D-5668 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink ' — Final1ce Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Sheri Pemberton No: -- 6 )! Real Estate, PED/HRA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 3 fl f�/ 9th Floor Annex Date: / / • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, PURSUANT, to the authority granted by the City Council seated as the Board of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in Resolution No. 77-5/25-2, the proper City and HRA Officials are directed to authorize the initiation of a rezoning petition for certain property in West-Midway District 12, more fully described as: "Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 4, Vacated Ellis Avenue, Lot 19, Block 79, St. Anthony Park." The rezoning petition for this property changes it from RM-2 to B-2 and is being initiated by the HRA to cover the area indicated on the attached map. The rezoning to B-2 will allow for commercial/retail rehabilitation of the existing Baker School and incorporate the land surrounding the school for parking and land- scaping to service the businesses. • Funds for this activity ($50.00) filing fee, will be expended from Tax Levy Fund, Baker School Site, and be reimbursed from the disposition proceeds. Approved for Funding: ` ✓G1.e-wY66 `P ( Thomas Meyer, PED/HRA or, :eOr'"s Carlson, Director of City Finance & Management Services APPROVED AS TO FO P M 0; 7 111111111‘ sistant City Attor e Ex' e D Icis'r XXXXX1 Olt /9si Administrative Assistant to Mayor