D-5628 White — City Clerk No. D J'C c ' J' Pink --d-Pinance Dept. � , �� Canary — Dept. Accounting Date Blue — Engineer Green — Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 3 (CO #96) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as furnish all materials, equipment and services necessary or incidental to the millwork for Town Square Segment B Project known as Contractor 132 , City Project No. R367S, , SiPwert Cabinet 8_ Fixture Mfg. Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: 96. Provide 2 x 6" oak trim at skyway openings. Provide 3 additional benches at column M-lOg. Provide octagonal window frame at information booth. 32' additional oak railing with 36 end caps. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 3,901_nn , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract Ix G 1322 , and which amount is to be financed from: PIR Fund 6O&Q 894 000 Cost for above work is 100% City .yt0.-c..7-10 Lc, _. 71-1'-vv - - - : DAST►.7O' j /r414 L�� /"� / 19 .53.-/ ,� (� , P Assistan City Attorney Contract r A Lt _ 12/31 19 80 By 'c Co .ract Admin •j _ /213/ 19 I U '/I hief n:'• ■ ea, of D- :f F' ce tc-e0 `�►_ 1- t� 1 191"") .�_. Di or of T( Administrative Assistant to the Mayor OM 01: 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, _LA RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES �Got � • Date: January 15, 1981 o,� qy O TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER OFp/CF 2O FR: Al Amiot, PED � qNO�/V °P MFNT*4,s8, RE: Contract Change Agreement for Town Square Segment B AGFMFNT NA OR witCE/VEI JAN 2 61981 ACTION REQUESTED: OW; Approval of Contract Change Agreement No. 3 to SIEWERT CABINET & FIXTURE MFG. ,INC. • PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The purpose of this Change is to add additional millwork as specified on the Contract Change Agreement. 'ATTACHMENTS: Contract Change Agreement No. 3 Write — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: D:S 6 ajA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • Date: /- .SO4./ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to remit to Government Training Service the sum of $12, 605 for the presentation of the following seminars, it being anticipated that approximately 25 city employees will attend each seminar. The seminar prices include the fee for the instructor and the cost of training materials. Z "Reading: An Effective Timesaver" Jan. 19 & 26 J. Michael Bennett $1250 r1 "Stress Management" Jan. 20 Orville Weizhaar 675 "Time Management For Non-Supervisors" Jan. 22 Karen Grote 825 /o "Leading Meetings For Results" Jan. 23 Chuck Hickok 850 J "Coaching: Working With Employees To Correct Performance Problems" Jan. 27 & 28 Chuck Hickok 1490 , Ia "Writing Letters And Memos" Feb. 2 & Mar. 2 Stan Berry 1637 (W ed. d. ill. ) Ct al "Delegation Feb. 6 Frank Quisenberry 700 —"Dealing With The Hostile Public" Mar. 9 Kathryn Barrington 650 (, "Setting Goals And Objectives" Feb. 19 & 20 Ray Stave 1425 ! - "Intro To Computers/MIS" Feb. 23 & 24 Paul Cheney 1300 IS "Motivation" Mar. 13 Chuck Hickok 738 • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the cost of the seminar will be incurred by the Training and Development Section of the Personnel Office and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Douglas B. Hollenbeck, City Training Coordinator is directed to obtain the signature of an authorized representative of the Government Training Service in contracting for this seminar. Training and Development Budget Account Code #00157-259-000 ($12, 605) APPROVED A S 70 `��itJ doe Neyr....e -v-fri^�� nin Service /e Ci For Governm nt Training v Agreeing to the above stated terms /r and conditions. IX i DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Lai>, APPRO S TO FOR ' acci / 1 a . • Assistan City Attorney Department Head / / • 1 Date fi 4r126,--- Administrative Assistant to Mayor Ik iiiiiittAiAL 24 aho i i of i, ,.,,1 •