6/19-6/23/2000 Meetings for the week of June 19th-June 23rd http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html K E;; The City of Saint Paul ' llkik Meetings for the Week of MIMI June 19th, thru June 23rd, 2000 MONDAY - June 19th Saint Paul Charter Commission 4:00 PM Room 220 City Hall TUESDAY - June 20th Legislative Hearings (Summary Abatements 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall and Nuisance) Property Code Enforcement 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Hearings Board of Water Commissioners 5:00 PM Room 310-F. City Hall WEDNESDAY - June 21st *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers Comprehensive Planning Committee 25 W. Fourth St., Rm 1106 City - The Mississippi River Corridor 4:00 PM Hall Annex Plan THURSDAY - June 22nd Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Conf. Room A -RiverCentre Executive Committee 7'30 AM Admin. Office Legislative Hearing -Value Auto 11:00 AM Room 330 City Hall Sales & Leasing Heritage Preservation Commission 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall FRIDAY - June 23rd Planning Commission 8:00 AM Room 40 City Hall Public Hearing - Brewery/Ran-View 8•30 AM Room 40 City Hall Small Area Plan *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.servicena,ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 6/16/2000 10:43 AM JUN-16-2000 11:01 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W.KELLOGG BLVD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 651 266-8350 RAMSEY COUNTY Monday, June 19,2000 Tuesday,June 20, 2000 NO BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETINGS Wednesday,June 21, 2000 10:00 a.m. - Joint Ramsey County/St. Paul Workforce Council Meeting Maplewood Community Center 3:00 p.m. - Open House at Ramsey County Family Service Center 2001 Van Dyke, Maplewood 7:00 p.m. - Ramsey County Library Board 4698 Clark Avenue, White Bear Lake Thursday,June 22, 2000 8:30 a.m. - Resource Recovery Project Board 1670 Beam Avenue, Maplewood Friday,June 23,2000 ADVANCE NOTICE: June 27, 2000 -- 9:00 a.m. -Policy Board Meeting, Council Chambers TOTAL P.02 111111 Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Agenda June 23,2000 Approval of Minutes of June 9,2000 H. Chair's Announcements HI. Planning Administrator's Announcements IV. Zoning Committee Old Business: #00-125-361 Precision Tune-Special Condition Use Permit with Modification of Special Conditions to allow reconstruction of an auto specialty store with a 6 foot landscaped buffer area along the north property line(10 foot setback required)on a 9,760 sq.foot lot (15,000 square feet required). 360 S. Snelling Avenue,NE corner Snelling and Jefferson. (James Zdon,266-6559) New Business: #00-127-177 VoiceStream Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to install six cellular antennas on an existing residential structure less than 60 ft.high. 33 Avon St.,NW corner of Avon and Grand. (Nancy Homans,266-6557) #00-127-058 Semple Excavatin!& Trucking-Rezone from 1-2 to 1-3 to allow(with a Special Condition Use Permit)processing and recycling of concrete and asphalt on site; 91 Ridder Circle,403 Fillmore. (Virginia Burke,266-6661) #00-127-129 Doug Berends Used Car Lot-Special Condition Use Permit to allow for a used car sales lot. 1179 Arcade St.,SE corner of Rose and Arcade. (Nancy Frick,266- 6554) #00-127-416 US West Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna on top of a new telephone/power pole(52' total height). Public Row,south side of Old Hudson Road,west of Birmingham. (Nancy Frick,266-6554) #00-127-312 US West Wireless-Special Condition use Permit to allow cellular antennas to be located on an existing residential structure less than 60 feet high. 1469 Randolph,NW corner of Randolph and Pascal. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-127-329 US West Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna on a building less than 60 feet high. 2237 Commonwealth: between Como and Keston. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-125-464 to create business offices-Rezone from RM-2 to OS-1,Jim and Mary Kowalski,39 Syndicate Street South,between Summit and Grand. (James Zdon,266- 6559) • #00-126-944 Episcopal Church Home of MN-Rezone from P-1 and B-3 to RM-2 to allow for expansion of the Episcopal Church Home retirement community. SW corner of University and Fairview. (James Zdon,266-6559) V Comprehensive Planning Committee The Mississippi River Corridor Plan (Martha Faust 266-6572) VI Neighborhood and Planning Committee VH Communications Committee IX Task Force Reports X Old Business XI New Business XII Adjournment Planning Commission Members: PLEASE call Elvira Barnes-Wycough,266-6573,if unable to attend. Safa. Sleeting CALENDAR Saint Paul Planning Commission Meetings THIRD Week in June 2000 Mon 19 Tues 20 Wed 21 4:00 p.m. Comprehensive Planning Committee The Mississippi River Corridor Plan / / Conference Room 1106 (Martha Faust 266-6572) � 25 W. Forth St.,City Hall Annex Thurs 22 Fri 23 8-11:00 a.m Planning Commission Meeting ; / Rm 40 City Hall Conference Center (Larry Soderholm,266-6575) 15 Kellogg Blvd W Old Business: #00-125-361 Precision Tune-Special Condition Use Permit with Modification of Special Conditions to allow reconstruction of an auto specialty store with a 6 foot landscaped buffer area along the north property line(10 foot setback required)on a 9,760 sq. foot lot (15,000 square feet required). 360 S. Snelling Avenue,NE corner Snelling and Jefferson. (James Zdon,266-6559) New Business: #00-127-177 VoiceStream Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to install six cellular antennas on an existing residential structure less than 60 ft. high. 33 Avon St.,NW corner of Avon and Grand. (Nancy Homans,266-6557) #00-127-058 Semple Excavating&Trucking-Rezone from 1-2 to 1-3 to allow(with a Special Condition Use Permit)processing and recycling of concrete and asphalt on site; 91 Ridder Circle,403 Fillmore. (Virginia Burke,266-6661) #00-127-129 Doug Berends Used Car Lot-Special Condition Use Permit to allow for a used car sales lot. 1179 Arcade St.,SE corner of Rose and Arcade. (Nancy Frick,266- 6554) #00-127-416 US West Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna on top of a new telephone/power pole(52' total height). Public Row,south side of Old Hudson Road,west of Birmingham.(Nancy Frick,266-6554) #00-127-312 US West Wireless- Special Condition use Permit to allow cellular antennas to be located on an existing residential structure less than 60 feet high. 1469 Randolph,NW corner of Randolph and Pascal. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-127-329 US West Wireless-Special Condition Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna on a building less than 60 feet high. 2237 Commonwealth: between Como and Keston. (James Zdon,266-6559) #00-125-464 to create business offices-Rezone from RM-2 to OS-1,Jim and Mary Kowalski,39 Syndicate Street South,between Summit and Grand. (James Zdon,266- 6559) #00-126-944 Episcopal Church Home of MN-Rezone from P-1 and B-3 to RM-2 to allow Ili for expansion of the Episcopal Church Home retirement community. SW corner of University and Fairview. (James Zdon,266-6559) barnes\3rdWeek-June 2000Mtg PLANNING COMMISSION • Gladys Morton,Chair SAINT PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL 25 West Fourth Street Telephone:651-266-6565 Norm Coleman,Mayor Saint Paul,MN 55102 Facsimile:651-228-3314 A A A A RECEVE0 011111111111110 UI y ' 6 200 0 DATE: May 26, 2000 c�T' CLE RK TO: Early Notification System Property Owners Interested Parties FROM: Nancy Homans City Planner RE: Brewery/Ran-View Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study Public Hearing Notice LY'r' The Saint Paul Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Brewery/Ran-View Small Area Plan and Forty Acre Study Friday, June 23, 2000 8:30 a.m. Room 40 City Hall/Courthouse On Friday, June 23, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Brewery/Ran-View Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study to consider whether to adopt a summary of that plan as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and whether to recommend rezoning of three areas within the neighborhood.-Developed by a task force convened by the Saint Paul Planning Commission and the Fort Road Federation, the plan addresses the future of the neighborhood bounded by West Seventh Street, the Mississippi River, I-35E and the railroad tracks just north of the Board of Education offices at 360 Colbome. The Planning Commission recently adopted guidelines whereby plans for geographic portions of the city may be incorporated into the citywide comprehensive plan. Essentially, in order to keep the city's plan current and easy for people to understand and use, area plans will be appended to the larger plan in summary form. Summaries are prepared by the planning staff of PED and highlight those recommendations for which City departments have primary or major responsibility. (over) • • The adoption process involves a review by the Planning Commission and City Council to ensure that the plan is the product of a broadly-based community effort and is consistent with other adopted plan chapters or City policies. After a public hearing, summaries of those plans found to be consistent with the Commission's guidelines and the Comprehensive Plan, will be recommended for City Council adoption. In this case, the plan also involved a study of the zoning in the area and a recommendation that the following sites be rezoned: 1. Blocks bounded by Butternut, Stewart, Otto and Sumac in addition to the lot on the northwest corner of Sumac and Butternut: Rezone form RM-2 (multi-family residential) to RT-1 (one and two family residential). 