For more information or confirmation of meetings, call Dawn Hoffner at 651-602-1447. TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF JUNE 19-23, 2000 Livable Communities Committee-Mon., June 19, 3:30 p.m., Room 1A Rail Transit Committee-Tues., June 20, 4 p.m., Metro Transit Heywood, 560-6th Ave. N., Mpls. Transportation Advisory Board -Wed., June 21, 1:30 p.m., Chambers Metropolitan Council-Wed., June 21, 3 p.m., Room 1A Luci e ohnson -Metro Meetings Digest Page 2 Environmental Services 2001 Budget Breakfast Meeting -Thurs., June 22, 7:30 a.m., Shoreview Community Center, 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview METROPOLITAN PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon., June 12, 4 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda will include: presentation of Northern Lights communications merit award on regional parks map/guide to Phyllis Hanson; authorize regional park system capital improvement grants financed with $5.6 million state bonds and $3.3 million Metropolitan Council bond plus$16 million for Como Zoo/Conservatory Education Resource Center; authorize state fiscal year 2001 regional park system operations and maintenance grants financed with state appropriations; authorize second amendment to Normandale Lake bandshell project; use of logo and name on regional park signage and printed materials; and other business. The Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul, MN 55101. Meeting times and agendas occasionally may be changed. To verify meeting information, please call Ellie Bailey at 651-602-1312. Saint pau1 Parks and Recreation Commission City Clerk's Office iall Annex,25 W.4th Srte t, Saint Paul,IAN 55102- - 612l26 VED • Room 170 City Hall „7 'JUN 08 2000 Saint Paul, MN 55102 *AGENDA * CITY CLERK. DATE: Wednesday, June 14,2000 V TIME: 6:30-9:30 p.m. SITE: Como Lakeside Pavilion, 1360 North Lexington Avenue (488-4920) 1. 6:30 APPROVE AGENDA, MINUTES, INTRODUCE VISITORS, ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. 6:35 DIRECTOR'S REPORT *2001 Budget: Update, including health benefit costs *Watergate Marina: Update on Request for Proposals Process *Off-Leash Dog Areas: Update on Council action 3. 7:00 ADVOCACY ISSUES " *Como Park Non-Athletic Facility Improvements - Liz Anderson/Don Ganje *Highland Golf Course Research - Mike Hahm 4. 7:45 COMMISSION STRUCTURE/ACTIVITIES *Summer Facility Tour: Preliminary Itinerary - Mike Rossberg *Riverfront Corporation Meeting - Samuel Verdeja 5. 8:10 TASK FORCE AND COMMITTEE REPORTS *Long Range Planning Task Force - Al Paulson *Como Zoo and Conservatory Society - Terry Huntrods *Bicycle Advisory Board - Samuel Verdeja 6. 8:25 SET NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA 7. 8:30 ADJOURNMENT LEASE NOTICES/OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Notice of Commission Review in September. 2000: City Academy Expansion of Wilder Recreation Center Notice of Commission Review in September. 2000: Naming Rights to Midway Stadium Notice of Commission Discussion in August. 2000: Watergate Marina REP Process and Lease Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are open to the public. If you require special accommodation or would like a copy of the minutes,please call Mike Rossberg at 266-6447 Saint Paul Parks anti Recreation Commissioners: Samuel Verdeja, Chairperson; Alain Paulson, Vice-C'nairrnerson Jill Danner, William Dunniaan, Terrence Huntrods, Kenneth Mauer, John O'Halloran, Phil Raviizkv Lucille Joioson -2nd-june-2000-.wpd Page 1 Master Meeting CALENDAR Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings SECOND Week in June 2 0 0 0 Mon 12 Tues 13 4:00 p.m. Comprehensive Planning Committee The Mississippi river Corridor Plan Conference Room 1106 (Martha Faust 266-6572) 25 W.Forth St.,City Hall Annex Wed 14 Thurs 15 Zoning Committee Old Business: #00-125-361 Precision Tune-Special Condition Use Permit with Modification of Special Conditions to allow reconstruction of an auto specialty store with a 6 foot landscaped buffer area along the north property line(10 foot setback required)on a 9,760 sq.foot lot(15,000 square feet required). 360 S. Snelling Avenue,NE corner Snelling and Jefferson. (James Zdon,266-6559) New Business: #00-127-177 VoiceStream Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to install six cellular antennas on an existing residential structure less than 60 ft.high. 33 Avon St.,NW corner of Avon and Grand. (Nancy Homans,266-6557) #00-127-058 Semple Excavating&Trucking-Rezone from 1-2 to 1-3 to allow(with a Special Condition Use Permit)processing and recycling of concrete and asphalt on site; 91 Ridder Circle,403 Fillmore. (Virginia Burke,266-6661) #00-127-129 Doug Berends Used Car Lot-Special Condition Use Permit to allow for a used car sales lot. 1179 Arcade St.,SE corner of Rose and Arcade. (Nancy Frick,266-6554) #00-127-416 US West Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna on top of a new telephone/power pole(52'total height). Public Row,south side of Old Hudson Road,west of Birmingham.(Nancy Frick,266-6554) #00-127-312 US West Wireless-Special Condition use Permit to allow cellular antennas to be located on an existing residential structure less than 60 feet high. 1469 Randolph,NW corner of Randolph and Pascal. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-127-329 US West Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna on a building less than 60 feet high. 2237 Commonwealth:between Como and Keston. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-126-873 St.Paul Regional Water Services-Special condition Use Permit and variances for installation of a water tank. Variances requested are: height(40 ft.allowed 114 ft. proposed)side yard setbacks(57 ft.required,19 ft.and 32 ft.proposed)and rear yard setback(57 ft.required,38 ft.proposed). 