D-8030 •White — Crty Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: .Lf � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �/��/� • IwIx;ET REVISION Date: Page ADMILN'ISTRATIVE ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted t the Ma Section in S ction 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of various °depar tmen to amend the 19 8 6budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget WHEREAS the Budget Director has estimated that revenue sources for the 1986 General Fund budget will be $2, 055, 000 less than the amounts identified in the adopted financing plan, and WHEREAS the Mayor on May 12, 1986 notified the City Council of the estimated revenue shortage in accordance with Section 10. 07 . 03 of the Saint Paul City Charter and has recommended that the revenue shortage be addressed by: increasing fees for paramedics and municipal athletics, using fund balance accumulated under the one-third savings incentive program, making transfers from other budgets to utilize available balances and energy savings, and taking executive action to control spending; now therefore, SThe Chief Accountant is directed to take action to prevent spending to exceed the adjusted amounts identified for the budgets identified as follows: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 001 General Fund EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 00100, 00101 Mayors Administration 00100-548 Exp. From Contingent Fund 6, 500 (2, 000) 4, 500 00100-285 Rental of Duplic . Equip. 5, 000 (2, 500) 2, 500 00101-857 Data Proc Hardware 5, 000 (1, 000) 4, 000 (5, 500) Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor I Lam, Requested by: pa ent director Date 0 White – cityClerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink – Finance Dept. i Canary– Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �j J� No: —L�t3v ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER III BI /�/ 'IX;ET REVISION Date: /' �2/'LZCz Pag:O o • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the ayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the re u st of the Director of the De rtment of Var louS_ department s to amend the 19 06 budget of the 'General- fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 00155, 00156, 09090 Personnel Office 00155-857 Data Proc Hardware 4, 900 (4, 900) 0 00155-811 Typewriters 2, 100 (2,100) 0 00155-219 Fees-Other Prof Services 65, 000 (20, 000) 45, 000 00155-815 Desks Chairs or Tables 4, 400 (1,600) 2, 800 00155-213 Fees-Appraiser 13, 000 (5, 000) 8, 000 00156-111 Full Time Certified 102, 632 (9, 720) 92, 912 09090-141 Overtime 1, 200 (60) 1, 140 09090-222 Teleph-NWB Mo Charges 1, 800 (180) 1, 620 09090-235 Type II-Reg ($3/wk day & 15C) 1, 320 (280) 1, 040 09090-237 Parking Expense 240 (24) 216 09090-251 Transportation 680 (340) 340 09090-252 Lodging Meals Etc 851 (426) 425 0. 190-369 Other-Office Supplies 100 (40) 60 f s0-382 Newspapers 210 (21) 189 0 ' 090-219 Fees-Other Prof Services 122,154 (14, 283) 107, 871 (58, 974) EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: (64, 474) FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 01050 Property Management - 01050-111 Full Time Certified 10, 835 (10, 835) 0 01050-221 Postage ' 50 (50) 0 01050-222 Teleph-NWB Mo Charges 525 (525) 0 01050-226 Teleph-Mo Equip Lease 195 (195) 0 01050-242 Duplic-All Processes 125 (125) 0 01050-259 Other-Travel Training Dues 100 (100) 0 01050-276 Office' Equip & Furn Repairs 100 (100) 0 01050-297 Data Proc Services 200 (200) 0 01050-349 Other Equip Parts Supp Access 1, 500 (1, 500) 0 01050-361 Office Access 25 (25) 0 01050-364 Office Accessories 35 (35) 0 01050-368 Office Supp-Purch Storeroom 75 (75) 0 01050-369 Other-Office Supplies 75 (75) 0 01050-389 Other Misc Supplies 15 (15) 0 FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES TOTAL: (13, 855) • Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor 91CV-/6 6C01,3_ Requested by:tt pa 1 ent director Date G� White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. t Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR T No: --c -r)30 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER IIIBI'IXiET REVISION Date: Page of 0 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grant to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of various ae artment S to amend the 19 86 budget of the General fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget PUBLIC WORKS 02282 Division of Traffic 02282-831 Shop Equip 107, 250 (80, 000) 27 , 250 02271 Division of Streets 02271-537 Operating Transfer Out 3, 536, 408 (100, 000) 3, 436, 408 (Downtown Snow Removal) 02000, 02005, 02010, 02020, 02025 Div of Admin 02000-251 Transportation 560 (280) 280 02000-252 Lodging Meals Etc 510 (255) 255 02000-253 Registration Fees 200 (100) 100 . 00-255 Dues 300 (150) 150 00-259 Other-Travel Training Dues 100 (50) 50 02005-251 Transportation 1, 000 (500) 500 02005-252 Lodging Meals Etc 400 (400) 0 02005-253 Registration Fees 300 (300) 0 02005-255 Dues 1, 075 (537) 538 02010-253 Registration Fees 250 (125) 125 02010-111 Full Time Certified 168, 688 (24, 811) 143, 877 02020-253 Registration Fees 750 (375) 375 02025-253 Registration Fees 50 (25) 25 (27, 908) 02150, 02170,02180 Municipal Engineering 02150-111 Full Time Certified 125, 488 (11, 493) 113, 995 02170-251 Transportation 100 (50) 50 02170-252 Lodging Meals Etc 60 (30) 30 02170-253 Registration Fees 304 (152) 152 02170-252 Lodging Meals Etc (39) (39) 02170-259 Other-Travel Training Dues 20 (10) 10 02180-251 Transportation 10 (5) 5 02180-252 Lodging Meals Etc 25 (13) 12 02180-253 Registration Fees 350 (175) 175 (11, 967) • Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor ‘9? 