D-8083 White - City Clerk CITY O F SA I NT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE, OF THE MAYOR pac No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER /a • BL'IX;ET REVISION Date: ADML\'TSTRATI\'E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pub 1 i c Works to amend the 19 814 budget of the Capital Improvement fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget *1983 Water Pollution Abatement S-0703 St. Anthony Hill 5,937,626.76 49, 100.00 5,986,726.76 S-5534 135E Crossings 49,100.00 (49,100.00) -0- 1984 Water Pollution Abatement S-0704 St. Anthony Hill 2,336,049.00 (49,100.00) 2,286,949.00 S-5534 135E Crossings - 49, 100.00 49,100.00 • *To reverse Admin. Order D-8032 dated 5-20-86. This funding was already used for 8th St. realignment by PED. • ' /• Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayo $ OltealtC fOrditeaet 7---- 2-1- c46 Requested by:Department director Date