D002150C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR C� � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ApProveGCOpiesta: � ���� -City Clerk (Originaq No: � - Finance Dept's Aecounting �ivision Date: �(i '� • Police Dept, Accounting Unit ADMINTSTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to We Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St Paul PoGce Departmeat to amend the 2001 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001 - General Fund 04000 - Of£ce of The Chief 0299 - OtHer Miscellaneous Services 04001- Fleet 0439 - Fringe Beuefits 04100 - Operations Administratiou 0161-Salary Needs 0215 - Fees-Medical 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04102 - Park Rangers 0274 - Self Propelled Vehicle Repair 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 0439 - Fringe BeneSts 0821- Cars & Motorcycles 0851- Radio Equipment 04301- Records 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04304 - Yersonnel 0856 - System Software 04305 - Property Room 0363 - Paper-Forms OA308 - Communications Serv. & Maint. 0857 - Computer Equipment 04310 - Systems 0297 - Data Processing 04340 - Building Maintenance 0439 - Fringe Senefits 0817 - Carpeting & Drapes CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 62,513 (6,23� 15,104 (605� 56,278 14,499 1,321,793 (973,068) 348,725 2,500 (2,498) 2 6,701,466 (256,423) 6,445,043 15,000 (9,690) 5,310 8,000 (3,895) 4,105 53,891 (13,079) 40,812 31,684 (16,684) 15,000 5,700 (5,700) 0 275,474 (24,654) 250,790 1,000 (37� 625 5,000 (3,642) 1,358 1,000 (692) 308 4,800 (615) 4,185 133,426 (11,569) 121,857 22,500 (16,065) 6,435 8,660,85J (1,345,519) 7,315,332 Paee 1 of 2 yearentlAO-GF•2001 Pa¢e 2 of 2 TO: • 007 - General Fund 04000 - Office of The Chief 011l - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe $enefits 04001 - Fleet 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 0398 - Opricom Equipment 04300 - Support Services Administration 0279 - Other Repair 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04301 - Records 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Services 04302 - Communication Center Ol l l- Full Time Permanent 0349 - Other Equipment & Parts 0439 - Fringe Benetits 04303 - Training Units Ol ll - Full Time Permanent 0370 - Computer Equipment 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04304 - Personnel Ol ll - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04305 - Property Room 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe BeneFits OA306 - Crime Laboratory 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0292 - Laundry Service 0439 - Fringe Benefits ' 04308 - Communications Serv. & Maint. • 0439 - Fringe BeneFts 04313 - Print Shop 0242 - Printing-River Print •� �OZ1 c?1�(� CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 4,703,930 1,451,293 0 0 2,070 104,863 18,428 608,000 5,31],930 199,779 1,651,U72 73,000 73,000 134,090 134,090 5,595 7,665 4,663 109,526 245 18,673 3,26Q510 6,300 3,266,810 0 2,435 2,435 905,241 104,645 1,009,886 464,543 0 132,448 226,895 66,193 97,735 29,019 16Z,238 800 45,604 129,253 64,300 4,175 18,785 4,400 2,691 13,900 2,686 70,800 300 20,638 1,29Z 2,800 528,843 4,175 151,233 231,295 68,584 111,635 31,705 233,Q38 1,100 66,242 130,545 2,800 11,801,063 1,345,519 13,146,582 �?���i�t���'�. Approved by: Fivancial Servic¢s Director Da[e yearentlAO-GF-200� - .. � . �� QonalSa DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL . DA7E INITIATED - � roi��ne - amroz GREEN SHEET No. 113648 . ONT CTP SON&PH NE INI'fIAVDATE INfTIAUDATE � Cl7iefFinney 292-3588 1 oerazrMexroiaECron_ wuxca TBEONCOUNC�LAGENDAB (DATE) � ATTORNEY I Y �G�iCLIItK u �xnncuus�rnncESOin._ aFlwwcui.sersvinccrc p �,F.oR�oR„�,�� n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 - (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED ' Approval of the attached aduvnis4afive order wluch wi114ansfer budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary controllevels of the Police Deparhnen4s 2001 General Fund Budget (001). RECOMMENDATION ApproV2 (A) of R2jeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: � 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a cAntract tor this department? . PLANNWGCOMMISSION YES nl0 CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has this persoMfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoMfirm a largeted vendo(� YES NO � 6cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet TING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) To provide adequate funding at the budgetary con4ol levels of the Police Department's 2001 Genexal Fund Budget (001). ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED The Police Departmern's 2001 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary contzol levels. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED ' , None. DISA�VAN7AGES IF tJOT APPROVED The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent's 2001 Genexal Fund Budget (001) will be overspent at the budgetary control levels. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Q.00 COST/REVENUE 6UDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE G0IIeT31 FuIId (OOl� ACTIVIN NUMBER vaiiouS FINANCIAL INFORIvfATION (EXPLP,IN) yeazendAO-GF-2001-gs113648