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Affidavit of Publication.
ss. :-i Hy. 11
County of Ramsey •. 4..WoN being duly
sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein
Bd F No. 38635— mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the
Whereas, There was heretofore pre- newspaper known as the "ST. PAUL REVIEW" and during all said time
sented to the Board of Aldermen, one
of the branches of the Common Council was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper;
of the City of St. Paul, the petition of that the said newspaper: the "ST. PAUL REVIEW," was during all the
r. • . ••• the owner of the prop-
said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the
er y a•u ing upon the alley herein-
after described, praying for the y of St. 1, in the County of Ramsey, in t State of Minnesota, on each
•• • se no }. ; •d south a le o u ay �ver ek; that the annexed rinted notice of
:lock 7 YSolored green Tif•_rr..r:. `J • 0 l� V
s ow n• colored green upon the plat
annexed to said petition, which said
petition is duly verified as required by
law and sets forth the facts and rea-
sons for such vacation; and
Whereas, Said Board deemed it ex-
pedient that the matter therein re-
ferred to should be proceeded with, and
ordered said petition and accompany-
ing plat to be filed of record in the
office d the sa Clerk give Se no-
tice by publication in the official paper hereto atta hed and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the col-
of said City in the manner and for the umns sari ewspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper
time required by law, that said eo ✓/\Y,�`X�j/
tition and the subject matter thereof for t'a sgcyth=e weeks, once in each week—that the said
would be heard and considered by the.
Committee on Streets of the Board of notice wa� j anted and publish d nsaid wspaper on Saturday, the
Aldermen at its regular meeting to be DWI �It
held in the Council ChamberB in dthe day of.
in said City, on the Hall uil
ary, 1913, at four o'clock P. M., which A. D. 19 ��; and was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper
said notice was duly published and on each and every succeeding Saturday until and including Saturday, the
given, and ✓�-
Whereas, Said Committee on Streets day of ••••..---.------- A. D.,
of said Board of Aldermen did meet at
the time and place above mentioned, 19 • that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit
and did then and there adjourn the mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet
hearing and consideration of said mat-
ter until the regular meeting of said form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and mis-
Committee held on March 13th, 1913, cellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language, at
and Said` Committee did at said last an established office and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No.
named time, hear all testimony and
evidence adduced on the part of said 141 East Fifth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper
petitioner and all other persons inter- presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the
ested in the matter of said proposed same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, was
vacation, and being of the opinion that
the prayer of said petition should be during all the said time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circu-
granted upon the terms'' hereinafter dated in said city and state; that said newspaper, for more than one year
stated, duly reported its conclusions to next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during
said Board of of an a n, recommending appropriate resolu- the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and
the adoption of an appropriate resolu-
tion declaring such vacation; now circulated in said county and state; that during all the said time said
therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent
the City of St. Paul, that the north and in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column
south alley in Block 7, Summit View being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during
Addition, as shown and colored green
on the plat annexed to said petition, all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL REVIEW"
be and the same is hereby vacated and has printed, published and delivered,at each regular issue, more than two
discontinued as a public alley, subject, hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;
however, to the following conditions,
viz: that said newspaper during said time,has never been, and is not now a dupli-
Such vacation is granted upon the cafe nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertise-
express condition that said petitioner ments, or either or any of them.
shall convey to the City of St. Paul, a That the Publisher of said news pap er, on June 10th, 1907, filed with the
part of Lots 11 and 12 in said block, p p
for a twenty-foot alley to Snelling County Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit setting forth the facts
avenue, as shown and colered red up-
on said plat; and said petitioner shall required by Section 5516 of the Revised Laws of 1905 of the State of Minne-
pay into 'the treasury of said City the sota.
sum of fifty,($50.00) in addition to the That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit,
expenses of this proceeding, which is
hereby fixed as the compensation for - and that each and all thereof are rue.
said vacation. 1
Adopted as amended by the Board r U)
of Aldermen March 18, 1913.
1 Adopted as amended by the Assem-
C , �,( bly April 3, 1913. U
///ii, Approved April 7, 1913. j
(April 12-1913) _
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this CI day of A. D., 19
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
My"commision expires March 18`h 1918,
a �
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3o0ca. of 214.511 aq2 sanaasa.i £213 aqy
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`}11{11 aamaS. Sl?penb ;sag 0006,
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luatuao puss;.rod siaal0q ETEZ.
