D-5710 White - Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. . . Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Sheri Pemberton No: 1)`..S"7/ tJ Real Estate PED/HRA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 9th Floor Annex Date: (4 D/J)/ • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, PURSUANT, to the authority granted by the City Council seated as the Board of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in Resolution No. 77-5/25-2, the proper City and HRA Officials are directed to Establish Fair Market Cash Value and authorized the Authority staff to make an Offer on the following property in the Arundel-Galtier ITA Area, Thomas- Dale/Capitol Area District 7, as follows: PARCEL NO. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FAIR MARKET CASH VALUE 48-12 422 Blair Avenue $26,000 Funds to be expended from CD Yr. V, 167 5/11 . . 395oi- 55/- /6 7 Approved for Funding:_ 71u 'f 74 • IL / Thomas Meyer, PED/HRA ,t, AF., Off I Bernar• a son - Director o Finance & Management Services APPROVED AS TO FO. M 4 ' Assistant City A ney E - i ve D X�hX9CIfI(tXiekK • 1 . Date rirm /1 j (Q k7 r Administrative Assistant to Mayor % 0m 01: 12/19/75 REV. : 9/8/76 EXYIANA'I'TUN OF ADM INISTi i'IVL ORDERS , /1 /f ._ RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES A k-ctivED ApR DATE: April 9, 1981 OFFk' �� lg OEp E T �7 OF A'vol •-1111,1Q, 0P 0/ /OR TO; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER T SERNCE VlCEs FR: Sheri Pemberton, Real Estate PED/HRA `j�J'Y�IJ RE; AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH FAIR MARKET CASH VALUE AND MAKE OFFER ON PARCEL 48-12 (422 BLAIR AVENUE) , ARUNDEL-GALTIER ITA, THOMAS-DALE/CAPITOL AREA DISTRICT 7 ACTION REgUESTED; Authorization to establish the fair market cash value and grant the Authority staff authorization to make an offer on the above-noted property. • PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: As part of the CDBG Program approved by City Council on March 6, 1980, the Arundel- Galtier ITA was allocated funds to acquire substandard properties which met the ITA requirements. The District Council and community members have identified this property for acquisition, due to its deteriorated state and blighting influence on the neighborhood. This is a single family structure and the owner is a willing seller. The structure will be demolished and the site offered for new single family construction. The surround- ing area has been and still is under redevelopment programs and removal of this substand- ard structure will aid in the revitalization of the area. On February 25, 1981 , by Resolution No. 81-2/25-1 , the HRA Board of Commissioners authorized acquisition of this property. ATTACHMENTS; Board Report and Resolution of HRA Board Mtg. 2-25-81 • Administrative Order for Execution