D002133� City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Approved Copies to: - Ciry Clerk - Financial Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. No: Do a a133 Date: 3'c�D -d o2 WHEREAS, The Marketing and Promotions Division has developed a layered mazketing approach designed to celebrate and highlight Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play, and; WHEREAS, The Marketing and Promotions Division has effectively partnered with organizations to mount another successful yeaz of promotions that attract visitors from 50 states • and more than 53 countries; and WHEREAS, The City will provide supplies, materials and advertising to aid in promoting and supporting such promotions in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. THEREFORE, BE TT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are authorized to pay amounts not to exceed $50,000.00 from the exisYing Marketing and Promotions budget to continue to promote events and activities that furCher showcase Saint Paul as a great place to live, work and play. APPROVED AS T� FORM , �. � City Attor y Date � DepartmenUOffice �.���'CZ � Financial Services Director r.� .DOD c�i �.�,3 C� • Attachment A Green Sheet # The following is a list of vendors and costs incuned related to the layered Mazketing plan for the City of Saint Paul. Cost included directly related to the successful implementation of events and activities related to this plan, with the public purpose of Mazketing the City as a great place to live, work and play. These activities include the following but are not limited to; Name of Organization/Event Koch Ordway Children's Festival Great Northern Communications St. Patrick's Day Celebration Nemerfieger Capital City Cruisers Portage for Youth Moundstock Millard Fillmore Rosie the Riveter Rockwell Exhibit Seven Corners Printing Rockwell Exhibit Payne Arcade Harvest Festival Total Cost Incurred $20,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,700.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $350.00 TBA TBA � � ,Dao ai 3,3 Marketing and Promotions ���� rch ll, 2001 GREEN SHEET No 103463 266-8694 �ni�9t Fart RWiYII� ORO6[ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u oFr.Rr�r� � onwrca _ � arv�nouEr ��` —/ � anttcwc � F1IURUILaFRNCFfOR V y ❑ RLIIN4aF1MACCTC � WYai[WMI1s9{i�lll) ❑ (GLIP.ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve additional expenditure and grant spending authority of up to $50,000.00 for Marketing Acitvities. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION rlas mis aersoNfirm everv�orired unaer a convac[ rormis deparrmeM7 YES N� Has this P�eoNfirtn ever been a city empbyee4 YES NO Does this PersoMfi,m P� a sltlll not namallYP� M any cunent cilY emd%'�7 YES NO Is Mis P�eaMirtn a tarqetetl vendoYl � YES NO � . , � Administrative order will provide spending aixthority for costs incuned for Marketing and Promotions acativities, allowing for payment of related expenses. Mazketing expenses can be paid. None 2002 Marketing acitivities cannot executed GOSTIR6VENUEBUOfiETED(CIRCLEOME) �� } . � NO ... SOURCE QiP. ACTNIiYNUMBER O� �'���