1912 (16) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER z z rri 1 g 4' oin ---.... .. \--, ,-,— e e ‘ \N N) l V ". -it* .1■3' IL ' . w Y '''' z IN z '� nZ 7<1 a= 0 r ri y 6 1 4 Affidavit of Publication. - STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey ss. 1-I R iforara f). ,• being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein Bd. F. No. 36957— mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the WHEREAS, There was heretofore newspaper known as the "ST. PAUL REVIEW" and during all said time presented to the Board of Aldermen, was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said news pap er; one of the branches of the Common P P Council of the City of St. Paul, the that the said newspaper: the "ST. PAUL REVIEW," was during all the petition of Edward C. Hall, et al, the said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the owners of all the land and property City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each abutting upon and adjoining the street in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, turday of every week; that the annexed printed notice of hereinafter described, praying for the vacation and discontinuance of that of Doswell of Manson e street more south O of Doswell avenue and more particu- b (90 .6;-)larly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition,and which ' petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; AND WHEREAS, The Board of' Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with and ordered said pets- hereto tta hed and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the col- tion and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk umns o ail .aper, and was printed and published in said newspaper of said city, and ordered said clerk to for 1tiansee , once in each week—that t said give notice of publication in the official paper of said city in the manner and notice wal t • .ranted and publish d •d tiewspape on Satur ay, the for the time required by law, that said V petition and the subject matter thereof day of....... . would be heard and considered by the 11 Committee on Streets of the Board of A. D. 19` nd was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper Aldermen at the meeting thereof to on each and every succeeding Saturday until and including Saturday, the be held on the 30th day of May, 1912, at four o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the Council Chamhar in .. day of .A. D., the Court House and City Hall building 19 that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit in said city, to which said Committee said matter was duly referred for hear- ing and report thereon,and thereupon form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and mis- cellaneous petition and plat were duly filed cellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language, at in the office of the said City C1'rk and said notice was duly given and pub- an established office and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. pub- lished as required by law, 141 East Fifth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper AND WHEREAS, The said Commit- tee on Streets of said Board of Alder- men did meet at the time and place same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, was above mentioned and appointed for the during all the said time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circu- hearing, investigation and considera- tion thereof. AND WHEREAS, Sa�•tea did next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during ptH yin d y 3S au�l�' `panlosaU all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and woe -306LE 'oN 'd 'PS circulated in said county and state; that during all the said time said " newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent V AU in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each ti161 ET 'n'MN) panoaddV 3 P P page, each column 316T`L .A0N SigmasSV awl SZT6al 9oPV • being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL REVIEW" ueulaapIV Jo paeog sill .Sq PaldoPV • has printed, g •aapao os trolls 11 uegm l published and delivered,at each regular issue, more than two 1 pus 'saalnbaa os leaaalul oingnd et l lsgl hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; meep Wails ilounop uouituop sill sans that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a dupli- -uegns 'punoa2aepun paound sea. gnus cafe nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertise- That`panotuaa pus umop ua�nul eq ni g sanod gonS Ire pus bus pus `anoadds pus mints, or either or any of them. s s ail sn aalouauga pus That the Publisher of said newspaper, on June 10th, 1907, filed with the alsuSisap II o s S us 'ejsu3TSap County Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit setting forth the facts 3gSnatl Bans Jo aq in g P g iregs Sxao� allgnd J° aauoussul uosl required by Section 5516 of the Revised Laws of 1905 of the State of Minne- sota. ss Slaaals Pus s�Salns P. -soon ions ui las aq mugs sanod UV sots. •lnsd '1S 30 S1ID sill J° That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, suollnioeeJ pus saouuunpao lnJ un sat to its 3o Pus pus 'ols aousulpap Plus 10 and that each and all thereof