D002119.� i oved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Police Dept Accountin9 Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER No: DO �>l � Date: / —jJ .`�L ieet# �� 'l��� WETEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Volunteer Services and Community Services Units are seeking endorsement to sponsor a banquet at the Holiday Inn East, St Paul, on Saturday, April 6, 2002, for the department's volunteer groups. These volunteers provided thousands of hours of free labor this past year, and WHEREAS, the purpose of this banquet is to recognize the services that these groups provide to the City of Saint Paul and the police department. Public events in the City such as the Winter Carnival, Taste of Minnesota, Grand Old Day, etc. would not be possible without the support and services of these volunteers. They are also responsible for providing security and traffic control at all of the festivals, local parades and similar events throughout the city, and WI�REAS, the only recognifion these volunteers receive is the awards banquet and it is important to the morale of these groups that time is taken to recognize their contribufions. Awards and plaques are presented at the banquet to those volunteers who contribute the most, which is an incentive to the rest of the volnnteers. Moneys tteeded for this battquet would provide for the room rental, decorations, and meals, and W$EREAS, the public purpose of this event is to recognize volunteer groups that provide security and traffic control at public events in Saittt Paul, and NOW, BE IT ORDEI2ED, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to pay for costs associated with the above mentioned banquet, not to exceed $7,000.00. , � 2.Z�_�1.. Ap ed y: CityAttorn Date 7 • banquet.commservApn 102 e WILLIAH R. FI2iIiEY 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGyqTURE PAGES �7aoa��9 � � /� GREEN SHEET� No-�$�43--�� InitlaVD#e In1YaY0ate ov.a.reno.'ecrae__ _._ rnxw►+n.- — -_ — � an�nanrEr '+'� J � anttanK, � All11C14L9FRNCFiOW. ❑ RiRNOYL9ErtV/ACCiC ❑WWP(ORI1898TL1lf) ❑� (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) NUMBER WR ROViING ORDER Approval of the attached Administrative Or�er autLorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to pay for expenses related to tbe Volunteer's Banquet at the Red Lion Inn, Saint Paul, on Saturday, April 6, 2002. ����� �! �� FEB20 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this personffirm ever worked under .a�o'ta�t iD�this/�e�rT�jl[?b [y ��� VES NO T1 1 1 1.lfl Has this persaN�rm ever been a cily employee7 ' YES NO Does this perwMrtn possess a skill not nwmalypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO Is Mis pe1wMfirm a targe[ed vendoYt VES NO �lain all ves ansvers on seuarate sheet and attach to areen sheet �Every yeat, the Volunteer Services Unit and the Community Services Unit sponsor a banquet for the Department's volunteer groups. These volunteers provided over 30,000+ hours of £ree labor in 2001 and this is the only Porm of recognition that they receiue. The cost of the banquet will be approximately $7,000.00. It will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2002, at the Red Lion Inn, Saint Paul. This amount will cover all�.�ea1 expenses. This is the only vehicle we have to recognize the tremendous service that these groups provide to the City and the Police Department. Every public event in the City such as the Winter Carnival, Taste of Minnesota, Grand OLd D�y , etc., enjoys the support of these event . It is very important to the morale of these groups that we take the time to recognize their contributioas. We also present awards-amlplaques at the banquet to those volunteers who IF APPROVED appareat. Without the support of this function, the volunteers will undoubtedly begin ta feel that they are not ap�reciated. The 1ikely_result would be significant_attrition in membership. With t. SOURCE �neral Fund �001) INFORMATION (EXPWN) � COST/REVENUE BUDCETED (CIRCLE ON� e ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO , /