D002143C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �pproved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Originai) BUDGET REVISfON - Financial Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. No: IJ � „3 Date: / /,j-�?� ADMINSSTRA'TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayur in Section 10.07.4 of tite City Charter and based on the request of the Office of Citizen Services to amend the 2001 Budget of the General Fund, the Airector of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: • Citizen Services Records GL 001- 00250-01 l l l�ll time Permanent GL 001- 00250-0133 Intems GL 001- 00250-0439 F7inge Bene6ts GL 001- 00250-0241 Printing GL 001- 00250-0280 Computer Maintenance GL 001- 00250-0558 Transfer to Special Fund Informarion aud Complaint GL 001- 00251-0132 Temporary-Not Certified GL 001- 00251-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 001- 00251-0857 Computer Hardware Markefing and Promotions GL 001- 00252-011i Full time Permanent GL 001- 00252-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 001- 00252-0241 Printing Pruperty Code Enforcement GL 001- 00256-0141 Overtime GL 001- 00256-0439 Fringe Beneffts GL 001- 00256-0299 Other Misc Services GL 001- 00256-0558 TransFer to Special Fund Vacant Building Code Enforcement GL 001- 00257-011l Full time Permanent GL 001- 00257-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 001- 00257-0299 Other Misc Services Summary Nuisance Abatement GL 001- 00258-011l Fnll time Permanent GL 001- 00258-OA39 Fringe Benefits GL 001- 00258-0273 Grounds Maintenance CURRENT APPROVED ANIENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDGET 76,835 6,003 47,146 22,000 4,800 45,581 21,�00 7,627 5,713 (12,000) (4,39'n (45,581) 97,835 13,630 52,859 10,000 403 0 � 46,678 8,302 81,878 51,323 28,000 20,�00 294,270 131,100 7,500 163,780 49,427 28,525 80,857 2b,194 128,797 8,95U 8,95U 237 46,915 (6,384) 1,918 (29,014) 52,864 (74,329) 36,994 (11,759) 16,241 14,283 34,283 (3,000) 291,270 (80,029) 51,071 77 7,577 (7,402) (6,738) 22,907 156,378 42,689 51,732 (34,696) b,630 167,905 46,161 32,824 296,702 1,349,296 U 1,349,296 Requested by: � � }� �a �� � '�/�'�1+� Date Approved by: Director o Financial Services nnr� �1�./--� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITfATED � V � �/ �� Office of Citizen Services 04/10/02 GREEN SHEET No.: 113524 CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: ' PITIAL�D'�TE IN�TIAUDATE Lori Lee 266-8822 � 1 D�e�Ta Dm ci� coc�rcn, ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN CTTY ATfORNEY 3 CITY CLERK �''F� NUMBER 2 FINANCIAL SERV DIR. 4 FINANCIAI. SERV/ACCTG FOR MAPOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SERVICECOMI�9SSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of adininistrative order budget revision transferring budget withiu Citizen Services to cover 2001 yeaz end variances. RECOMMENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PI,ANMNG COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhact for this departmenY? CIB COMMII'I'EE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has tf�is person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fi�m possess a skill not nmmally possessed by any cwrent ciTy employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVTI'P (Who, Whay When, W6ere, Why): At yeat end variances occurred in actual expenditures. This administrarive order reconciles actua12001 spending the budget. anvaivracES � arrxovEU: These activities will be in accordance with the administrative level of control policy. DISADVAN'PAGES IF APPROVED: None ', DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: RECEIV�� These activiries will show a negative variance at the major object level. A�R �� ZOQz ;t�y �i€�� TOTAL AMOLiNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 255,329 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: 00250, 00251, 00252, 00256, 00257, 00258 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (F.XPLAIN) fr.\USersV.x�BUDGE1�YEgrewsheecwpd