5/1-5/5/2000 Meetings for the week of May 1st-May 5th http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/clerk/meetings.html The City of Saint Paul Meetings for the Week of MIA May 1st, thru May 5th, 2000 MONDAY - May 1st *Ramsey County Board 9:00 AM Council Chambers Public Meeting - Ramsey County Charter 7:00 PM District Office - St. Paul Public Commission Schools - 360 Colborne - Room TUESDAY - May 2nd Legislative Hearings (Summary Abatements 10:00 AM Room 330 City Hall and Nuisance) Property Code Enforcement 1:30 PM Room 330 City Hall Hearings WEDNESDAY - May 3rd *City Council 3:30 PM Council Chambers *Public Hearings 5:30 PM Council Chambers THURSDAY - May 4th Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers Public Works Informational Meeting -Point Douglas Rd. Sanitary Sewer 7:00 PM Conway Community Center, 2090 Project Conway Street FRIDAY - May 5th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service(a,ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651) 266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases,please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 4/28/2000 11:04 AM " PLEASE POST PNBLIC MEETING RECEIVED RamseyCount APR 122000 CITY CLERK Charter Commission UPCOMING PUBLIC MEETING/ CITIZEN INPUT SESSION Monday, May 1, 2000 7:00-9:00 p.m. St. Paul Schools -- District Office 360 Colborne (Room 1F) For more information, please contact Terry Speiker at (651) 266-8012. Public Meeting Topics o Expansion of Ramsey County's strategic planning requirements (as included in the Charter). o Expanding the authority of the County Board (through an addition to the Charter) to allow design build as an option in construction projects. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , MEETING NOTICE NOTIFICATION DATE: 4-17-00 TO: Tom Eggum Jim Graupmann, Water Utility Roger Puchreiter Greg Reese, Forestry Larry Lueth Citizen Service Office Lou Cotroneo Bob Connor Councilmenber Kathy Lantry Rebekah Cross MEETING DATE: Thursday, May 4, 2000 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Conway Community Center 2090 Conway Street REQUESTED BY: Joe Mueller SUBJECT: Neighborhood informational meeting to discuss sanitary sewer in Point Douglas Road REMARKS or AGENDA: We have received a petition for public sanitary sewer in this area. This meeting is to discuss resident concerns related to sewer construction and a special assessment policy. c: Jane Chada Attachment a , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J.Eggum,Director/City Engineer sA'K:T CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger Puchreiter,Sewer Utility Manager A Kt` 700 City Hall Annex Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Street (651)266-6234 Saint Paul,MN 55102 FAX(651)298-5621 AAAA April 17, 2000 Dear St. Paulite: In response to a petition, the Public Works Sewer Utility has conducted a preliminary investigation into constructing a public sanitary sewer in your area. You are invited to an informational meeting to discuss the results of that investigation and other design and assessment issues related to the proposed construction project. PROJECT: POINT DOUGLAS SANITARY SEWER CITY PROJECT NO. 00-S-1893 DATE: Thursday,May 4,2000 TIME: 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. PLACE: Conway Community Center 2090 Conway St. At the meeting, we will discuss sewer alignment, sewer service connections, construction practices, restoration and a special assessment policy. On the reverse side of this notice is a map showing the proposed alignment of the sanitary sewer, possible future extensions of that sewer and meeting location. This meeting is informational only. Any decisions to proceed with all or portions of this project will be made at a later date at a hearing during a City Council meeting. Property owners who would be assessed for project construction, will be notified by mail of that hearing. If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please contact me at (651) 266-6149. Sincerely, Oe • 1 /2 _'LJ • Joseph J. eller, P.E. Sewer Utility Responsive Services • Quality Facilities • Employee Pride METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION 5q Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport 6040 - 28th Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55450-2799 z Phone (612) 726-8100 • Fax (612) 726-5296 c _ MAC ` N 1- Goy ',�4RP0 P15 NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHEDULED FULL COMMISSION MEETING Metropolitan Airports Commission Wednesday, May 3, 2000 12:30 p.m. Room 3040 Lindbergh Terminal Building Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport AGENDA 1) Recommendation re Bids - Green Concourse APM - Facility & Finishes Package (DP #3) The Metropolitan Airports Commission is an affirmative action employer. Reliever Airports: AIRLAKE • ANOKA COUNTY/BLAINE • CRYSTAL• FLYING CLOUD • LAKE ELMO • SAINT PAUL DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE /k-CFIVED Paul Rehkamp—Chairman APR�� John Dowdle—Vice Chair �`% ?DO® Carl D'Aquila I k Ed Fiore £R/� John Kahler Bert McKasy Nancy Speer METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 1:00 P.M. — May 3, 2000 Room 3040,West Mezzanine— Lindbergh Terminal, Wold Chamberlain Field CONSENT 1. RECOMMENDATION: UPGRADE OF IBM AS400 COMPUTER Dave Ruch, Director of IS 2. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE AN AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE RFP Brian Peters, Administrator of Tenant Relations DISCUSSION 3. DISCUSSION RE: GATE 43 Gordy Wennerstrom, Director Commercial Management & Airline Affairs 4. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO PARTICIPATE IN METROPOLITAN TAXICAB TASK FORCE Arlie Johnson, Manager Landside 5. RATIFIED AGREEMENT WITH INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS - LOCAL 70 Bill Peters, Labor Relations Manager 6. ADOPTION OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ORDINANCE #85 Betsy Hoium, Attorney Arlie Johnson, Landside Manager 7. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO IMPLEMENT THE CARGO FACILITY SELF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Eric Johnson, Manager Commercial Mgmt. & Airline Affairs 8. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE David Dombrowski, Deputy Executive Director Labor & Governmental Affairs GENERAL INFORMATION 9. UPDATE CONCERNING AMERITECH'S INTENTIONS RE: IN-TERMINAL ADVERTISING Brian Peters, Administrator of Tenant Relations 10. UPDATE RE: ENTERPRISE LEASING COMPANY VS. MAC Tom Anderson, General Counsel I PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Roger Hale, Chair Alton Gasper, Vice Chair RECEIVED Coral Houle Dick Long APR 28 2000 Bert McKasy Georgiann Stenerson CITY CLERK Paul Weske METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 2, 2000 2:00 p.m. Room 3040, Mezzanine Level Lindbergh Terminal, Wold-Chamberlain Field AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING 1. BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT 2. FINAL PAYMENTS — MAC CONTRACTS a. Tug Drive Floor Rehabilitation (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) b. Energy Management Center Cooling Towers— Structural and Architectural (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) c. Automated People Mover Tunnel (West Half) (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) d. Business Center Development— Main Terminal, Green and Blue Concourses (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) e. Parking Expansion: Parking Management Building (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) f. Sun Country Temporary Hangar (Robert Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) g. East Building Area Sewer and Water— St. Paul Downtown Airport (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) h. 1999 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) 3. BIDS RECEIVED— MAC CONTRACTS a. Parking Structure Rehabilitation —2000 (Robert Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) b. Green/Gold Parking Ramp Security Cameras (Robert Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) c. Runway 17-35 Tunnel (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) d. Runway 14-32 and Taxiway P Pavement Rehabilitation — St. Paul Downtown Airport (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) e. Runway 12R-30L Reconstruction — Segment 2 (Gary G. Warren, Director— Airside Development) f. Parking/RAC Expansion —Transit Center(Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) g. New HHH Terminal (BP#4)— Exterior Building Components, Interior Build-Out and Systems (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) h. New HHH Terminal (BP#5)—Site Work, Roadways, and Service Areas (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) i. Part 150 Sound Insulation Program—Ventilation Fans 2000 (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) j. Part 150 Sound Insulation Program—Water Heaters (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) k. Sanitary Sewer/Water Installation and Pavement Rehabilitation —Anoka County- Blaine Airport (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) I. Green Concourse APM — Facility & Finishes Package (DP#3) (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) m. Part 150 Sound Insulation Program (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) 4. REVIEW OF UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT BIDS Robert J. Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer 5. MARCH 2000 ACTIVITY REPORT FOR METRO OFFICE PARK Eric L. Johnson, Manager— Commercial Management &Airline Affairs 6. CHANGE MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROJECT STATUS REPORT Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 7. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADJUSTMENT Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 8. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS EASEMENT AGREEMENT Gary G. Warren, Director-Airside Development 9. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL WETLAND MITIGATION CREDITS AT THE WATERTOWN SITE Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 10. ST. PAUL DOWTOWN AIRPORT LAND ACQUISITION —ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 11. CONSTRUCTION CHANGE MANAGEMENT POLICY REVISIONS Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 12. MSP RECYCLING SAVINGS Toni Howell, Manager— Environmental Affairs 13. SPECIAL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director—Planning and Environment AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE John Kahler, Chairman RECEIVED Georgiann Stenerson John A. Dowdle Nancy Speer APR 2 2000 CITY CLERK METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE 10:00 a.m. —Wednesday, May 3, 2000 Room 3040— Mezzanine Level Lindbergh Terminal AGENDA 1. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN 2000-2002 Juan Lopez, Diversity Manager 2. TGB UPDATE Stephanie Pappas, HR Administrator 3. DBE UPDATE Anita Bellant, Small Business Liaison PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Roger Hale, Chair Alton Gasper, Vice Chair RECEIVED Coral Houle APR 2 8 2000 Dick Long Bert McKasy CITY CLERK Georgiann Stenerson Paul Weske METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 2, 2000 2:00 p.m. Room 3040, Mezzanine Level Lindbergh Terminal, Wold-Chamberlain Field AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING 1. BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT 2. FINAL PAYMENTS— MAC CONTRACTS a. Tug Drive Floor Rehabilitation (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) b. Energy Management Center Cooling Towers— Structural and Architectural (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) c. Automated People Mover Tunnel (West Half) (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) d. Business Center Development— Main Terminal, Green and Blue Concourses (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) e. Parking Expansion: Parking Management Building (Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) f. Sun Country Temporary Hangar (Robert Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) g. East Building Area Sewer and Water— St. Paul Downtown Airport (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) h. 1999 Part 150 Sound Insulation Program (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) 3. BIDS RECEIVED — MAC CONTRACTS a. Parking Structure Rehabilitation —2000 (Robert Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) b. Green/Gold Parking Ramp Security Cameras (Robert Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer) c. Runway 17-35 Tunnel (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) d. Runway 14-32 and Taxiway P Pavement Rehabilitation —St. Paul Downtown Airport (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) e. Runway 12R-30L Reconstruction —Segment 2 (Gary G. Warren, Director— Airside Development) f. Parking/RAC Expansion —Transit Center(Dennis Kowalke, Landside Project Manager) g. New HHH Terminal (BP#4)— Exterior Building Components, Interior Build-Out and Systems (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) h. New HHH Terminal (BP#5)—Site Work, Roadways, and Service Areas (Myrene Biernat, Facilities Architect) i. Part 150 Sound Insulation Program—Ventilation Fans 2000 (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) j. Part 150 Sound Insulation Program—Water Heaters (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) k. Sanitary Sewer/Water Installation and Pavement Rehabilitation —Anoka County- Blaine Airport (Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development) I. Green Concourse APM— Facility & Finishes Package (DP#3) (Todd Oetjens, Facilities Architect) m. Part 150 Sound Insulation Program (Joseph Shortreed, Landside Project Manager) 4. REVIEW OF UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT BIDS Robert J. Vorpahl, Program Development Engineer 5. MARCH 2000 ACTIVITY REPORT FOR METRO OFFICE PARK Eric L. Johnson, Manager— Commercial Management &Airline Affairs 6. CHANGE MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROJECT STATUS REPORT Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 7. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADJUSTMENT Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 8. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS EASEMENT AGREEMENT Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 9. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL WETLAND MITIGATION CREDITS AT THE WATERTOWN SITE Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 10. ST. PAUL DOWTOWN AIRPORT LAND ACQUISITION —ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 11. CONSTRUCTION CHANGE MANAGEMENT POLICY REVISIONS Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 12. MSP RECYCLING SAVINGS Toni Howell, Manager— Environmental Affairs 13. SPECIAL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment DISCUSSION 14. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO IMPLEMENT THE AIR CARGO FACILITY SELF- DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Eric L. Johnson, Manager— Commercial Management &Airline Affairs 15. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 16. PROJECT BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Dennis Probst, Director— Landside Development 17. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS a. Meeting Times b. October and November, 2000 Meeting Dates Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 18. LRT UPDATE Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 19. LOW FREQUENCY NOISE POLICY COMMITTEE UPDATE Nigel D. Finney, Deputy Executive Director— Planning and Environment 20. ST. PAUL FLIGHT CENTER UPDATE Tim Anderson, Deputy Executive Director—Operations 21. MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE PETITION AND LOWER MINNESOTA RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT AFFILIATION UPDATE Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development 22. 