are t suolsinoad Sill of loaEgns ssutgl ii ipus oKao� allgnd Jo aauonsSlut l i sill gil\ a���M Jo uonsnnaadns pus uollaaalP aql aapun EVN palonalsuoa pus paloaaa 2q nisge se.II & - pus sanod `suolsualxe alms Jo ilv ^ Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of A. D. 19 • @0°ArNotary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My commision expires \,,J1i , i (lilt @ ) 7 �► C c i O T 7C B rA n ' I ' c Oc -/ Jt Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 County of Ramsey Jrss' .4..11011 uSON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper known as the "ST. PAUL REVIEW" and during all said time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said newspaper: the "ST. PAUL REVIEW," was during all the said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each Saturday of every week; that the annexed printed notice of 1.\ \• \ ) CV- A-AA-4/ V , NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACA-I TION. here tached and ma•,e part hereof, was cut and taken from the col- Vacation of Streets. umn e, s. .er and was printed and published in said newspaper Notice is hereby given that the pe- for consecutive ee s, once in ach week—that the said tition of Edward C. Hall, et al., for the vacation of all that part of Manson notice 1,1 • P • inted and publi • i s d e pa r on Saturday, the street lying south of Doswell avenue in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, has, day of. been filed in the office of the City �/ Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minne- A. D. 19 1..`_`'Ap�and was there e printer and pub 'shed in said newspaper sota, and said petition will be heard on eac diyery succeedin S t y ntil and including Saturday, the and considered by the Committee on 111111RRRRRR��`�" Streets of the Board of Aldermen at a `` day of A. D., Council Chamber in the Court the 19.\. ; that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit and City Hall Building on Thursday, mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet May 30, 1912, at 4 o'clock in the after- noon of said day, form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and mis- Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this cellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language, at 12th day of April, 1912. GEORGE T. REDINGTON, an established office and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Min- 141 East Fifth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper nesota. (April 13-20-27=May 4-1912) presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, was during all the said time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circu- lated in said city and state; that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county and state; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL REVIEW" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a dupli- cate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertise- ments, or either or any of them. That the Publisher of said newspaper, on June 10th, 1907, filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 5516 of the Revised Laws of 1905 of the State of Minne- sota. That affiant knows personally :11 the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that each and all thereof are t = \1111) )11)1\ .,', ()1V INNJ Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of A. D. 19 ONotary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. My commision expires • F o O ° 4iir, 7, ''''',1 v I 6 ('` i ° -: _ 1 , Bd. F. No. 36967— 4 J r WHEREAS, There was heretofore f'. presented to the Board of Aldermen,I �� one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the I , f petition of Edward C. Hall, et al, the I / owners of all the land and property ;( li f_- �t abutting upon and adjoining the street� �a V , Z - ( 339 s� in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, C! s hereinafter described, praying for the vacation and discontinuance of that portion of Manson sti eet lying south of Doswell avenue ar1d more particu- larly larly described and shown upon the presented to the Board plat annexed to said 1etition,and which petition is duly verified as required of Aldermen, o'reaao s fo and sets .)rth the facts and , AND W_ such vacation; die Common Council of the HEREAS, The Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the City O f S t. matter t' n Pa. proceede d ith and or referred ordered should e tion anr' d with and ordered said pets- ;ard v• Hall, et al, the i accompanying plat to be filed owners of all 1 0e recgrd in the office of the City Clerk. of said city, and ordered said clerk toutting upon and adjoin- give notice of publication in the offlAal o paper of said city in the manner and ing the street for the time required by law, that said ' idiririe$ota, hereinafter petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of. `1 described, pray Aldermen at the meeting thereof to be held on the 30th day of May, 1912, , d discontinuance of that at four o'clock in the afternoon of, said day at the Council Chamber in port ion of Mane the Court House and City Hall building in said city, to which said Committee 3 f Doswell Avenue, and said matter was duly referred