D002130� Approved Copies to: - C"Ry Clerk (Original) - Financial Services -ACCOUnting -Requesting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGEf REVISION No: J� o a1 c� oate: 3-! 8 O a ADMINISTRATIVE OROER, ConsisteM with the autliority graMetl to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter antl basetl on the request of the Direetor of the Otfice of Financial Services to amend the 2001 Budget of the Cable Communications Funtl, ihe Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said butlget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Technology and Management Services Cable Communications 166-31121-0111 16631121-0439 166-31121-0219 166-31121-0537 166-31123-0219 ToNal r1 LJ CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 170,940 3,400 101,184 (1,500) 88,455 10,900 7,000 (7,000) 95,012 (5,800) 4�1 Q 174,340 99,6&4 99,355 0 89,212 5f:Y.�.Y'➢1 �i,t,�� 6����G� Approved by: Director o Financial Services Date . C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � • � •• DEP.VtR.6N1'roFFlC&COUNCO. DA'fE WIM'IID Doo a/3� �ts�cab�eoflflce U3-14-02 GREEN SHEET NO. 11351'8 � , ,�,� ���,a� � �� �0 ��a Patty Ge�main - OFS 266-8507 � c`rcArmm�v a crzrcua� uusreewvmuxr.¢nmmnev�n'a� �3 twaucw.gxv�s e O Fvtmevrcesa�rrwccrc O xxro2(oRnss�sr,� �1 Hu%�mm,Cab�eOffia TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) xeprsshn Approval of Administrarive Order budget revision for year 2001. e�co�mm�'na+s:,�� W aaqwPp PERSONAL SERVICE CON'[RACIS MUST ANSR'F.R THE F(/LIAWQiG QUHS770NS: nwNt+mecoe.avss�oH 1. HastlospasoNfitm erec wakadffida nconRact focSFis depm�m@ _�mcu�m.uf� YES NO crvasmvseconaw.cspN 2. Hss t6is Peso^?um eva been a city emPloyee? YFS NO _ , 3.DoesNtispecsoWYumpusussaskillvotno�mallyposscssedbymycimmtdtyemployee? YES NO A.IS this pnwn f 51m atargNedvmdor? YES NO (Fsplain all ya amwere on separate abeet and sttach to green s6at) WIffA]]NGPROBL6ALLSSUE.OPNR'IVNfIY(Wp^. Wd4R'4n.ahv4R'q')' Budget authoriTy needs to be moved to cover 2001 yeaz-end vaziances within the Cable Communications Special Revenue Fund. ADVqNI'AOE56APPROVEp The activities in this fund will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. DISADVAN[AG6SQ�'APPROVEo None. DISADV pNiqGE$ OF NOT APPNOVm Activities will show negative variances in 2001. i01'ALAMONViOF'lRANSACf10N � �{!� COSI'/REVENUEBUDGLRED(CIXCLEONEI �� NO FVNDINGSOURCE Cable Communications .�M,� GL - 166 -31121 31123 Fv+.wcw. wEOw�wnorv. �w�aw� � 'SatntPxN01[ MF WServ�rec