2. City owned land on the riverfront at Randolph to be developed as a waterfront park: Rezone from 1-2 (industrial) to R-4 (single family residential). 3. Townhouses on Otto, between West Seventh and Victoria: Rezone from RM-2 (multi-family residential) to RT-2 (townhouse). Attached is a summary of the Brewery/Ran-View Small Area Plan. Copies of the complete plan may be obtained by calling me at 651-266-6557. Enclosure Area Plan Summary Brewery/ Ran-View Small Area Plan Addendum to The Comprehensive Plan for Saint Paul Recommended by the Planning Commission, (date) Adopted by the City Council (date) This summary appends to the Comprehensive Plan the community's vision for the redevelopment and revitalization of the Brewery/Ran-View neighborhood of the city's West Seventh/Fort Road community. Location Brewery/Ran-View is bounded by the Mississippi River, West Seventh Street, I-35E and the railroad tracks running just north of the St. Paul Board of Education offices at 360 Colborne. . .::..:,.:::...:. ....b113,...,...,..„ FREE=.... . if.i.:::11AV4,161MIREMPI:.:-.:::..;.. %,:.::..-:":"12rtitiliterne ill .: .... ..... :,:.::i.i..7:.:.: N0.At.W� w �- . �s m ter. lr w�•��,�� :' .„:„:::.. • .. - kv—, :: .,;...::;....::;:s.:::,:::.': :-. ..N.4.4„..:... ,,..:-::--:. QQ,, t iii.ek ' '::::iaii:-..'k...:;...' '...:- NE%.,,,......,;alir. ..*:.:-..:.:;]..::::,::::2;;;;;;;I::..;;;:::::.;;;;;;:,,.,.1..iiiii::::::-..:.,,..iiiiiim:Iii.t.14,:::::.:.:::-:4::m.:::.].,...s.: si..:!::::.1...A.L4.4:::•:t. ...,..:„:... �_a1 .:4 ),(4?"'" 1::,:ii.!Ngi.mi;-:;16.. .....:-.41::---..:,1:m.xxx...2,:.:wii:i:::::;•,:aigini5e..;:;g:i::.6:9.‘i.;:giii.;.:-..:'.-i.:444, f .F Brewery/Ran-View Vision Brewery/Ran-View will be a safe and attractive mixed-use and mixed-income community that takes full advantage the scenic Mississippi River and the thriving pedestrian-scale Fort Road/West Seventh Street commercial corridor. It will be home to hundreds of new households living on reclaimed industrial land in the midst of one of Saint Paul's oldest and most cherished neighborhoods. -1- Specific Recommendations and Implementation Steps Koch Mobil Site The 65 acre site of the former fuel tank farms owned and operated by Mobil Oil and Koch Fuels should be redeveloped with a mix of residential and commercial/office uses in a manner consistent with a series of guidelines outlined in the plan. Those guidelines emphasize pedestrian scale development, significant landscaping, and integration of the site with the surrounding neighborhood, the Mississippi River valley and the balance of the region. Specific recommendations include: Most of the site should be devoted to the construction of approximately 400-600 new housing units designed to serve households of various sizes and incomes. Neighborhood-scale commercial/office uses should be constructed on West Seventh Street in a pattern similar to that in the surrounding commercial area. Buildings should be built up to the street, be two or three stories in height, and include spaces on the upper floors that may be used for housing and/or office uses. The portion of the site to be devoted to the commercial/office space and its related parking, landscaping and access should be in the range of 100,000 to 150,000 square feet and be located in the area bounded by West Seventh Street, Otto and Montreal Circle. The community should continue to be involved in advising the Saint Paul BRA and City Council on key issues throughout the redevelopment process. Randolph Industrial Site The 25-acre site, bounded generally by Randolph, Drake and Shepard Road, is currently used by the ADM grain elevators and various automobile parking and transfer operations. A Canadian Pacific Railroad mainline runs across the site and serves the Ford assembly plant in Highland Park. The plan recommends that the site eventually should be redeveloped with a mix of residential and commercial/office uses, but acknowledges that soil contamination and current uses on the site mean that redevelopment is unlikely to happen in the near term. As development pressure builds, however, the plan recommends a site-specific neighborhood-based