D002131C�l� ��T�.��fl� ' : �/ OFFTCE OF Tf� MAYOR i ��s��o�� BUDGET REVISION rro: � � b a 1�/ Date: � �� �—� � GS#: 110500 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amend the 20 02 budget of the Public Works En ineerin� fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Bud et Chan2e 1. 205 - 12180 - 0132 2. 205 - 12180 - 0439 3. 205 -12180 - 0518 4. 205 - 12190 - 0132 5. 205 - 12140 - 0434 • 6. 205 - 12190 - 0518 Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal Fringe Benefits Mayor's Contingency Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal Fringe Benefits Mayor's Contingency Totals Amended Budeet $58,182.00 $ 58,182.00 $156,059.00 $ 5,818.00 $161,877.00 $ 64,000.00 ($64,000.00) $ 00.00 $58,182.00 $ 58,182.00 $135,453.00 $ 5,818.00 $141,271.00 $129.796.00 ($64,000.00) $ 65.796.00 $485,308.00 $485.308.00 Transfer salary dollars for temporary employees to Supplement Inspection and Survey staff during the construction season. The workload in Street Design and Construction this summer will increase because of the Phalen Boulevazd Paving Project and the Riverview Busway Project. This additional design and construction work will require additional temporary employees for Inspection and Survey. These large projects will provide engineering funds to cover the additional salary. • Approved by Mayor Date 5 ��� ��� 3�s- Approved by Office of Financial Services Date Requested by Department Director Date Public Works Larry H. Lueth 266-6083 �BE ON GOVNGIAGENOA BY (DA'f� °v � ° ` GREEN �EPARiMENTDIRECTOR EET �ooa131 No. 110500 InNaVDate A551GT7 6` C(fYATfORNEY �CRYCLFAK NIIMBER FOA w � t �� 7/( � ROVfING ❑FlNPNCIALSEflNCESDI V •i➢� �FlNANCIALSERVlACCTG 1 �.1 ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISTANn Lj � ❑ ASSOCIATE � DIC TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC"f�ON flEQUESTED Transfu of Mayor's Conringency Sudget within Public Works Engineering activities. aECOt�n�ownonis�tywrm�e (N or ae7ea (a) __ PWJNINGCOMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE qVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION INRIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNffY (4VH0, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, Has this perso�rm evar vrorked untler a wntract br Mis tlepartrneni7 VES NO Has this petsoNhrtn evar been a cHy employee7 YES NO Dces this perso�rtn possess a sW"II not nortnaly possessetl by any wrrerit ary employee7 YES NO tstn�s ce��� arargatea ve�Ww? YES NO sheat Salary monies to add temporary empioyees for the 2002 consuuction season were approved in the Mayor's Contingency budgeu and tequire expensing from salaries budgets. A release and transFer of such monies is required prior to staffing adjustments. \OVANTPGES iF APPROYED: Sufficient levels of staf£ng will be met resulting in timely construction inspections and surveys. DISADVANTqGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: Unless monies are u�ansferred, the current work force for 2002 capital construction projecu will remain understaffed resulUng in undmely construction inspecaon and surveys which could slow constrvction progess and require extending contract periods. TR/kNSACTION $ ��� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) SOURCE Public Works Engineering Fund ACTNffY NUMBER 12]$0 and INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) YES No /