12/25-12/29/2000 Meeting foro,the week of December 25th-December 29th http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/clerk/meetings.html , The City of Saint Paul 411111+. Meetings for the Week of AAA December 25th, thru December 29th, 2000 MONDAY - December 25th CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY-OFFICES CLOSED TUESDAY - December 26th NO RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETINGS WEDNESDAY - December 27th *Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *CITY COUNCIL 3:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS THURSDAY - December 28th No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY - December 29th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service(a,ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible,but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 12/22/2000 2:56 PM Page l of l Lucille Johnson-Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner"<dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> To: "Julie Opsahl"<julie.opsahl@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 12/22/2000 8:55 AM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF:December 25-29,2000 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL --No meetings scheduled.-- TENTATIVE MEETINGS THE WEEK OF JANUARY 1-5,2000 Public Hearing on Advanced Corridor Plan for Proposed Commuter Rail System from Minneapolis to St.Cloud-Tues.,Jan 2,4:30 p.m.,Heywood Office Technical Advisory Committee to the TAB-Wed.,Jan 3,9 a.m.,Chambers Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee-Wed.,Jan.3,1 p.m.,Room 2A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Jan.3,3 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Radio Board-Fri.,Jan.5,9 a.m.,Metro Counties Govt.Ctr.,2099 University Ave. The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. METROPOLITAN PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION Special Meeting of the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Tues.,Dec.26,2 p.m.,Chambers. The agenda includes: ranking park CIP projects with visit and visit hour estimate data;and other business. The Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission offices are located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St.,St.Paul,MN 55101.To verify meeting times,please call Sandi Dingle at 651-602-1312. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 12/22/2000 DEC-21-2000 15 24 RAMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.02/02 _.,. ,.. MEETING NOTICE BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 W. KELLOGG BL'VD., ST. PAUL, MN 55102 �- a oU II 651 266-8350 Monday, December 25, 2000 OFFICES CLOSED CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Tuesday, December 26, 2000 NO BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETINGS Wednesday, December 27,2000 Thursday, December 28, 2000 Friday, December 29 2000 • ADVANCE NOTICE January 2, 2001 —Annual Organizational Meeting January 9, 2001 —Policy Board Meeting TOTAL P.02 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RECEIVE- SPECIAL BOARD MEETING/RETREAT DEC 2 2 NOVEMBER 7, 2000 2 0�® CITY CLERK The meeting was called to order by Joan A. Grzywinski at 12:30 p.m. in the Wabasha Board Room of the Radisson Riverfront Hotel, 11 E. Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The following Commissioners were present: Joan Grzywinski, Chair W. Andrew Boss - Michael Goldner - Daniel Bostrom - Kathy Lantry - Lori Fritts The following Commissioner was absent: Dick Anfang Also present were the following: - Kenneth Johnson - Lorrie Louder - Laurie Hansen - Tom Collins John Young - William Morin - Carol Abbas 2001 BUDGET Ms. Hansen reviewed the proposed 2001 budget with the Board highlighting the public relations and marketing expenses, development budget, operating reserve cashflow projections through the year 2004, capital expenditures, and development fund cashflow projections. Commissioner Goldner indicated that at the time the budget is brought before the Board for final approval, he would like to see in the development budget a breakout of consulting arrangements, e.g. law firms and specialized consultants, to see where the funds are being expended. 12949.1. REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATUS Lome Louder reviewed with the Board current Port Authority projects, those that are under analysis, and projects for future consideration. Ms. Louder also provided a matrix showing, along with other data, that there have been 804 new jobs created and approximately$2,184,000 in real estate taxes generated from the Crosby Lake, Arlington, and Williams Hill Business Centers. There was discussion by the Board induding, but not limited to, the cost/benefit of site selection, priorities for redevelopment, and specific sites such as River Bend, Maxson Steel, and Dale Street Shops. REO STATUS AND OUTLOOK Mr. Morin presented to the Board his REO Update/Disposition Strategy for the properties in the portfolio. He reported that Energy Park Place and Plaza had been sold to Steve Wellington and closing on the MarketHouse property had recently taken place. MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS INITIATIVES Mr. Collins reviewed with the Board what the Port had accomplished in 2000 and what it expected to do in 2001. He outlined his areas of focus including communications and investor relations, marketing and advertising, and partnerships and sponsorships. Mr. Collins also discussed the proposed name branding for the Port Authority and associated costs. HUMAN RESOURCES Mr. Johnson reported to the Board that following the resignation of one clerical support person, it was management's decision not to fill this position thereby realizing a savings in both salary and benefits. CUSTOMIZED JOB TRAINING: RE-TOOLING & RAMP-UP PLANS Ms. Louder reviewed with the Board the status of customized job training including, but not limited to the termination of the contract with one consultant, the hiring of a new consultant, the Business Plan, and feedback from focus groups consisting of vendors, partners, and businesses. • 2001 NEW INITIATIVES Management outlined with the Board new initiatives for 2001 including, but not limited to, hotels, underwriter relationships, and the status of various projects. 12949.1. There being no further business, it was, on motion duly made and econded,_adjoumed-at I, JOAN A. GRZYWINSKI, Chair of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing minutes of the Port Authority Special Meeting/Board Retreat held November 7, 2000, in the Wabasha Board Room of the Radisson Riverfront Hotel, 11 E. Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, are true and correct. J n A. Grzywinski, hair ca 12949.1.