planning process be undertaken. Neighborhood Clean-up-and Fix-up As important as the redevelopment of the aging industrial sites in the area are the series of strategies related to maintaining and improving the quality and character of existing residential and commercial development. Block clubs, code enforcement, rehab loans and grants and the purchase/rehab/resale of distressed properties are all tools recommended in the plan. West Seventh Street The small retail businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues on West Seventh Street will all be strengthened by a larger population base anticipated by the plan. To integrate those businesses--and the commercial district as a whole--more tightly into the neighborhood, the plan recommends new uses for vacant parcels, design guidelines to improve the aesthetic character of -2- the street, loans and grants for facade improvements, and careful attention to the quality of the public realm (street, sidewalks, street trees, lighting, fences and building facades). Ran-View and Brewery Neighborhoods The plan identifies a series of specific improvements recommended for the existing residential neighborhoods: street light installations, traffic calming at specific intersections, landscaping for key corners and neighborhood entrances, and work with the railroads to make additional provisions for right-of-way maintenance and the safety of drivers and pedestrians at each neighborhood crossing. Parks, Recreation and Open Space Among the recommendations related to parks, recreation and open space in the plan are that the City should develop a new passive riverfront park on land it owns across Shepard Road from where Randolph intersects with Shepard, explore the feasibility of a bicycle/pedestrian link between this area and Lilydale Regional Park on the river's west bank, and improve the triangle park at Tuscarora and Bay as a neighborhood focal point and children's play area. Beyond that, the plan recommends extending recreation programming to children and youth throughout the community through better marketing, providing transportation to area community recreation centers, offering programs at remote sites and partnering with private recreation providers. Land Use and Zoning Accompanying the small area plan is a 40-acre study recommending three areas for rezoning—generally to conform to existing land uses. The plan also recommends that, once a detailed development plan for the Koch Mobil site is prepared, an application for a planned unit development (PUD) should be filed for Planning Commission and City Council review. The PUD would establish all the necessary land use controls (e.g. permitted uses, setback and parking requirements, design guidelines) for the site. City Action Priority City actions include: • Work with developer(s) of the Koch Mobil site to facilitate development process. • Provide technical assistance in the preparation and review of the application for a planned unit development. • Review neighborhood needs for street paving, lighting and other streetscape improvements and integrate them into the City's capital improvement program. • Develop a passive riverfront park on City-owned land across Shepard Road. • Improve the City-owned Tuscarora and Bay triangle as a neighborhood focal point and play area for children. • Support the Fort Road Federation's acquisition, rehabilitation and resale of vacant and/or substandard properties. -3- • When appropriate, work with neighborhood residents to convene a planning process for the Randolph industrial site. Planning Commission Findings (to be prepared after Planning Commission review) Planning Process The Brewery Ran/View Small Area Plan and the forty-acre study were initiated by the Saint Paul Planning Commission on September 24, 1993. A draft plan was prepared by a task force convened jointly by the Commission and the West Seventh Federation and was the subject of a public hearing before the Commission on November 17, 1995. During the Commission's review, Koch Fuels and Mobil Oil announced plans to close their operations and vacate the site at West Seventh and Otto. Because of the significance of the site, the Planning Commission and community suspended consideration of the plan draft and began gathering information and identifying possible alternatives for its redevelopment. The task force was reconvened in August 1999 and completed a major revision of the original plan in February 2000. The task force was broadly representative of community interests and was co-chaired by a member of the Planning Commission. The process included a community-wide planning charrette and a special session with area business owners. The plan was adopted at the Annual Meeting of the West Seventh Federation on April 10, 2000. -4- Proposed Re-zonings 41 I 1"2§'rr I►ii3fi Blocks bounded byButternut, Stewart, Otto lullllllllllll I II - ,1111111/�I[in Il1ululltl U r IIIU 'I l Ff�TRI� and Sumac in addition to the lot on the II luul,l I1 ► 11'%1 II lull Ilft I �'� :„S northwest corner of Sumac and Butternut: l�llllll l'J /�11111�111 All 11 u ET 41111W 1:17' �� Rezone from RM-2 (multi family residential) to • •.