for hear- ing and report thereon, and thereupon more particular said petition and plat were duly filed upon Cori the plat annexed to in the office of the said City Clerk and said notice was duly given and pub- s a i d e t i t i on lished as required by law. p AND WHEREAS, The said Commit- ;u men did meet at the time and ly verified as required tee on t of s BdAplace by law and sets above mentioned and appointed for the hearing, investigation and considera-'aeon$ for such vacation; tion thereof. AND WHEREAS, Said Committee did AND '?HEF then and there duly adjourn the con- sideration thereof until July 11, 1912, rmen deemed it expedient at four o'clock P. M. at the same place, and said Committee on Streets did duly that the matter meet at said last mentioned time andpuld be proceeded with place for the hearing and considera- I tion thereof and did then and there, duly investigate and consider the mat-I a and ordered said ter of said proposed vacation and did ing plat to be filed of then and there hear all the testimony and evidence adduced on the part of record in the of the petitioners and all other persons Of said City, and order- ed in the matter of said propos- ed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and ed said clerk to being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon.t i On in the official the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of paper Of said Cl Aldermen recommending the adoption��, the time required b of an appropriate resolution declaring e Y by such vacation; now therefore, it is _ law, that $aid pf hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council• ,natter thereof would of the City of St. Paul that all that portion of Manson street lying south be heard and con of Doswell avenue in said City of St. Streets of the Paul, as shown upon the plat annexed:e on S treets e to said petition be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as Board of Alderme part of a public street or streets; sub- f to be held on the C:t :i jest, however, to the following terms and conditions, that is to say; The said city reserves the right to lay city day of May 1912 water mains and public sewers on or afterioon of said day at I through said portion of the street so vacated without paying compensation for such privilege, in the same way the Council Chamt and to the same extent as if said por-and City Hall Building tion of said street had never been o vacated, and upon the further condi- in said City, to tion that said Edward C. Hall and William T. McMurran shall pay into aid matter was duly re- the treasury of said city the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) in addition to the ferred for hearin expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be Ind thereupon said pet i- paid to said city in consideration of said vacation. t ion and plat Were Adopted as amended by the Assembly�1!'e Of the said City Oct. 17, 1912. Adopted as amended by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 6, 1912. Clerk and said no, Approved Nov. 13, 1912.(Nov. 16, 1912.) l published as required by law; AND WHEREAS, The said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above men- tioned and appointed for the hearing, investigation and con- sideration thereof. -1- AND WHEREAS, Said Committee did then and there duly adjourn the consideration thereof until July 11, 1912, at four o'clock P. M. at the same place, and said Committee on Streets did duly meet at said last mentioned time and place for the hearing and consideration thereof and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation and did then and there hear all the testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolu- tion declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul that all that portion of Manson street lying south of Doswell avenue in said City of St . Paul, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as part of a public street or streets; subject, however, to the following terms and con- ditions, that is to say: The said City reserves the right to lay city water mains and public sewers on or through said portion of the street so vacated without paying compensation for such privilege, in the same way and to the same extent as if said portion of said street had never been vacated, and upon the further condition that said Edward C. Hall and William T. McMurran shall pay into the treasury of said City the. sum of Ten Dollars (4]O.O0) in addition to the expenses of this pro- ceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said City in consideration of said vacation. QP4-4-0-,p(14 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly: 191 191_ YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER MR. HAAS CORNING EDWARDS M1HLE y HYLAND M HAUD y: MONTGOMERY P[iWF.RS .. MURNANE, E. J. SANBORN M URNAN E�F. W ARE OBERG YOERG "RYAN NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER 191--Z ' Approved /7M1W TROY NAYS 0 M R. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) ' .Mayor • <.. L? ? 