D002154� • Approved Copies to: • City CIeAc (Ori9inal) - Finance DepCS AccounG�g Division - Requesting Dept C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: �a �5y Date: � � � �Q � ADMINIS7RATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grsnted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the DireMor of the Department of F�cecutive Administretion • LIEP to amend the 2001 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amentl said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND AND ACTIVRY: 001-001]]and001-001'!8 B GE CHANGES BUOGET FROM: GL001 00177 0161 GL 001 00177 0813 GL 001 00177 0848 GL 001 00177 0853 GL001 00177 0858 GL001 00'177 0822 GLOU7 001i8 0219 GL 001 00778 0282 GL 001 00178 0815 GL 001 00178 0853 GL 001 00178 0858 Salary Needs OuplicaGng Machines Capitalized Equipment Cameres Communication Equip Over$5000 Trucks and Vans Fees -Other Professionaf Services Rental - Bldg & Offce Space Office Furniture over $5000 Cameras Communication Equip Over $5000 14,595 1,200 300 175 300 42,333 72,474 27,052 '1,890 200 300 (3,850) (t,200) (300) (175) (300) (6,5'16) (70,000) (8,000) (1,890) (200) (300) I0,745 U 0 0 0 35,817 2,474 19,052 0 0 0 TO: GL 001 00'177 0274 GL 001 00177 0395 GL001 00777 0373 GL 001 00178 0545 GL 00'1 00178 0394 GL 001 00178 0387 GL 007 00178 0380 Seif Propelied Veh - Repair OKce Equipment Gas Incl Bottle City Contr ta Outside Agency/G O�ce Furniture Photo Supplies Communication Equipment & Supplies 17,000 0 4,000 0 0 800 0 176,619 9,996 4,345 6,000 70,000 7,890 200 300 U 20,996 4,345 10,000 70,000 1,890 '1,000 300 176,679 ��f �� y�� Approved by: Director. Financial Senices Date � C� � i� o��,�,o�,��� DAiEW11IATED ;boa a t ExecutiveAdminisha[ion-LffiP 04/11/02 GREEN SHEET NO. 103785 i� iio mmaioae CO�TARPERSON&PHOA'E O2 OEPARTFfflfl'D�tECiOA a CRY(.'WNCQ, SheilaReed 266-9111 � urvnrrowuEr Oa arcct.cac________ MUSTHEONCOIRaCRAGQipAHV(pAtEJ aJ FINAN4.9LSFRNCESDIX �5 flN.SFBVICESOIF/ACCIG ASAP � MAYOR(ORASSL4TAM) �1 DEpM'f1�RN1'pCCWNT TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnoNx�uEnFn Appmval of 2001 budget revisions � erm�.�[+onnoezs.ey�,,.«n�ae�a�a� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTLtACTS MUST ANSR'ER T� FOLLQWln'G Q[]ESTIONS: ewu�macco�awscwN 1. Has this pe�soNfvm ever worked uvdu a wntrnM for Uils depaztment? c�eo�wmrtee YES NO avasexvsecowusnou 2. Has tlils persoNfvm ever been a city employee? w svtr YES NO 3. Does tivs persoNFvm possess a skill m[ no�mally possessed by my cwrent city employee? YES NO 4. Is t6is person / firtn a targeted vendor? YES NO (Explain all yes auswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) IMTIAiING PROBCEM, ISSIIE,OPPoRi11NITY(NTq Vlha4 k'beq Wherc, Why) There aze shor[ages in seveml line items in the 2001 LIEP General Fund Budget (001) There aze sufficient excess dollaz amounts in other line items wluch will cover the shoetages This Adminisffarive Order will balance the 2001 LIEP General Fund Budget ' AOVANTqGESffpPPAOVEP. The LIEP General Fund Budget will be in balance DISADVqMAGESIF MPROVED None DLSADVpN[AGES OF NOT APPAOVEO: The 2001 LIEP Genera] Fund Budget will not be in balance ror,�.nmomvroe�rrsnnsacnon� 927 1 msrmevexueswcereo�ancceo,us� � r+o FONDMCSOORCE General Fund Aa��„-�o�ea 00177 00178 I FINANCipi)NFDRMAiION:IEXM,ARi) s