D-5675 White — City Clerk No. D -5. .7.5.-7..5.- Pink — Finance Dept. Canary Dept. Accounting Date February 4, 1981 Blue — Engineer ���/,./ Green — Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Cnngi-nir•tinn of ornamental street lighting on East Third Street from Mounds Blvd_ to Earl St. , known as Contract L- 33900 , City Project No.V-0678 L.P.D. ELcctric Co. Contractor, is composed of the following: Additional work, not shown on the plans, needed for completion of the project; furnish and install new electrical wire to existing lighting poles totaling 582.80 as per attached itemized sheet. • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 582.80 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 8390 , and which amount is to be financed from: (22-35 Czity development year 5 funds. j9.1 -/.�9 APPROVED AS TO FORM 'Ii_ ...Ad 19 T. P D F.T.F.CTRTC Assis ty =�• n Contractor /. Iii__ ' _ .2- 4. 19 3( ,,, .' l ... n_1 eer �� � � • Chief Engineer /City Architect ead of pe tm ant •f ' inance I C 19 ��/� ,, _,'i ,. Director of Administrative Assistant to the Mayor 1,P1 1)1: Z./11')/:_t Rev: 9/8/76 • FYYLANATM1 OF ADMI?\TISTP7\TIVF OPDFRS, , PIID OPDII.TANC.rc ` 4.. • y kt Date: February 4 , 1981 Ah,,' 1. .e 1981 le* kt • ID: MAYOR GEOPC ' L T TI1 R J P '/ FR: A. John Olinger RE: Construction of an ornamental street lighting on East Third St. from Mounds Blvd. to Earl St. City Project No. V-0678 Contract No. L-8390 1\CTICd J PI QUF it T): Approve the attached Administrative Order for Contract Change Agreement No. 1 totaling $582 . 80. • PURPOSE min PA.TICN LE FOP. TITS .C'l'lr"T Certain items needed to complete the project were not shown on the plans. The contractor is entitled to $582.. 80 to furnish and install new electrical wire to existing lighting poles ATTACI T.TTTS • Administrative Order