2000 CONSTRUCTION SEASON PREVIEW Dennis Probst, Director— Landside Development Gary G. Warren, Director—Airside Development SAINT PAUL BICHICL E ADVISORY BOARD 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.Fourth St.,St.Paul,MN-ph. 651-266-6400 TUESDAY,MAY 2,2000 4:30-6:30 P.M. West Seventh Street Community Center RECEIVED 265 Oneida Street(Corner of Oneida&St.Clair) �� 651-298-5493 2000 CITY CLERK 4:30 P.M. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4:35 P.M. 2. PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD 4:40 P.M. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5:00 P.M. 4. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT & IMPROVEMENT SEGMENT a. 35E/Mississippi River Bridge - Steve Ryan, MnDOT b. Grand Round/Como Bike Lanes -Krivit c North/ South Bike Route/Hamline Bridge - Arey d. City-Wide Bike Plan/Downtown Bike Routes - Arey 5:50 P.M. 5. AWARENESS & PROMOTION SEGMENT a. Public Works Quarterly Review - Falk b. BAB Website Update - Fitzpatrick c. Enclosed Low-Speed Vehicle Transitways (ELSVT) - Schroeder 6:20 P.M. 6. PROGRAMMING & EVENTS SEGMENT a. B-BOP /Update b. Saint Paul Classic Update- Arey 6:30 P.M. 7. ADJOURN • MEETINGS OF THE BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. MEETING MINUTES ARE AVAILABLE, IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY, PLEASE CALL GREG REESE AT 651- 488-7291, EXT. 306. • - RECEIVED SAi Ni PAJ! MAY 1 2000 CITY CLERK I C`jCL E Abe/! SORRY BOARD 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.Fourth St.,St.Paul,MN-ph.266-6400 MINUTPS SUBJECT: Bicycle Advisory Board. April 4, 2000 ATTENDING: Arey, Falk, Fitzpatrick, Krivit, Newmark, Olsen, Schroeder, Spoonheim. ABSENT: Griffin. EXCUSED: Newmark, Wroblewski. NOTES: Guests: Michael Jackson - State Bicycle Coordinator, MnDOT Dr. Juerg Tschopp - Bicycle Coordinator, Swiss Transport and Environment Association Greg Reese- The Division of Parks &Recreation COPIES TO: Mayor's Office, Victor Wittgenstein, Judy Barr, BAB. SUBMITTED BY: Greg Reese. START TIME: 4:40 P.M. MEETING STOP TIME: 6:40 P.M. MINUTES: The minutes from the March meeting were approved as submitted. PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD: Michael Jackson, MnDOT State Bicycle Coordinator, introduced Dr. Juerg Tschopp, bicycle coordinator for the Swiss Transport and Environment Association. Dr. Tschopp recently presented at the State Bicycle Conference in St. Cloud, Minneosta. Dr. Tschopp shared with the BAB an overview of his experiences helping to create modern infrastructure in Switzerland, a country where bicycle facilities for both transportation and recreation are incorporated to an impressive degree. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Arey and Reese provided a synopsis of the State Bicycle Conference held in St. Cloud on March 31 - April 1, 2000 and hosted by MnDOT. It was noted that, among the many excellent presentations at the conference were those by Dr. Tschopp, Dr. Thomas Kottke of the Mayo Medical Center, and by Representative James Oberstar. Dr. Tschopp's presentations, including wonderful slides, provided a compelling view of a model that wonderfully incorporates bicycling (for transportation and recreation) into the very fabric of Switz culture. Dr. Kottke detailed specifics of an Olmstead County community health initiative, CardioVision 2020. He graphically demonstrated how bicycling can be an important component in promoting a healthy lifestyle and how cross marketing of bicycling and healthy lifestyles can promote recreation, sustainable transportation, and a healthier public. Representative Oberstar provided a stirring presentation challenging bicycle activists to take advantage of federal funding to maximize the creation of bicycle infrastructure in their home communities. -1- B.A.B. Meeting: April 4, 2000. Minutes: Continued. Announcements: Continued • Spoonheim noted that the bike trail map currently inserted in the Yellow Pages is outdated. He suggested using an updated version for the 2000/2001 version of the directory. It was noted that the '• Division of Parks and Recreation has, in the past, taken the initiative for including the map in the Yellow Pages Directory. Olsen will work with Parks staff to make the suggested change. • Spoonheim reported on the work of the Metro Wide Mississippi Trails and Open Space Partnership Program. Arey said that he is a working member of the group. • Falk announced a new round of Scenic Byway solicitations will soon be forthcoming from the Feds. Ramsey County has three grant request in the offing. • Krivit distributed a copy of the Minneapolis Bike Advisory Committee's April meeting agenda. Items for the monthly meeting include; e-bikes, trail status, TEA 21 status, the State Bike Conference. The meeting will take place on April 5 at the Minneapolis Court House. • Schroeder said he is looking for a bicyclist willing to participate in EarthDay activities, specifically to "race" a car from a west metro location to a downtown work venue. The race is designed to demonstrate the efficacy of the bicycle as a commuter transportation tool. