D-5728 White . - City Clerk No. 0 S 7. a . Pink - Finance Dept. Canary - Dept. Accounting Date '-'-' .i Ge/ Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor II CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Dunning Municipal Athletic Field Site Development known as Contract L-8360-1 , City Project No. 78-42 R. 0. Westl and Construction Co. , Contractor, is composed of the following: 1 . Additional wiring to electrical service panel Add $1 ,284.29 2. Additional grading and excavation for warning track Add 918.50 3. Additional labor for bleeding sprinkler heads Add 362. 77 Subtotal Add $2,565.56 4. Delete irrigation equipment shelter Deduct $ 383.50 5. Delete concrete curbs for tree grates Deduct 250.00 6. Credit for trenching and wiring not completed Deduct 276.10 7. Credit for electrical maintenance work (ballasts) not installed Deduct 432.00 8. Delete overseeding of fields Deduct 550.00 0 9. Delete topsoil , sod, and seed in area of new building Deduct 355.00 Subtotal Deduct $2,246.60 Total Add $ 318.96 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 318.96 said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 8360-1 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $ 310,000.00 93080-004 Change Orders to Date S 9,261 .25 Add P.I .R. Activity No. Amount this Change Order S 318.96 Add 63170-882-000 New Contract Sum S 319,580.21 , ' ••.• ED AS a F 0 ,.aA_... /l 19 T/ R. 0. Weslund Construction Co. ow ral4w—, • Co ntractor fi�!,� ► _ 19 By -e Attach- hange Orders upt. of 'arks and Recreation .0 _ 19 _..- - - � • Chief E = ne• /Cit Arc•it: ead ., D artniont . inance \,C,--C Director of o i ty S- vices A. inistrative Ass stant to the Mayor OM O1: 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMMIISTRATTVZ ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES : May 1 , 1981 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER " v ' ' FR: Thomas J. Kelley, Director, Department of Community Services ;44-- RE: Dunning Municipal Athletic Field Site Development Contract L-8360-1 Job No. 78-42 Change Order #2 ACTION REQUESTED: To approve Change Order #2, addition of $318.96 to the contract sum for the above project. • � RFCoVE D OFFiC ��Y12 qAZ pgR �4- T71� /96I MANgG MENT F NqN�R SERfrc„£S PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This addition is necessary for the following changes : 1 . Additional wiring to new electrical service panel location to accommodate proposed building. 2. Additional grading and excavation of warning track caused by relocation of light towers away from high voltage lines. 3. Additional labor to check and bleed sprinkler head control lines because of delay in water hookup. 4. Delete irrigation equipment shelter because of proposed new building. 5. Delete concrete curbs for tree grates to allow visibility from new proposed building. 6. Credit for electrical trenching and wiring not completed because of service panel ATT�ffi VEK: relocation. 7. Credit for electrical maintenance work (ballasts) not installed. 8. Delete overseeding of fields because of construction delays and proposed scheduling of fields. 9. Delete topsoil , sod, and seed in area where new building will be constructed. ATTACHMENTS: See Back. Attachments : -Administrative Order for Contract Change. -Letters from R.O. Westlund Construction Co. , General Contractor, dated October 17, 1981 , January 12 , 1981 , March 23, 1981 , and April 24, 1981 . -Letter from Miley's Sprinkler Systems , Subcontractor, dated November 30, 1980. -Letter from Aladdin Electric Company, Subcontractor, dated March 19, 1981 . -Letters from City requesting change order proposals , dated September 25, 1980, October 28, 1980, October 30, 1980, November 7, 1980, and April 16, 1981 . •