�A1111I111 Il RT-1 (one- and two-family residential) ,.ram o 16 1€ ® I r t7 1F'/ i Aa U �sl'�,' !iii '' ESEonly �� Land to be developed as a waterfront park: r `7Jb l r ,a-i a P �, ;�`110* Rezone from 1-2 (industrial) to R-4 (single AI / NI. ��`�1 family residential) 44 aR4Ig 0 Es, / 2111:W y A:.,m w y The townhouse site of of Otto between West r , 1 Seventh and Victoria: [ Ni `.."'., Rezone from RM-2 (multifamily residential)7 �� J""lw, to RT-2 (townhouse) iI / CiiIi,C =nip a�Tr x roy BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS s T ix PAUL. ., MAN, James Reiter, President • Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand •Robert Cardinal • Pat Harris RECEIVED June 12, 2000 JUN 1 2 2000 CITY CLERK NOTICES TO: James Reiter, President Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners -- Michael Arcand Robert Cardinal Pat Harris MEETING NOTICE 1", The next Board of Water Commissioners' meeting will be held on TUESDAY, JUNE 20,2000 at 5 p.m. in Conference Room West, Third Floor- City Hall/Courthouse (Room 310-F). Janet Lindgren Secretary copy: City Clerk Matt Pfohl, Board Attorney SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4th St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul•West St. Paul L printed on recycled paper 06/14/00 09:09 FAX 651 265 4899 RIVERCENTRE 001/001 RIVERCENTRE * c Touchstone Energy Place Roy Wilkins Auditorium Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Executive Committee Meeting Notice Richard Zehring, Chair rzehring@welshco.com Dan Bostrom dan.bostromgci.stpaul.mn.us Lois West Duffy lois.west@ecolab.com ecolab.com The monthly meeting of the RCA Executive Committee is scheduled for Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 7:30 a.m. \Z DUE TO AN EVENT IN THE BUILDING THE LOCATION OF THE MEETING HAS BEEN CHANGED. The Meeting will take place in the RiverCentre SHARED CONFERENCE Room "A" located inside the RiverCentre Administrative Offices. cc: Rick Aguilar post-it°Fax Note 7671 Date 4,// pages Chris Coleman , ,i c°. Don Del Fiacco Co./De. . Rich Ginsberg Bob Schwartzbauer City Clerk's Office P. McCall J. O'Leary B. Chandler A. Hilton Volume Services JUN-13-2000 11:59 City of Saint Paul 651 266 8574 P.01i01 i . r �.I SAINT PAUL CH 4 `'4R COMMISSION ' tn , ,,,:,, dL L` Ira.•,SAINT PAUL, R,Oli; �;.�,,_INNESOTA 55102 MEETING NOTICE OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION DATE: Monday,June 19,2000 I./ TIME: 4:00 P.M. PLACE: Room 220,City Hall AGENDA I. Call to Order 2. Approval of the Minutes—Meeting of May 15,2000 3. Citizen Comments 4. Reports of the Standing Committees • Rules Committee—Edward Starr • Council Structure—Carole Fancy Presentation by John Connelly on the redistricting process • Good Government—Juan Martinez • Charter Review—Greg Copeland 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER TOTAL P.01 Lucil e Johnson - Meetings o the Week Calendar Page 1 From: Racquel Naylor To: Johnson, Lucille Date: 6/13/00 11:59AM Subject: Meetings of the Week Calendar Please add the following to the calendar: Legislative Hearing on: Value Auto Sales& Leasing Thursday, June 22, 2000, 11:00 a.m. Room 330 Courthouse. Thanks. -Racquel u le ohnson- etro T eetings 'age 1 From: "Dawn Hoffner" <dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Julie Opsahl"<julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 6/15/00 4:56PM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: June 19-23, 2000 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Livable Communities Committee-Mon., June 19, 3:30 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda will include: authorize second amendment to Normandale Lake bandshell project; authorize regional park system capital improvement grants financed with $5.6 million state bonds and $3.3 million Metropolitan Council bonds plus$16 million for Como Zoo/Conservatory Education Resource Center; authorize state fiscal year 2001 regional park system operations and maintenance grants financed with state appropriations; Lebanon Hills regional park acquisition grant; tax base revitalization