12/10-12/14/2001 Meetings for the week of December 10th-December 14th http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/clerk/meetings.html The City of Saint Paul 041 Meetings for the Week of 011101111g December 10th, thru December 14th, 2001 MONDAY - December 10th Board of Zoning Appeals Public 3:00 PM Room 330 City Hall Hearing TUESDAY - December 11th Neighborhood and Current Planning 8:30 AM Room 1106 City Hall Annex Committee Saint Paul Port Authority 2:00 PM 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street Comprehensive Planning Committee 4:00 PM Room 1106 City Hall Annex Board of Water Commissioners 4:00 PM Room 330 City Hall WEDNESDAY - December 12th *Committee-of-the-Whole Budget 10:00 AM Council Chambers Meeting *Housing and Redevelopment 2:00 PM Council Chambers Authority *City Council--- see Agenda 3:30 PM Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Commission 6:30 PM Historic Streetcar Station- 1224 No. Lexington Parkway THURSDAY - December 13th *Zoning Committee 3:30 PM Council Chambers Saint Paul Heritage Preservation 5:00 PM Room 40 City Hall Commission FRIDAY - December 14th No Meetings Scheduled *Cablecast live and repeated on Saint Paul Channel 18. Interpreter service for the hearing impaired will be provided at public meetings upon request. Request can be made by calling(651)266-8509(Voice and TDD)Monday thru Friday, 8.•00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.A minimum of two days notice is required. For more information on any of these meetings,you can send Email to: citizen.service@a,ci.stpaul.mn.us, or call the Saint Paul Citizen Service Office at(651)266-8989 If you'd like a reply, we'll get to you as soon as possible, but in most cases, please allow at least one working day for a response. 1 of 1 12/7/2001 1:29 PM AGENDA PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REGULAR BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2001 2:00 p.m. LOCATION Board Room, Saint Paul Port Authority, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, MN MINUTES Approval of the Minutes from the November 27, 2001 Regular Meeting CONFLICT OF INTEREST Conflict of Interest NEW BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE 1. Resolution No. 3920 —Prior Pension Plan Amendment for IRS Compliance 2. Resolution No. 3921 —Pension Plan Amendments —New Tax Law Compliance 3. Resolution No. 3922_ Operating Reserve Appropriation CREDIT COMMITTEE 1. Resolution No. 3923 —Capital City Properties/Ryan Builders, Inc. —Joint Venture Transaction 2. Informational Report— Closure of Former Globe Manufacturing Facility— Ease Side— Saint Paul GENERAL MATTERS 1. 2002 Development Goals 2. Such Other Business That May Come Before The Board 21157.1. December 3, 2001 NOTICE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2001 Please note date change. Chair Joan Grzywinski is calling the Regular Meeting of the Port Authority Board of Commissioners for Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Saint Paul Port Authority, 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. Kenneth R. Johnson President las cc: The Port Authority Commissioners Mayor Norm Coleman City Council Terrence J. Garvey Briggs & Morgan Leonard, Street and Deinard Representatives of the Press City Clerk Brian Sweeney, PED St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Midway Area Chamber of Commerce Pig's Eye Coalition City Attorney Members of the Ramsey County Delegation 6187.1. (o � BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS xl T James Reiter, President • Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Matt Anfang • Robert Cardinal • Pat Harris December 3, 2001 NOTICES TO: James C. Reiter, President Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners -- Matt Anfang Bob Cardinal Pat Harris MEETING NOTICE NOTE: Earlier starting time for the December 11, 2001 meeting The next Board of Water Commissioners' meeting will be held on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2001 at 4 p.m. in the Committee Hearing Room 330, City Hall/Courthouse. anet Lindgren • Secretary copy: City Clerk Lisa Veith, Board Attorney Pioneer Press SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4th St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regional Water Services provides quality water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•Lauderdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul•West St. Paul . printed on recycled paper Page 1 of 2 Lucille Johnson -Metro Meetings From: "Dawn Hoffner"<dawn.hoffner@metc.state.mn.us> Date: 11/30/2001 12:01 PM Subject: Metro Meetings WEEK OF: December 3 -7,2001 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Hiawatha Corridor Management Committee Tour-Mon,Dec. 3,8:45 a.m.,meet at Heywood Office, 560-6th Ave.N., Mpls. Livable Communities Committee-Mon.,Dec.3,3:30 p.m.,Room 1A. The agenda includes: family affordable housing program admissions and continued occupancy policies;livable communities demonstration account funding for development projects;LCA local housing incentives account funding recommendations;metropolitan housing implementation group guidelines/criteria for project selection;project-based assistance proposals;and other business. Canceled: Rail Transit Committee-Tues.,Dec.4,4:30 p.m.,Heywood Office Technical Advisory Committee to the TAB-Wed.,Dec. 5,9 a.m.,Chambers Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee-Wed.,Dec. 5, 1 p.m.,Room 2A. The agenda includes: new Metro Mobility vehicle questions and answers;2002 county ADA contracts;regular route bus expansion study;TAAC's 2002 work program;member reports;Metro Mobility October operations report;and other business. Rural Issues Work Group-Wed.,Dec. 5, 12:00 p.m.,Hubert H.Humphrey Metrodome,MSFC conference room. The agenda includes:update on discussion schedule for the permanent agricultural area;discussion of the relationship of natural resources to the rural policy areas;council member reports;and other business. Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Dec. 5,3 p.m.,Hubert H.Humphrey Metrodome,Halsey Hall Room,900 So. 5th St.,Mpls. The agenda includes: livable communities demonstration account grant recommendations;local housing incentives account rental housing funding recommendations;metropolitan agencies,personnel,ethical practices and communications activities;authorization of contract amendment with Calthorpe Associates;MetroEnvironment partnership competitive grant awards;approval of fund balance policy;Watertown comprehensive plan update;White Bear Township comprehensive plan amendment,Weston Woods residential/office PUD;2001 unified operating budget amendment and 2001 capital program amendment;Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission presentation;and other business. (There will be a tour for the Council members of the Metrodome prior to this Council meeting.) TENTATIVE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 10- 14 Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission-Mon.,Dec. 10,4 p.m.,Chambers Transportation Committee-Mon.,Dec. 10,4 p.m.,Room lA Environment Committee-Tues.,Dec. 11,4 p.m.,Room lA State of the Region Event-Wed.,Dec. 12,9- 10:30 a.m.,Woodland Hills Church, 1740 Van Dyke St.,Maplewood Core Cities Group-Wed.,Dec. 12, 12 Noon,Muffuletta Cafe,2260 Como Ave.,St.Paul Litigation Review Committee-Wed.,Dec. 12, 1 p.m.,Room 1E Management Committee-Wed.,Dec. 12,2 p.m.,Room 1A Metropolitan Council-Wed.,Dec. 12,3 p.m.,Chambers Transit Providers Advisory Committee-Thurs.,Dec. 13, 10 a.m.,Room lA TAC Planning Committee-Thurs.,Dec. 13, 1:30 p.m.,Room 2A TAB Policy Committee-Thurs.,Dec. 13, 12:30 p.m.,Room lA Housing and Land Use Advisory Committee-Thurs.,Dec. 13,3 p.m.,Metro Mosquito Control District,2099 University Ave.,St.Paul file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 11/30/2001 Page 2 of 2 Riverview Corridor Management Committee-Fri.,Dec. 14,9 a.m.,Room lAB The Metropolitan Council is located at Mears Park Centre,230 E.Fifth St., St.Paul. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. METROPOLITAN SPORTS FACILITIES COMMISSION Intergovernmental Relations Committee-Mon.,Dec.3, 8 a.m.,MSFC Conf.Room. The agenda includes: legislative task force update;and other business. The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission office is located at 900 South 5th St.,Minneapolis,MN 55415.For agenda information and to verify meeting times,please call Nancy Matowitz,612-335-3310 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00001.HTM 11/30/2001 t saint Pain Parks and Recreation Commission 300 City Hall Annex,25 W.4th Street,Saint Paul,MN 55102-(651)266-6400 *AGENDA* DATE AND TIME: Wednesday,December 12,2001,6:30-9:30 p.m. SITE: Historic Streetcar Station: 1224 No. Lexington Parkway, (651) 558-2144 5. 6:30 p.m. AGENDA,MINUTES, INTRODUCTIONS,ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. 6:35 p.m. DIRECTOR'S REPORT *Budget- STATUS REPORT *Mayoral and Directorial Transitions- STATUS REPORT 3. 7:00 p.m. ADVOCACY ISSUES *Proposed Naming of East Bank Mississippi Trail (T.H. 5 to Chestnut Street) for Samuel Morgan-RESOLUTION#01-14 -Peggy Lynch *Census Data- SUMMARY REPORT -Judy Barr,Vince Gillespie • 7:30 p.m. COMMISSION STRUCTURE/ACTIVITIES *herbal and Written Citizen Input-REVIEW-Mike Rossberg *Determine Goal Areas for 2002 -DISCUSSION - Samuel Verdeja *Annual Retreat- CONFIRM DETAILS - Mike Rossberg *Draft State of the Parks Report-REVISE/APPROVE -Mike Rossberg • 8:15 p.m TASK FORCE AND COMMITTEE REPORTS *Como Zoo and Conservatory Society-Terry Huntrods *Off-Leash Dog Area Task Force - Jill Danner, Heidi Welsch *Long-Range Planning Subcommittee -Al Paulson *Phalen Boulevard Advisory Committee -Ken Mauer *Bicycle Advisory Board • 8:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT LEASE NOTICES/OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Not for review: Scheduling agreement with Lexington-Hamline Community Council for Dunning Recreation Center. Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are open to the public. If you require special accommodation or would like a copy of the minutes, call(651)266-6447. TTY#(651) 266-6378. Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commissioners: Samuel Verdeja, Chair;Altin Paulson,Vice-Chair Jill Danner,William Dunnigan,Terrence Huntrods,Kenneth Mauer,John O'Halloran,Heidi Welsch SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 5:00 P.M Thursday, December 13, 2001 Lower Level, Room 40, City Hall/Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard AGENDA 5:00 I. ANNOUNCEMENTS II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES(laid over from November 29,2001 meeting) A. November 1, 2001 Business Meeting B. November 15,2001 Permit Review/Public Hearing Meeting IV PERMIT REVIEW/PUBLIC HEARING 5:10 A. 2249 Summit Avenue, Summit Avenue West Historic District,by Heaver Design& Construction,Inc.,to review revisions to a building permit that were completed but not submitted to the HPC for review and approval. (HPC Resolution#4287,February 22, 2001). 5:25 B. 1524 Summit Avenue, Summit Avenue West Historic District,by Harmony Homes,for a building permit to replace/modify wood windows with aluminum clad windows on addition. File#B02-072. 5:40 C. 330 Maple Street,Dayton's Bluff Historic District,by owner, for a building permit to replace wood window sash with vinyl windows and to replace front door. File#B02-073. 5:55 D. 659 Summit Avenue,Hill Historic District,by Walleye Builders Inc., for a building permit to restore the front wrap-around porch. File#B02-074. 6:10 E. 799 4th Street E.,Dayton's Bluff Historic District,by Integrity Construction,Inc., for a building permit to remove two story front porch and construct a new two story porch. File#B02-075. 6:25 F. 723 Conway Street,Dayton's Bluff Historic District, by SMA,Inc., for a building permit to remove wood window sash and replace with vinyl windows. File#B02-076. 6:40 V. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS 6:50 VI. ADJOURN NOTE: The above times are estimates. Agenda items may be considered earlier or later than the time listed. Ifyou arrive after 6.•00 P.M, the building will be locked and you must use the Kellogg Boulevard entrance(push the call button to the right of the doorway; if no one responds,push the call button to the left of the doorway). AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 10, 2001 3:00 P.M. ROOM S-330 CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily de termine rer rin which they will be heard at the meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 26, 2001 II. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant - Daniel Thomas (#01-235299) Location - 336 Arlington Avenue West Zoning - RT-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback in order to construct a new detached garage. The required front yard setback is 25 feet with 2 feet proposed, for a variance of 23 feet. B. Applicant - Tyrone T. Strickland (#01-236240) Location - 1990 Foxridge Road Zoning - R-2 Purpose: MINOR VARIANCE - A rear yard setback variance in order to construct a three-season porch. The existing setback is 22 feet with 10 feet proposed, for a variance of 12 feet. C. Applicant - Day Mohr LLP (#01-236684) Location - 178 Summit Avenue Zoning - RM-2 Purpose: MAJOR VARIANCE - A front yard setback variance in order to install an entry to the front of the existing building. The required front yard setback is 15 feet with 7 feet proposed, for a variance of 8 feet. Saint Paul Planning Commission MASTER MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF DECEMBER 10-14,2001 Mon 10 Tues 11 8:30- Neighborhood and Current Room 1106 10:00 a.m. Planning Committee City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth Street E.7"'/Arcade/Seeger Square charrette-continued discussions. (Penny Simison, 651/266-6554) St. Thomas Campus Expansion EAW-update on comments received. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) Redevelopment Plan Amendment-draft resolution of support for a Redevelopment Plan Amendment. The Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Area is proposed to be amended to include parcels near Payne Avenue. (Virginia Burke, 61/266-6661) 4:00- Comprehensive Planning Committee Room 1106 5:30 p.m. (Al Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth Street Senior Housing Discussions- (Al Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) Wed 12 Thurs 13 3:30 p.m. Zoning Committee City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd West Zoning #01-231-036 John Michael Smith-Legal establishment of a nonconforming use for string instrument repair,rental and sales shop. 2190 Carter,between Chelmsford& Como. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556) #01-233-499 Walker Quality Sales-Change in nonconforming use from general warehousing to automobile warehousing. 312 Walnut,between W. 7th&Exchange. (Martha Faust, 651/266-6572) #01-234-196 Catholic Charities- Special Condition Use Permit for a rooming house with 71 units. 286 Marshall Avenue,between Farrington&Louis. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Fri 14 Bruton\Calendars\December 10-14,2001 i .J i4 )pi^! : �- - n Id 4 7--PYV m zn 1•0g _.. �_. r _ _ i A- _ Cam , _ y �3 M. . m el x o C �9 `o�,aAi r f S 1 :. fi ..�' J- A = ••r • _ S ' ,• P O ��:it N z (cern/ o — 0 i g'' ' • , "c.o,,t, * , i..i,, '”. - , / 4 2,- imi "�y ailed .� ` m a t 01 �" Fv. co ' a `% : sue: • i�l J85L1LLQ58M .s ist ♦. �O • \ .; . ,„..,,,dith,,Tis,..:4:g.,%,,,:-..1 ,:.,ki e , ,,,,,„- _,p at,' •-.1-2. .1). ,,,. , 104 H era z �O 5 O i �� ry O ■ U _ Kam. '.atu. �j 'r ° eAVII�H c 1 m ¢ • elel z LL \ � till .t. �� U. P 1* J gill W • : --- ,-- E m epoP.A 4.14\4,,_ -. 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