D002129CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER �� No: D D � ) Q Da�: 3-/`� a a-- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper Ciry officiais aze hereby auffiorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Nelson's Cheese Factory to pay expenses arising from sandwiches for the Arbor Day Poster Contest Judging, to be held on April 12, 2002, and attended by 1 Division of Pazks and Recreation Forestry Arborist and 8 Volunteer Judges notto exceed $50. � c:�vnxDOwsrrentrv,a� oi.�a APPROVED AS TO FORM � ��� ��, � Assistant � Attorney Date � � 1� Administtative Assistant to Mayor DEFARTM ENT/OFi1CFJCOUNCIL Parks and Recreation,. Forestry CONTACT PFASON AND PHONE IN171AIAATE � �� INIT/LL/DATE p�o a�aq NO. 110056 �ve Sundmark 632-2429 �cN � DEPAFiTMFNTDIRECTOR = CITYCOUNCIL �'+�M�+ 2 att nrrorwEV 4 cm ciEwc MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY IDATp fl ��' OPOFA 3 flNANIXAL SERYIC� 01 G flNANqAL SQtVlACCiG. -- MAYOfl (OR ASSISfANTI �Y PAFiKS AND RECREAiION TOT/LL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (Cl1P ALL LDCAiWNS f-0R SIGNATUiik] AGTION REQUESTm: Approval ofi funding, not to exceed 550, for a beverage and lunch or snack fior Arbor Day Poster judging by volunteers to be held on Fridayday, April 12, 2002 at the Como Golf Clubhouse. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve W or pejeet �R� _PLANNIN6COMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE _ $TBff �STAFF _ _DISTRICT COUNQL _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL OBJECTIVEl I „ INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN IWho, What, Whery Wherc, Why1: GREEN SHEET PBt80NAL 56NICE COMItpCTS MUST ANSWFIS TXE f-0LLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Hu thia peraoNfirm nver workatl u�dm a eonhaR fw this departmen[T VES NO 2. Has tlus panoNfirm evw been a cky employeeT r YES k0 3. Dws rtYS persoNfirm pmeesa a sltill not narmally posaessed by am/ curreM ciry emplayee? YES NO bcqtln dl yes amwen orc upae[e aheei end evxh m Ween aheet _ Opportunity fior Forestry Staff to give volonteers a sma sna ck while judging over 1,300 A r bo r Day P iFnvw:ovEO: show appreciation for the votunteers who donate their time to judge over 1,300 Arbor, Day Posters. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None , I DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEO: TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION SLessthan S50 FuNaxcsouRCe Parks & Recreation, Forestrv FINANCIALINFORMATION: (IXPLNN7 COST/REVFNUEBUDGEfm(CIRCLEONE� YFS NO ncm�n xu.+ea� 001 03195 0389 33178 � �: DATE INITATED February 20"', 2002 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Greensheet 2002 Arbor Day Poster Judging.wpd MAR 0 6 2i�102