account funding; pilot plat monitoring program; update- livable communities demonstration account phase I applications/smart growth proposals; and other business. Rail Transit Committee-Tues., June 20, 4 p.m., Metro Transit Heywood, 560-6th Ave. N., Mpls. The agenda will include: full funding grant agreement application; design/build procurement process; Metropolitan Council, Mn/DOT and City of Minneapolis construction cooperation agreement; Hiawatha LRT budget and schedule status; utility relocation status; Metropolitan Council memorandum of understanding; and on-going issues. Metropolitan Council-Wed., June 21, 3 p.m., Room 1A. The agenda will include: transportation policy plan readoption public hearing comments; pilot plat monitoring program; tax base revitalization account- spring funding; authorize regional park capital improvement grants financed with $5.6 million state bonds and$3.3 million Metropolitan Council bonds plus$16 million for Como Zoo/Conservatory Education Resource Center; authorize second amendment to Normandale Lake bandshell project; authorize state fiscal year 2001 regional park system operations and maintenance grants financed with state appropriations; authorization to award and execute a contract for the construction of Chanhassen liquid waste hauler disposal site improvements; Lebanon Hills regional park acquisition grant; part 150 study; City of West St. Paul comprehensive plan update; appeal process for MCES&community billing disputes; City of Chaska comprehensive plan update; approval of smart growth Twin Cities contract; and other business. Environmental Services 2001 Budget Breakfast Meeting-Thurs., June 22, 7:30 a.m., Shoreview Community Center, 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview. The agenda will include: creation of regional environment partnership; smart growth -Twin Cities; capital plan updates; water resources management/issues and solutions; budget goal/challenges and alternatives; 2001 budget and six-year plan for allocating resources; and discussion. Livable Communities Advisory Committee-Thurs., June 22, 9:30 a.m., Room 1A. The agenda will include: overview of demonstration account phase I proposals; discuss how to proceed with application reviews; and other business. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre, 230 E. Fifth St., St. Paul. Meeting times and agenda are subject to change. For more information or confirmation of meetings, call Dawn Hoffner at 651-602-1447. TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF JUNE 26-30, 2000 Transportation Committee- Mon., June 26, 4 p.m., Chambers e ohnson etro Meetings Page 21 Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission - Mon., June 26, 3 p.m., Tour of Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve, Big Marine Park Reserve, William O'Brien State Park and Square Lake Regional Special Use Facility Environmental Services 2001 Budget Breakfast Meeting-Tues., June 27, 7:30 a.m., Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant; 2540 W. 197th St., Farmington Environment Committee-Tues., June 27, 4 p.m., Room 1A Environmental Services 2001 Budget Breakfast Meeting -Wed., June 28, 7:30 a.m., Eden Prairie Community Center, 16700 Valley View Rd., Eden Prairie Transportation Advisory Board -Wed., June 28, 1:30 p.m., Chambers Management Committee-Wed., June 28, 2 p.m., Room 1A Metropolitan Council -Wed., June 28, 3 p.m., Chambers Hiawatha LRT Community Advisory Committee-Wed., June 28, 6:30 p.m., location to be determined METROPOLITAN SPORTS FACILITIES COMMISSION Personnel Committee*Mon., June 19, 3 p.m., MSFC Conference Room, 900 So. 5th St., Mpls. The agenda will include:jobs program; performance evaluation procedures; LRT staffing; and other business. The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission office is located at 900 South 5th St., Minneapolis, MN 55415. Meeting times and agendas occasionally may be changed. For agenda information and to verify meeting times, please call Nancy Matowitz, 612-335-3310 Lucie Johnson-6-22-00hpcagd.wpd Page SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. Thursday,June 22, 2000 Room 40, Lower Level, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard AGENDA I. ANNOUNCEMENTS II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Education Committee B. Design Review Committee C. Survey and Designation Project Committee D. Designation Committee V. BUSINESS A. Armstrong House update B. Set date for HPC retreat C. Discuss possible ordinance amendments D. Other VI. STAFF REPORT VII. ADJOURNMENT Commission members: Please call 651.266.9078 if unable to attend.