D-5611 Wtitte — City Clerk No. D �� Pink `' Finance Dept. Canary — Dept. Accounting Date `— - Blue — Engineer Green — Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as constr . i • • .. . I, .. It '.•- • - :..- -- •u i11- . . ► . . . :.1 . . the Farm Credit Bank Addition, Bid Package "D" known as Contract IX- G-1420 eft Project No. 17 , SHEEHY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Contractor, is composed of the following: CONTRACT ADDITIONS AND TIME EXTENSION All costs to provide extra labor, equipment, materials, temporary heat, supervision and overhead, etc. ; including an extension of the contract time; as a result of delays by American National Bank extending the contract period into winter construction not intended by the Contractor at the time of bid. Also provide all labor, equipment and materials required to fabricate and securely install two missing 14"x 18"x 1 " steel bearing plates to support beam in American National Bank building in a first class, professional manner for support of bridge trusses at that end. All in accordance with Exhibits "A" and "B" attached and further subject to: • A. satisfactory completion of all contract stipulations and covenants as a result of the aforementioned change and all work affected thereby; B. the rights of the HRA are not prejudiced; and C. all pclaimts a insstt the HRA whjc are incidental to or as a consequence of the ORDEREDO '1hay he0�i ocivarigteparse t `oug 1 iI mayor*approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 10,027_75 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 8415 _, and which amount is to be financed from: 1980 CIB funds; and the contract time is extended 133 calendar days establishing 4/13/$1 as the new date of completion. Hof°_0o3 ea-r, * (Pursuant to the authority granted by the City Council seated as the Board of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in Resolution No. 77-2/25-2) . D T �!' /2— Z719 $U SHEEHY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Assistant City ttorney / Contracto A r ` - 19A By En: er • 66 . /r� ! L'5*._ 19 ` • .L.l�_.�. ► - ! MEL, G'EEN ' ' ' ABHAMSON 'e, e of ►e,ar ;fit of ce4% EX CU IVE D.' TOR OF HRA Administrative Assistant to the Mayor 55 OM 01: 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 % EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Rk-CP/VtD • Date: December 17, 1980 /(7.r TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER AND �41'?17145.-A,O '�`� T/7.- OF `ry r FINg ,�R FR: Darold M. McMahan, PE9.X SFRVjc S RE: Contract Change Agreement No. 1 to Contract No. G-1420 American National Bank to Farm Credit Bank Skyway Bridge Bid Package "D", District 17 ECEIVID DEC 3 01980 y4 ACTION REQUESTED: An increase of the contract price and the contract time as a result of omissions and delays by American National Bank building owners. • PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION : 1 . Omissions and delays were caused by others beyond our's and the Contractor' s control requiring as a matter of legal right, an adjustment of the contract price and time. 2. All costs have been reviewed by HGA/HRA and determined to be satisfactory. 3. Sufficient 1980 CIB funds have been budgeted to cover the above change order costs. ATTACHMENTS: Contract Change Agreement No. 1 with Exhibits. 9 •