1515 Cleveland Ave.,SW corner of Cleveland and Dudley. (James Zdon,266-6559) CANCELLATION MAILED 6/5/00 #00-125-464 to create business offices-Rezone from RM-2 to OS-1,Jim and Mary Kowalski,39 Syndicate Street South,between Summit and Grand. (James Zdon,266-6559) Luci e otinson -2nd-june-2000-.wpd Page 2 #00-126-944 Episcopal Church Home of MN-Rezone from P-1 and B-3 to RM-2 to allow for expansion of the Episcopal Church Home retirement community. SW corner of University and Fairview. (James Zdon,266-6559) Fri 16 barnes\2ndWeek-June 2000Mtg DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS W. H. Tyrone Ten-ill, Director PAIN L NT CITY OF SAINT PAUL 900 City Hall Telephone: 651-266-8966 04' Norm Coleman, Mayor 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile: 651-266-8962 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1681 TDD: 651-266-8977 AMA rwo MEMORANDUM TO: SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONERS FROM: ROBERT L. BATTLE, CHAIR DATE: JUNE 7,2000 SUBJECT: JUNE 13,2000 MEETING The June Meeting of the Human Rights Commission will be held on Tuesday,June 13,2000 at the Hallie Q. Brown Center in the Library,270 Kent Street, Saint Paul,MN at 6:00 p.m. AGENDA I. Acceptance of Agenda H. Approval of Minutes RECEIVED III. Committee Reports JUN 0 7 2000 Construction Partnering Program CITY CLERK Awards Committee IV. Director's Report V. Old Business • Willie White Hearing-Findings Deanna Lara Hearing- Findings Housing Commission VI. New Business Community outreach- publicity Discussion - Construction Summit VU. Announcements VIII. Public Participation IX. Adjournment Please call Myra at 266-8963 if you are unable to attend the meeting. An Affirmative Action,Equal Opportunity Employer AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING J U N E 12, 2000 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 22, 2000 II. OLD BUSINESS A. Applicant - WALTER ABBAS (#00-125791) Location - 1502 Chelmsford Street Zoning - R-3 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A height variance in order to construct a new detached garage in the rear yard. The allowable height for an accessory structure is 15 feet, and the proposed height is 19 feet, for a variance of 4 feet. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - DAVID SCHELL & JOHN CONWAY (#00-125994) Location - 991 Topping Street Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Two variances in order to replat three lots into two lots, and construct two, new, single-family homes. 1) A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet is required and a lot size of 4,657 square feet is proposed, for a variance of 343 square feet on each of the new lots. 2) A minimum lot width of 40 feet is required and a width of 37.5 feet is proposed, for a variance of 2.5 feet on each new lot. Agenda June 12, 2000 Page Two B. Applicant - KEITH JANS (#00-126150) Location - Approx. 1612 Westminister Street Zoning - RM-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - Several variances in order to construct 4, new, four-plexes on this site. 1) Side yard setbacks of 15 feet are required, and setbacks of 10 feet are proposed for the north side of building one, and the south sides of buildings two and four, for variances of 5 feet on each of the three buildings. 2) A separation between buildings of 30 feet is required, and a separation of 15 feet is proposed, for variances of 15 feet. 3) Twentyfour, off-street, parking spaces are required, and 16 spaces are proposed, for a variance of 8 spaces. C. Applicant - G.M. BURNSIDE (#00-127456) Location - 2139 Hawthorne Avenue East Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A side yard setback variance in order to construct a new garage on the west side of the house. An 8 foot setback is required, and a 3 foot setback is proposed, for a variance of 5 feet. D. Applicant - ERIC VOGSTROM (#00-127471) Location - 17 White Bear Avenue South Zoning - R-1 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A sideyard setback variance in order to construct a new, single-family home. A 10-foot setback is required, and an 8 foot setback is proposed on the south side, for a variance of 2 feet. E. Applicant - DAN SOUDER (#00-127530) Location - 1306 Bohland Place Zoning - R-1 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A sideyard setback variance in order to construct a sunroom addition to the east side of the house. A 10-foot setback is required, and a 7 foot setback is proposed, for a variance of 3 feet. _ Agenda June 12, 2000 Page Three F. Applicant - MARYANN & RON BUELOW (#00-127535) Location - 2169 Eleanor Avenue Zoning - R-4 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to construct a front porch. The required front setback is 30 feet, and the proposed setback is 28 feet, for a variance of 2 feet. G. Applicant - VICKIE BYRD (#00-127593) Location - 984 Edmund Avenue Zoning - RT-1 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A variance in conjunction with the Residential Street Re-Paving Program, to allow parking within a required side yard to continue. H. Applicant - MARCIA STEMWEDEL, for St. Paul Public Schools (#00-127613) Location - 2188 Londin Lane Zoning - R-1 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A variance to allow off-street parking within a required front yard setback. Off-street parking spaces may not be located within a required front or side yard. The required front yard setback is 39 feet, and the proposed parking lot would have zero setback. IV. ADJOURNMENT Board of Zoning Appeal Members: Please call John Hardwick(266-9082) or Noel Diedrich (266-9144) if you are unable to attend the meeting. APPLICANT: You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer any questions the Board may have.