7 it.e. t-ca Al_ Requested art' rtment irector Date White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. 6 Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER IIIBUDGET REVISION Date: 6//6/Tj Page 4 ?of 6 I)MLN'ISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of various departments to amend the 19 86 budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 02155, 02281, 02282, 02283 Div of Traffic 02155-251 Transportation 425 (213) 212 02155-252 Lodging Meals Etc 750 (375) 375 02155-253 Registration Fees 750 (375) 375 02155-259 Other-Travel Training Dues 175 (88) 87 02281-252 Lodging Meals Etc 750 (375) 375 02281-253 Registration Fees 1, 020 (510) 510 02281-259 Other-Travel Training Dues 450 (225) 225 02282-251 Transportation 140 (70) 70 02282-252 Lodging Meals Etc 130 (65) 65 02282-253 Registration Fees 690 (345) 345 02282-259 Other-Travel Training Dues 20 (10) 10 02283-253 Registration Fees 690 (500) 190 083-341 Motor Fuel 31, 000 (7, 750) 23, 250 5-341 Motor Fuel 1, 500 (375) 1, 125 (11, 276) PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL: (231, 151) DEPT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 03301 Office Services HBCE Div 03301-111 Full Time Certified 122, 269 (26, 705) 95, 564 03301-253 Registration Fees 4, 390 (3, 390) 1, 000 03301-251 Transportation 2, 865 (610) 2, 255 (30, 705) 03195, 03174, 03124, 03132, 03104, 03197 Parks & Recreation 03174-857 Data Process Hardware 5, 000 (5, 000) 0 03124-372 Heating Oil 15, 000 (3,750) 11, 250 03132-372 Heating Oil 4, 000 (1, 000) 3, 000 03195-343 Lubricants 1, 500 (375) 79, 625 03104-341 Motor Fuel 80, 000 (20, 000) 60, 000 03195-341 Motor Fuel 43, 000 (10,750) 32, 250 03197-341 Motor Fuel 20, 000 (5, 000) 15, 000 (45, 875) • Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor I/ 6 �� t L_,A1 6y. Requested :De rtment director Date white - Cjty Clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL Pink - Finance Dept. Canary- Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: -Fa 2c) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER _ I3I'IxiET REVISION Date: 31/ Page L.%• 0 ADMIISTRA1TVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of var ious dartments to amend the 19. 8 6 budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended 03226, 03213, 03202 Public Health Budget Change Budget 03226-857 Data Process Hardware 1, 750 (1, 750) 0 03212-111 Full Time Certified 101, 935 (25, 150) 76,785 03202-372 Heating Oil 4, 000 (1, 000) (1, 000) (27, 900) DEPT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES TOTAL: (104, 480) FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 05004, 05120 Fire Support Services Div 05004-386 Clothing-Uniforms 230, 000 (150, 000) 80, 000 05120 Fire Operations Division 000-341 Motor Fuel 75, 000 (18, 750) 56, 250 FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES TOTAL: (168,750) POLICE 04000 Police Admin Div 04000-298 Investigations 63, 000 (13, 000) 50, 000 04000-354 Law Enforcement 5, 000 (1, 500) 3, 500 04000-356 Safety Supplies 3, 000 (1, 500) 1, 500 04000-381 Books Periodicals Pict Records 8, 516 (1, 000) 7, 516 04000-386 Clothing-Uniforms 36, 000 (10, 000) 26, 000 (27, 000) 04300, 04308, 04301, 04303, 04302, 04340, 04307 Tech & Support Staff 04300-857 Data Process Hardware 6, 600 (6, 600) 0 0430'$-851 Radio Equipment 54, 200 (8, 550) 45, 650 04301-811 Typewriters 8, 350 (3, 000) 5, 350 04303-381 Books Periodicals Pict Records 4, 718 (2, 350) 2, 368 04303-215 Fees-Medical 32, 225 (5, 000) 27, 225 04302-279 Other-Repair and Mtc 30, 000 (10, 000) 20, 000 04340-372 Heating Oil 12, 000 (3, 000) 9, 000 04307-341 Motor Fuel 330, 000 (82, 500) 247, 500 (121, 000) POLICE TOTAL: (148, 000) Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor 92. 6Q& ray Requested by: pa ent director Date White —city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: )V" F() 7) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • �7 1ll'IX;ET REVISION Date: � //�/O� Page (() o ADML\ISTRATI\'E ORDER, Consistent with the authority wanted to the,Mayor in Sectign 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Various aepartment S to amend the 19 86 budget of the General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget _ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS 09002, 09001 Risk Management General Gov 't Accounts 09002-431 Health & Insur City Share 1, 524,383 (63,126) 1, 461, 257 09001-431 Health & Insur City Share 3, 242, 986 (82, 627) 3,160, 359 (145,753) 09103, 09063, 09947 Exec Admin General Gov' t Accounts 09103-537 Operating Transfer Out 2, 469 (2, 469) 0 09063-219 Fees-Other Prof Services 10, 000 (1, 000) 9, 000 09947-237 Parking Expense 3, 800 (1, 900) 1, 900 (5, 369) 09013 Finance Dept Gen 'l Gov' t Accounts 09013 PERA,Soc Sec & HRA Pensions 09013-413 PERA, Soc Sec & HRA Pension 3, 922, 408 (36, 705) 3, 885, 703 09115 Executive Administration 09115 Information Systems Development-General 09115-297 Data Processing Service 6, 000 (6, 000) 0 09115-857 Data Processing Hardware 249, 802 (11, 000) 238, 802 (17, 000) GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS TOTAL: (204, 827) GENERAL FUND SPENDING CONTROL TOTAL: (935, 537) IIII 6:6 Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor �/ — ) -77— . R uested b .De rtment director Date