D002157C_ � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TE�. MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, :! No: �OOc�ii� Date: Apri130, 200� WHEREAS, the office ofHuman Resources had conducted the examination for the hiring of a new Fire District Chief. The final portion of this examination was held the week of Apri] 8- l2, 2�02, at the Radisson Riverfront Hotel. WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Fire & Safety Services are both equaily responsible for the following costs: 7 • 8 Room rental to the Radisson for the conference, guest rooms, 9 lunch, refreshments, and other miscellanous supplies for up to 16 individuals. 10 11 NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the Office of Human Resources be 12 authorized to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred, not to exceed Five Thousand 13 Five Hundred Doliars ($5,500), which will be paid out of the General Fund, Activity 14 00164. Al'PROVED AS TO FORM � � Assistant City Attomey �3v � nZ Date 0 epartment Direct r Fi ce D ment Director n I`J � f�n '1 r c --, R..�..�.��v � nErax�rrrio�ic�covivcu,: na�n, uvrriaarEU GREEN SHEET No.: 1o6s6s Huxnan Resources 04/25/02 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: ��E��1'E mIli7n1�nw2e Kazen SanchOZ, 266-6584 � nernicrnmvr nue crrrcovivca, ASSIQIED 2 C[IY ATTORNEY � C[lY CLERR MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) NU1�ffiER FOR R�iPLING 3FINANQALSERVDIR FINANC[ALS6RVlACGTG ORDER MAYOR(ORASSiJ . TOTAL # OF SIGNATi1RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acrioN �QOESTEn:Approval of payment for the hotel accommodations, food and beverages for the Assessors far the Fire District Chief examination. RECOMbIGNDAT10N5: Appro�e (A) orRe�ect (R) PER$ONA7. SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST ANSWER 1'HE FOI.LOWIlVG QUESITONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztlnent? PLANNING CAIvA�IISSION Yw No CIB COMIvIlTI'EE 2. Has this pe�on/fim� ever been a c�ry employee? CIVII,SERVICECONIl�IISSION Yes Na 3. Does this person/fvm possess a sldll ¢ot normally possessed by any cu�rent c�ty employee� Yes No 4. Is ttis personlSm� a tazgeted vendor? Yes No — Explain a11 yes answers on separate sheet and ariach to green sheM NITIAI7NC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPORTUNITY (Whq wnat, wnen, wnere, wny�: The Office of Huznan Resources had been asked by Fire Deparhnent to coordinate the selection process for Fire District Chief. An examination was given and payment must be made to the Radisson Riverfront Hotel for the accommodations, meals and beverages, for the Assessors who participated in ttus examination. anvavrncES iF nrrxovEn: The bill will be paid on time. nisanv,uvracES � arrxovEn: None � � i! �. u v 6 ncsanvnNraces � xor arrxovEV: The bill will not be paid, and will accrue interest� ��,.� �������� aoT,u.nm�omvvroFTxnivsacTTOx: $4,906.24 CO5T(REVENUEBUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUNIBER: HR-00165 FIRE - 05100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) The Office of Human Resources and the Fire Depariment have agreed to split the costs to the 2002 Fire District Chief examnination process. G:\Shazed\Testing\WPFILES�Exams2001�E00114'TCOSTS\Greensheet.Hotel.Pymnt.wpd