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT a IMPROVEMENT SEGMENT Shepard Road Update: Arey detailed specifics relating to a meeting with city staff on design details for the Shepard Road (Market to Jackson) Reconstruction Project. Arey was pleased that the meeting produced agreement for a new and improved design that will dedicate 20 feet of the road right of way for trees,bicycles and pedestrians. In the "Narrows" area of Shepard Road, the new design calls for a 7-foot tree lawn, 8-foot asphalt bike/ in line skate path, and a 5-foot concrete mainline sidewalk. Arey thinks the new plan will substantively improve this constricted section of Shepard Road for trail user groups. Grand Round/ Como Bike Lanes Update: Arey outlined the Grand Round/Como Bike Lanes Project history. Preliminary design work for the project began in 1995. In 1997 a Federal ISTEA grant was awarded ($480,000 federal dollars) to create 10 miles of bike lanes on city streets. Regrettably, the language used in the grant application is such that it now appears it will be very difficult for the city build the project while qualifying for the federal grant. On December 14, 1999, MnDOT staffer Greg Felt wrote to Public Works staffer, Thomas Stadsklev, suggesting the city withdraw its grant request. Recently, Arey, Krivit and others have, in the face of MnDOT's December response, been "scrambling trying to salvage the project." Arey believes 70% of the project could be completed, if design exceptions are granted to help resolve the parking conundrum. He is meeting on April 5 with Public Works Director, Thomas Eggum, to discuss the project. Krivit thinks it premature to "throw in the towel" at this time. He has talked with Councilman Jay Benanav's legislative aide, Jane Prince, about the project. Krivit plans to set up a meeting for the week of April 9th with the councilman to specifically discuss salvaging the Como Bike Lanes Project. Michael Jackson offered to assist in efforts to make the Como Bike Lane Project viable. -2- B.A.B. Meeting: April 4, 2000 Minutes: Continued Downtown Bike Routes: Arey provided an overview of various construction projects involving the downtown area of Saint Paul. He noted that while there are good "trail spokes" leading to downtown, the downtown"hub" of an effective bike trail system is seriously deficient. The challenge facing the City is connecting the spokes. Michael Jackson, noting the relatively narrow public right of ways in the downtown area, stated, destination plates and share the road initiatives may be the most practical way to improve the system. He believes getting information to both motorist and bicyclists, as demonstrated in the Switzerland model, is of paramount importance. Arey remains committed to creating dedicated bike lanes in the downtown area. Spoonheim and Olsen suggested there is great potential value in forming a coalition of stakeholders, e.g., CapitolRiver Council, City Partnership Program, Riverfront Corporation, St. Paul Companies, Minnesota Mutual Insurance Company, Science Museum of Minnesota, Neighborhood Energy Consortium, and various city departments to develop creative solutions for providing the necessary trail framework in Saint Paul. Krivit suggested the BAB may want to sponsor a forum to bring various stakeholders to the table to form such a coalition. A'i'/Ait_1'1_SS %?t PROMOTION SEGMENT Bike/ Pedestrian Coordinator: Arey said the matter of a city bike/pedestrian coordinator is on the agenda for his meeting on April 5th with Thomas Eggum. At this time, it seems there is general support for the concept in both Parks and Public Works, but that funding is a critical issue. Jackson opined that while Public Works may see bikes as transportation and Parks may see them as a toy, there is no intrinsic reason why a bike/ped coordinator could not "fit" in either department. Spoonheim said that Planning & Economic Development has a development issue focus. Thus, to gain support of PED, it likely would be important to clearly demonstrate how a bike/ped coordinator would advance downtown development. The spin on the issue should not be about "bikes"but about "development." Mountain Bike Trail Abuse: Arey has recently received word from Greg Mack, Director of Ramsey County Parks and Recreation, that the County is experiencing erosion problems at Battle Creek Regional Park due to mountain bike use. Battle Creek is the only public venue in Saint Paul allowing off road bicycling. Mack has requested the BAB to consider the matter and make recommendations to help alleviate current use abuses. BAB Website Update: This agenda item was laid over for consideration at the May 2 meeting. Enclosed Low-Speed Vehicle Transitway (ELSVT): This agenda item was laid over for discussion in May. PROGRAMING a EVENTS SEGMENT EarthWeek 2000: Staffing the BAB booth at EarthWeek Expo was discussed. Many board members had scheduling conflicts precluding being able to staff the booth between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on April 25-26. Arey is available for one hour on April 26, so to is Falk. Reese will ascertain whether Wroblewski or Bradley (not in attendance)would be available to cover the booth on April 26. If staffing is possible, he will make the necessary arrangements with Mary Nelson and the Capitol River Council to secure exhibit space. OPERATIONS SEGMENT Board Vacancies/ Recruitment: Reese detailed existing vacancies as well as member terms about to expire. He requested membership recruit new potential members/candidates for appointment by the mayor. Fitzpatrick moved for adjournment. Olsen seconded. The meeting was adjourned. -3-