D002149Approved Copies to: ADMIPTISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Ori� BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division R tin D t Na: Ubo � I �� Date: � • - eques g ep ADMINIS'PRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mapor in Section 10A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Cluef of the Deparquent of Fire & Safety Services to amend the 2001 budget oF the General Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget • From: 001 - Generai Fund 05001 - Fire Administration 0219 - Fees - Other Professionaf Service: 0222 - Telephone - Monthly Charges 05002 - Data Processing 0856 - System Software 05110 - Code Enforcement 0111 - Full Time Permanent Salaries 0853 - Cameras 05100 - Fire Training 0111 - Fuli Time Permanent Salaries 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Service: 0298 - Investigations 0299 - Other - Misc Services 05101 - Emergency Medical Services 0111 - Full Time Permanent Salaries 0842 - Medical Equipment 05120 - Firefighting & Paramedi 0439 - Fringe Benefits 05122 - Hazardous Materials Response 0111 - Fuil Time Permanent Salaries 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 05004 - Safety 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 05050 - Fire Station Maintenance 0111 - Full Time Permanent Salaries 0373 - Gas Incl Botlie 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0817 - Carpeting & Drapes 0819 - Appliances 0892 - Architect Fee 0898 - Building Improvements 05102 - Health & Fitness 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 32,000 36,172 1,710 1,049,206 2,200 179,963 77,500 5,000 25,000 35,708 77,000 6,277,755 29,340 15,000 2,000 166,852 187,757 95,747 5,298 6,240 9,780 56,679 20,036 (32,000) (2,165) (1,710) (11,974) �z,2oo> (12,577) (32,890) (5,000) (11,025) (29,879) (2,500) (154,718) (24,595) (15,000) (2,000) (6,562) (47,300) (9,930) (4,000) (5,700) (5,500) (23,900) (10,996) 0 34,007 0 1,037,232 0 167,386 44,61 � 0 13,975 5,829 74,500 6,123,037 4,745 0 0 160,290 140,457 85,817 1,298 540 4,280 32,779 . �,� 4 .� 8,393,943 (454,121) 7,939,822 poc� a��q . .� �� � To: 001 - General Fund 05001 - Fire Administration 0111 - Fuli Time Permanent Salaries 0432 - Unempioyment Compensation 08i3 - Dupiicating Machines 05002 - Data Processing 0393 - PC Software 05110 - Code Enforcement 0242 - Printing - River Print 0438 - Fringe Benefits 05101 - Emergency Medical Services 0215 - Fees - Medical 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Serv 0352 - Medical Supplies 0380 - Communication Equip 05120 - Firefighting & Paramedics 0111 - Full Time Permanent Salaries 0254 - Tuition 0274 - Selt Propelled Vehicle Repair 0277 - Other Equipment Repair 0294 - Testing Services Q344 - Parts for Vehicles 0346 - Accessories for Vehicles 0349 - Other Equipment 0376 - W ater Incl Bottle 0386 - Clothing - Uniforms 0822 - Trucks and Vans 05122 - Hazardous Materials Response 0386- Cfothing - Uniforms 05004 - Safety 0356 - Safety Supplies 05102 - Health & Fitness 0111 - Fuli Time Permanent Salaries 0357 - Athletic/Recreation 0439 - Fringe Benefits 05121 - Emergency Management 0111 - Full Time Permanent Salaries 0439 - Fringe Benefits �lEl-o.� • Department Dir or Date 272,075 0 9,000 L 0 52,043 184,569 31,700 175,000 0 21,415,180 17,175 401,335 68,479 1,185 205,076 0 1,800 4,869 64,427 714,190 3,996 79,147 59,934 0 17,795 18,908 982 332 449 3,502 6,423 25,050 17,000 34,000 14,000 65,931 11,000 60,000 25,000 2,100 6�,�0� 15,0�0 47,000 3,425 11,000 11,938 10,264 � 316 2,674 537 290,983 982 9,332 L'L'F%] 3,502 58,466 209,619 48,700 209,000 14,000 21,481,111 28,175 461,335 93,479 3,285 265,076 15,000 48,800 8,294 75,427 �26,128 14,260 84,017 60,250 2,674 18,332 29,340 432 29,772 8,806 1,988 10,794 23,817,121 454,121 24,271,242 �`.��,������"�_ Financial Services Director Date 1�o�a�yq � DEPARTMENT/pFFIGE/GOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Fire and Satety Services 4/t5/2oo2 GREEN SHEET ruo 113946 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE mAVDA7E INrtiAVDA7E Chlef Tim Fulle� 224-7811 1 pEPqRINFNfqHECTOR_ pfYCOUNGL BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATt� ❑CIIYATTOANEY ❑3 pTYCLEAK ❑Z FPWiGW.SHtVICESdR_ �FlNRNCIFLSERV/ACGTG ❑1MYOH(ORAS545TANI) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUE5TED Approvai of the attached Administrative Order Budget Revision adjusting the 2001 year-end Department of Fire and Safety Services' General Fund Activities. RECOMMENDATION APpfOVE (A) 0� RejZCt (R) PEflSONALSERVICE CONTRACTSMUSTANSWEFTHE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has Mis persoNtirm ever worked under a contract for Nis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. hias this persoNSrm ever been a city empioyee? ,_ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO � 3. Does Mis pereoNfirm possess a swll not normally po%esseU by any cunent city employee? YES NO 4. ts this persoNtirm a targetetl venaon .�a YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet �' IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) � i uthorization is needed to revise the 2001 General Fund budgeis in order to close out year-end. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ail Generai Fund Activity accounts will be fully funded. DISADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED General Fund Activity accounts will not compiy with the re uirement to be fuiiy funded. TOTAL AMOUMT OFTRANS. $ O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE General Fund AC'fIVfTY NUMBER v3YlOUS FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) �