D002160CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • v�� boo�tl�ZS DA�: .��5 -�a ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That will allow City officials and City staffto attend the 8th Annual Millazd Fillmore Dinner sponsored by the St. Paul I2iver&ont Corporation and others. The ill be held at the Touchstone �� Energy Place at Rivercentre on Thursday, May 16, at a cost not to exceed .�. This dinner provides an opportunity for participants to experience what St. Paul will be like in 2004, celebrating what makes it unique year after year. Funding Code: 325-23141 �J Requestedby: D�p�rtmentDirector � G:\F1V1�QT\Jf3\ WP\02MILFIL.wb3 � � ` �\:���� ����G�IIGG. S��C3 Date Approved by: Director of Fi�anc�a] Services Date Page 1 �7�oaf�� DEPAftTMEMlOFFICE/COUNCIL �n �GREEN SHEET N,UMBER: . 203290 . � PARKS AND RECREATION 04/24/02 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INIT7AUDATE INffIAUDATE VicWittgenstein, 266-6409 ���H: 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR CITVCOUNQL wR 2 CITYATTORNEY � 4 qTYCLERK BE�NCOUNCIIAGENDABY(DA�: R p �� 3 FINrWCIALSERVICESDIR. DEPARTMEPoTACCWtdTANT P _MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) _OFS-ACCOUMING TOTAINUMBEROFSIGNATUREPAGES: CL1PqLLLOCA770N5FORSIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Authorizing payment not to exceed $600 allowing staff and officials to attend the Millard Fillmore " Dinney on May 16, 2002 at the Touchstone Energy Place at Rivercentre. RECOMMENDATIONS: (Appmve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLIOWINGqUESilONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. HasihepersoNfirtneverworkeduntlerconNac[fartl�istleparlment? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2 Has Ne person(fim� ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO 3. Does the person/firtn possess a skill not nortnal POSSESSED by a curtent tity employee? VES NO Erzplain ali yes answers on separateshee[ and attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, VJhen, Wnere, Why): Opportunity to recognize various activities throughout the city and to explore what future activities will be ����, ��� developed by 2004. APR 2 � 2�U� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: sentitives from the Division of Parks and Recreation may participate at this event and gain an erstanding of future acGvities currendy being planned throughbutthe city. ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. ' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. Parks and Recreation employees will not be registered to attend this event. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO � �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMGSOURGE �� ACTIVINNUMBER: FINqNC1AL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � G:IFMIQPJBIWPIGieen SheetTemplate.wb3 Page:fofl