D002125Cit� of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Budaet ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 2001 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Department of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: General Fund-Division of Libraries 03400-0161 Salary needs 03400-0242 Printing Riverprint 03400-0255 Dues 03400-0362 Paper supplies 03400-0368 Office supplies 03400-0439 Fringe benefits 03401-0111 Full time permanent 03401-0227 Telephone 03401-0247 Book & magazine binding 03401-0275 Office equipment maint. 03401-0276 Office equipment repair 03401-0280 Computer hardware maint 03401-0363 Paper supplies 03401-0857 Computer hardware 03401-0439 Fringe benefits 03402-0121 Part-time certified 03402-0282 Rental building 03402-0439 Fringe benefits 03404-0111 Full time permanent 03404-0261 Fire insurance 03404-0271 Building repairs 03404-0373 Gas 03404-0439 Fringe benefits All others 8,021 20,500 3,200 2,160 23,323 56,296 813,101 8,000 5,000 11,859 13,000 108,800 3,204 3,000 253,865 1,425,010 67,700 1,380,083 637,891 14,000 10,000 43,181 197,393 5,418,916 Chanae (6,200) 7,890 1,990 6,700 12,700 2,282 5,124 (5,600) (1,200) (7,100) (3,300) (39,410) (3,200) (3,000) 7,991 (3,000) 24,540 (14,580) (57,862) 22,945 47,710 14,400 (9,820) -0- � No: 1�ob aia s Date: ���/�V � Amended Budaet 1,821 28,390 5,190 8,860 36,023 58,578 818,225 2,400 3,800 4,759 9,700 69,390 4 -0- 261,856 1,422,010 92,240 1,365,503 580,029 36,945 57,710 57,581 187,573 5,418,916 10,527,503 10,527,503 -P-r�a �'- - - - -- - �pre-cse d l�,, O�s p.; re ;�p r Q i��� ��z�`�� Requested y. Department Director �`�� �/ ✓"f.'�. Approved by: Mayor Date ,�oaa tas DEPARTNIENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.:113440 braries Mazch 5, 2002 COA*'fACT PERSON & PHONE: �, 7nIlTIavnA7'E �11'te7/na7'E Susan Cantu 266-7076 nssrGx i n���i• nm. srs ccrrYCO�rcu ivu�Ex FOR CfcYnTroRNEY� s c71YCIHltK NNST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA SY ROUTING (DATE) ORDER 2 FfNaNCfAI.SE2vDTft 4 FINaNGe1LSPRViC&S/ACCf MAYORCORASST.) t3VII.SE2ViCCCOMhIISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATI7RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR�) ncTZOx �Qv�sTEn: Approval of Acl�ninistrative Order revising the 2001 General Fund budget for the Department of L'abraries. RECOMNIffi�DAIIONS: App�o�w(A) oiR9ect (R) 7P7@IRffi�1`3A1L ffi1E1�6'lI2'1& Q9(DIN�'�Q.'Il'� FAVT87C AI`d��l� 7CffiI@ lPQD7f.ff.QDWllF3Q'v �IIJI@6�"Il'II�I3�: _r�a�armaccoNmassiorr _civn.smtvice coNmassiox Y. Hes�ispeesoa�S�aaevawaekeduadeaaeontrtrectfa�susdepaeEmmfl c� cohs� _ sxatm �sTtucrcovxl' 2 Hes�spersoa�S�aevabeanacity�xp➢oyee? SUPPORTS WFIICHCOUNCII.OBIHCIIVE? 3. IDo@8 �BS P�✓� PoS8088 a�1005 no�aiiY P��B� bS' �3' 6 �� �S' emPlog`x4 ��' qxs ao�v¢as � oeegmrzm4¢ e�¢eQ �u1 n9G,n¢]N 4m � c�os4 Ir'I1'IATING PROBL&M� ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, 4Vhen, Whem� Why): justments are needed to cover negative balances in major object codes withan the Library's General Fund budget. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: There will be sufficient funds at the major object levels and the Library will be in compliance with the City's budget controls. DTSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None DISAD VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � 17ie Library's budget will show negative balances at the majar object level. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $-0. COST/AEVENU� SODGEI'�D: Yes F[JNDING SOURCE: General �nd ACTIVII'P NIJMBER: 03400•03404 FINANCIAL INFORMefTION: (E%PLAI1� ' fi�sosauclWPDOCSOD7 01_03�m.wpd � , � R ��Gl �1AR i 1 2Q02 :.'i �Y �:L�� �i