D-5722 Cit_Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL rink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �7 No: 1)- !i/ o2, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: .5.4/7/• ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, in the matter of the requirement of the City of Saint Paul that professional service agreements not arranged through the Purchasing Division must receive mayoral or council approval; and WHEREAS, the Public Health Nutrition Program sponsored a panel discussion for National Nutrition Month; and WHEREAS, the Public Health Nutrition Program arranged for Catherine Feste to participate in said panel for a fee; therefore be it ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves payment of $75 to Catherine Feste. • APPROVED AS TO F.t'RM !!// Al .._r.�1_ A• ista City Attorn•y Departmen ad • I Date I. A -4' .!.i0_141..- Administ ative Assistant to Mayor OM 01: /2/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, 411 RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: MAY 5 , 1981 e kCh1V D TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIM,ER 1981 ''',,. FR: THOMAS J . KELLEY t,/ RE: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER . ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures and approval of attached Administrative Order. • PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Approval of payment of $75 to Catherine Feste for participating in a panel discussion for National Nutrition Month presented by the Public Health Nutrition Program. ATTACHMENTS: Administrative Order. 111