D002144C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �pproved Copies to: ADMINiSTRATNE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financial Services - Accounting L � - Requesting Dept. No; � �D �� �7 '� Date: �/-/ Do� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Secrion 10.07.4 of the CiTy Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Technology and Management Services to amend the 2001 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Office of �lnancial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FTJND , ACT'IVifY AND OBJECT: Technology and Management Services Administration GL 001- 01001-011] GL 001- 01001-0439 GL 001- 01001-0299 Information Services GL 001- 01115-0121 • GL 001- 01115-0439 GL 001- 01115-0219 Full Time Permanent F7inge Benefits Other Misc Services Part Tyme-Certified Fringe Benerts Fees Other Professional Services Technology Initiative Recurring Cost GL 001- 01119-0132 Temporary - Not Certified GL QO1- U1114-0439 Fringe Benefits Technolog9 Initiatives GL �O1- �1120-�370 Computer Equipment Real Estate GL 001- 01300-0111 GL 001- 01300-0439 Full Time Permanent Rringe Benefits CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 128,084 66,578 200,000 97,448 708,305 103,708 0 0 0 288,031 85,660 General Architectural Services GL 001- 01340-0211 Fees - Architect GL 001- 01340-0567 Transterto InternalService Fund Risk and Employee Management GL 001- 01370-0112 Full time - Not Certified GL 001- 01370-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 001- 01370-9370 Computer Equipment �/��i/�i /.t ��11�6 `z-- by: Requested 0 110,400 33,370 176,9ll 1,900 8,643 4,414 (8,312) (10,000) (ll,064) ��= 5,211 740 23,253 1,531 Z,SQ3 90,131 (90,131} (1,821) (2,803) 290 136,727 70,992 191,688 87,448 697,241 90,823 5,211 740 23,253 289,562 88,463 90,131 20,269 31,549 174,108 2,190 2,000,395 0 2,000,395 Date 9 2 l �� ����'. Date Approved by: Directo of Financial Services .. . . . . n,.,n 7/di/ u�/� u/T j �n*r�c-•�tit�rrrro��c�rwrnvcn.: nA� snTiaa�rEn GREEN SHEET No.: �3�-- //�/Obd Technology and Management 04/10lOZ " ` Services" CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: ,�+� IN�TTAIJDATE IN�TTAI-NATE ri Lee 266-8822 �•/ 1 D�sn�zT�,t�N1� Dm. ci� covrrcn. MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �I� CTTY ATTORNEY 3 CTTY CLERK NUMg� g 2 FINANCIAL SERV DIlL 4 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG gpg MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CNSL SbRViCE COM4iIISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1_(CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of administrative order budget revision transferring budget within Technology and Management Services to cover 2001 yeaz end variances. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNIlVG WMMISSION 1. Has this personffimi ever worked under a contract for this departrnen@ CIB WMMITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pecson(firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city einployee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITX (Who, WLat, When, W6ere, Why): year end variances occurred in actual eapenditures. This administrative order reconciles actuai 20Q 1 spending the budget. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , � These activities will be in accordance with the administrative level of control policy. DTSADVAN'LAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: p����� f{'� These activities will show a negative variance at the major object level. �P� �� 2002 CiTY GLERE� TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N: $137,016 COST/REVENUE BU9GETED: FUNDING 30URCE: ACTNITY NUMRER: 01001, 01115, 01119, 01120, 01300, 01340, 01370 FINAtiCTA1, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) , Gw�a��suoGen��tto,i«,wpa