D002155. • ronaw coc�s w: C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: -ca SUDGET REVISION -nN�c.oeo�'saccau�urenrv�wn � ^��� -�a�sow�. �w: OZ OaR=� j ��� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority ganted W the Mayor in S¢ction'IO.U7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Oirector of the �epartment of Exeeutive Administretion - LIEP to amend Me 2001 budget of ihe Special iund, the Director of the Oepartment of Finance and Management Serviws is authorized to amend saitl butlget in the following manner: OEGqRTMENTdOM510N: E�ttWlvePtlmmk4a4en QIRREM APPqOVED AMEN�EO FIIN� qNO ACiIV11H �f0�]35t ]]0.�53 BuoGET �yg� BIIpGET FROM: GL320 33357 0'I61 GL320 33351 0873 GL320 3335'I �815 GL320 33351 08'18 GL 320 3335'I U847 GL320 33351 OHCB GL 320 3335t U850 GL320 33351 OB56 GL 320 33351 D857 GL320 33351 0858 GL320 7335t 0894 GL320 33353 0219 GL320 33353 0499 CrL 320 33353 0815 GL32U 33353 0867 GL320 33353 0866 G1320 33353 �853 GL320 33353 0856 GL320 33353 0856 GL 320 33353 0857 GL32U 33353 0858 GL320 3335A 07N TO: GL320 33351•0228 GL310 3335'I 0279 GL320 33351 0394 GL 320 3335'I 0395 GL320 33351 0432 GL 320 3335'I 0310 GL320 33351 0353 GL320 33357 U367 GL32U 93357 0393 GL 320 3335'I 0380 G4320 33353 Ot'11 GL 320 33353 03'!0 GL320 33353 0394 GL 320 33353 0395 GL320 33353 0353 GL320 33353 036] GL320 33353 0380 GL 320 33353 0393 GL320 33353 055� Salary Needs Duplicating Machines �ce Furniture WerS5000 Other • Pornitvre Labontory Capitalized Equipment ProjcVS • Slide, Ovrhd, Movie System Software Over$5000 Computer Equip Over $50D0 Communiwtion Equipment Over 85000 ConsW ction -Generel Fees -Other Professional Services Fringe BenefHs Office Furniture Over$5000 Laboratory Capitaliutl Equipment Cameras ProjcM-Slide, Ovrhd, Movie $ystem SoftWare Wer $50�0 Computer Equipment Ovef $5000 Communicatio� Equipment Over $SU�O Full Tim¢ Permanent Telephona - Cellular Phones Other•Repaifantl Maintenance �ce FurniNre Office Equipment Unemployment CompensaLOn Computer Equipment and Supplies Chemical/Laboratory Trsining/InstruMional Supplies PC sottware Communieation Equipment and Supplies Pull Time Pem�anent Computer Equipment and Supplies ��e Fumiture Offce Equipment Chemical/Laboatory Trzining/InstmMional Supplies Communication Equipmentand Supplies PC software Transferto GeneralFUntl • � � // � � �[_L���G1 /`�f �( i� Grepa(etlby: Ac4rilyManage� Oal yueat dby' patlmep�Direc� Oat ��� 140,1]9 5,000 1,]00 6,070 300 2,03d T,200 7,500 5,200 i,soo �o,s�o 356,927 393,]07 3,060 100 50 2,096 2,000 3�.000 63,237 2U0 56,5]e 70,618 900 0 0 0 a 450 1,259 0 0 1,128,059 50,000 0 0 I50 0 500 0 772,087 2,368,935 (16,600) �s,000> (7,700) (6,0]0) (300) (2,03d) (2.200) (1,500) (5200) (1,500) (io.a�o7 (61,000) �4,000) (3,064) Iti�) (5�) {2.096) (2,000) (36�000) (40,00�) (2W) �u,000� 12,000 70,8]0 7,770 7,034 a,00a 5,200 300 2,200 7,500 t,500 62,800 ao,000 3,064 2.166 �oo z,000 zoo 30,000 23,000 725,379 a 0 295,92] 389.]0] 0 0 0 0 0 23,]37 a 33,576 22,618 11,770 7,7]0 7,034 4,000 5,200 �so 3.459 1,500 1,500 1.190.859 so.000 3,064 2.tA6 zso z,000 �oo 30.000 135,48] 2,388,935 ncww.aM: ox.cw�.F�m��rois�wc.v � Executive Administration - LIEP Sheila Reed 26S91ll a�� 4/18/2002 � GREEN SHEET a R �"°� o 2 D@ARTMINlDIXECTOR ❑ aTYATfORNEY � � FWAFCIALSFANCESDIX OS I � MnYOR(ORqS95IqNIJ � fJobarS�, NO. 103788 ���,� FYISE0.V16SOFF/ACC(G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ( CLI P AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) arnoue.EQuFS1m Approvai of Administrarive Order Budget Revision to cover 2001 year end vaziances in Fund 320. rzECOnMEnvanous:n��c W o.rzc�a+(a) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER 7TQi FOLLOWIlVG QUESITONS: _av.�.��cconuuss�oN _ l.Hasiltisperson!£vmeverworkedunderawrt[actfortLisdepenmeni? _c�am�e YES NO _crva s�ev¢emn+wsscoN �� 2. Haz thrs persoNfirm ever bern a city employce? w sua YES NO _ 3. Does dvs persoNfi�m pouess a skili not normalty possessed by any cunent ciry employee? _ YES NO _ 4. Is this person / firm a targeted vevdot! YSS NO INIiIATL�G PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPFOAiUNRY (WFq WAa4 ��. �4 �Y) .0 to grcen sheet.� � Budget authoriry needs to be moved to cover 2001 yeaz end variances witUin Special Fund 320; and to reflect the revised definition of capital expenditures. ApVqMAGE5IFMPROVED The LIEP Special Fund Budget will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. I£APPROVED: pISADVAMqGES OF NOi pPPROVED The 2001 LIEP Special Fund 320 Budget will show negadve vaziances. iOTALpMOUryTpFiRANSAClION • FUNOIYGSOUACE ttt+aucmr. wrow,unoN-(�wrt+7 $215,684 Special Fund 320 msrmevervueewcereu�c�acceorve) U rco wc�vr��a 33351.33353.33354 SaintPoUlBUtlgatOffice(i:llf33Yesollxxxx:vx.WKq vuv