WHTREAS There was heretofore reeent11 'Pugs a;aaou1. •sp6 •n900iY
1 p l 'Ian�a.3 ao �i0oa pagsnap •sp,S •no 095 C r'
s •s3{ooiq Sul/veil
auo3spu0S aan?2i a{;lag •opd 'bs 9809
men, one of the branches of the Common Council' 's�iooiq .du{n0d au?d l
1 u mo{ia S palosoalo E •opt •Us 9009 i
o :sriaoM a?Ignd 2'
3 aauo{ss{urur0o eau do aa{jjo alp uI an
the petition of Frank C. Jones, the owner of t2 uo su0{;Bag{oads g;Im aauBpaoaa0 U on
300115 u03I{y?I o; a1uan0 3uB.ssa?d 11101,
3 oso 2u{ABd ao; '?nBd '38
0"01.1.r 03 I0?1030111 �uimoiiO3 0141 �ui14sTr
the alley hereinafter described, praying for t. ;.And 103 'ET6T 'g30E u v 'Ni 'd xO01D,ch
ang I?lun '?I0H £2!O Pu0 asnoll 3-rno�
aq3 30 's}Ia0A1 a?Ignd 3o aau0?ss?uIu10E
r aq3 Io ao{jo aq3 30 pan{909.1 aq i??.Y
and south alley of Block 7, Summit View Additi ennan-r Bioaoso lo; IBi1030i�T ,�11?nBdd
2utgs{uana ao; resodoad„ p94asu
green upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is
duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons
for such vacation; and
WHEREAS, Said Board deemed it expedient that the matter there-
in referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and
accompanying, plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk
of said City, /and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publication
in the official paper of said City in the manner and for the time re-
quired by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof would
be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of
Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber in
the Court House and City Hall Building in said City, on the 16th day
of January, 1913, at four o' clock P . M. , which said notice was duly
published and given; and
WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen
did meet at the time and place above mentioned, and did then and there
adjourn the hearing and consideration of said matter until the regular
meeting of said Committee held on March 13th, 1913,. and said Committee
did at said last named time, hear all testimony and evidence adduced on
the part of said petitioner and all other persons interested in the
matter of said proposed vacation, and being of the opinion that the
prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter
stated, duly reported its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, re-
commending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such va-
cation; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that
the north and south alley in Block 7, Summit View Addition, as shown
dor- lot
and colored green on the plat annexed to said petition, 141 and the same
is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public alley, subject, however,
to the following conditions, viz:
Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said
y City part of Lots 11 and
petitioner shall convey to the Cit of St. Paul, a
12 in said block, for a twenty-foot alley to Snelling avenue, as shown
and colored red upon said plat; a d. sai petitioner shall pay into the
treasury of said City the suns of,* - - - • -' = - - r =' == in addi-
tion to the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the
compensation for said vacation .
Adoptepy the Board of Aldermen:' Aiopted lay the Assembly:
I�AR-1� 191 ---- _ 191 _ - -__ --- -
CHAUD l`./'l
1)1/ WEBS
Approved___ / � i- _-- , _1913_
.erAPR 12 y137
A° f
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Cr (----
f0) i
0 I.O'NEILL ( t I
45515 TANT FTrORNEYS 1 1 #`•
AI.BIN E.BJORKLUND jj,j,fJ/„„ �'" [_
I March 15th, 19n .
To the Common Council .
Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets of the
board of .Aldermen, i transmit herewith proper form of resolution for
the vacation of the north and south alley in Block 7, Summit View
Addition, upon the petition of Frank C . Jones; the compensation being
fixed at One Hundred Dollars and the costs of the proceeding, and a
conveyance of part of Lots 11 and 12 in said block for a twenty-foot
alley to Snelling avenue .
Yours truly,
r. ....e_ v ,
// ii. / 4„. „.,
,,,,,,,w Corporation Attorney.
i , t its,
4 , , / 49 /4 lefrivi,
001 I!
I P Ir
tit Cortes oxmzti
*t. rant, Attest.
JOHN T. Mc GINN,AseT.CLERK 'arch lith,1913
Corporation attorney, City
1)ear Sir,—
Ti,e Committee on Streets of the 3oHrd of Alden-:yen at their meeting
held 14arch 13th,1913 wade favorable report on the follor,3ng petitions for
vacation of streets and alleys:
Petition of Frank O.Jones for the vracntion of the fl.e, Staley of
3lock 7 Summit View Addition, fixing the compensation at :£100.00 Hnd cost
of proceedings.
Petition of Maud M.Godfrey et e1 for the vacation of Windsor Square,
compensation fixed rat 01.00 And cost of proceedings.
S•+r;e is respectfully referred to you for proper form of resolution
for such vacations.
Yours truly,`
City Cl erk.
- v/
dec 61'4
St. Pnul, :ann. , Nov. 26 , .
To the Ponorable ,
The Common Council of the City of St . "'aul.
I hereby petition for the vacating of the north and
south alley of Block 7 , Summit View Addition as shown in the _
accompanying blue print number one . It is my desire tc run the
alley straight through from Saratoga to Snelling A
.� E; Avenue and
re-plat the west one-half of the Block as : ho:-:n in blue print
number two This , I bet_ieve , would be a great benifit to the #`
j; .
property r,,ld convenience to the property owners. I an the
owner of the west one-half of the block, ar 1 agree to r7i?•e to
the city that part of Lots 11 and 12 necessar - to complete the
20' alley to Snelling Avenue.
) ss
On this 26th day of November, 1912 , before me , a
Notary Public within and for said WUI?TY. , personally appeared
Frank C. Jones , to ne known to be the person described in and who
executed the within instrument and acknowled-cd that they executed
the sane as hs ' free act and deed.
commission expires a.cAr- lo „, l