D-8031 Whitt — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: hi l J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER J • BITI)GET REVISION Date: /r � b Pageeof/2 XDMILN'ISTRATIVE ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services to amend the 19 8.6 budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget WHEREAS the Budget Director has estimated that revenue sources for the 1986 General Fund budget will be $2, 055, 000 less than the amounts identified in the adopted financing plan, and WHEREAS the Mayor on May 12, 1986 notified City Council of the estimated revenue shortage in accordance with Section 10. 07 . 03 of the Saint Paul City Charter and recommended that the revenue shortage be addressed by: increasing fees for paramedics and municipal athletics, using fund balance accumulated under the one-third savings incentive program, making transfers from other budgets to utilize available balances and energy savings, and taking executive action to control spending, and WHEREAS, it is desirable to reinvest one-fourth of the savings resulting •from world oil price reductions in energy conservation and preventive maintenance projects, and to finance electrical power surge controls for the city 's Prime computers (project was approved by City Council in 1985 but implementation was delayed) , Therefore the budgets for the Department of Finance and Management Services are amended as follows: Current Amended FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Budget Change Budget 01370 Risk & Employee Benefit Management Div. 01370-111 Full Time Certified 105, 468 (20, 549) 84, 919 01370-215 Fees-Medical 10, 000 (10, 000) 0 01370-219 Fees-Other Prof Services 47, 500 (36, 336) 11, 164 01370-221 Postage 1, 500 (550) 950 01370-222 Teleph-NWB Mo Charges 5, 200 (3, 000) 2, 200 01370-241 Printing Outside 3, 500 (3, 250) 250 01370-242 Duplic-All Processes 1, 000 (800) 200 01370-246 Film Processing 500 (500) 0 01370-262 Liability Insur Premium 50, 000 (50, 000) 0 01370-276 Office Equip & Furn Repair 400 (400) 0 01370-299 Other Misc Services 13, 000 (13, 000) 0 01370-352 Medical Supplies 2, 500 (2, 500) 0 01370-361 Office Accessories 750 (500) 250 01370-362 Duplic Supplies Incl Paper 500 (400) 100 , 4. Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:M or- ) 3- r Requested by: •'t•art t director - Date White, — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: Q C�O3) • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BITIXiET REVISION Date: —414-42— Page of�l ADMLNISTRATIVE ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the May r in Section 10.07.4 f the City Charter and Finance ad ana Fnn M ement Services based on the request of the Director of the Department of g to amend the 19 86budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Current Amended 01370 Risk & Employee Benefit Management Div. Budget Change Budget 01370-364 Letterheads & All Env 300 (300) 0 01370-368 Office Supp-Purch Storeroom 750 (550) 200 01370-369 Other-Office Supplies 750 (585) 165 01370-381 Books Periodicals Pict Records 400 (350) 50 01370-382 Newspapers 110 (110) 0 01370-811 Typewriters 3, 000 (3, 000) 0 01370-812 Adding Machines & Calc 250 (250) 0 01370-813 Duplic Machines 12, 000 (12, 000) 0 01370-816 Cabinets Bookcases 2, 500 (100) 2, 400 (159, 030) 01150 Accounting Division 01150-111 Full Time Certified 485, 623 (20, 897) 464, 726 • 01115 Citywide Information Services Division 01115-219 Fees-Other Prof Services 3, 200 (5, 000) (1, 800) 01115-813 Duplic Machines 8, 000 (8, 000) 0 01115-833 Generators and Pumps 0 70, 000 70, 000 01115-297 Data Proc Service 46, 000 35, 092 81, 092 92, 092 01320 Assessments & Valuations Division 01320-898 Building Improvements 0 100, 000 100, 000 (Preventive Maintenance/Energy Conservation) 01200 Treasury 01200-111 Full Time Certified 309, 251 (12, 165) 297, 086 Net Change for Department 's General Fund Budget: 0 .9J-uzvi-i-i 0_04 Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor aeu. $- - t l ) ' =' e, Requested by: pa ent director Date