D002159� u CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER No: _ D b a15 � Date: OSJ09i02 � I:�ili� 11►1T.91 Y:7�1 Y\/�8[I)� �7 �i'.� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, the City will conduct the "First Line Supervisor Training Academy in May and June of 2002 and also in September and Ockober of Z002. WF3EREAS, the 60 City supervisors will have an opportunity to attend sessions designed to prepare them for management and leadership chalienges. WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources is responsible for providing the following costs: - Refreshments for all sessions and lunch for the post evaluation meeting NOW, TF3EREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the Office ofHuman Resources be authorized to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred, not to exceed one thousand two hundred dollazs ($1,200), which will be paid out of the General Fund, Activity 00165. APPROVED AS TO FORM � �� sistant City Attomey Date: fl ('} Z- C� ��. , D�ARTS1�NTfOFRICFICOUNCIL: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: Steve Cbinar 266-6531 MITST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA, BY (DATL� 1 TOTAL 1 DEPAR7MEMf DIA �aoa�s� No.: 106869 r�z.�,,m ASSIGNED RQIYATIOANEY 6 '"� AN NUMHERFOR 80iTfING 3 FINANCIALSERVDIlt ORDER MAYORCOBASSIJ [P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATTTRE) Ac►7ox �u�srEn: Approval to spend money for FI,ST Academy Refreshments RECA2.AgHI1A170N5: APP���e �f+) �ReJ� �) PLANNI�iTGCAMI.95SION — Cffi ('AbIIvIlTiEE CIVb SERViCE COMI��IISSION 4C[i'YQ.EAK flNANCW.SQtV/ACCI'G IN1TIAiNATE PERSONALSII2VlCE CAN1'Re1CTSMUSf ANSWER Tf�' NOLLOR7NG QUESTIONS: t. Haz fhisPetsoaHitm everwmked �mdera Wntrectfortlils depaztmrnt? Ya No 2 HasUvspersod5�mevubeenaciry�ployeeY Yes No 3. Dcesthisperso�JfampossessaskitlmtnamalHP�%�bYanycucmccityemployee? Yas No 4. kihisPecson/fi�matazgeledVendoR Yes No Szpltin all yn aoswen on xpante aLeet and attach to g[een aheet TNITIATING PROBLE117� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (�Vho, wn�, wnere, wny�: Refreshments will be on hand for trainuig sessions and followup faculty meeting. �arrxovEU: A more positive learning environment and continued involvement of Faculty. DISADVAjiTAGES�APPROVED: NOI1C DISADVANTAGESIF NOT AYPROVED: RBSU�tS ff07ri bOt.11 SllpCN1SOTS 321(1 f3CUl2y WIII IlOY b0 @ll113T1C2�. TOTALAMOIINTOFTRANSACfIpN: $IZOO.00 FUNDIlYG 30URCE: General Fund FINANCIAL INFOI2MATION: (EXPLAIN) � DATE INITIATLD I GREEN SHEET OS/09/02 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: 00165 UCha\vol l\Users�roerman\WPFILES\GREENSHT. WPD �