D002126• CTTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR •� 11 ., �.� . No: ,�oo a t a� DATE: 3�II"Or7 ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request ofthe Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 2001 budget of the Special Revenue Fund, Como Campus Fund (380), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM• 380 - Como Campus 33137 - Como Campus Support 0376 - Water including Bottled 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefit 0818 - Other - F�miture 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 0857 - Computer Equipment • 33138 - Como Conserva#ory Support Ol l l- Full Tnne Pennanent 0131 - Certified - Temporary 0133 - Capitol City Intem 0438 - Fringe Benefit 0439 - Fringe Benefit 33139 - Como Zoo Support 0438 - Fringe Benefit 0439 - Fringe Benefit 33144 - Zoo Animal Fund 0849 - Animals 33141 - ZoolConservatory Education Prog. 0299 - Other - Miscellaneous TO• 380 - Cumu Campus 33137 - Como Campus Support 0121 - Part Time CertiSed 0271 - Budding - repair 0521 - Refunds 33138 - Como Conservatory Support • 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 65,166 29,500 110,660 1,000 4,300 4,000 (22,450) (4,000) (4,228) (1,000) (4,300) (4,000) 42,716 25,500 106,432 0 0 0 55,270 9,573 21,580 490 23,895 506 20,648 34,600 (5,402) (3,020) (14,108) (490) (3,602) (506) (5,98'n (1,800} 49,868 6,553 �,a�z 0 20,293 0 14,661 32,800 11,576 (7,571) 4,005 342,7fi4 (82,464) 310,300 � � 7,392 13,479 6,370 7,392 13,479 6,370 1,000 10,369 11,369 G:1FM�QNf3�2001Yearend\O1A0380.wb3 Page 1 0321 - Horticulhue 33139 - Como Zoo Support 0132 - Not Certified • 33141 - Zoo/Conservatory Education Prog. 0132 - Not Certified 0371- Electricity 0439 - Fringe Benefit 0521- Refunds 1�� /' W� Requested by: DepaRment DirecWr � • 10,000 L 0 0 2,260 0 �00�1 a6 1,580 11,580 15,514 15,514 22,664 22,664 1,608 1,608 2,508 4,768 980 980 13,260 82,464 95,724 Z Z / � � y !�I /LLWL+ Date Approved by. Director of Financial Services Date G:�FivI�QNf3�2001Yearend\O1A0380.wb3 Page 2 � PARKS AND RECREATION �� :INITIATED GREEN SHEET � NUMBER: 02/21/02 � '110057 ,p4o a! �� 266-S�O� � � DEPARTMENiDIRECTOR — CfTYCOUNCIL CfTYATTORNEY � 3 CfTYCLERK �ENOABY(DA'f�: Z PINANCIALSERVICESDIR. 4 O.F.S.-ACCOUMING MAVOR(ORASSISTANn OTHER: IUMBER OF SIGNANRE PACaES: CLIP ALL LOLA710NS POR SIGNA7URE REQUE5IED: I of the attached Administrative Order which will transfer budgM authority to provide su�cient funding at the budget wntrol level of the of Parks antl Recreation's 2001 Como Campus Special Revenue Fund (380j. (Approve (A) or Reject (R) PL4NNING COMMISSION Ci8 COMMIi7EE A STAFF DISTRICT CWNCIL CMLSERVICECOMMISSION 1. Hasfheperson/firmeverwodceduntlercontratlforihisCepar6nentt DTHER: YES NO OTHER: 2. Has fhe penonRmm everbeen a ciy emplqee� OTHER: YES NO 3. Oces the personfiim possess a skiU �rot nortna7 POSSESSED ey a wrtentary empbyee? YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (�/vho, What, Wilen, pfovice adequate funding at the budgetary control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation'S 2001 Como Campus :cial Revenue Fund (380). S IFAPPROVED. and Rec�eation's 2001 Como Campus Speciai Revenue Fund wiil have adequate funding at ffie butlgetary eontrol level. APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Division of Parks and Recreation's 200'1 Como Campus Special Revenue Fund (380) will be over5pent at the budgetary controllevel. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION C0.ST/FiEVENUEBU�GETED(qRCLEONE) YES FUNDINGSOURCE COf170 C8f11F/11S FUO(J - 3HO AC'lMTV NUMBER (Ve�0u5) FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) ,,�', ���,i ��Cf.�� �;9 �';� �F �'R4�: NO �FMIQNF3V2esoGrtions, GBen sheeklCOma Campus Atlmin Ortle�w63 Page: 1 oft