D002122r� L 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 • 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ► li � ._ . ._ � - - �' s WHEREAS, excellence in city government requires a strong commitment to promote employee excellence, morale, and pride in work, and encouragement to reflect those qualities in employees' roles as representatives of the City of Saint Paul. WHEREAS, excellence in ciTy government requires promotion of programs and acrivities for employee participation to benefit their well-being as a group and as individuals. WHEREAS, excellence in city govemment requires nutiation of programs that enable employees to receive recognition for their dedication and wark. WIIEREAS, the Office of Human Resources supports employee programs developed by the City Employee Services Committee, and is responsible for providing the cost of the programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources be authorized to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred in providing the following programs and services in 2002; to be paid out of General Fund, Acfivity 0�165: - Years of Service Recognition Service awazd pins (10 to 35 years) for 390 employees, not to exceed $2700. Breakfast for up to 200 employees, not to exceed $2675. Honorarium for musician, not to exceed $200. Honarariuxn for guest speaker, not to exceed $600. Public Service Recognition Week Kazl Neid Comxnunity Service Award supplies, not to exceed $400. - City Employee and Family Picnic Supplies and services, not to exceed $5000. J APP ED AS � FO � � � r 1 ssistant City Attomey L_J Assistant to Mayor Dir. Einancial Services r DEPAR'LMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCII.: DATE INITGITED UU O �• �� x[JMarr 1�SOUxcES o2�20/02 GREEN SHEET No.: 52214 C ACf PERSON & PHONE: �nTjacmA INiTfAUn'�TE MARK ROBER'FSON 266-6471 , D�e,uc,� D� c�rr co�nvcu, ASSTGNID zcrrrnrroRNEY � srn'rC1.ERic MiJST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) N�MBe�t �(1R . N/L�/ o ExG F�,�cwz.smvnm .�¢a,�c[n[.sFxvracc[c - MAYOR(ORASSI.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLiP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNAT[JRE) acriox xEQUESx�n: Authorization to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred in conducting employee relations and recognifion pzograms in 2002. RECObA4ENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'Re1C1'S M[JST ANSWER'1'HE FOLLOWING . QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION 1. Has this person/fvm evu worked under a conhact for tLis departmem? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No � _CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/fitm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fvm possess a skill not noxmalTy possessed by any curzent city employee7 Ye No 4. Is this person/fiim a targeted vendor7 � Yes No Eaplain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet 1�}7'IlVG PROBLEM, ISSiJE� OPPORTIJPiITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): III ZOOZ Humau Resources and the City Employees Committee are coordina#ing several recognition programs and employee rela6ons activities that involve purchases from various vendors. The programs include Years of Service Recognition, Kazi Neid Community Involvement Award (funding only), and the City Employee and Family Picnic. Costs for the picnic will be supplemented by union donations. nuvarrrncES � nrrxoven: We would be able to continue to offer these recognition programs, which are valued by City employees. n�snnvaNrncES � arrxovEn: None—the funds aze available and budgeted far. - nisauvamrncES �x xor arrxovEn: We would not be able to continue offering employee relations and recognition , programs, which employees haue come to expect and appreciate and which contribute to employee dedication and excellence of service. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $11,575.00 COST/REVENCJE BUDGETED: YES ;,_..��- ����,t.; � ��J FUNDING SOiJRCE: General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER: 00165 FEB 2 2 ZE�G2 �crp,z, nvFO��rioN: ��Lanv� �°` f y �`E�� �� ���� G:\Users\Harwell\YRSERVIC\GRENSHT.WPD � s � � .