D-7999 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: —. --7 /O� 97 411 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ` B1'IX;ET REVISION Date: q/� F/ 6' ADMLNISTRATI«ORDER, Consistent with the Aub t uthority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the req ,st of the Director of a Department of I i C 1 o rks_ to amend the 19 °b budget of theng I nee r i nq mound fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Activity Name and Code Current Amended Budget Change Budget Fund 205 12101-0537-000 75,000.00 (24,000.00) 51 ,000.00 12101-0219-000 22,000.00 24,000.00 40,000.00 All other codes the same 3,739,730.00 -0- 3,733,730.00 3,836,730.00 -0- 3,836,730.00 EXPLANATION FOR BUDGET REVISION: s A$, agreed at Budget Review to transfer funds to line item where they will be spent when receipts from Metropolitan Council , $12,000.00 received 3/8/86. Agreement with Deloitte, Haskins and Sells approved 3/6/86 for preliminary assessment of recycling program options • is financed from this revenue. J r ■ i a..Aall-aL. /J- aeki--- Prepared by:Activity Mf.er Ar Approved by:Ma &' Al.— / • -ail ice �� C/-b `�b foitgo nested by:Departm4 n director/ I Date