D002134C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • Approved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION -CityClerk(�rigirtal) No: ,!/�j`b p��,3T -FinanceServices,AccountingDivision Date: ,/�aZ�^�pZ. - Police Dept, Accountin8 Unit Green Sheet # 113646 PAGE 2 OF 2 CURRENT APPROVED ANIENDED BUDGET C13ANGES BUDGET r 1 LJ TO: 400 -Police Services (Pension Assets) 34081- Clinton Cops (199'T) 0439 - I+7inge Benefits 420 - Parking Enforcement 34013 - Surface Parking Enforcement Unit 0439 - Fringe Benefits 436 - Police Special Projects 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34059 - Strategies to Reduce Racial Pro£iling 03'70 - Computer Equipment 34068 - State Incentive Grant 0111 - Fuli Time Permanent Salaries 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34105 - Asian Youth Initiative Program 011l - Full Time Permanent Salaries 34127 - Narcotics Control Grant 0141 - Overtime 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34133 - D.A.RE. 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34134 - Weed and Seed III (AFF) 0141- Overtime 34141- Weed and Seed-Econ 0141- Overtime �439 - Fringe Benefits 34150 - Cops Demonstration Center Grant 0141 - Overrime 0439 - Fringe BeneSts 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 0141 - Overtime 34191 - School Resource Grant Ol ll - Full-time Permanent Salaries 77,839 177,837 19,037 51,152 14,190 55,923 87,722 82,202 1,977 79,816 5,373 183,210 358 9,428 6,288 1,639 478 2,836 360 1,4�2 4,672 - 5,000 - 616 - 7,315 - 870 49,788 81,652 551 3,519 19,395 9,428 57,440 15,829 56,401 2,836 360 89,194 86,874 5,00� 616 7,315 870 50,339 85,171 > > > � � i�p1� �z � C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REYISION Approved Copies to: -CityClerk(Original) No: ��Q ��� - Finance Services, Accountlng Division Date: � GYL�o� - Police Dept, Accounting Unit Green Sheet A 113646 PAGE 1 OF 2 FROM: • � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authurity granted to the Mayor in Section 10.Q7.4 of tke City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2001 budget of the Special Revenue Funds 400, 420, and 436, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budgets in the following manner: 400 -Police Services(Pension Assets) 34081 - Clinton Cops (1997) 0161- Salary Needs 420 - Parking Enforcement 34013 - Surface Pazking Enforcement Unit 0161- 5alary Needs CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 16,359 24,965 (1,97'� 14,382 (5,373) 19,592 436 - Police Special Projects 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children 0161- Salary Needs 34105 - Asian Youth Iniriative Program D439 - Fringe Benefits 34108 - Cops More 1998 0370 - Computer Equipment 34133 - D.A.R.E. 0161 - Salary Needs 34151-Urban Lab Grant 0111- Full Time Permanent Salaries 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34191 - School Resource Grant 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34194 - LLEBG V 0141- Overtime 0439 - Fringe Bene�ts 4,001 15,514 79,800 18,434 63,212 2Q,U45 7,772 22,651 96,950 30,461 (358) (478) (9,428) (1,472) (6,288) (1,639) (551) (3,519) (19,823) (1,846) 3,643 15,036 70,372 16,962 56,924 18,4U6 7,221 19,132 77,127 28,615 ��t ,� �� SpedalFmdsYear-EndA0.01 � DEPART . LOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �/ PoliceDepartment s/��oz GREEN SHEET No. � 113646 TA T ERS PH INITIAWA7E MRTwJDATE ChiefFinney 292-358$ � ernmxexrwrsECron_ crrvcouxca MUST BE ON CWNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) P] eprocessASAP ❑cmn,TOw+Er ❑3 cmc�€wc �Flwwaus�ncESOi2_ �FiwwcluSERV/nccTc � pwYOR�ORlSSISTiWI)_ �HUNqNRIGMS L� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) enoN Reauesreo Signatures requested on the attached Adminishative Order, approving the 4ansfer ofbudgeted line items in _ the Police DepactmenPs 200t spending budget for special revemme funds 400, 420, and 436. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeGt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: � 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE . 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cityemployee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this persoNfi�n possess a skill noi �wm�ally possessed 4y any curtent city employee� YES NO 4.15 ihis personlfirtn a targetetl vendof� YES NO _ Erylain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The attached Admiuistrative Order will adjust the spending plans for special revenue funds 400, 420, and 436. This budget adjushnent will align the spending plans in these special revenue funds to reflect the actual e�cpenditures for the activities. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Police Departmenfs spending budgets for special revenue funds 400, 42Q and 436 will properly reflect the actualexpendihuesfor2001. DISADVANTA6ESIFAPPROVED None. , DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Activities in special revenue funds 400, 420, and 436 will not have appropriate spending plans for 2001. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ - COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NG SOURCE Special Revenue Funds 400,420 & 436 ACTIVITY NUMBER ' V3ii0uS FIP1ANCfAL iNFORMATION (EXPLAIN) SpecialFundsYear-EndAQ GS20�1