D002135CITY OF SAINT PAOL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR provedCopiesm: ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER: • City cterk (originat) BUDGET REVISION - Offiee of Financial Services - AccouMing ' Requesting Oept No: �� O al 3 S Date:_�—�ri Da. ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authorKy granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services to amend the 2009 budget of the General Govemment-Special Prqects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said butlget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT 8 DIYISION: Fl1ND AND ACTIVIN: Executive Administration - Financial Services General Government - Special Projeds • 050-30108-0545 050-30117-0439 05030117-0219 05030120-0111 050.30120-0219 050-30120-0518 05030'120-0557 Totai CURRENY APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 1,626,462 17,279 10,423 187,253 304,000 16,000 Q 2,850 225 (3,075) (19,495) 32,100 (16,000) 3.395 1,629,312 17,504 a,sns 167,758 336,100 0 $.32� 0 � f'�[31�] O i'��fil/! / Approved 6y: Directorof Financial Services Date Saint Paul Office of Financial Services ��ati..�_ /J. � �ffice �f Financial Services Patty Geimain - OFS 266-8807 # OF SIGNATiJRE PAGES llFPARA4]tIDIXEClqt Peer• flNANCW.SFRV165DIX_ PaaFlm IdAYOA(ORASSISTANq ' ALL LOCATIONS FOR S; Apprwat of Administrative Order budget revision for year 2001. ,�.�.,� CfIVCO@�CO �� FIII.4AVMF.tiOtF/ACCIG_. _ _e�ww+mccow.uro� 1. trss r5is persowmm eva wmtea,maaz cwtactrarmis departmwt? _cmm*u�r� YES NO cm¢.stRVicEmw.�sw�+ 2HasMisPasodfnmevabemsatye�ployee? _ YES NO _ 3. Does tfiis pe�wdfum possess a s1611 vM vrnmailyposussed by my mvrevt city emPiq'm? _ YES NO _ 4. k this peiwn / Srm a m�8e« vendoY? YES NO �f1InlAiceROBlIDH.6SUE.oeroRlVNrrcfV/hw �ve.� Wh�a Wl�em, Q'b') Budget autharity needs to be moved to cover 2001 year-end variances within the Special Projects Genetal GovernmeM Special Revenue Fund. The ac6vifies in this fund will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. None. Aaivities will show nega6ve vaziances in 2001. 1l�'Z� i:f' f 1 / ('.? Z _ � -0- cosrmeve:,uuce�mcer¢o�cm¢eorve� � rns � Ho . �—� _ Special Proj - Gen. Govt. .�N�,�,�� G�. - 050-3D1xx ��. a/ao/oz � GREEN SHEET NO. aoo a�� 113519 . 'SeinlPw101! Mf(runcisl$ervicas