D-5642 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink '— Fina ,ee Dept. Canary— D��. Sri Pemberton OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Real Estate, PED/HRA No: 0-‘.--61-‘ad 9th Fl oor, Annex ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: /■?/"/ • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, PURSUANT, to the authority granted by the City Council seated as the Board of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in Resolution No. 77-5/25-2, the proper City and HRA Officials are directed to authorize the initiation of a rezoning petition for cer- tain property in South of Front Redevelopment Area, more fully described as: " All of Lots 1 through 30, inclusive, Block 14, Lewis' 2nd Addition. " The rezoning petition for this property (Block 355) changes it from RT-1 to RT-2 and is being initiated by the HRA. The rezoning to RT-2 is to allow for side-by-side townhouse units, total of 29 units, which area is primarily single family and duplex use, and is in keeping with the area • compatibility. Funds for this activity ($50.00) filing fee) will be expended from HRA 57, Disposition CD Yr. VI , Miscellaneous Expenses. ('3q/007.---S79 - /1? -- Approved for Funding: '7 ; 4 10„, Thomas Meyer, PED/HRA 411111, 4,61 ' :ernard Carlsol rirector o City Finance .nd Management Services APPROVED AS TO FORM ' Ilitl . ,_ 2 ilk • ..c. i.. '4*10.- Assistant Cit Attorney Ex(c ti ve nip X'X' X'X'XXXXX( • // lei Date 61-ritcliv1 ._,.,/,„,,A- % �' Administrative Assistant to Mayor OM 01: 12/19/75 REV. : 9/8/76 f� . EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES RECEIVED FEB 1 21987 �. DATE: February 10, 1981 p A F1 EMF THE DIREcToR ENT OF FINANCE FEB CEMENT SERVIC TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER Mina WW1 A ES FR: Sheri Pemberton, Real Estate, PED/HRA-Project Services RE: AUTHORIZATION TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN SOUTH OF FRONT DEVELOPMENT AREA, NORTH END DISTRICT 6 ACTION REQUESTED: Authorization to commence and complete if accepted, a rezoning petition changing the current zoning of Block 355 in North End District 6 from RT-1 to RT-2. S PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The rezoning is to allow for side-by-side townhouse units, total of 29 units, which area is primarily single family and duplex use, and is in keeping with the area com- patibility. HRA has a tentative developer, Brighton Development Group, which is pre- pared to commence construction upon finalization of this rezoning petition. ATTACHMENTS: • Map