1 et r:, OIL L 1,i, Drva En vft or ato ‘) CITY OF SAINT PAUL O.H.O'NEILL. CORPORATION ATTORNEY 3 As !sTANT ATTORNEYS JOHN P.KYLE KENNETH G.BRILL JOHN A.BURNS ALBIN E.BJORKLUNO October 8th, 1912 . To the Common Council . Gentlemen:- , Herewith I transmit properNform of resolution for the vaca- tion of that portion of Manson street lying south of Doswell avenue, upon petition of Edward C. Hall and William T. McMurran, the compensa- tion being fixed at $'10 and the costs of the proceeding, and the City to have the right to lay water mains and sewers on or through said vacated portion of the street . Yours truly, , /l 'r Corporation Attorney -4`,/k..,, VT h { ktv &" a If r C_ , , • AND WHEREAS, Said Committee did then and there duly • adjourn the consideration thereof until July 11, 1912, at four o ' clock P. M. at the same place , and said Committee on Streets did duly meet at said last mentioned time and place for the hearing and consideration thereof and did then and . there duly investigate and consider the matter of said pro- posed vacation and did then and there hear all the testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vaca- tion and did take proof of the matters averred in said peti- tion, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said peti- tion should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen recom- mending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; NOW THEREFORE, It is hereby resolved by the Common Council of St. Paul that all that portion of Manson Street lying south of Doswell Avenue in said City of St . Paul, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as part of a public street or streets; subject, however, to the follow- ing terms and conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the express condition that said Edward C. Hall and Wm. T . McMurran shall pay into the treasury of said City the sum of Ten Dollars (x'10) in addition to the expenses of this pro- ceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid • to said City in consideration of said vacation . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly: JUL ) ;t4-- t: 191 191_ YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER MR. HAAS CORNING EDWARDS MAHLE H��YLA��ND��±'+�' MICHAIID AlBmi'I'GOS10fLR4- MURNANE, E.j. MURNANE,F. — • SANBORN WARE OBERG I YOERG RYAN NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER TROY ••Approved 191 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Mayor liky a. , . . _. . 4 ,, , rk, , t „,„ „ ,, , , , t „. , 0.- , W-6-Aedr`''',' ) r ' L) To THE HONOFABIE COMMON. COUHCTL n7 THE CTTY OF ST .PAUL,MINNESOTA: Edward C . Hail and "lilliam T . Mc Murran , the undersigned respectfully show to your Honorable body that the said Edward C . Hall is the owner of Lot Three ( 3) in Block Twleve ( T2) and the said "7. 7 . Mc Hurran is owner of Lot One ( T) in Block Eleven ( TT) of St . Anthony Park west , according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of )eels of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and that the said lots are the only properties on the line of the street hereinafter asked to be vacated and they pray your Honorable body for the vacation of the following named street ,t.o-wit : That part of Manson Street lying south of Doswell Avenue in slid city of St. Paul, Minnesota, That the reason for the vacation of said street is that t'- a same is a }}sere stub which has no nutlet except upon private property which has never been platted, and which is useful only for railway or ware house purposes. That the said street t has never been laid out or graded and is not used for the purpose of travel. That the land so situated upon said portion of said. street so to be vacated are not fitted for residence purposes , but can be only used in connection with the adjoining lands and for warehouses or buildings requiring railroad privilege , and that it will be necessary in order that the sane may be so used to extend side tracks over said portion of said street so to ioe vacated. That a map of said premises is h:veto attached and. h,reby made a part hereof. c 1111 (141V; ,..! k TH7,1,7E'POPE your petitioners pray that said street may be vacated as hereinbefore mentioned. -e...,_,_ ka/CIAAA__ 2 f ______ / _____ ".riATE OF MTNNR;SOTA 1 r,r1 C riTy7,-V" Edward fl . -Tall beim:: first duly sworn deposes and says that he is one of the petitioners named in the foregoing petition and that the said facts therein stated are true of his ovn knowledge. ■%'•.r,t,-cr/r---0-e- a, Subscro ; nu swrn to before me this , day of March A.:) .19T2. , A, oe 40,, . ,..- -otary Dublic , Famsy ( o nt ,Minn. 17)7,y commission xpires <, 11 0 -2- t, ,a; H A 10t'' t Oc Q5 0.5 op. n II ,I ,I ,1 11 I 11 u „ #. 09 Mf A li y " n u 6 I , h I'_I'0 44 m1 4"� " Z L g (D o1 H _ °I �, 9' S 19_( L 8 6 01 1I 'ZI y� 4,,, 1 o5 QS' Os (W . 1 N 1, Ili II II 1 'I . pj.. 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LI 91.S1 �I �I� .., 1 = c ;. _ . I z c. � g • L S c, of II121 �I . 12 ci-v S 9 L 9 6 01 11121 P ' I = 2 =I o o _ b - 0.I 09• 'I „ I q 0 , 0 I u , 0 O7•0 1)* , n q I, I, ,I II ❑ u 4 Oi' 1 0� . - � • 02•oas y•no-1LN. 9UtI t/1 ' •.,00 ! ::.; ■ ti':hr.10 1ia Dd...a °`:--fir .Q ,id?f ))t/()?// ?IO.1) ..evll).))r?0, 0 HJN1 t/../.—_1 0 0 F. ° '.e. 11 •N6.P'103 '03SAV!/ `b'©• •S 314 - A 0 trA, 'N 3 H I 0 N1i ANOHiNViS f..1,